Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1379: Caribbean Division

At night, the stars are shining in the sky, and the Milky Way is like a jade belt across the sky.

The cold north wind in winter blows up the dust and yellow grass leaves on the ground, fluttering and flying away, falling on a group of black figures.

With the waning moon and starlight, one could vaguely see that thousands of people lined up in a long black dragon on the desolate land, trekking hard against the cold wind.

The cold winter wind forced them to wrap their clothes tightly, shrink their necks, and curl up, but even so, they were still shivering with cold.

The crowd was silent, head buried and just rushing, only a few thousand feet of messy footsteps on the ground kept coming.

At the front of the team, a man was holding a bare wooden pole under his arm, his head drooping in despair.

"Hey, hey~!" The person next to him stabbed the person holding the wooden pole and lowered his voice: "Lami, did you hide the flag? Don't lose it. The division leader will get angry. I don't want to be unlucky with you."

The few people nearby also leaned forward, and started talking in a low voice with concern.

"Your kid is most used to making things happen."

"It's still a trader, I really don't know how you do business."

"It must have lost money in the past..."


Lamy slapped his hand away angrily, turned his head and glared at the people around him, but it was so dark that no one could see it.

Lamy scolded angrily, "Why don't you come and get it?"

Several people around looked at each other, and immediately hid away: What a joke. In such a cold day, holding a heavy wooden pole, isn't it for yourself to suffer?

"I still have a face to say about me." Lamy snarled his neck and cursed at several people: "I've also met a fishmonger who can't swim for the first time."

"Hey, hey, you can be crazy, OK, I didn't say you, you really lie down and hit the arrow." Behind Lamy, a large bearded man grumbled.

Lamy then realized that he had failed to speak, and he couldn't help but snorted, then turned off the subject. Said: "I really don't know what the division leader thinks, a good flag, why must it be rolled up?"

"You don't understand this." On the other side, a thin middle-aged man said: "This is called strategy. I guess the division leader thinks like this..."


"Dead, plague and life, are getting sour again."

"Sylvie, don't show off your elementary education level."


Facing the ridicule of others, Sylvie's eyes flashed with disdain, and then continued: "Our Caribbean Fourth Division. Now we are on the ground of humanity. And I lost my position, if I flick the flag. Go straight. What if you hit a human army?"


The soldiers around were all stunned. For a while, someone weakly said, "Fight them?"

"Hey, Amu's brain is pretty funny, just our people, we don't have all the weapons."

"There is almost no food."

"Nearly half of the people have a cold, Ahei~!"

"Oh, my stomach hurts. It must be unacceptable. If you are in a war, you should go up first, and I will pull your bowels in the back while encouraging you spiritually and cheering for everyone."

His words immediately caused a burst of curses from the crowd.

"Grandma's, are you stupid 13?"

"If you want to hit you first. I'll cheer you up later. And I promise to cheer you up in tears."


Seeing everyone's reaction, Amu was quite at a loss. Didn't it mean that one Semitic warrior could kill eight human races?

Not to say. Have the powerful Semi soldiers never feared?

Didn’t it mean that everyone in the Semi tribe was proud of the devil’s dedication of his insignificant life?

Why are these gangsters more greedy and fearful of death? And they are so greedy and fearful of death, so justified?

Anderson stretched out his hand and slapped Amu on the head, and reprimanded unceremoniously: "You bastard, don't think about it, when you went ashore, everyone threw away their weapons almost to escape.

What do you use to fight humans?

Bite your teeth~! "

"Aren't human beings very casual? As soon as we meet our brave Semitic warriors, they flee like rabbits." Amu said with no confidence, as if he didn't believe what he said.

The people around let out a burst of laughter and cursed: "You believe what the government propagates."

"The high priest also said that taxes will never be increased~! But now, the withdrawal amount has tripled."

"You are too naive, don't you know that you are an official all day long talking about 13?"

"I want Lao Tzu to work hard for the glory of the Great Demon God, not afraid of sacrifice, and only pay three yuan a month in salary. I don't know if the glory of the Great Demon God is worthless or Lao Tzu's life is worthless?"

Listening to everyone's unscrupulous remarks, Amu almost fainted.

Anderson also sighed for a long time and said: "Amu, how did we fall to where we are today? It's not because the navy gang of rice barrels were defeated by humans.

If it's really like the official's bragging 13 set, the enemy should run away as soon as our ship shows up. As a result, who is running now?

Up to now, I still can't figure out the situation.

In our Semitic people, it is a miracle that you can live so much. "

Someone next to him immediately scolded: "The navy gang of idiots, usually five people, six people, what kind of army, the navy, and the **** all day long. It turned out that it was his mother's silver wax gun head. The whole army was wiped out."

"That's too soft~!"

"I feel ashamed for his mother."


A group of people gnashed their teeth and scolded the Navy.

The soldiers recalled that thrilling night, and still had lingering fears at this moment.

These people are the Fourth Division recruited from the Caribbean.

After a little training, he was immediately loaded onto the boat. Floating across the ocean to the Terran Continent, to complete the grand priest's grand plan to conquer the Terran.

It's a pity that the Semitic navy just showed up in the Vantino battle a few days ago, and it was wiped out under the encirclement of Ruman Navy and Elven Navy.

The Caribbean Fourth Division, fortunately, did not rush forward, but was in the transport fleet behind.

When the warships hung white flags and surrendered, in order to prevent the Semitic soldiers on board from being captured by the human navy, the transport fleet directly chose to wash the beach and run aground. In this magnificent way, they finished the last journey of the sea.

The transport ships of the Fourth Division were lucky, the flat sandy beaches where they ran aground.

At that time, it was getting late. But the battle is still going on fiercely.

Behind them is the roaring sea of ​​cannons and the screams of killing, and next to them are the fires that exploded in the outlying positions of Vantino. The soldiers of the division climbed down from the ship in fear, wading through the cold water and boarding. On land.

There were some minor accidents when disembarking, such as the fishmonger Anderson fell into the water and almost drowned.

However, in general, the landing process was smooth except for the uncomfortable.

After most of the Fourth Division climbed onto the beach. There are also the unlucky guys who are stranded in the reef area.

Those boats are in a deep position, and not only is the water extremely deep below. And there are a lot of rocks hidden, making it extremely difficult for the soldiers to move.

Therefore, waiting for their destiny is to enter the human prisoner of war camp.

Thousands of people in the Caribbean Division discarded heavy equipment and all kinds of luggage, and in order to avoid attracting the attention of the Terran Legion, they did not dare to light a fire, only shivering in the cold night on the beach.

At this critical juncture, all of them, like philosophers possessing possession, began to think about a major issue in the history of human philosophy: the next step. What should I do?

After a brief period of thought, General Melun, the commander of the division, immediately issued an order: "Go west, immediately move west. The order we get is-land, and then gather with the large forces. There is no order to immediately reinforce the battlefield. ."

At this time, they were fighting on the battlefield to the east. The sound of the artillery explosion can be heard clearly. Obviously, under Vatican City, the battle between the Semitic and the Terran is fighting fiercely.

General Melun's order was unanimously supported by the entire army and was immediately implemented-although there are Semitic troops and humans in the east are engaged in fierce fighting, it is reasonable. I should have gone there to meet my people, but...that place is too dangerous for me to go there.

Under the leadership of General Melun, all the Fourth Division rushed westward without touching the ground, looking for the so-called "big force".

General Melun even conceived the battle report. After the Fourth Division landed that night, it was discovered by tens of, hundreds of thousands of human troops.

The enemy is few and we are few, but the morale of our army is high, one by one the Semitic warriors shouted ‘Long live the high priest~! ’Then he rushed into the enemy group without hesitation, and started a **** fight with the enemy. The mountains and rivers of the direct killing change color, the sun and the moon are dark... (three thousand words are omitted here)

Seeing that our army was so brave, the enemy was frightened and frightened.

The enemy generals sighed: It is easy to shake the mountain, but it is difficult to shake me.

However, although our army is brave and brave, there are too many enemies.

After a bitter battle and killing a large number of enemy troops, the Fourth Division successfully transferred in and strategically destroyed the enemy's overall plan. I won the unprecedented glory for the Semites...

Although this battle report was written with magnificence and passion. The end is extremely beautiful. However, at this moment, the communication is not smooth, and it cannot be sent out temporarily.

Marching all the way to dawn, General Melun counted the number of people, and was surprised to find that most of his subordinates were here. Originally, he thought that there were only one-third of the people left.

General Melun immediately revised the battle report, and the Fourth Division broke through the enemy's obstacles several times, defeated at least one of the enemy's troops, and successfully broke through.

But problems followed one after another.

General Melun didn't know where he was? Anyway, it's not far to the west of Vatican City.

Just when the whole division was hesitating and didn't know what to do, a group of rout soldiers ran up from behind and told them that the Semitic army surrounding Vatican was defeated. Hundreds of thousands of reinforcements from mankind landed and were about to kill. coming.

General Melun immediately decided to turn west again to get in touch with the "big force". The officers and soldiers of the division were unanimously approved.

At the same time, a party was added to the battle report, and the Fourth Division resisted the enemy's attack all the way to buy time for the main force.

All the way to the west, he kept running, but there were no people in the place where he passed, and there were only deserted villages and towns.

What's more serious is that the dry food carried by the Fourth Division will soon be consumed.

In order to load more troops, the naval transport fleet did not carry much food.

The army landed smoothly, and Veraprani would naturally respond and could deliver supplies directly from the rear.

After landing, the Fourth Division took away only the food left on the ship. Only enough for a few days.

General Melun had to reduce his rations, and each soldier was only allocated half of what he used to be, but even this is not optimistic.

If you can't find a "big force" anymore, the Fourth Division might become the first in history to starve to death on the road.

Of course, despite this, General Melun still did not give up the boxes of royal salutes he carried with him.

The severe situation made the morale of the Fourth Division down, just thinking about how to survive.

The clever General Melun ordered the soldiers to put away the golden lightning ensign, and only let the soldiers hold a bare flagpole.

The clever ghost Rami became this unlucky polished flag bearer and was laughed at all the way.

"Then what if we meet our own people?" Young Amu asked puzzledly.

Anderson slapped him again. Said: "Stupid, then hit the flag out."

"By the way, ask them for more food."

"Then continue to look for the big troops."


The soldiers in the dark gave out a cunning laughter peculiar to small citizens.

General Melun, a native of the Caribbean. It fits the minds of the soldiers of the Fourth Division. This is a good general who considers soldiers.

Even most soldiers secretly prayed in their hearts: May our brave and invincible Fourth Division never find a large army.

Of course this cannot be said.

"You think so well." The usual pessimist and elementary school teacher Sylvie poured cold water on everyone, saying: "If we go on like this, we are more likely to hit humans first."

Lamy shook his head and retorted: "It's impossible, isn't it that we are already in our territory to the west?"

"They also said that the navy is invincible~!" Sylvie snorted coldly-this **** is a typical government conspiracy theorist because he has read books for two days. He never believed when he was an official, and it turns out that he was always right. This is the most annoying.

He paused, and then continued: "You didn't hear those deserters say that hundreds of thousands of human troops have landed in Vatican, and I think they are killing all the way to the west. Hundreds of thousands~!

Maybe it's just behind us. "

Several people looked back suspiciously. But only black people can be seen, and there is pitch black in the distance, and nothing can be seen.

It was precisely because of the fear of chasing soldiers that the Fourth Division rushed day and night.

The thought of not logging in has gone smoothly. The navy was defeated by mankind, and then desperate all the way. I still don’t know where I am. The soldiers of the Fourth Division are very worried. How can I fight this battle?

"Maybe, it's not bad to hit a human..." Silviy whispered while hiding in the crowd.

"What nonsense is that?" Anderson next to him scolded: "Your old boy is not dead. Just talk secretly. Be careful to let outsiders hear."

"Dare to say you haven't thought about it like that." Sylvie said lowly.

The soldiers around were silent.

"Look, I'm not wrong." Sylvie stood up and said, "You all know who the human commander is. That's Lei Luo. By the way, it's Lorraine."

This name is a taboo in the whole Semitic, except for the Caribbean city.

The maverick Caribs talked about Lord Lorraine with admiration, snatched Adling from the thunderbolt pile, slashed the high priest, and killed so many Lich’s people. Every piece of it fits the Caribbean. Human minds-there are not many good people in this bunch of bastards. Relying on the convenience of the seaport, they started smuggling transactions. Even though he did not do it, at least one relative in the family is also a smuggler.

At the same time, it is precisely because they have the convenience of a harbor that they can open their eyes and see the world, unlike those inland who don’t understand and can only grow potatoes, they are easily given by others. incite.

No matter when, these puppies will make their own calculations.

"I saw him when I was in the city." Fishmonger Anderson smacked and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that he was Lorraine."

Sylvie chuckled lightly and said: "Our City Lord's eldest lady is his girlfriend, the City Lord, is it his husband?

There was a burst of ambiguous laughter around, everyone knows that Fiona was snatched by Lorraine, and countless pieces have been compiled and popular in the tavern, and the spread is vivid and colorful.

"So," Lamy said, touching his chin, "We, General Melun, are still Lorraine's eldest brother."

The soldiers thought, isn't it? General Melun is Fiona's cousin, who happens to be Lord Lorraine's elder brother.

A weird thought arose in everyone's mind. The officials on both sides were relatives. What kind of vigor was there in this battle?

"And I also heard, this master, he is afraid of his wife~!" Sylvie laughed and said affirmatively: "If you encounter a human army, let's not say that if there are too many people, we can't beat them. There is no alternative, safety first."

The surrounding soldiers nodded in unison, seeming to feel the same.

Sylvie squeezed his fingers and said: "We are the fellow of Miss Fiona, can we bring a message to Miss Fiona?

Seriously, Lorraine is also our brother-in-law.

He is so powerful, even if he is defeated, I don't think no one dares to provoke us. "

"That's right, Lord Luo can't always watch others kill his elder brother, right." Rami smiled and said, "Then he must not be able to sleep for a while."

"It seems to make sense when we encounter humans in the future, we will say that they are relatives of their commander-in-chief Lorraine."

"Is it originally..."

Although they knew it was a joke, the soldiers of the Fourth Division suddenly had some confidence in their hearts: Our Fourth Division is related to both sides.

Fight if you can fight this battle, surrender if you can't fight. Don't lose your life because of this little incident.

After dawn, a village was found ahead. General Melun ordered the soldiers to rest in the village, sleep in the warm sun, and then continue to search for the large army.

The Fourth Division hurriedly squeezed into the small town, only to discover that there were still living people in this town, but the humans saw them coming in and all hid in the house in shock.

General Melun personally knocked on the door of a human being, and said kindly to the trembling old man in the door: "Excuse me, old man, where is this place?"

The old man looked in horror at the Semitic official in front of him, and the dense and ferocious Semitic soldiers behind him, and tremblingly said: "In return, Master, this is Palamo Village."

General Melun pouted helplessly and said, "I'm asking about that city?"

"No city," the old man shook his head in panic, and said, "We don't have a city."

"Then you belong to the head of the country you know." General Melun asked.

"I know this," the old man said anxiously: "We belong to Deron, the Grand Duchy of Deron." (To be continued)

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