Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1356: Land mine

King Ripoll of Xinnen, commander of the Semitic on the Western Front, and His Majesty Veraprani did not close his eyes all night.

After receiving the news of the undead attack, Veraprani was very dissatisfied at first.

The dignified Semitic army besieged for a day. Although no progress was made, there was hard work without credit, and hard work without hard work.

In terms of military theory, our army has also greatly consumed the energy and morale of the enemy.

If it is shameless, it can be said that although the Flash Army paid a certain price in dealing with the enemy, at the same time, it also greatly consumed the enemy's most precious artillery and ammunition.

Through the daytime battles, this experienced general was also extremely keen to figure out the strength of the human race, no more than 30,000 at most.

And although those human soldiers are powerful, it can be seen that they are slow and have extremely high requirements for logistical supplies. They can only rely on the city to fight the beasts.

On the Semitic side, although the previous army was lost, after all, the Semitic people were numerous and powerful, and they still had an army of hundreds of thousands.

As long as you be patient and slowly consume the enemy, I believe you can definitely consume the enemy to death.

And now it’s just a defeat, uh, no, I suffered a small, insignificant filing under the city, and these witches rushed to pick peaches, and they dragged three to five to eight thousand dollars. , Through the use of some necromantic magic, fearing of accidentally injuring the soldiers, forcing the Semi to retreat twenty miles.

Shit~! It sounds good, but it's not that the Semis are afraid of taking their credit.

Veraprani was extremely angry about this: these gangsters of liches are so unjustified, even if everyone carries the sedan chair, they will make money together. This is a universal officialdom. The truth is not obeyed.

He had made up his mind secretly in his heart: If the Liches defeated this battle, then forget it. If they win, Uncle Wei will have to compete with them even if he is torn.

After all, Uncle Wei lost the battle under the city, and they won the battle as soon as they came. What do outsiders think of Uncle Wei?

He had to point his nose and call General Veraprani a rice bucket.

Deep down in his heart, he even hoped that Vantino could fight for a bit of anger and let these **** liches run into a dusty nose.

Under this situation, he hurriedly assembled the army and retreated twenty miles in one go.

Under the new defeat, in the middle of the night, it is extremely dangerous to perform this kind of retreat task. A slight error may lead to a large-scale defeat.

It is said that an idiot emperor named ‘Fu Jian, in the East once did this. And Veraprani didn't intend to write his name in the history of idiots, so he had to be full of energy. Riding a horse, leading the guards, patrolled back and forth in the army.

Whenever something was wrong, he relentlessly lashed at the soldiers' whips, and even chopped off several hapless heads.

When hacking people, he sighed for the inferior qualities of the dead ordinary people of the Semi: No matter where it is, there is always such a fool. Obviously, there are three orders and five declarations. Disrupting the ranks of the army is a capital crime, but they have to run around and find their own death.

Later, I learned that those hapless puppies were diarrhea because they were uncomfortable. They left the team to find a place to shit, but he ran into him.

But no matter what, under his strict orders, the army finally withdrew from the range of twenty miles. At this moment, Veraprani was slightly relieved.

At this time, in the direction of Vatican City in the east, the holy light had already illuminated the sky, and the low rumbling of artillery came.

There was a commotion among the soldiers of the Semites.

All of them raised their heads and kept pointing at Dongfang. But when talking about the Lich and the Dark Mage, their tone was not very happy but full of fear.

In the Semi, the Dark Mage is like a big mountain, pressing on the heads of ordinary people. The Semitic people have no interest in these cruel, bloodthirsty, inhumane undead creatures.

Velaprani was not at ease in his heart. In fact, he was deeply skeptical of the success of the Lich Marcel's plan.

This group of guys are all a bunch of rice buckets, see small gains but forget righteousness, and do big things but cherish their lives. It's too unreliable.

So far, none of the various military operations led by the Lich has been successful. But their most powerful force is still controlled by the Lich.

This made Veraprani had to become worried.

After the entire army retreated to a safe place, Veraprani led a team back to the battlefield, venturing to observe the battle from a few miles away from the battlefield.

Although it was dark, the holy light and artillery fire had illuminated the entire battlefield brightly. Therefore, although Veraprani was several miles away, it didn't take much effort to see the battlefield clearly. He knew that the Liches had lost again.

But what happened next made Veraprani particularly angry, and the Lich and Dark Mage fled directly, and no one thought to inform him.

This made Veraprani yelled and yelled: "This **** gang of bastards, will they go to war? A group of teammates stupid than pigs~!"

If it hadn't been for him to watch the battle nearby, he wouldn't even know that the Liches had failed.

Humans are likely to seize the opportunity to hit him by surprise.

Vantino’s cavalry galloped across the battlefield, purifying those evil creatures.

Veraprani was so angry that he scolded the street like a shrew and scolded the three-generation ancestors of the Lich Marcel. The guard behind him reminded: "My lord, the enemy is out of the city. We should retreat."

Veraprani woke up suddenly. He didn't want to be the unlucky man like Maschinot.

"Go!" He yelled, turned his horse's head and ran back, already brewing in his heart that he must report to the Undead High Priest.

It didn’t take long before the flames soared behind him illuminating the sky, and Velapranil, who sensed the abnormality, stopped the horse, stared at the direction of the flame, and muttered: "Where is it?"

The Semitic officer next to him was also stunned, and said blankly: "It seems to be our camp?"

Veraprani's expression changed drastically, and he yelled out in a panic: "Not good~!"

The Semitic officers changed their colors in fright. Due to the rush of evacuation, all their supplies of more than 100,000 people were in the camp, and the soldiers outside only carried simple weapons.

Velaprani immediately wanted to rush over, but he was hugged by his attendants, and he kicked and stopped his attendants frantically, shouting: "Let me go, I want to take back the camp, let me go~ !"

"My lord, it's dangerous." The attendant repeated this sentence repeatedly.

The main Semitic force squatted down twenty miles away and counted the stars. Only the few people brought by Velaprani are not enough for humans. Besides, they have been madly washed by the Katyusha just now. The bombing was scared.

Think if this thing falls on their heads, they just can't run.

The fire in the east is getting brighter and brighter, and the scope is getting bigger and bigger. Obviously the entire camp has been ignited by humans, and it is too late to want to pass by this time.

Looking at the skyrocketing fire in the camp, Veraprani stopped struggling, and his whole person seemed to be twenty years old suddenly, looking exhausted.

He waved his hand weakly and said decadently: "Forget it, let's go back."

Then gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Marcel misunderstood my Semitic cause."

The general on one side also looked very ugly, as if someone had robbed his wife. After a moment of contemplation, he comforted and said, "My lord, maybe it's not that bad. We can ask for food from De Rossi. A few days."

Veraprani shook his head, sighed helplessly, and said, "It can only be this way."

The Semitic camp burned all night, and when dawn came, some places in the camp were still on fire.

Veraprani led his men to the camp with a sullen face, hoping to get something back.

Vatican City in the distance was as calm as usual, the gates were closed, no humans could be seen.

The Semi soldiers were dumbfounded when they saw the camp burned into a black ruin.

Vantino didn't fight, and he lost the big camp. It's all a problem to eat. How will he fight in the future?

In annoyance, the soldiers could not help cursing the Lich and the Dark Mage in unison. The whole army was angry with the enemy and vented their dissatisfaction loudly.

By this time everyone finally understood that their greatest enemy was not humans, but those undead tribes who had not succeeded but had failed.

Veraprani had already figured it out at this time. Anyway, no matter how angry it is, it will not help. What should be done now is to write a detailed report to the high priest and make it clear that the responsibilities are all to blame. That brainless bastard.

I am also a victim.

After the vent, the soldiers began to collect the remaining materials, pulling apart from the burnt ruins, to see what useful things could be found inside.

Almost all the food was burned. Only the two most marginal piles were left behind, and naturally they became the first choice of Semitic soldiers.

They ran away from the camp for twenty miles westward, with the moon on their heads, and squatted in the field to count the stars all night. It was very cold at the end of October.

At dawn, the army ran back in a hurry, and the already hungry stomach was empty. All of them have green eyes, staring at the fat cook in the barracks, just like watching the fragrant roast pig.

The cooks were all frightened—if the puppies had no more food, maybe they would eat themselves raw with a little green onion.

At this time, seeing the pile of white flour, it was like seeing a savior. The quartermaster of each company led the chefs and rushed towards the grain pile.

At this time, it is right to feed the talents of one's men.

In case they are hungry and anxious and an accident occurs, the general will chop off his own head.

A group of veterans, Youzi, had their eyes on the remaining pile of grain early in the morning. They elbowed their feet and stumbled all kinds of tricks. They knocked everyone around them to the ground, and rushed forward.

Just when they were happy to have a full meal, the soldiers running in the front felt as if they had stepped on a pebble under their feet, and that pebble sank down.

Without waiting for his foot to move away, the firing needle in the fuse ejected on the propellant, and the mine buried in the soil exploded, raising a cloud of dust.

At this moment, Veraprani watched the soldiers sweep the ruins with a gloomy face, silently calculating how much he had lost in this battle. Also thinking about how he should write a report to the high priest, telling the liches of the little black things.

At the same time, there was a faint hint of joy in his heart.

Since the liches have all lost the battle, it is not too ugly to fail yesterday.

As a saying goes, it’s not that our army is too incompetent, but the enemy is too powerful.

Just as he cracked the small abacus in his heart, suddenly a fire tens of meters in front of him flashed, and a plume of smoke more than ten meters high lifted up, and a group of soldiers around were lifted into the air by a violent explosion.

The rear rushed up to prepare to grab food and was hit by the explosion, killing a large area. Pulled down, several guards pressed him under him, forming a human shield extremely bravely to protect the King.

Everyone lay on the ground and waited for a long time, but the second explosion did not come for a long time. It should be left in the ordinary. At this time, it should be continuous artillery fire, explosions, and fires one after another, depending on which hapless ghost was shot. Hit on.

At this moment, the camp was silent.

Two minutes later, the suspicious Semitic soldiers got up and looked at each other: What is going on? Could it be possible that the shot just now was made by humans? Can their cannon really hit this far?

They waited for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, they became bold again.

People are iron, and rice is steel. Don't panic when you don't eat a meal.

At this time, eating a full meal is the last word~!

Therefore, they ignored the wounded and ran to the grain pile again.

Seeing that they were about to rush to the grain pile, the next second, a ball of fire burst out from the front again.

The body of an unlucky ghost was blown to pieces, and blood and water mixed with mud fell from the air like raindrops, wet a large area of ​​the ground.

The few people who were originally behind him were also torn apart, with their stumps severed and their internal organs and large intestine scattered all over the floor. In this cold weather, braving the steaming heat.

It's disgusting.

The person who just got up from the ground ‘huh, all fell on the ground again.

This time, after waiting for a full five minutes, they slowly got up from the ground.

The sharp-eyed people have already seen that the explosion came from the soles of the people in front of them, and there was obviously something terrifying underground.

A group of soldiers, look at me and I look at you, no one dared to go forward anymore, they were all stunned.

"Asshole, what are you stupid~!" An officer's roar suddenly came from behind, and he shouted, "Hurry up and carry the flour."

Several soldiers in the front row looked at each other, then shook their heads firmly, and at the same time stepped back.

Someone explained: "The ground will explode."

The officer strode over angrily, waving his whip, and slapped them in front of him. He beat them and cursed: "Coward, bastard. It's just that I'm scared by two shots. Give it to me~! "

Several soldiers hugged their heads to avoid the officer's whip, but they just refused to go one step further. It was a matter of their own lives and no one would be stupid.

A stunned green was beaten anxiously, and shouted: "If you don't believe me, come on, what do you mean by driving us to die~!"

The officer laughed out of anger. He kicked the talking soldier a few meters away, then rolled up his sleeves and said loudly: "I go personally, and I will kill you when I come back."

With that, strode towards the grain stack.

The surrounding soldiers retreated far away, looking around and poking their heads.

One step, two steps...

The officer walked up to the grain stack in a few steps, flicked his whip and said proudly: "I'll let you make another excuse and come up for me~!"

The soldiers around looked at each other, puzzled and slowly leaned forward.

The officer snorted coldly, turned around and walked back, pointing at the soldiers who had just resisted, and said, "You don't need to eat today. Give me a good..."

A sudden explosion lit up from the soles of his feet, and the officer's leg was immediately broken. He spun around and flew into the air, then fell heavily to the ground.

Miraculously, he was still alive, holding a **** broken leg and screaming.

The Semitic soldiers ‘huh, stepped back with a sound, far away.

Just as the soldiers were discussing what to do, a dull explosion suddenly came from behind the crowd.

The sound was not loud, but there was a scream immediately around. Some people had several metal pieces the size of fingernails inserted in their faces, then covered their faces with their hands and fell to the ground and screamed loudly.

The people next to him took a dozen steps back in fright, and someone stepped on a landmine. A thin cloud of smoke rose up, and hundreds of steel **** exploded, splashing on all sides like a torrential rain, and hitting the soldiers' bodies.

The soldier who was shot fell to the ground, rolling and screaming.

Those who were killed on the spot were relieved, and those who were wounded and not fatal would be over for their entire lives, and could only be a useless person.

The Semi soldiers in the camp are like frightened rabbits, being driven around by explosions that light up from time to time.

The more the crowd dispersed, the more people stepped on landmines.

The chaos in the Velaprani camp was stunned, and he couldn't even think of what was going on.

But one thing is certain, this is a weapon buried by humans in the ground.

Those who woke up immediately fled out of the camp. At this time, it doesn't matter what food is not.

The Semitic camp was evacuated two miles from the battalion by the young soul, and 100,000 people were in a daze in the bleak cold wind.

Velaprani turned all his helplessness into a long sigh, and then ordered the whole army to withdraw westward and collect food from the surrounding towns and villages.

The situation suddenly became very unfavorable for him.

At this time, he was worried not about attacking, but whether Lord Lorraine in Vatican City would let him go, and mankind would never let go of this opportunity to beat down the dog.

As long as he entangles his team and interferes from time to time, if there is no one to assist him within four or five days, his West Route army will be in danger.

It would take at least ten days to contact De Rossi and let him have food. This time is enough for Lorraine to toss them to death.

Humans can even wait until they are hungry and have no energy, and then use a group of farmers with hoes to defeat them.

Velaprani even prepared to sacrifice another division, letting them break and block the pursuit.

At noon the next day, His Majesty King Veraprani’s lunch was just a chicken, a piece of white bread, and a glass of inferior home-brewed wine. This was already the most abundant.

The officers under him could only gnaw potatoes on mixed bread, and the soldiers only got two potatoes each. The food search team scraped dozens of miles away and found these things from the local area.

This made His Majesty the King who had been accustomed to surprise court cooking very uncomfortable, and the morale in the barracks was low and there was a sound of lament.

The Semites were soldiers and couldn't understand how they suddenly fell from the victor to such a tragic situation.

At this time, hundreds of war fortresses that went to attack Vatican brought good news to His Majesty King Veraprani.

After Veraprani read the top-secret file, his nervous expression suddenly relaxed, but an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

He raised his glass, drank the inferior wine that was hard to swallow, and smiled and said: "Finally, I don't have to worry about that **** Lorraine. He will soon be unable to protect himself."

(To be continued)

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