Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1397: The old man is righteous

The raging fire in Pader City burned all night. At dawn, there was still no sign of going out. Pader City was like an erupting volcano, billowing thick smoke rising from the city, forming a black cloud in the sky. , Completely shrouded the entire city. M

Tiny ashes fell from the sky one after another, like a heavy black snow, after a while, it will fall on a thick layer.

After a whole night of fierce fighting, the battlefield outside the city gradually became quiet from the original noisy.

The Semitic North Camp, which is in horns with Pader City, is also burning, and the fierce battle has ended.

A whole group of human soldiers shuttled back and forth in the completely destroyed Semitic camp, cleaning the battlefield, packing up the spoils, and searching for hidden or injured Semitic people.

Tens of thousands of Semitic captives lined up in a long and thin line, slowly heading east under the guard of the soldiers of the Holy See.

In the night's battle, they were surrounded and attacked from both sides by the Ruman and Fengye Danlin people. Although they had fought bravely, they had no choice but to surrender after seeing the general situation.

All of these prisoners were disheveled, their faces were dim, and they were covered in mud. Many of them were bleeding from wounds, and they didn't even have a simple dressing.

On both sides of the road, stretchers were parked full of wounded human soldiers.

Medical soldiers and priests dressed in red crosses on a white background were moving back and forth among the crowd to treat the wounded. Regarding the wounded Semi soldiers who passed by, they didn't even look up, and ignored them.

Not only that, once these prisoners dared to stop or walk a little slower, the soldiers who escorted them did not hesitate to come forward, punching and kicking them, and the puppies who were beating them screamed.

When the human soldiers passing by saw them, they would yell, curse or taunt them loudly, raising their middle fingers at them, and yelling at them "coward" or "damn devil cub".

The Semitic captives looked dull and numb, bowed their heads and said nothing, staggering past amidst the insults and abuses of the victor, like a group of walking corpses.

Although they don’t know what kind of fate they are waiting for in the future, they all know one thing: it may be difficult to return to their hometown in this life, never to see their mother again, and never to see the one who once saw them off on the shore. Girls...just as they were walking slowly along the road in silence and numbness, suddenly there was a noise in front of them, and then, all the human soldiers became nervous.

They rushed up, cursed, kicked, and drove all the prisoners to the street, making them all stand against the wall.

Under the intimidation of the sword, the captives were extremely obedient, standing motionless on the side of the street.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a large group of high-ranking officers in straight suits and shiny leather boots coming over.

One of the prisoners had the courage and took a peek, and saw that the group of people was in the middle, a general with white hair and sharp eyes.

Although he has never seen it before, looking at the five golden stars on his shoulders, one can know that this is definitely an important general in the human army leading the party.

Surrounded by his men, Wabadol rode slowly across the battlefield.

With a stern face, he slowly inspected the place soaked in gunpowder and blood.

The ground was full of dead bodies.

The Semitic camp was bombed to pieces, and there was not even a complete wooden fence left.

The corpses of many war dead remained as they were when fighting, and many soldiers died together, hugging each other and falling together.

This shows how fierce the battle last night was.

The fighting will of the Semi soldiers in the camp exceeded the expectations of Wabador and the command.

When confronted by the Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Forces and the Ruman Army, they did not collapse quickly. On the contrary, they quickly organized effective resistance.

Without the artillery support provided by the four squadrons and 48 war fortresses from the air, it would be really difficult to win this battle with these Vatican troops.

The staff officer followed Wabador and whispered: "According to preliminary estimates, our casualties are about 10,000.

At present, more than 30,000 Semitic bodies have been counted on the battlefield, and nearly 10,000 people have been captured. It is estimated that about 20,000 Semitic people have escaped, and the cavalry is continuing to pursue them. "

Wabador shook his head and sighed: "A tough battle~!"

"But it was a brilliant victory," the officer next to him hurriedly flattered Wabador, and said: "Under the leadership of your commander, our coalition forces wiped out the main Semitic forces of nearly 100,000 in one night. An unprecedented battle of annihilation."

Vabador flattened his mouth and said unwillingly: "It's still late than that boy Lorraine."

The surrounding officers looked at each other, then closed their mouths in unison.

As senior officials, they all know clearly who is the real boss in one thing.

You can't offend Lord Lorraine even if you shoot this old guy's flattery. You can never say that Lord Lorraine is not as good as your old man.

You know, they are all members of the Holy See, and they are only temporarily under the command of Wabador, and Silmelia is their permanent boss.

If you dare to say bad things about your boss boyfriend, someone will have to give a small report later. Although His Majesty the Pope couldn't clearly clean up himself, but with her old man's prudent eyes, as long as he was registered with her, he would never want to make another appearance in this life.

They talked as they walked, crossing the most intensely engaged areas. A group of soldiers lying on the ground resting in front of them.

They clasped their weapons to their chests and lay down on the wet ground full of enemy corpses and dew and fell asleep.

Those who were not asleep were holding a box of military cans and gulping, and a few soldiers surrounded a Semitic corpse and smoked cheap cigarettes distributed by the army.

Surrounded by them was a Semitic wearing a gorgeous armor. Several spears pierced his body from different positions. Supported by the spears, the corpse stood just like that, leaning forward slightly.

Behind this corpse, the corpses of ordinary Semi soldiers piled up into a hill.

Wabador couldn't help strangling his horse, took a closer look, and asked, "Who is this Semitic?"

The soldiers were chatting happily, and suddenly turned their heads, seeing the boss, they were all chilled immediately, jumped up from the ground, stood at attention and saluted, all standing straight.

Wabadol casually replied, "Have a rest, who is this Semi?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and then one of the little bosses stepped forward and said: "Repay the commander, he is said to be a general of the Semitic Guards. We are waiting for the captives to identify. This guy..."

The little boss thought for a while, and then said with emotion: "It's very powerful, cut down many of us."

Wabador carefully looked at the dead Semitic Guard General. He didn't know what he was thinking, and his expression kept changing. Finally, he shook his head and said, "It's no wonder that you didn't die."

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of horseshoes in the distance.

Everyone looked up. I saw a flying eagle flag coming quickly towards Wabador.

The main banner is naturally the Marquis Marleyton, the commander-in-chief of the Rumandi [*] regiment.

He was also dusty, his face covered in black gunpowder, and he was riding his horse impatiently, but the ground was full of corpses and soldiers walking around, and the Marquess of Marleyton could only awkwardly shuttle around in the crowd.

Before he waited, he shouted: "Your Excellency, Dean~!"

Wabador flicked the rein to greet him, nodded to him on horseback, and said, "General Mareton, I've been leaning back for a long time."

Mareton looked at Wabador with a wry smile, feeling quite complicated. He has fought against this Semitic army for five months, and did everything possible to fight them evenly.

But Vabador came with an army and defeated them in one fell swoop.

In this battle, even though I contributed a lot, I only managed to get a cooperative achievement in the end. Destined to become a supporting role.

Although his military merits and awards are quite a lot, the name of the victor of the Battle of Pader in the history books will only be Wabador, not the Marquis of Marleyton.

In the history book, the position of the Marquis of Marleyton will probably be in a certain line of inconspicuous comments, and it is estimated that it must be in the history book of the university. It is estimated that the elementary and middle school will not mention anything.

This kind of thing, just thinking about it, made Marquis Marleyton depressed and wanted to hit the wall with his head.

"But now is not the time to care about battle achievements. There are more important tasks waiting for us." Marquis Maraton looked at Wabador's smiling old face, resisting the urge to vomit him, and said: "The enemy army Nan Day Camp is retreating, what should I do next?"

Although the Ruman Legion and the Maple Leaf Danlin coalition are allies, they are not affiliated with each other. They are partners and can only be discussed in case of trouble.

Wabador looked at the south, where the Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Forces broke through, and said, "Your Excellency, can your army still fight?"

Marleyton froze for a moment, shook his head honestly, and said: "They have been fighting all night, this will make you tired and unable to get up."

Vabador spread his hands and said: "Our coalition forces are the same. They have fought two battles in a row. Look around."

Mareton looked around, and saw that many coalition soldiers were exhausted. In such cold weather, they lay on the ground and slept, purring one after another.

Unfortunately, it's daytime, and the city is still burning, providing them with a lot of heat. Otherwise, these puppies will definitely freeze and get sick.

"My people are all at their limit." Wabador then pointed to the sky. The sky in the morning of Spring Day was pale blue, vast and quiet, and said: "The war fortress has run out of energy and must be refilled again. Two days later. What shall we do to stop the demons from retreating?"

The Marquis of Marleyton sighed helplessly and said: "Then watch them go like this?"

Wabador rolled his eyes and said, "Go and see."

The group immediately galloped towards the south.

After passing through the city and running for a few more miles, the Semitic South Camp appeared in front of everyone.

Tens of thousands of Ruman's army marched into the camp from the east. They fought with the Semitic people all night, keeping them in check, and just withdrew.

To the west of Ruman's army, the Semitic army is withdrawing from the camp and moving quickly westward. Obviously they have received news of their defeat and are now preparing to escape.

However, one of them was left behind and the main cover was withdrawn.

Their courage is really admirable, because staying at this time is almost dead.

The Marquis of Maraton bitterly looked at the runaway Semitic army, his face turned black and blue, and then he said in a deep voice: "I will return to Ruman City soon, and I can't delay it for a day, but the remaining enemy... …"

"Leave it to us," Wabador suddenly smiled like an old fox, and said, "Our coalition forces will look at them."

Mareton hesitated, then nodded vigorously, and said, "Then please come to your dean. I will consolidate the army and return to Ruman City, where the fighting situation is more urgent."

Soon, watching the Ruman army in the southern camp retreat, they must first go back to Kirk for a little repair, and then fly all the way back to Ruman to lift the siege of Ruman.

At this time, Ruman City was playing fiercely.

Although Grand Duke Ruman dragged the enemy's main force to death, the troops responsible for the roundabout encirclement were hurriedly pieced together, and their combat effectiveness was not optimistic.

Once the enemy finds that he is surrounded, he will definitely break through.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the enemy can be eliminated 100%, the Grand Duke needs him to rate this elite to block the enemy's retreat and close the gate.

The Marquis of Maraton led his army to withdraw, and the coalition forces then took over the Ruman position. The exhausted coalition soldiers took the time to rest, planning to regain their strength, then rushed out and swallowed the enemy.

However, although the plan is good, the Semites are not fools.

At noon, while Feng Jun was having lunch, the last Semitic division after the camp was interrupted also left the camp and hurried westward.

Because they were afraid that the coalition forces would suddenly attack them at this time, the entire division would still leave some people behind while retreating.

From the standard alternate cover tactics when they retreated, it can be seen that this division was also an elite force.

The coalition forces immediately followed. Although the soldiers were exhausted, their morale was high at this time, and the joy of victory made them excited. The feeling was like taking drugs.

But Wabador did not order the attack on this Semitic division, just let the troops follow for a few miles, more like a gift to leave the country.

He and the staff of the command ran up a hill, looking at the evacuated Semitic division.

The opponent was only two miles away from here, and the cavalry arrived in one charge. On the horizon, the other Semitic divisions had long since disappeared.

The staff officer next to him raised his binoculars to take a look at the opponent’s military flag, then turned a few pages with an atlas, and said, “Looking at the military flag, it should be the opponent’s Sixth Division of the Imperial Guard. Two thousand people have not participated in other battles before."

"Marshal, do you want to eat them?"

"This is the Demon Guard Corps, trump card~!"

"Killing them is a great achievement."

"Go ahead, handsome, I am willing to play forward."

"Go on~!"

The officers were gearing up and eager to try. In their eyes, this Imperial Guard Corps was a piece of meat on the chopping board.

Wabador waved his hand to stop the call of his subordinates for a fight, and said: "Let them go, the young man is already too tired.

The enemy's imperial guards are hard bones, and the casualties are too great. If possible, they should be left to the war fortress or artillery to solve them. "

"Yes..." The officers reluctantly agreed, seeing a piece of military merit that could be nominated slip away.

Wabador glanced at his men, snorted coldly, and said in his heart: Could I tell you that we can win this battle because of the Sixth Division of the Imperial Guard.

This secret will probably be buried in my heart forever.

Wabadol watched the Sixth Division all the way, and secretly said in his heart, probably the division commander on the opposite side was also watching here, not knowing what he would think.

He suddenly thought of the Janissary general who died in battle, and his mood was quite complicated.

"Why do I be like a girl, don't care about him~!" Wabadol suddenly smiled, throwing aside his happy sentimental thoughts, and secretly said: Anyway, I won, and it is worthy of history. This life is worth it.

Now I should think about how to get more credit, and I can't treat the little cubs.

"Record~!" Wabadol suddenly exclaimed in excitement: "Our ministry has completely defeated the demons and their vassals in the Kingdom of Kiel on the morning of February 28th, and annihilated the enemy..."

Saying here, Wabador suddenly hesitated, then turned around and asked: "The enemy is called a lot of troops?"

"Four hundred thousand, including the vassals, that's not the difference." A general thought carefully, and said seriously.

The general next to him gave a peculiar smile and said, "Old man, you have a wrong memory. It is clearly half a million."

Everyone was stunned at the same time. According to the battle report, it was clearly more than 300,000. This has been counted several times, and there can be no mistake.

Someone took the lead in reacting, with a suddenly enlightened expression, and said loudly: "You all remembered it wrong, it was five hundred and fifty thousand."

Everyone understood at the same time, this is to repay their merits~!

Of course the more the better.

Someone rushed loudly and said: "Six hundred thousand~!"

"Hmm..." Wabador coughed and prevented his subordinates from continuing to add weight. They said that they would soon be able to add one million ~ ~ even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't stand it. .

"Five hundred thousand and fifty thousand will do. No matter how much Lorraine boy, he should not admit it." Wabadol waved his hand and said loudly: "Annihilate the enemy five hundred thousand."

The enemy claimed to be five hundred and fifty thousand, and only five to six thousand people fled the battlefield. Didn’t it mean to wipe out the enemy’s half a million? Even if you bring Ruman's army, on average, one army will kill more enemies than yourself, which is a big victory.

"Kiel Kingdom has been completely liberated." Wabador's old face beamed with excitement, and said: "Our army is about to move westward, and victory will belong to us~!

Send it to the United Nations and the boy from Lorraine, and let "Red Maple Leaf" open an extra, and let the whole world know before the evening. Remember to include the sequence of all participating troops and the generals. "

The generals laughed from ear to ear. This old grandfather was just righteous, and he never forgot his little brother when he was profiting himself.

"Next..." Wabador glanced at the army commanders one by one, raised his voice, and shouted vigorously: "We are going to kick the dead high priest's eggs~!"

(To be continued) q

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