Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1381: 1st shot

The soldiers of the Fourth Division finally had a full meal today thanks to the blessing of their teammates after many days of running at the end. m

Holding the fragrant rice, the soldiers of the Caribbean Fourth Division couldn't help feeling a lot of emotions, and some even burst into tears: they could finally eat a full meal without being a starving ghost.

These soldiers were also hungry and anxious. They didn't use knives and forks, and grabbed the hot meal with their hands and stuffed them into their mouths.

Although all of them were scalded and grinned and screamed, their hands still kept moving. I'm afraid I'll be slow, and the food will be robbed by others.

Seeing them devouring food, the handlebars of the carts next to them were secretly surprised: When did the demon cubs become so embarrassed?

These uncles are not always good people, who dares to starve them?

And what surprised them even more was that the group of Semi soldiers were too edible, all of them were like rice buckets. In the blink of an eye, they had consumed nearly 30,000 catties of food.

The soldiers of the Fourth Division were really hungry and scared, and they stopped eating until the food was piled up to the throat.

They patted their bulging belly with ambition, then grabbed a few grass sticks to pick their teeth, and lay lazily on the dry grass beside the road, with their feet crossed, and napping in the warm winter sun.

After eating and drinking, you can bask in the sun, and then light a cigarette. It's a fairy-like enjoyment.

Just when they were enjoying the afternoon sun comfortably, and all of them were drowsy, at this moment a cloud of smoke rose high in the distance, and a large group of cavalry rushed over.

The sound of rumbling horse hooves shook the ground, awakening the caribbean who was dozing off.

‘The Human Race came so soon? "Everyone was startled at first, and quickly jumped up from the ground, pulling away and preparing to escape, but in the next moment, they could clearly see the banner the other party was holding.

The blue tulip flag was almost exactly the same as the one played by the food transport team just now.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief: It turned out that it was those two devils again~!

The sense of superiority of the soldiers suddenly burst.

Someone immediately jumped up, pointed at them and cursed loudly: "What is noisy, there is no morality at all, I don't know where the uncles are sleeping."

"We'll talk about something when we wake up."

"Grandma's, riding a horse alone, can't you be lighter? The scared people are careful with their plops."

"Give me a good look."

"Kill them, kill them..."


These Caribbean ruffians use them as inflators, and it's just a curse.

The Caribs were frightened and frightened all the way, and had already been suffocated with fire. At this time, the people of the De Rossi Empire sent them to the door by themselves, and naturally they couldn't let it go.

The soldiers kept yelling, and the noisy moments turned into the sky.

The menacing look of the soldiers of the Caribbean Division really frightened the officers headed by the De Rossi Empire.

Although under the leadership of the high priest, and there is no lack of official propaganda, the great and long historical and traditional friendship between the Semites and the human race, and the formation of the Semitic and the human race under the leadership of His Majesty Emperor De Rossi The unbreakable, holy alliance.

What a united mind, united will, and the same enemy... But in fact, the relationship between the Semites and the De Rossi Empire has always been incompatible.

The Semi guys are extremely savage and cruel, and they act without scruples. Although he has repeatedly defeated the human coalition forces, he is extremely harsh when starting with his friendly forces.

Sap in private, shoot black bricks and put cold arrows...and so on, and other very discordant things happen from time to time.

For the Semites, those of the De Rossi Empire are second-class citizens.

Moreover, His Majesty Emperor De Rossi also played the role of'human annihilation of the traitor' very well.

Once something happened between the two sides, Emperor De Rossi jumped out first and settled the matter. Even severely punished his men.

After going back and forth, the puppet troops of the De Rossi Empire were all boned, and when they saw the Semitic people, they could only humbly and beg to be complacent.

Seeing the movement of the Semi, the leader of the De Rossi hurriedly jumped off the horse very far away. In order to show his sincerity, he deliberately asked the cavalry behind him to retreat again, with only a few people. come over.

His own guards led him to General Melun.

The officer came to the front, and first looked at General Melun, who was under his banner, the majestic and majestic general, and then raised his hand to salute, and said in a deep voice, "The Colonel of the Second Division of the Imperial Guard of the Lower De Rossi Lun, dare you to ask the general who are you?"

General Melan was sitting on a horse with his commanding knife in both hands, and looked very dissatisfied. In fact, he was indeed extremely dissatisfied.

In his ideal state, such things as meeting lower-ranking officers from outside should be in his tiger tent. After sitting high at the table, the two sides are lined with big knives in his hands. He is fat and strong, with a broad chest and hair on his palm. Strong man.

General Mo was sitting in the big tent, slightly shocked, and dissipated in the domineering spirit. The officers who scared him looked pale and bowed.

Instead of doing this, I can only get a little pony to sit. And the other party is standing, so he has to look up at the other party, making him completely imposing.

At this time, the guard next to him held his head up and proudly said: "This is General Melun of our Caribbean Fourth Division."

"Caribbean...Murren..." Colonel Lauren said silently in his heart. He had never heard of it, but it seemed that this division leader should not be fake.

Moreover, the tens of thousands of soldiers around, seriously, they should still be a fully composed main division.

"I don't know where your Excellency General Melun comes from?"

"We are from the east..." Melun closed his mouth quickly, regretting in his heart: he almost told the truth.

If he said he came from Vantino from the east, the other party would immediately know that he was defeated and retreated. This is absolutely impossible to say.

"Reinforcements came from the mainland." General Melun paused, then said vowedly.

Colonel Lauren suddenly smiled and said happily: "That's great. Our Majesty has been looking forward to reinforcements."

He regarded the Fourth Division as a new force coming from the west for reinforcements.

After so many days, the news of Vantino's defeat has reached Emperor De Rossi.

Because the Semitic officials tried their best to cover it up, the common people could not get any clear news at all, but this did not restrict them, but stimulated their imagination. All kinds of gossip that made the sky fly in disorder.

Some people say: Human beings are still in Vatican. Although they have won the battle, they have also suffered heavy losses. Lorraine is simply unable to advance westward.

It was also said that the coalition of hundreds of thousands of people has already assembled in Vatican, and under the leadership of Lorraine, they are rushing over. If they don't run now, there will be no chance.

It is also said that the undead high priest has used the dark spell to summon up to nine million undead legions, marching eastward and taking the maple leaf Danlin.

In addition, some people said: The Semitic war fortress raid the city of Ruman and razed the entire city to the ground. The morale of the Ruman Empire was greatly lost...Earl Lorraine carried a small notebook with all the names of the people on it. Anyone who has helped the demons and done bad things should record a black bean. If they do a good thing, they should record a red bean. Once there are enough black beans, it will be counted as his general ledger.

... But no matter how the news spreads, it is certain that the Semitic navy and the army that carried more than 100,000 reinforcements were wiped out, and Veraprani was defeated.

And after so long, they haven't seen a rout and defeated. It is very possible that they have been surrounded by Lorraine.

The initiative of the war on the Western Front has been transferred to Lorraine, and he may come over at any time~!

The soldiers of the De Rossi Empire were shocked three times, and they jumped a few feet high with a little disturbance. Deserters have begun to appear in the camp.

Although De Rossi personally led troops to patrol and killed a few deserters, he could only temporarily stabilize the situation.

Although he wanted to evacuate, he didn't dare.

The high priest personally ordered De Rossi to stabilize the defense.

In desperation, His Majesty Emperor De Rossi could only desperately write letters of assistance to the rear, one said three letters, eagerly waiting for the undead high priest to send him troops.

Hope for the stars and moon, finally the reinforcements have come to Pan, and it is also the main division of the Semitic, a real new force.

Despite the bad attitude of General Melun, Colonel Lauren still wanted to hug him and kiss him. He knew something, and followed De Rossi's **** man, he did bad things. It is very likely that in Lorraine's little book, there are almost enough black beans under his name.

In case, the scumbag brought the soldiers to calculate his general ledger... the consequences would be absolutely unthinkable.

Therefore, when he saw the Semites rushing for reinforcements at this dangerous time, his eyes were filled with excitement.

After all, no one knows whether hundreds of thousands of coalitions will suddenly appear on the horizon in the next moment, making them all dumplings.

"But a division is a bit lacking." Colonel Lauren felt a little regretful in his heart.

At this moment, there are only ten thousand people, what can they do?

You know, there are 100,000 people in the Holy See Legion surrounded by Deron City alone.

"My Excellency General, are there any reinforcements in the future?" Lauren asked with concern.

General Murren thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Should, right?"

At that time, most of the transport fleet chose to run aground, and he was not the only one who got off the ship.

During the night in a panic, Melun also encountered many friendly forces, but at that time everyone was terrified, and no one knew where to go. They could only run around like flies without their heads.

There should be others running out later.

In this context, the Caribbean seems to be the fastest to escape.

For a while, General Melun was very proud.

Colonel Lauren was also overjoyed and said excitedly: "I will report this news to your majesty immediately, please come to Delong as soon as possible, and our majesty will welcome your arrival very much."

"Wait," General Melan stopped Colonel Lauren, who was about to turn and leave, and said carefully: "I heard you are still fighting in Deron City?"

Colonel Lauren patted his chest and said confidently: "Some clowns are not to be worried about. After a long siege by our army, the enemy will soon collapse.

As long as the general's division arrives, our two armies can work together to easily take Delong City. "

Seeing the colonel's vows, as if confidently, General Melun pondered for a moment.

"Go, or not? That's a question."

It's inevitable to go to war, but if you don't, you can't just run back to Ryder City with someone like this.

There is no uncle covering himself there, maybe anyone who thinks he is not pleasing to the eye will cut himself off.

Seeing what this guy said seems quite relaxed, how about... go and see?

If things are not right, even if you continue to turn around and look for the "big force", the Emperor De Rossi can't control himself anyway.

Melun turned his head and looked at his left and right men. These officers were all the confidants of the Caribbean City Lord, as well as Melun's own wine and meat friends.

They know everything about eating, drinking, and betting, but they don't know how to fight, and their expressions are more confused than Murren himself.

"It seems that I can't count on them." Melan sighed in his heart. Knowing this was the case, he asked his uncle to send himself some warriors.

After weighing it for a long time, General Melun gritted his teeth and said: "Colonel, you go back first, our division will arrive soon."

Colonel Lauren nodded happily, touched his heel forcefully, and saluted a military salute with a "pop", and said, "Yes, I will go back and notify our majesty."

He turned around and quickly left with his subordinates, without even looking at the pile of grain.

But he knew that something fell into the hands of the Semi, just like a bone fell into a dog's mouth.

No matter what, they couldn't get it back. Besides, Emperor De Rossi didn't lack food. These supplies were sent east to Veraprani.

It was the Semitic who took it anyway, and Veraprani looked back and asked him to trouble the General Melun and let them bite the dog. Just stand by yourself and watch the jokes.

The Caribbean Fourth Division was not in a hurry at this time. They rested on the spot, ate two full meals, and slept for a long time.

General Melun had a long mind and didn't immediately lead his army to Deron City, although there was only thirty or forty miles away.

He sent a team of well-known clever ghosts in the division to explore the way. If it really resembles what the Colonel De Rossi said, he will move to the past. By the way, he will take credit and update his name every day. Polish the battle report.

If that guy lied to himself and worked his life without saying anything, turn his head and leave.

The scouts returned soon, and the situation in Deron City was like what the De Rossi Empire had said. The outside of the city was surrounded by troops and the city was guarded by humans. The two sides were still facing each other.

But it looked quite calm, as if it couldn't fight.

Until the next day, it was three strokes, and the Fourth Division, who had a good rest for a day, pressed the grain truck on the road again and slowly headed north.

The soldiers who had no sense of urgency were free and loose along the way, just like traveling tourists.

After noon, I saw the black figure in Deron City.

"Tents, blankets, brothers can't sleep on the ground anymore. Camp beds, I have to have a bathtub, yes, there are maps, don’t forget to ask for a full map."

General Melun thought in his heart that he would ask Emperor De Rossi for more supplies. Come and help him fight the war. If he doesn't mean it, then he will inevitably feel embarrassed with him.

"It's not good, it's fighting~!"

Just when he couldn't help thinking, someone in front of him suddenly shouted, and the entire Fourth Division immediately stopped and looked to the north in panic.

"What's the matter?" General Melun exclaimed, looking around nervously, and said: "Where? Who fought with whom?"

The soldiers sent out for investigation ran back quickly, yelling non-stop: "It's fighting, it's fighting ahead."

Then he rushed to General Melun and said anxiously: "Report to the general that there has just been a fight under the city. At least a hundred thousand people are fighting here."

"I'm fucking~!" General Melun was dumbfounded, and his mind went blank for a moment. Cardinal Sandos sat on the horse, with a solemn expression, watching his cavalry roaring towards Dro. West camp.

Immediately behind the cavalry, dozens of Vatican Guardian Knights' legions spread out. The soldiers of the Vatican legions chanted the slogan "For the Light" in unison, killed the enemy with high morale, and steadily advanced towards the camp of Emperor De Rossi. .

The high-pitched and passionate drum horns went up and down.

Behind the Cardinal Sandos, the white golden cross of the Holy See slowly swings in the wind-the Baer Legion of the Holy See took the initiative to attack the De Rossi team.

Opposite the Holy See Legion, De Rossi[*] was in chaos in the camp, and they were running in a panic in the camp.

The officers were busy gathering troops, the soldiers were busy looking for weapons, the soldiers who found the weapons were busy looking for their own officers, and then rushed out of the barracks.

None of them expected that the Vatican army surrounded by the city would suddenly come out after calming down for so many days, striking the officers and soldiers of the De Rossi Empire by surprise.

For some time now, they have become accustomed to sit-in wars where both sides are closed.

After several failed attacks, Emperor De Rossi had already given up his plan to attack Deron City.

The Cardinal Sandos has sufficient troops and a hand grenade as a melee weapon. Relying on the defense of the trenches, De Rossi's army can do nothing except casualties.

Now for Emperor De Rossi, the more pressing threat is not the Cardinal Sandos who is trapped in Deron City, but Lord Lorraine after the victory.

The frontline officers and soldiers of the De Rossi Empire focused on Vatican.

After Veraprani's big defeat, Emperor De Rossi was worried about when the army led by Lorraine would come over—he would definitely come, it was just a matter of time.

It is said that now Lorraine’s subordinates have gathered nearly 200,000 regular troops, as well as artillery, war fortresses, battleships and the aid of the Elven Kingdom, and their strength is unprecedented.

The hundreds of thousands of people on the front line of Emperor De Rossi would definitely not be able to beat Lorraine. They were ready to retreat immediately if the limelight was wrong.

In this case, they almost completely ignored the Bayer Legion, which had been squatting in the city.

The De Rossi Empire agreed that the Holy See Legion in the city would wait for Lorraine's large forces to come and clear the siege.

Instead, they are themselves, there is a way to win by sitting still, why go out and work hard by themselves.

Besides, the army of the Bayer regiment is not as large as theirs, and the commander is a notorious idiot.

The Cardinal Sandos was immobilized for a long time and successfully paralyzed the enemy.

After receiving the news of Lord Lorraine's victory in Vantino, Cardinal Sandos knew that his chance had come.

Another important reason that prompted the Cardinal Sandos to play was that he lacked enough food.

After the battle in Ruman City, Santos knew that he could no longer get supplies from the war fortress.

These war fortresses have to participate in the more important battle to defend the city of There are two to three million people in the city. People eating horses and chewing are not a small number, and the food stored is not enough to support a month.

The defense of Ruman City seems to be over for a while. Between the Bayer Legion and Lord Lorraine’s Vatican, the main Semitic force of Veraprani is also traversed. Although it is defeated, there is still a battle.

Waiting for rescue will be endless. He must find a way to save himself.

And the Delong City he clung to, to put it bluntly, has no strategic value, and even the big bosses in the rear will not feel distressed.

Cardinal Sandos thought for a long time, repeatedly discussed tactics with his officers, and consulted Lord Lorraine and the staff in the rear.

Lord Lorraine sent him detailed information within a few hundred miles nearby. After learning that there were no Semitic troops around, Cardinal Sandos finally made up his mind to launch an initiative against Emperor De Rossi who surrounded Deron. attack.

The time is set at noon today.

(To be continued) q

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