Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1404: Familiar terms

Although it is early spring, the temperature is still a bit low, but the ground is full of verdant green. m.

A lone wolf came to the hill, then stopped and looked down vigilantly.

At the foot of the mountain, a huge army was lined up and marching along the road.

The soldiers at the front of the team held high the black-grey eagle flag and the white golden cross flag.

Under the guidance of the banner, the gray uniforms and white uniforms were mixed together, and the team stretched for thirty miles, sandwiching numerous transport vehicles and towed cannons.

From time to time, there were high-pitched and loud singing voices in the team, sandwiching the Southern Tone-Northern Tuning, which showed that the soldiers were morale and full of emotions.

Lorraine and a group of officers in the General Staff lifted the horse's rein lightly, followed the team slowly, listening to various reports from their subordinates, and at the same time issuing instructions.

Not far from him, Vera was sitting leisurely on a large carriage, holding a wooden box, and counting her "trophies" with joy.

Of course, most of this was captured from Lord Lorraine.

From time to time, the war fortress responsible for covering the team whizzed over their team's head and went out to detect the enemy's movements.

After capturing Diekirch, Lord Lorraine led a total of three hundred thousand coalition forces, rushing to the next target without stopping.

At this time, a war fortress broke through the clouds above the team and appeared over the army.

The officer in charge of air defense suddenly became nervous, but then relaxed again.

From the flat diamond shape of the war fortress, one can see that this is a model manufactured by the Flying Eagle Group, and it is naturally his own.

Sure enough, the war fortress here sent a signal to inquire, and immediately sent a message of safety.

Subsequently, the war fortress was lowered to a height of only a dozen meters and hovered above the team.

The soldiers raised their heads and watched curiously.

Through the window, the soldiers on the ground clearly saw two round heads, one large and one small, squeezed together, lying in front of the window and looking down.

Anyone who knows one can tell that this is the chairman Leo and his **** brother, Xiao Bai.

In addition, there was a beautiful figure flashing past the window.

Soldiers on the ground raised their arms and signaled to their air protector.

Hearing the cheers and greetings of the soldiers, Chairman Leo suddenly looked happy. The soldier who raised his little hand to the ground shook his hand, and kept shouting loudly: "Hello, brothers, brothers have worked hard..."

It's like reviewing this army.

Uncle Xiaobai stared at a pair of extra-large eyes, searched in the team on the ground, and quickly found Lord Lorraine in front of him, he immediately yelled in excitement, and then stretched out his long nose to thunder. Ou pointed in the direction.

Chairman Leo didn’t seem to have enough, and pushed Xiao Bai’s nose to the side, and said, “Don’t worry, the boss can’t run...”

At this moment, a slender jade hand stretched out like lightning and flashed across Leo's forehead.

Chairman Leo suddenly hugged his forehead and said with a flattering smile: "Where is the boss? Going by, I haven't seen you for so long, I want to die."

There was a hum from behind Chairman Leo, and Fiona squeezed her slender and white fingers, and then looked at the position of Lorraine in front of the team, eager to see through.

The war fortress moved forward slowly, and Leo soon saw Lord Lorraine surrounded by the crowd, waving his hands in excitement and shouting: "Boss, Boss, here we are. Here we are..."

Lorraine raised his head in surprise, looking at Leo, Xiao Bai, and...and Fiona who was hiding behind the window, looking at him idiotically, and couldn't help but smile.

Although I haven't seen them for a few months, it feels like a long time has passed.

He gave a few words to the staff officers around him, and then ran towards the landing point of the war fort.

Before the war fortress completely landed, Leo and Xiao Bai Sahuan rushed out of the door.

Leo stepped forward and hugged Lorraine, patted hard, and said, "Boss, we want to kill you.

You are no longer covering me. Nicole is always bullying me. Give me a lot of homework, which is really bad.

Adele loses her temper just like taking gunpowder.

Adeling didn't like anyone else.

Deipoll's face was stern, like an iceberg.

Not to mention Claudia, catch something with a whip.

Fiona is always swearing like her endocrine disorder..."

Having said this, he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly looked back at it: Fortunately, that bapo was not in front of him.

Fortunately, he patted his little chest. In a blink of an eye, he saw Lorraine looking at him with a smile, and then immediately remembered the dark days at home. He couldn't help but flatten his mouth, and then pulled Luo. Lin's hand, said: "Boss, brother, I've had a hard time..."

With that said, he almost didn't cry.

Xiaobai nodded vigorously beside him.

Since the gang of eight wives became the house, it has to carefully clip its tail. It can’t be like when Lord Lorraine was at home, doing what he wanted to do, bullying people, beating dogs and chickens, or it might attract some people. Suddenly Tianyin was angry.

Especially that Claudia, who scared herself at every turn, wanted to cut her elephant whip and give Boss Luo a stew.

As soon as the scared Uncle Xiaobai saw her, he hid far away.

But then again, when Boss Luo was at home, they weren't so perverted. Why did they become so strange when Boss Luo left?

The skin is also yellow, the hair is broken, there is less time to laugh, and more time to be angry...Humans are really complex animals~!

Lorraine patted Leo on the shoulder, and suddenly realized that he seemed a little different from before.

I took a closer look and discovered that although this kid was still chubby, he seemed to be taller than the previous two months.

Xiao Bai seems to have no change in size, but is rounder and fatter than before. Every time I took a step, the flesh on his body trembled constantly.

It can be seen that the two of them ate and drank enough during this period of time, and had a pretty good time.

Fiona walked out from behind, wearing a plain dress, nodding implicitly to Lorraine.

Although the Semitic girl was enthusiastic and unrestrained, she did not dare to be too enthusiastic in front of so many soldiers.

If at home, this would have rushed to Lorraine to bite.

"Sister Fiona." Vera cheered, jumped up happily and hugged Fiona, rubbing against Fiona's face.

This period of war was quite boring for Vera, and she could only pass the time by counting the spoils. Now that she finally saw a family member, Vera was naturally very excited.

Lorraine took Fiona's little hand, squeezed it lightly, and said, "Why are you here?"

Without waiting for Fiona to speak, Leo rushed and said: "Uncle asked you to go back to the meeting, just as we were on the way, we will pick you up and go back together?"

"Meeting?" Lorraine asked strangely: "What meeting?"

Leo thought for a while, and said: "It seems to be about the northern battlefield."

Lorraine couldn't help but startled.

In winter, the Semitic Northern Army attacked Ruman City. The Grand Duke dragged them tightly and waited to surround them and eat them in one fell swoop.

As the elite of the empire, after defeating the Semites of the Kingdom of Kiel, the Marquis of Marleyton led his army back to Ruman without stopping, and he dared not stop for a while.

Calculate the time, it's just time to come.

The pot of meat under Ruman City should be stewed, and it's time to start eating.

Thinking of this, Lorraine turned around and yelled loudly and shouted: "Ram."

"Yes, handsome." The big cardinal Santos agreed and ran all the way from the crowd.

Although this guy can be regarded as a hero, in front of Lord Luo Jue, he still nodded and bowed, he looked like a general.

"I'm leaving for a few days. When I'm away, the troops will be under your command." Lorraine solemnly told him, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Go hard."

"Me?" Santos was taken aback for a moment, pointed to his nose, and said with a guilty conscience: "Command for you? Can I?"

"No problem," Lorraine said affirmatively, "Listen to the advice of the staff in case of trouble. There is no force that can threaten us anymore."

"Yes~!" Sandos saluted the military salute, then promised aloud, with an excited expression on his face, and said with a firm tone: "Please rest assured."

Lord Luo is specially cultivating himself. Although it is only a march, after this time, Lord Santos can also write on his resume and have experience in commanding large corps.

As long as this article is in place, this rank can still be promoted in the past. Maybe before the age of sixty, he could be a handsome man.

Lorraine glanced around and found that there was nothing missing, and immediately took his adjutant and a few entourages to the war fortress.

The fortress of war quickly took off and flew all the way east.

On the fortress of the war, Chairman Leo showed off a huge stack of contracts, slammed heavily in front of Lorraine, and said proudly: "This is my achievement in the past ten days."

Lorraine flipped through the general terms, looking at the familiar terms that he had memorized from junior high school to high school, and he felt a sense of vicissitudes in his heart.

It is basically a copy of the **** selling treaty signed between Da Zhuzichao and foreigners, but with a different name, it is called the Ruman Empire and a certain country's ten thousand years of friendship and mutual assistance agreement.

Of course, Lorraine is very clear about these terms, and he proposed the model of the contract.

But Lorraine himself only said a few directions. The 400-page clauses were all made by Leo and the Flying Eagle Group.

The neighboring countries of the Ruman Empire and the newly liberated regions have not missed out, all of which have signed this contract which is similar to the deed of selling.

In the first two years, they could not see much. With the loans provided by the Flying Eagle Group, there are a lot of export goods to make money, and there are a lot of high-quality and cheap imported goods to consume. They will only feel that the day is better.

But in a few years, as the economy penetrates, the customs, trade and factories of these countries will all fall into the hands of the Flying Eagle Group.

Only then will they discover that no matter how hard they work, they can't make more money. And their entire country has long been trapped in the debt quagmire dug up by the Flying Eagle Group, and they cannot extricate themselves.

People from the whole country worked hard for a year and worked for the Flying Eagle Group.

And those people still don't understand how all this happened and evolved.

Economic aggression is complicated to say, but it is more complicated to do. It not only requires a smart mind and a strong economic consciousness, but also requires extremely strong capital as a backing.

Those countries are all feudal landlords and nobles. Their greatest ability is farming and feeding pigs, picking up girls and racing horses.

Knowing a multiplication table of nine to nine is already an advanced intellectual.

Even if they are all tied together, with a black-hearted capitalist like Sir Alex...Bah, a conscientious capitalist is not in the same order of magnitude.

To bully the old aristocrats who were divided in the small peasant era, Lord Lorraine has no sense of accomplishment.

Anyway, the life and death of these guys will be in the hands of the Flying Eagle Group. If you feel better, you can save them a year of interest.

When I was in a bad mood, I got a bunch of old men and women to block the gate of the palace, asking them for money every day, and suffocating him to death~!

Lorraine gave Leo a thumbs up and praised from the bottom of his heart: "Okay, kill beautiful.

I can win the battle, and your contract will allow us to win the war. "

The Ruman Empire, the Holy See, Maple Leaf Danlin, and their own Flying Eagle Group spent huge military expenditures to drive away the demons.

As a result, the nobles of the kingdom ran back and became their bosses, thinking that thanking the coalition forces would be enough?

Why is there such a beautiful thing in the world~!

If I liberate you, you have to pay the price. Really I am a beacon of civilization, the hope of mankind?

That's the fool kid who gave us his life.

This contract is to ensure that after the victory, the coalition forces can earn enough war dividends and pay the huge price for themselves in exchange for reasonable rewards. Redraw the sphere of influence after the war.

Chairman Leo’s little tail jumped into the sky immediately, slapped his chest, and said, “I said I’ll do it alone. Nicole and the others didn’t believe it, and they sent a supervising army to watch me.

In so many countries, it took only half a month for this chairman to win them all. "

Fiona gave Leo a blank look, and said with a sneer: "If you say you are fat, you are still breathing. If I didn't watch it, you would have messed up in several countries."

"Impossible, this chairman is invincible wherever he goes." Leo said with a grin.

"Huh, what are you going to do in the Kingdom of Selo?" Fiona glared at her beautiful eyes and forced her to ask.

Chairman Leo shook his head and said: "That guy doesn't know how to count, I plan to educate him."

Lord Lorraine said blankly: "What happened to the Kingdom of Sailor?"

Fiona shrugged slightly and said: "King Sello said he will not sign this contract, and then this little gangster plans to engage in a court coup and kill that guy."

Lord Lorraine exclaimed, looking at Leo up and down like he didn't know him, and exclaimed: "Awesome, whoever refuses to accept the coup will overthrow others. There is already a multinational monopoly. Then, what did you do?"

"No, it's a pity." Chairman Leo smacked his lips with regret.

When playing the governor game with Catherine, she was often forced to step down with a coup. Now it's easy to have a real chance, but it's useless.

He sighed, and then continued: "I went to him for a long talk and offered him a condition that he couldn't refuse.

Then he agreed. It's that simple. "

Lorraine felt a little familiar with these words, and took a closer look, only then remembered that this sentence is the famous "Tang" quote played by Marlon Brando in "The Godfather".

Leo became more and more of a big capitalist.

Lorraine fought in the front and Leo reaped in the rear. The post-war situation has basically been set.

After flying all night, the war fort flew over the city of Ruman after dawn.

Lorraine looked out from the window. Eagle fighters were patrolling above Ruman in groups. After three months of full production, the number of Eagle fighters had exceeded six squadrons, with more than seventy.

However, the pilots have been insufficient. Currently, there are only five squadrons that can participate in the battle. Weapons are now waiting for someone. Leo has already discussed the secondment of a mage from Fengye Danlin.

But five squadrons are enough to defend the sky of Ruman City.

When Lorraine arrived, the battle on the ground was still going on. The Semites launched wave after wave of attacks on the river channel of the South Gate. They wanted to cut off the lifeline of Ruman city, but Ruman resolutely resisted.

From the war fortress, you can clearly hear the sound of killing on the ground, and see the smoke of the artillery explosion.

Escorted by a squadron of eagles, the war fortress landed directly in the palace.

Lorraine almost didn't recognize this tall and majestic palace in the past.

After the continuous bombardment of the undead war fortress, all the buildings of the palace were destroyed.

The roof of the main hall was blown up and fell to the lower floor. The beautiful palace was riddled with holes and someone was repairing it.

There is no grass in many places on the ground of the palace, which is the land after being bombarded by dark spells.

There were not a few people in the large palace, and even if there were, they passed by in a hurry.

Lorraine and Leo walked into a three-story palace under the leadership of the Imperial Guard.

A row of large holes was also smashed on the top floor of this building, but the first floor is still intact and you can see moving figures.

Lorraine walked into a sunny room on the first floor, and the sun shined into the room through the open window, and the air was fresh. The large room was full of people, and Emperor Rudrun was in the middle of the seat.

But Lorraine noticed that the emperor's face was a little yellow, and he coughed lowly from time to time, and he was not in good spirits.

Grand Duke Julian, Prime Minister Russell, Chief of Military Padres, and Marques of Maraton are all here.

Leo ran over with a cheer and exclaimed excitedly: "Dad, uncle, I'm coming to see you."

Lorraine raised his hand to salute, and said: "See Your Majesty."

Emperor Rudrun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be polite, sit down, you may be late."

Grand Duke Julian waved to Lorraine, letting Lorraine sit next to him.

Emperor Rudren looked at Lorraine and nodded approvingly, raised his voice, and said to everyone at the table: "This kid can always perform miracles. He played very beautifully in Vatican, and his record was beyond our expectations. "

Several big figures at the table nodded kindly to Lorraine, and Padrez secretly gave Lorraine a thumbs up.

"You kid didn't catch up, we won't talk about the previous ones, just the key points." Emperor Rudrun said: "Mareton, you can introduce it."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Marquis of Marleyton stood up, strode to a map on the side, stretched out his hand to the north of Ruman City, and said in a loud voice: "My main force has arrived here. The back of the tribe. Another 50,000 troops have gone north to attack the demons who surrounded Weiji.

The remaining 250,000 people will be divided into three directions: east, north, and west, and the demons outside Ruman can start a decisive battle with the enemy at any time. "

Archduke Julian’s vigorous voice came, and solemnly said: "In this battle, we have 700,000 troops, including 600,000 regular troops, more than 800 artillery pieces, and nearly 300 new artillery pieces. We have plenty of artillery shells and grenades. .

There are 60 Eagle fighters, and Fengye Danlin also promised to provide 120 fortresses. Compared with the enemy, we have an absolute firepower advantage.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take a week to half a month to end the entire battle. We call you back so that you can also come up with ideas and study the battle plan. "

Grand Duke Julian’s words were full of confidence in victory. At this moment, the emperor [*] team gathered inside and outside the city of Ruman is preparing to launch the final fatal blow.

Emperor Rudrun flushed with excitement, and said loudly: "Everyone, my requirements for you are very simple. I will wipe out the enemies cleanly and thoroughly, leaving no one behind~!

I don’t need a captive, and the empire does not need a captive. We want to let everyone who dare to be an enemy of Ruman know that the fate of our Ruman Empire is death~! "

(To be continued) q

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