Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1391: I'm brother-in-law Lorraine

In the Julian calendar, January 27th, sunny. m.

Today’s Verkala town is extremely quiet, and the war-leveled town has never heard the sound of artillery fire and shouts of killing.

The two armies of the Vatican Army and the Semitic Army lined up on their positions in front of the town of Huelkara, and countless squares of soldiers were neatly arranged.

The combined strength of the two sides has exceeded 200,000.

In the past, as soon as the two legions met, they would draw their swords at each other and fight to the death. But at this time, although the distance between them was only a few tens of meters, the entire battlefield was silent.

Everyone was silent, just watching the opposite side vigilantly, only the hunting sound of the flag flying in the cold wind.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a loud bugle sounded.

The banner of the Holy See's army suddenly waved.

Immediately afterwards, the army in the middle split like a red sea split to both sides.

Behind the army formation, a huge battle flag of eagle and lightning was raised high, and then slowly moved forward from behind.

All the members of the Holy See's army were shocked: The commander is here~!

However, the upper and lower officers and soldiers of the Semitic army were scratching, all looking at the flag embroidered with flying eagles and lightning with complex expressions.

In the past, when they saw this banner, they yelled at them. Especially the **** little white face, using extremely shameless, nasty, and despicable means to abduct and kidnap two of the most beautiful flowers of the Semitic.

For the Semitic officers and soldiers, Lorraine is not only an enemy of the world, the chief of all evil. Rebel scum. And it's a fairy tale in which the dragon abducted the princess.

If it’s just robbing money and robbing things, it’s just a matter of feeding the dog. But grab women, especially the most beautiful women. This kind of thing, no matter where it is, in which time and space, is the most hated.

As long as it is mentioned, the big guy has not gritted his teeth without hate.

Those young Semitic officers and soldiers did not miss the dream of the prince: the super large copy of Lorraine teamed up. Killed the dragon Lorraine, exploded a place of golden equipment, rescued the princess, and then rode a white horse and disappeared into the sunset with the princess... But one after another group of dragon-slaying warriors set out, they all fell in the end. At the foot of the dragon. And now the same fate has fallen on him.

They suddenly discovered that fairy tales are all deceptive. In the face of evil dragons, most warriors are cannon fodder. And the dragon on the opposite side really can eat people~!

When facing the unpredictable future, all of them were uneasy.

Seeing the two lightning bolts on the banner, many humble puppies suddenly remembered that this dragon has two girlfriends who belong to the Semitic royal family.

Lorraine specially embroidered the Lightning Emblem on the flag, perhaps not to humiliate himself. It really values ​​the two princesses.

Counting this seriously, Lorraine married two princesses and was considered half a Semitic. He shouldn't kill himself these thumping Semitic people, right?

Some more mean guys even guessed: wait a minute, rush out of the team, hold Lorraine's thigh, and call "Brother Lorraine", will there be any special treatment?

Although the Semitic thoughts were complicated at this time, they were full of panic about their future fate. But no matter what, when I saw the two lightning bolts embroidered on the banner of the coach opposite, I felt a little inexplicable peace of mind.

Veraprani stood in front of the formation, looking at the flag on the opposite side with emotion. As a professional soldier, he didn't think too much in the past. But now when he was desperate, he suddenly realized the profound meaning of Lorraine's banner.

The Sir Alex is worthy of being a **** of war. Just embroidering two more coats of arms on the flag is enough to support tens of thousands of heroes.

With those two lightning bolts, I clearly told the Semitic soldiers: Sir Alex and them have a very close relationship, and after surrendering, the soldiers don't have to worry about being abused and slaughtered.

In this way, soldiers will have one more choice in the future when they have no way to land, instead of fighting against trapped beasts, avoiding a lot of unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifice.

At this moment, I saw that the opposite banner had already arrived in front of the formation, and immediately afterwards, he swiped. Pricked heavily on the ground.

Immediately, surrounded by a group of Vatican generals, a young man in a uniform walked out slowly.

Lorraine came to the forefront of the Human Race Legion, then stopped, and then looked towards the other side.

This was the first time he saw Veraprani.

He was born with the look of a soldier, his face covered with wind and frost, his uniform was neatly dressed, and his hair was combed meticulously.

He looked more like a general than Lord Lorraine.

The Semi officers behind Veraprani also wore clean and straight military uniforms. They raised their chests as much as possible, raised their heads slightly, and looked solemnly at the opposite Holy See.

On the other hand, Lord Lorraine stood quite casually, his face was pale, and behind him was a girl with blue hair and very dazzling eyes, who looked like a dude with mixed qualifications in the military.

The Vatican generals behind Lord Lorraine were even more unbearable.

There are all kinds of tall, short, fat and thin ones. A few guys have long belly, mostly white and clean. They don't stand well. They have no military temperament. They look awkward in military uniform.

Even the formation of the Semites is more orderly than the soldiers of the Holy See, not to mention the trump card of the security forces, the queues are crooked.

The soldiers used various comfortable postures, slung their guns, and some were smoking cigarettes. There is also a cigarette case pinned to the helmet.

Many people spit unscrupulously.

From time to time, some honest half-orc soldiers wiped heavily under their noses with their sleeves to wipe off the nose that had been frozen because of the cold... From the surface, the Semitic people looked more like victors.

However, it is precisely because they are losers that they can only use this last form to express their self-esteem as a soldier.

For the winner, all forms are unnecessary, and victory will explain all the problems.

Veraprani pursed his mouth, squinted his eyes slightly, and kept looking at Lorraine on the opposite side. In his opinion, this young man was not like a master who could fight the undead high priest.

As the commander-in-chief, he had carefully studied this opponent, but the result was no result. Veraprani himself did not know what kind of person this Lord Lorraine was.

It is undoubtedly very uncomfortable to be against this kind of person, because you can never guess what he will suddenly do next.

If you can choose, Veraprani is more willing to choose Grand Duke Julian to fight this battle with himself.

The two sides remained silent for a long time, and they were all motionless.

Lorraine seemed very patient, without a trace of impatient expression on his face.

Lord Lorraine did not speak, and the others could only wait patiently.

In the end Veraprani sighed, no matter how reluctant he was, this moment was always unavoidable.

He waved his hand to the officer behind him, and Chard walked out and slowly lowered the Semitic golden lightning banner in his hand.

There was a depressed groan from behind him, and the Semitic officers and soldiers looked sad. Most of them lowered their heads and couldn't bear to see the flag representing their pride fall.

Under the gaze of the two armies, Child slowly took off the Semitic flag on the flagpole and slowly folded the broken battle flag that was soaked in gunpowder.

He looked solemn, as if he was sorting out his most precious treasure.

The banner was finally folded into a square, and Child holding it in both hands, he walked towards Veraprani step by step, his steps were heavy, as if every step was of great importance.

Child held the banner in front of Veraprani, opened his mouth, his eyes became red instantly, tears rolled in his eye sockets, and flowed down his dark cheeks, and Child held the golden lightning banner with both hands. Bitterly said: "Your Majesty..."

"There is no more Majesty." Velaprani shook his head and said: "If you still recognize me as an old fellow, call me general."

"Yes, general~!" Child straightened up, shouting loudly.

Veraprani gave a wry smile, raised his hand and patted Chard on the shoulder, and said in a sigh: "At least, our Semitic soldiers are reliable."

Then he took the golden lightning flag from Childe and walked towards Lorraine and the generals of the Holy See.

Lorraine turned to look at the Cardinal Sandos beside him. He was trying to hold back the smile on his face, making a serious expression, and his face flushed with excitement.

Lord Lorraine suddenly patted Sandos on the shoulder and said, "Go ahead."

Cardinal Sandos was stunned, and said in surprise: "Me?"

"Yes, it is up to you," Lorraine nodded and said, "You deserve it."

"I, I..." Cardinal Sandos spoke incoherently with excitement, and his whole body was trembling slightly. A few seconds later, he touched his heel forcefully, raised his arm to salute Lord Lorraine, and shouted loudly. Shouted: "Yes~!"

Cardinal Sandos knew in his heart that Lord Lorraine ordered him to be surrendered, which represented an honor of immortality.

The history books will record that on January 27th, 836, the Semitic army surrendered to the human legion led by Lorraine, and Ram and Cardinal Santos were surrendered.

His name will be sung forever with this victory, and will even become a compulsory subject for elementary school history courses every year, perhaps including junior high school, high school, university, and even graduate students...The Holy See behind Sandos The generals' envied eyes dripped blood, but they could only sigh, watching Cardinal Sandos step forward.

Like Lord Lorraine said, this is what he deserves.

If they also have the courage to lead the legion to take the initiative to fight, be surrounded by the enemy to death, or lead the legion to counterattack in a Jedi, and play an important role in determining victory in the battle, they do not need to stand behind Lord Lorraine, but to their side.

When passing between the two armies in the town of Velcala, the Cardinal Sandos proudly raised his chest and greeted him with strides.

The two met a few meters away from Lorraine.

Veraprani looked squarely at the same young Vatican general in front of him.

Cardinal Santos looked at him without showing weakness, his face still carrying the pride and compassion of the winner.

Velaprani sighed in his heart, humans are coming forth in large numbers, while the Semites are always depressed under the suppression of the undead, even if they win a temporary victory, they will eventually be pulled back by humans. But once the Semi failed, it was difficult to stand up.

"I hope I am doing this right." Veraprani said to himself for the last time, then looked at Sandos, and said calmly: "I, Yakkad, Veraprani, Semitic West The commander-in-chief of the Lu Expeditionary Force, representing the twelve divisions of the Semitic army under my command, surrendered to you."

Raised his hand and handed the general flag in front of Sandos.

Cardinal Sandos spoke in a loud and solemn voice: "I, Ram, Cardinal Sandos, commander-in-chief of the Vatican Bayer Legion, representing Reims, Marshal Lorraine and Ruman, Vantino Allied forces, accept your surrender."

Sandos stretched out his hands to catch the Semitic banner in Veraprani's hand.

Veraprani lowered his head and eyes and looked at the military flag in his hand. This flag accompanied him from his hometown thousands of miles away to the human continent, rushing all the way to Vatican City, and then retreated to this little-known town.

This banner witnessed the most glorious moment in his life and also witnessed his ultimate failure.

Velaprani sighed long, let go of his hands, and watched Cardinal Sandos take the flag away, then untied his saber and placed it on the flag.

"Long live~!"

Hundreds of thousands of the Holy See Legion suddenly burst into earth-shaking cheers, and the shouts resounded like a landslide.

The soldiers raised their weapons to the sky and shouted desperately to express their joy as a winner. Immediately afterwards, the roar of the cannon also rang.

Opposite them, the tens of thousands of Semitic legions were silent, just looking numbly at the human beings who were cheering for their victory.

While the Semitic soldiers were sad, they also secretly rejoiced. Although they surrendered and became prisoners of war, it is better than dying on the continent of mankind. There are their families in their hometowns. Death here will only make the family sad. And hardship.

Even though they are here to sacrifice their lives for the noble bureaucrats, the noble bureaucrats have turned their wives and daughters into daughters, which is a living reality.

Now, the war has nothing to do with them, they just need to wait patiently for the chance to go home.

Veraprani listened to the cheers of human beings, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart, raised his head and looked at Cardinal Sandos, nodded politely at him, this man is the Holy See who changed the situation of the war and completely trapped him to death. General.

Cardinal Sandos also nodded politely.

At this time, he showed his grandeur as a winner, instead of arrogantly showing off and humiliating the opponent, but took a half step back, then turned and walked back to the golden cross banner, and took the Semitic flag and Velaprani's flag. The saber was handed to Lorraine.

The Semitic flag may also be displayed in the Victory Memorial Hall, and the saber can be used as the personal trophy of the victory commander.

Lorraine waved his hand, did not take the flag, and said, "Send back to Vatican."

Then walked to Veraprani and stood before him.

Veraprani nodded to Lorraine, and said as calmly as possible: "Your Excellency Marshal, what else do you have to say?"

Lord Lorraine nodded slightly and said: "According to the UN Convention, you and your subordinates will receive adequate security guarantees and accept a fair trial led by the UN.

Those who commit war crimes and massacre of civilians will be dealt with in accordance with the law, but before that, I will send someone to explain this law to you. "

Veraprani nodded with a stern face, this was a condition that had been negotiated a long time ago, and Lorraine only reiterated to him that this was originally the privilege of the winner.

Lorraine said: "For the time being, I will arrange you in Vantino, where you will meet an old friend."

"Old friend?" Velaprani asked in surprise, how could Vantino have his old friend.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Sem Admiral Orgen."

Velaprani froze for a moment, then gave a wry smile, and said, "I should have guessed it was him."

Orgen’s navy was wiped out in Vantino, and Veraprani just didn’t expect that he was also captured.

Lord Lorraine suddenly scratched his head with a distressed expression, and said: "Also, thank you General for the crown you sent. My girlfriend likes it very much.

But I can't take your things for nothing, my people will give you a gift in return. "

"For me, it's an ominous thing," Veraprani shook his head, then thought of something, a look of resentment suddenly appeared on his face, and his eyes seemed to breathe fire.

He looked at Lorraine earnestly, and pleaded: "Your Excellency Marshal, I have only one request, please let me live and watch De Rossi being executed.

After that, I’m at your disposal, if I die before De Rossi, I’ll die. "

Lorraine nodded and said affirmatively: "General, I can promise you. Not only that, you can live to the day when your health permits, until you are called by the God of Light... well, the Great Demon God himself."

Veraprani sighed softly, then took a decisive step back, raised his hand to salute Lorraine, and said: "Your Excellency Marshal, you are a respectable opponent."

Lorraine raised his hand to return a gift, saying: "Although everyone has different positions, I personally sympathize with the Semitic. You are just a group of poor victims."

Veraprani gave a wry smile, and said to himself: What use is there to say this at this time?

There was a flash of inspiration in my It suddenly occurred to me that the grandfather on the opposite side had four girlfriends who were all stunned.

Among them, he didn't understand one of them. The remaining Adling, Fioni and Deipole and Lorraine had a sensational trouble with Lorraine. It was said that Adling was kind-hearted.

And this master is afraid that his wife is well-known in the Semitic. Can you try to follow the wife's route and strive for better treatment?

After the simple but grand surrender ceremony was over, the Semitic officers and soldiers who handed over all their weapons and armors, under the **** of the soldiers of the Holy See, went to Vatican.

They went back and forth twice in a short period of time on this road, which was quite familiar, and naturally there was no difficulty in walking the third time. It's just that the mood at that time and now is very different.

The Cardinal Sandos also received the news that he was promoted to the great cardinal, and the pope was promoted to the deputy privy archbishop.

The military position remained unchanged and he continued to command the Vatican Byr’s regiment, but the officer worshipped the deputy commander of the Western Front, Lorraine’s deputy, and led the troops to move to the city of Delong and garrison the front line of the counterattack.

(To be continued) q

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