Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1384: How to wipe butt


A bit of cold wind blew by with scattered snowflakes, and with a deep chill, it poured straight into the person's neck. M

This kind of cold wind in winter is the most tricky. No matter how thick the clothes are, it can't stop the cold air. The cold air has always penetrated into the bones of people.

If not properly protected, the exposed limbs and organs such as nose, ears, hands... etc. will all be swollen and cracked, or even rotted little by little.

On the yellow and boundless ground, a long line of people lined up, bracing the bitter cold wind, moving towards the west little by little.

They are the Fourth Caribbean Division that just came down from the battlefield.

The soldiers lowered their heads and kept rushing west. The chill in their hearts was colder than the cold wind blowing on them.

From time to time, someone turned his head and looked back, carefully observing the gray sky behind, to see if there is a white-clothed Vatican soldier in the sky, holding a saber, screaming and catching up.

These Caribbean people were scared in their hearts, and they only hated that they had lost a pair of feet and couldn't run fast enough.

Behind the team, first-class soldier Lamy stretched out his hand and touched his arms: Well, hard, still~!

That was the battle flag of the Fourth Division.

In order to avoid holding the enemy's hatred, as early as the first time the enemy came over, he cleverly removed the banner and carried it into his arms.

As he walked, he touched the hot military flag covered by his body temperature, and he felt proud: if he kept flying the military flag, he would sway the city. The enemy must be able to see it at a glance, and then stab the knife, rushing over to him.

How can you run so smoothly like now?

However, something that made him feel uncomfortable was that he was walking in the forefront holding the banner, and as soon as the Vatican army appeared, the front team changed to the back team, and when they ran backwards quickly, he had to be at the back. Up.

This is a very dangerous position when retreating. In the event that the enemy pursues victory, the first unlucky one is himself.

Thinking of this, he put the bare flagpole on his shoulders, glanced back, and then stood up on his toes again, trying to look farther.

There was a gray and gray view on the eastern horizon, and there was nothing on the horizon except for a few big withered trees in the distance.

He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. No situation is a good situation.

At the very least, there won't be a group of Vatican soldiers suddenly killed out, chopped off their heads, and then pinned them to their belts.

Lamy sighed again and murmured, "What a bad day, when is it a head?"

The surrounding soldiers sighed in unison.

Thinking back to that moment, they still have lingering fears until now.

Since the defeat of the Vantino naval battle, everyone ran off the battlefield with their heads covered. In order to escape for their lives, they have been eating and sleeping in the open air for more than ten days. They have all fallen ill, like lumbar disc herniation, rheumatic joint pain... Anyway, all are caused by abdominal pain, backache, leg cramps.

It was easy to run into a triumphant man-Emperor De Rossi's stuff was simply an out-and-out man, and he was obedient to everyone's words.

Although everyone is from a moral point of view and despise the traitor, he is very grateful for his caring arrangements.

A lot of rice and noodles were delivered from the goods, so that everyone can have a full meal.

It is said that in order to welcome the arrival of the Semitic masters, he also deliberately vacated the best barracks for everyone to rest and rest. Therefore, these Semitic masters had a full meal and sang songs. Happily rushed to Delong City.

It's freezing cold. Everyone is not very demanding. You don't need a fireplace or a greenhouse. As long as there is something on your head to cover the sky, a wall around you to keep out the wind, and a camp bed.

As everyone walked, they were happily discussing whether there would be meat for dinner. It would be better to have some wine to perfect, and to never eat white rice mixed with salt in the future, suddenly there were soldiers in front of Lamy’s eyes. .

The soldiers in blue uniforms were like deer chased by wolves, galloping hurriedly, and at the same time shouting: "Run."

"The enemy is here."

"The Holy See Army is here."


Lamy was so frightened that he almost threw the flag in his hand.

The entire Fourth Division was stunned at once, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, that horrible group of killers appeared.

The human soldiers in white robes, holding up their weapons like wild beasts, screamed and rushed over, slashing down the blue De Rossi Empire soldiers from behind.

Lamy at the front of the line even saw with his own eyes that a cavalryman's saber slashed down, and the head of the De Rossi Empire soldier flew into the sky, and blood spurted out.

Seeing the cavalry in white robes brandishing their sabers about to rush forward, Lamy felt like he was going to urinate in terror, and his legs were so soft that he didn't listen.

Although I kept shouting in my heart at that time: Run, run, run as fast as possible.

However, his legs were trembling, not at his disposal.

At this time, I can see the power of the generals. When Lamy was still in the thinking stage, General Melun had already taken action. He did not hesitate to order and move in~!

Then he turned around and ran.

After receiving the order, the Fourth Division gave full play to its efficient execution capabilities, and all the soldiers immediately turned around, chasing behind the **** of their division commander, and ran wildly.

While running to survive, the soldiers of the Fourth Division suddenly discovered that they did not know when they were suddenly accompanied.

Countless soldiers of the De Rossi Empire ran with them, and the teams were all mixed together. Even the Semites fled...Bah, bah, the normal marching ranks of the Semis were disrupted.

This made the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Division very angry.

They pointed at each other and yelled: "What is going on, go back and block the enemy~!"

"Grandma's, don't interfere with our normal march."

"Fuck off, you **** of **** people."


Although the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire could not beat the Baer regiment of the Holy See, and they were inferior to the soldiers of the Semitic army at ordinary times, they could not raise their heads, but at this time they did not show any weakness to the soldiers of the Fourth Division. Although they are scum with only five combat effectiveness, they have also fought a few with the Bayer Army, and these Semitic soldiers just saw the enemy, then turned their heads and ran away. In comparison, maybe he is better than them.

Therefore, they were unwilling to show weakness and retorted: "Grandma's, why don't you go if you only know to let others die?"

"You are at war~!" the Semi soldiers shouted.

"Aren't you reinforcements? The reinforcements should go up to withstand the enemy." The De Rossi soldiers retorted, panting as they ran.

"Who told you that we were reinforcements? We were just passing by. Go back quickly. Don't run in the same direction with us. You have drawn the enemy over."

"Why don't you change the direction? It is obvious that we ran first, first come first and then understand."

Soldiers on both sides kept yelling at each other while running.

Seeing that these lowly Terran soldiers were so arrogant, they dared to touch the mouths of the Semitic masters, and made the officers and soldiers of the Caribbean Fourth Division very angry. If it weren't for running away at this moment and not daring to stop, they must We must teach these De Rossi people a lesson.

When did Erguizi dared to talk back to the foreigner? Isn't it going to die~!

General Melun also scolded Emperor De Rossi eight times at this moment, knowing in his heart: The Emperor De Rossi was not at all safe and wanted to trick him into being a gunman.

When he ran away, he took the initiative to lean in. It was unclear to draw the enemy towards him. It was too insidious and too villainous.

At the same time, Emperor De Rossi cursed Melun in his heart: You all rushed up, but you didn't dare to fight, and you turned and ran faster than yourself. Originally, I wanted to pull you back. This is all in vain.

Lao Tzu is a second-rate legion, but it is normal to not be able to fight, but you are the main division of the Semi tribe, boasting that you are invincible in the world, how can you escape.

The soldiers of the De Rossi Empire and the Semitic soldiers ran a full dozen miles away like a race, and then stopped.

Both sides were tired dogs. If it weren't for the Fourth Division had been running around for more than ten days, they would have exercised long ago, and maybe they wouldn't be able to persist.

Only then did they discover that the Holy See army had not caught up, but instead of knowing why, they all retreated.

The soldiers of the Fourth Division breathed a sigh of relief, but right and wrong should not be left for a long time, safety first.

After everyone breathed a good breath... well, then they ran away again—maybe the enemy soon caught up.

Lamy and the others didn't know it for a few days. Anyway, they got up and marched every day, and went to sleep until they couldn't move.

"There is a city ahead~!"

On this day, everyone was burying their heads and rushing silently, when suddenly no one in the team shouted.

Lamy raised his head and looked west, only to see the distant sky, the city like a giant beast.

"Brothers hurry up, and you can rest in the city."

Hearing these words, the people of the Fourth Division were refreshed and accelerated again, leaving the people of the De Rossi Empire behind.

The people of the De Rossi Empire had to admire the fact that it was the Semitic army. They couldn't lift their tired legs. More than half of the people fell behind and fell behind, but the Semitic people were able to do their job well, and they ran away after a while.

Finally before the day fell, the Caribbean Fourth Division and Emperor De Rossi, surrounded by a few guards, came and entered the city of Rot Gallon.

The war in Rottgalon didn't last long, and there were still traces of the war in the city. The market was depressed and sparsely populated.

It is currently ruled by a Semitic general.

As a member of the same clan, after the Fourth Division entered the city, they immediately got the best placement.

The soldiers lived in a house with a brazier and had a great dinner. Everyone was assigned a covered bed.

General Melun and the officers were enthusiastically received by the Semitic City Lord, especially after knowing that Deron was defeated, the Semitic general enthusiastically took General Melun’s hand, the friendship of the Syrian compatriots, and strongly invited silent General Lun temporarily stationed in Rot Gallon.

The Emperor De Rossi had no choice but to find a hotel by himself, and the only 20,000 or 30,000 soldiers he had left could only sleep outside the city.

After he was satiated and drunk, General Melun, who was drunk and supported by his servants, staggered back to the luxurious room where he had burnt four large copper stoves. He couldn't wait long ago.

The local city owner just hinted that he had prepared a few high-quality human women for him.

After swaying at sea for more than a month, and ran all the way from Vantino to here, the anger in Melun's heart was like a volcano about to erupt.

As soon as he walked into the room, a few enchanting young women posted their diligent service.

They only wore a layer of translucent tulle, which became more alluring under the dim light of the room.

General Melun immediately rejoiced and touched this body with both hands, pinched on that waist, and laughed happily, endlessly charming.

He was a **** when he was in the Caribbean, a veteran of the game of flowers, and a few words pretending to be dumb made these women giggle.

At this moment, there was a nasty knock on the door.

The women suddenly stopped and looked at the door.

Melan's face was stern, and he secretly said in his heart: That unlucky person is so horrible.

Then waved his hand and said, "No matter what he, let's continue."

Then he pursed his big mouth like a blood basin and leaned toward the chest of the woman next to him.

"Boom boom boom~!" The knock on the door suddenly turned into a hard slam on the door, as if you could not stop without smashing the door open.

General Melun's anger rose immediately. He waved his hand to the women and said, "Little birds, you go inside and wait for me."

After a few women left with a gust of fragrance, General Melun angrily opened the door, and shouted at the figure outside: "It's that guy? What can I do tomorrow?"

Then you have to close the door.

The people outside suddenly stepped forward and pressed the door of the room.

Melan took a step back and said angrily: "What are you doing? I'll call people again."

A group of strong men outside the door surrounded a handsome young man. He frowned slightly, looking at General Melun, whose clothes were disheveled and his face and neck were covered with red lips, and said: "I am De Rossi, Melan Hello General."

It turned out to be the human emperor. Melun glanced at each other up and down-this was the first time he had seen the Emperor.

I saw that although the opponent was a man of the same type, there was a kind of gentleness in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Melan couldn't help but snorted in his heart: This guy is already sinister, cunning and scheming just by his looks. Not like a good person.

And I touched the door in the middle of the night, so I must be uneasy, I have to stay away from him~!

Besides, a moment is worth a thousand dollars.

At this time, any **** emperor is coming, it is not as important as the woman on the bed.

"I'm tired. If you have anything to do with your Majesty, you can talk about it tomorrow." Melun waved at him unceremoniously.

A human emperor who had just defeated the battle, with only 20,000 or 30,000 left in his hundreds of thousands of troops, there is no need to be polite to him.

What's more, the current Viagra is so **** expensive.

After a while, the effect of the medicine may be over~!

Emperor De Rossi snorted coldly, made no secret of the contempt on his face, and said: "The envoy of the high priest will arrive the soonest tomorrow. Have you figured out how to explain to him? If you don't think it is necessary...then tell the people around you Humanity: "Let's go. "

Suddenly hearing the words "high priest", General Melun shuddered, and he woke up all at once.

He led the Fourth Division all the way from Vatican to Rot Gallon. This dark history could not stand the investigation. Seriously, he couldn't escape the crime of fleeing.

Thinking of this, General Melun suddenly smiled enthusiastically, stepped forward and grabbed Emperor De Rossi's arm, pulled it into the room, and said affectionately: "My dear Emperor, you have come all the way, why don't you come in for a drink? This is too bad for the brothers. Please, please come in. Haha, hahahaha..."

Emperor De Rossi smiled triumphantly. Melun had seen such flamboyant and cowardly noble sons a lot and knew how to deal with them.

Behind Emperor De Rossi, several guards were carrying a big box.

They also walked in, put the box on the ground, and then made a muffled sound, apparently full of things.

"You seem to be here, what else are you bringing." General Melun laughed and said politely.

However, his eyes narrowed, staring at the box like two mung beans, unable to move.

Emperor De Rossi smiled and said: "Some gifts are not respectable. The general can open them and have a look."

"Is it okay? Is it really okay?" Murren spoke with a question, but his men were very sure. He opened the box with one hand, and the golden light from inside instantly blinded his eyes.

Emperor De Rossi gave gifts very generously, full of boxes of gold and gems.

Melun stepped forward and took Emperor De Rossi's hand, shaking it up and down, saying: "Your Majesty is too polite, too polite."

"This is to thank the general for strengthening us in time and frightening Vantino's army." Emperor De Rossi took out his hand calmly, wiped his back behind him, and said: "Now let's talk about business.

You know, the defeat of our temporary surname in Deron City has a great impact on the situation of the war. "

Melun didn't understand what he was talking about, and asked in confusion, "Is there? Isn't it just a temporary change, victory or defeat is a common matter for soldiers."

There was a straw bag, and Emperor De Rossi cursed secretly in his heart, but it's okay, this kind of person is at least easy to use, and said: "The latest news, the Vatican army in Deron City has moved eastward."

"Xiangdong?" Melan was suddenly overjoyed and said excitedly: "They didn't chase it? Great~!"

This means that Roth Gallon is not in danger, and he can stay here for a while.

De Rossi grabbed his knees, resisted the anger in his heart, and said patiently: "They headed east, to meet Lorraine in Vantino, and flanked the main force of more than 100,000 Semitic people led by Veraprani.

If nothing else, Velaprani and the 100,000 Semitic army are over. "

"What~!" Melan yelled in surprise and jumped up from his chair with a frightened expression. Although he doesn't understand military affairs, he is not a fool. He immediately understood that things are getting bigger. This is no longer an escape. It's that simple. This is a strategic mistake. If you want to beheaded, his uncle cannot cover him.

"I haven't seen you, you take your things back," General Melun waved his hand to Emperor De Rossi, his face was pale, and said: "Don't hurt me, that battle was fought by you De Rossi. Our Caribbean Fourth Division has nothing to do with each other, we just passed by."

"Passing by? Passing from Vantino to Deron? Your task is to reinforce Veraprani, right?" Emperor De Rossi smiled grimly and said sharply: "I just said that now, it's too late.

Your Fourth Division has appeared on the battlefield, and you can't wash it away. "

"You kid cheated me~!" Melan pointed angrily at Emperor De Rossi, and shouted loudly: "I knew you were not at ease.

To tell you, my uncle belongs to the Iskander family and is not easy to mess with. "

De Rossi leaned back, leaned back in the chair, waved at him, and said, "This is in the human continent. What you say is useless now. We are grasshoppers on a rope. I sin. , You can't run.

Let's discuss what to do. "

Melun was silent for a moment, and understood in his heart that De Rossi was right. His uncle's ability was not yet able to cover the human continent. Here are all the cronies of the high priest, the descendants of a bunch of small landlords, and they have a lot of grievances with their royal nobles deep.

He fell helplessly on the sofa, holding his head down and said dejectedly: "I knew it, I shouldn't have accepted this hapless division leader."

"In fact, it's not much trouble," Emperor De Rossi stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "As long as we discuss it first."

Early the next morning, General Melun summoned all the Fourth Division and delivered an important speech.

Then in the afternoon, several war fortresses fell from the sky, and a Lich wrapped in a black robe walked down slowly.

General Melun saw the coming Lich in the hall of the city lodge.

"My name is Herod, and I serve in front of the seat of your Majesty. The seat of God sent me to find out what happened." The lich Herod glanced at the emperor De Rossi and General Melun who were separated on both sides. : "And how to help your Majesty Veraprani."

"It turns out to be Master Herod." Emperor De Rossi said in surprise: "I have admired the master for a long time. I heard that you are lurking in Ruman City alone, outsmarting the enemy's top-secret information, and achieving an eternal legend. People feel fascinated.

The first person before the seat of God is well-deserved. "

The lich Herod just clicked a bit, without seeing the emotions, anger, sorrow or joy, but waved his hand to De Rossi and said: "A little achievement, not worth talking about, depends on the wise leadership of the **** seat. Please sit down."

De Rossi leaned slightly, and secretly rejoiced secretly said: Sure enough, he guessed right, and it was the celebrity who came down.

Then he said: "Master, the detailed battle process is like this..."

When Emperor De Rossi complained, "It's not that our army is not brave, it's that the enemy is too cunning", more than a thousand miles away from Rot Gallon, the Semitic army lined up and prepared to fight.

But the Vatican army, ten miles away, stood still.

These tens of thousands of the Holy See Legion had been behind him for several days, and they couldn't get rid of them like brown sugar. They just tracked them, but didn't fight him.

Veraprani put down his binoculars, cursed the **** De Rossi again in his heart, then sighed wearily, and said: "The enemy doesn't seem to be fooled, so continue to retreat westward."

"But, sir, there is a hundred thousand troops of the Holy See behind."

"I know," Velaprani waved his hand feebly, and said, "Your Majesty God Seat will not ignore it. I think his old man must have a way."

(To be continued) q

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