Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1376: Ruman Defense

Suddenly I heard that the enemy was using poison gas on a large scale, and then easily broke through his own line of defense. In the command headquarters, the staff members were all sinking in their hearts, and an ominous premonition faintly rose. m

Although these young officers will all be the backbone of the emperor [*] in the future, but that is the future.

Now they can only receive a salary of 35 gold coins at most a month. And it's not a lack of logistics. Therefore, even though you can't die from starvation, you often don't have enough money to spend.

Everyone can't enter any high-end entertainment venues, so when you are fine, you can only nest in a small tavern, tease the windy proprietress, and then talk nonsense, bragging 13 and passing the day.

At the time of bragging 13, these puppies used to learn the "Huashan Lunjian" and ranked on a Human Race’s [*] team combat power rankings. Later, there were a few clever puppies among them. After paying a sum of money and bragging myself together for a few days, I will sort it out a bit. A military journal called "Jane's Defense" was created, and various [*] personnel rushed to order it.

On that ranking, the first place, needless to ask, is naturally the army of the Ruman Empire.

In the Rumandi [*] regiment, the Nian'an Corps under Lord Luo Jue ranked second.

You know, this is not a belittle, but a very high praise, because the combat power of this legion is only ranked below the world's most recognized army, the Imperial City Guard Corps.

Within the empire, it can basically be said that there is no rival of the same level.

However, now, this is such a powerful army equipped with a large number of firearms that can easily defeat all corps of the same time. It actually defeated the battle and was breached by the enemy in just a few hours.

In other words, within the empire, no army can withstand the enemy's attack~!

If in the past, faced with the sudden appearance of a new type of big killer like the enemy, everyone was not too worried. Even if it was a few defeats and a death of thirty-five thousand, he didn't care much.

Even using the vast space in the empire's interior, using the method of space for time-commonly known as retreat all the way, to find the weakness of the enemy's army. Then take corresponding measures.

I believe that with the Empire’s powerful scientific research capabilities and magic research level, you can definitely find a corresponding method. Counter the enemy~!

If it doesn't work anymore, it will launch an ultra-restricted warfare and send a large number of guerrillas to harass the enemy's supply transportation line, forcing the enemy to retreat.

That was how everyone did it when facing the world's number one general, General Hadu, before the birth of Lord Luo, the **** of war.

And the facts have proved that the effect is very good, even quite good.

But... but now the enemy is only fifty miles away from Ruman City. At this time, they suddenly showed their assassin.

If the enemy's army makes a surprise attack, it only takes one day and night to reach the city.

One day and night, only one day and night time.

In the face of such a weapon suddenly taken out by the enemy, how could it be possible to develop a cracking method in just one day and night?

If the enemy takes advantage of the victory and pursues, the soldiers will approach Ruman City, and then use cannons to blow the poisonous gas into the city.

Then, the capital of the empire will inevitably fall like that post.

In this case, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Ruman City is not only a city, but like Vantino and Maple Leaf, it has great symbolic significance.

Once it falls into the enemy's hands, it also means that the enemy is so strong that even the No. 1 human race can't defeat it.

Then there are bound to be countless people who see a profit, and they will jump out in the first room and act as the lackeys of the demons.

The balance of power changes fundamentally.

With the help of those people, even if the enemy doesn't need that kind of weapon at all, they can conquer Fengye Danlin, Vatican, and even the entire continent.

All these officers have always been proud of having advanced weapons. Even respect the cannon as the **** of war. But now, seeing that the enemy has this weapon in his hands, I feel extremely hated.

It turns out that this weapon is so troublesome.

In a depressed atmosphere, someone asked in a low voice: "Can I use the war fortress for air strikes?"

A voice next to him replied in a low voice: "Impossible. The demons stepped up Fengbao's air raid, and there was no way to get out. Lord Luo also had huge pressure on him..."

The sound behind, can no longer be heard.

At this moment, a phone rang suddenly.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Then an officer hurried over and picked it up.

He listened for a while. Then holding the phone in one hand, he raised his head and shouted to the Grand Duke: "Report to your Highness that the 7th Battalion of Skeleton Division in Sangbo Manor has also been attacked by poison gas and has retreated to Shire Town."

A cold light flashed in the Grand Duke's eyes, he immediately got up, scanned the huge military map, and found the location of Sangbo Manor.

He took a pen and slightly compared the distance between the post and Sangbo Manor on the map, and said in a deep voice, "Grandma's, the demon race's reaction is fast enough."

In just one morning, the Semitic people have broken through ten miles in the north and rushed through the first line of defense.

The distance from Sangbo Manor to Ruman City. It's only less than forty miles.

The Grand Duke couldn't help but smiled wryly. Then he stepped back a few steps and looked at the map.

I saw his original strategy clearly marked on the map with huge red and blue colors.

The huge red arrows on both sides represent the positions of dozens of Ruman legions.

They came from both sides of the Demon Race, like a huge pliers, outflanking the Demon Race Legion in the middle.

At this time, their roundabout actions have already passed halfway. As long as it takes up to two more days, it will be all in place.

Once the army is encircled, then the blue that represents the demons in the middle must be wiped out. Their original arrow pointing to Ruman City looked ridiculous.

However, the Mozu suddenly received a new weapon, and its combat power suddenly increased. At this time, in his eyes, the blue arrow pointing at Ruman City suddenly became ugly.

"Could it be that a strategic shift is really necessary..." The Grand Duke hesitated for a while.

At this moment, Maris, who was out for reconnaissance, walked back.

Seeing the playful expression on his face, the Grand Duke couldn't help but stunned: Is there any good way he can fight the enemy's gas war?

××××××××× Due to the shortage of personnel, after the first battalion of the Skull Division retreated from the North Post, it did not rest and reorganize, but was placed behind the second line of defense.

The company of the machine gunner Kik was the first batch of the whole army to be attacked by poison gas, and the company suffered heavy losses when caught off guard.

Eighty people were killed in the battle, including the company commander.

Only a few machine gun groups were left, because the bunker's cover ran out smoothly. And the loss of the entire first battalion of 140 people was disastrous.

For the powerful Nian's army, this is an unprecedented defeat.

The several machine gun groups of Kik and the others were integrated into another company to continue fighting. In this battle, it was impossible to replenish them. The recruits were all in the rear, and there was no one to train them.

Soldiers of the two divisions of the Security Army sacrificed one less. Every casualty caused pain to the officers with flowers on their shoulders. So after the first battalion was placed on the front by the commander, the third battalion of the flag guards now replaced them and guarded their front position.

Not long after noon, after a hastily eaten lunch on the battlefield, the soldiers of the First Battalion lay weakly in the trenches, cursing the viciousness of the demons.

At this time, the sun shines through the gaps in the thick clouds, bringing a little warmth to the earth.

After the rapid retreat in the morning and the excitement calmed down, tiredness surged.

Kik pressed his hands on his precious machine gun, squinted his eyes and stared into the distance, and suddenly said to his deputy Ver: "You said, if the demon cubs fight gas bombs again, what should we do?"

There was a trace of horror on Wil’s young and immature face. He had already heard the horror of poison gas. There were only 30 of them left in the entire company he was in. He might have died if it weren’t for Kik’s urging. The front line.

"Retreat?" He whispered, with a bitter expression on his face and depressed, and said: "The above is not an order. If you encounter a gas bomb, we will retreat. We can't stay where we are. We are poisoned to death by them. ?"

Kik roared with anger, then kicked heavily against the dirt in the trench, and said: "Retreat? Where to go, do you have to withdraw as far as Ruman City. What if the enemy hits Ruman City?"

"I..." the deputy was hesitating.

A sudden muffled thunder came from a distance.

The soldiers froze for a moment, and then immediately squeezed their weapons and lay on the trenches.

They had heard this sound once in the morning, and it was unforgettable. It was the sound of Semitic artillery fire.

Their artillery sounds are duller than Ruman artillery, and it is easy to distinguish.

"Damn, these **** **** are gas bombs again~!" An officer straddled the trench, holding a binoculars and staring at the friendly position a few miles away.

Through the binoculars, you can clearly see that a cloud of green mist suddenly appeared on the ground there, slowly spreading around the ground.

"It's this ghost~!" Jiu Company's company commander gritted his teeth-in the morning because he retreated a few steps slowly, several people in his company were poisoned to death by the poisonous gas.

He raised the revolver in his hand angrily and fired two random shots at the distance, as if to kill the poisonous gas.

At this moment, a group of black figures in the distance suddenly ran out of the ground and ran over here quickly. They were from the third battalion of the flag guard.

They quickly withdrew from the trenches according to the orders of Grand Duke Julian.

Then there was another low gunfire, and more gas bombs were hit in the front position.

The green mist doubled rapidly, covering more than one mile.

In this windless noon, the poisonous gas condensed on the ground without dispersing, crawling on the ground and rolling slowly.

However, this is not without benefits.

Although the third battalion gave up the defense, because of the poisonous fog blocking it, the soldiers of the Demon Race did not dare to come and pursue it.

They can only stay far behind, waiting for the poisonous fog to disperse.

The third battalion ran all the way, rushing through the yellow-brown fields, and withdrew to the position of the first battalion.

The flag guard soldier with an eagle flag embroidered on the armband jumped into the trench, with a face of black sweat mixed with mud, lying on the trench, breathing heavily.

Kick looked at the comrade-in-arms, then raised his chin at the opponent, and said, "Is it uncomfortable for poison gas?"

"Damn, I withdrew without seeing the enemy. I was too awkward." The soldier of the banner guard looked at the poisonous fog in the distance and spit heavily.

He gritted his teeth, clenched the rifle in his hand and said fiercely: "If the demons come to 11 million, I will not be afraid. With my marksmanship, I will kill him at least 10 or 20 demons.

But how to fight this poisonous mist of bitch? "

Keike nodded in sympathy, sighed, and frowned worriedly: "Yes, how should we fight this battle?"

Then he turned his head and glanced at the battalion commander behind. The battalion commanders of the first and third battalions were in a group, both of them had depressed expressions on their faces, obviously unable to do anything about the poisonous gas of the demons.

Especially the third battalion of the flag guards, without firing a shot, even lost the position without seeing the enemy. The battalion commander was aggrieved and wanted to vomit blood, angrily turning around the place like a donkey.

Time passed while the soldiers waited helplessly. After a few hours, the poisonous gas dissipated a little bit, and the Semites appeared on the position left by the third battalion, waving their lightning banner vigorously. Raising the weapon in his hand, he kept cheering.

"The enemy has occupied the second line of defense, what should we do?" the deputy grabbed Kik's shoulder nervously and asked.

Keike stared at the front blankly, and said dullly: "What else can I do, wait."

As time goes by, the sky is getting darker, and the cold north is blowing slowly.

There was silence on the ground, and none of the soldiers spoke, but stared at the front blankly, as if waiting for something.

A deep roar suddenly sounded from the north.


"Damn the demons."

The soldiers cursed in the trenches.

More than a dozen black shadows fell from the sky, hitting a place far away from the trenches, and bursts of thick green smoke appeared, drifting southward with the cold wind.

"Retreat, retreat~!"

"All retreat to position four."

"Quick, quick, hurry up if you don't want to die."


The officers yelled for orders.

The soldiers scrambled out of the trenches, ran across the wilderness with their weapons, and rushed to the preset positions behind.

Kik carried a heavy machine gun on his sturdy shoulders, glanced back, with an unwilling expression on his face, and said angrily: "Damn demon clan boy, don't let Lao Tzu catch you."

All day long, soldiers from several battalions on the front line were retreating. Thousands of soldiers rushed through the wilderness like a large group of scared rabbits.

Kick carrying the machine gun, while running, cursing loudly, panting heavily. At this moment, he suddenly saw a strange person appearing not far away.

He was wearing a beautiful white coat that was worn by nobles, and his long flaxen hair fluttered slightly in the cold wind. He was walking through the densely packed soldiers and strolling leisurely north.

On his face was the careless expression that aristocratic brothers often had, as if they were out on an outing.

If this costume appeared at a noble banquet, it was normal, but it appeared on the battlefield, but it was indescribably strange.

The soldiers looked at this weird man in surprise. Someone ran and reminded him kindly: "Brother, don't go there, there is poisonous gas over there."

The man seemed to have heard nothing, and walked over by himself.

When he passed by Kik, the whirring Kik who was running looked at him, and suddenly shouted: "Hi, don't pass, it will be dead."

The weird man turned his head and glanced at Kike, then suddenly smiled, and stopped in place, the poisonous gas was moving southward under the blowing of the north wind, a hundred meters away from them.

Suddenly the shout of the officer came from ahead.

"Everyone listens, stop where they are."

"Alert on the spot and prepare to fight."

The well-trained soldiers did not hesitate, and immediately stopped, turned and knelt on one knee, raised their rifles and pointed them north.

Weir threw the tripod to the ground, then stomped it down hard, stomping the foot into the dirt. Kik held the machine gun in both hands and pressed it on the tripod.

When the deputy inserted the magazine, Kick immediately held the machine gun handle and was ready for battle.

The young deputy raised his head and glanced at the poisonous mist not far away, and said nervously, "Why stop here? The poisonous gas is coming soon."

"I don't know," Kik licked his lips nervously, and said, "But you just have to listen to the order."

The weird man in white was standing on the ground ten meters in front of Kik.

Kick blew his whistle, waved to him, and said, "Hey, come back quickly, don't stand in front of the gun."

The handsome young man glanced back, then suddenly raised his arms high and pushed forward hard.

"Is this guy a lunatic?" Seeing his foolish movements, Kik thought there must be something wrong with this person.

Suddenly a gust of wind howled from behind them.

The strong wind swept grass blades and dust from behind Kik, and the dust made the sky dark in an instant.

The unannounced gust of wind blew through the position, blowing away the poisonous gas floating in front of the position.

Everything is like a miracle.

The soldiers were dumbfounded as they watched the gas being blown away, and suddenly burst into loud cheers.

"The God of Light Appears~!"

"Father God bless."

"God bless me Ruman~!"


The young deputy drew the cross from his neck, pressed it to his mouth and kept kissing. He said several times with excitement, "The God of Light appeared", then patted Kik's shoulder hard and said with a big smile: "You see Even the weather is helping us."

Kike frowned as he watched the young man's back. He didn't think that this was God's help. It was very likely that he was the one who caused this gust of wind with this strange man's strange movements.

At this time, a sharp whistle sounded around, and the battalion commander waved his revolver toward the sky and roared: "Brothers, slaughter the puppies of the demons, follow me~!"

"Counterattack, kill and go back~!"

"Retake the ground."


The security soldiers who had been holding a fire in their hearts roared in unison, jumping up and holding their rifles, shouting and rushing forward.

The roar of the artillery followed, and the shell flew over the heads of the security soldiers with a stern howling, and hit the Semitic in front.

At the same time, the Ruman's shouts were heard from the left and right wings. Under the command of the Grand Duke, the northern defenders counterattacked across the board.

(To be continued) q

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