Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1389: FireWire promotion

Herod, wrapped in a black robe, slowly walked into the town under the guidance of the soldiers.

Many soldiers are resting on both sides of the road. When they saw this mysterious lich, they all bowed to the ground.

For thousands of years, due to the control of the high priest, the awe and obedience of the Semitic people to the undead has almost penetrated into their bones.

Herod turned a blind eye to the salute of the soldiers, holding his head high, and walking proudly in front of them.

In the eyes of the liches, these ordinary soldiers are just a bunch of cannon fodder ants, nothing more.

Herod passed through the town and came to the headquarters of Veraprani.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of the human artillery-in fact, the small town has already been destroyed under human artillery fire, and a complete building cannot be found.

Therefore, Veraprani’s headquarters was not located in the town, but underground.

The Lich Herod looked up a little. It can be seen that this place turned out to be a cemetery, and from the bottom of the ground, he was very familiar with the death spirit that he liked very much.

However, most of the tomb heads have also been flattened by human artillery fire, and a coffin can be seen from time to time among patches of floating soil.

Veraprani’s headquarters was built in a family tomb, and the top of the bunker was covered with a thick layer of soil to resist shells.

A trench as deep as seven feet stretched from here to all directions, and the Semitic soldiers trot and shuttled all the way in the trench like field mice.

From time to time, the wounded who was lying on the stretcher groaned and was carried in, then turned a corner, and the husband was on the other side of the trench.

Herod had just walked into the trenches, and there was a violent fire from the west.

The humans seemed to have discovered something about the Semitic people, and once again covered their positions with artillery fire.


The sharp chirp of the cannonball crossed the sky, then landed on the Semitic's position, and exploded.

The red flames bloom like fireworks,

"Boom. Boom boom boom..."

The deafening explosion sounded continuously and continuously.

Multiple shells were also hit near the headquarters.

In the violent explosion, the ground in the tomb shook for a while, and the top mud fell down, as if it might collapse at any time.

Herod walked through the trenches and came to the headquarters. The personnel here suddenly became sparse because they were underground. Some are dark and damp, not ventilated. It makes people feel a little bored.

But as a lich, Herod didn't care about it.

He went straight through several staff officers who were in a daze, and came to the inside of the command headquarters. Then I saw Veraprani.

He was dressed in a uniform, standing in the innermost, with a sarcophagus acting as a table, and pressing his hands on the sarcophagus, quickly discussing the situation with his officers. As he devoted himself to the battle, he did not notice the arrival of Herod at all.

Behind him, there is a huge military map. Although Herod is not able to understand military affairs, he is looking at the offensive and defensive situation between the Semitic and the Human race marked with a red and blue pen on the map. But you can also feel that the current situation is not optimistic.

Herod stood there for a while, seeing that Veraprani still hadn't looked up, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

At this time, someone came to Veraprani's side and whispered a few words in his ear.

Velaprani was startled, then hurriedly raised his head. Seeing Herod's figure, his tired face barely showed a wry smile, and nodded at him with a pair of bright red eyes, and said: "Master Herod, welcome~!"

The Lich Herod nodded slightly, and said straightforwardly: "How is the situation now?"

"As you can see, it's not good." Because of the overwork these days, almost never closed his eyes, so Veraprani looked extremely tired.

He sighed long, and then said: "I have tried everything I can think of to dig trenches. In the night battle, soldiers make up and pretend to be enemies, and then sneak in. Even organize a death squad of officers...

We have used all the tactics we can think of.

But the humans on the opposite side were too cunning. We couldn't make it through. By now, the casualties were close to 30%. Almost all of my soldiers were wounded.

These young men are very brave, facing the enemy without blinking their eyes. No matter how tired you are, as soon as you hear the horn, you will immediately take the knife and rush to fight the enemy.

But... but they have reached their limit.

If there are no more reinforcements, even if there are enough airdropped supplies..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and a ridiculous smile flashed in his eyes-although Herod had promised quite well before, relying on the war fortress, he could provide him with enough supplies and food. But in fact, it has never been fulfilled.

Each time the airdropped materials are only enough for half, or even one-third of the troops.

On the books, every airdrop of materials was distributed in full.

God knows which **** got kickbacks for those things~!

The whole army was tightening their belts and fighting hungry.

Quite a few troops have already begun to kill horses secretly. And he can only open one eye and close one eye, once the strong suppression will definitely cause the soldiers to mutiny.

Seeing the indifferent look on Herod's face, Veraprani couldn't help but sighed again, and then said in a bitter voice, "Even if we are given enough airdrop supplies, we can't hold on for a few days."

The Lich Herod nodded indifferently.

He knew these things very well, and even heard the cocoon in his ears-Veraprani sent a letter of help every two days to the high priest behind through his hand.

After another helpless sigh, Veraprani's expression suddenly became angry. He clenched his fist and beat the sarcophagus hard, and shouted: "Master, I'm asking you again, where is the **** reinforcement?

It's been half a month, and De Rossi should climb over even if he is climbing. "

Only on this issue that has nothing to do with the undead, Veraprani dared to be a little presumptuous.

Nevertheless, Herod the Lich was still very dissatisfied with Veraplani's offense.

But after all, the opponent is leading the army in the **** battle on the front line. Therefore, he also suppressed his anger and said without emotion as much as possible: "His Majesty De Rossi is doing his best.

The enemy also knows the importance of reinforcements.

According to his return. On this road are all human blocking troops, and they fight fiercely every day. "

Veraprani's face was extremely ugly, and he knew that this was a lie.

He fought this way, except that Deron City was defended by the Baer Army of the Holy See and was not conquered by himself. The rest of the city was in his own hands.

At this moment, suddenly there are countless humans to block the army?

It's a mouse giving a baby. It cannot be so fast.

There were no soldiers from the Holy See to the west of the town of Velcala. They all besieged themselves here.

As for the guerrillas, it is a big joke.

The guerrillas may affect logistics transportation and may affect investigations. It may affect the transmission of information, but it can't stop the march of large forces at all.

Would that guerrilla team head-on with the 100,000 regular army without thinking?

Velaprani shook his head and said earnestly: "Master, as I said, De Rossi is a sinister and cunning villain. He is incapable of ruling the army and commanding him. He is useless.

I implore the **** seat to change someone to command the reinforcements, if it is under the command of our Semitic general. The reinforcements should have arrived. "

Herod snorted insignificantly, and said: "I will convey the general's opinion to the Lord of God."

"Transfer, convey~!" Velaprani roared angrily: "Could it be that the gods can't be seen? Isn't the Semitic more credible than a human?

De Rossi is too late, this is to make our West Road 100,000 people die here~! "

"Everything is the will of the Lord of Herod immediately flew into a rage, and said sharply: "Do you have any opinions on the disposition of the Lord of God? "

Velaprani froze for a moment, then his face changed. He hurriedly said: "No, I don't. Master, you have misunderstood, I resolutely implement the order of the gods, but the gods may also be blinded by the villain De Rossi."

"The **** seat is omnipresent and omnipotent," the lich Herod said coldly: "Your Majesty's wisdom is beyond our imagination."

Veraprani couldn't say a word when he choked. No matter what he said, he became a questioning high priest, and he could not afford to wear this hat.

The Lich Herod waved his hand, and suddenly smiled: "Don't talk about this, I have brought your praise from Your Majesty the Lord of God this time."

"What?" Velaplannili was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "Citation?"

Secretly said in my heart: the battle is fought like this. At the time of departure, there was an army of 150,000, but now only 60,000 are left. Is it still worthy of praise? It's good not to cut the head.

"The high priest has orders," Herod said with a stern face and a solemn tone.

Velaplani hurriedly touched his feet, slapped, straightened his body, and said loudly, "Velaplani listened."

Herod glanced at him and said in a deep voice: "In view of your outstanding performance in war, Your Majesty King Veraprani, Your Majesty the God Seat bestows you immortal glory on behalf of the Great Demon God.

Promote you to the emperor here, and command the entire western continent from the De Rossi Empire to the Ruman Empire. "

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