Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1406: Dead end

Julian calendar year 836, April 7th, 9 o'clock in the morning. M.

Outside the city of Ruman, the emperor [*] launched another fierce offensive after yesterday’s fierce battle.

‘Boom, boom boom...’ The sound of artillery was endless like rolling thunder.

Amid the violent explosion sound, a cloud of black smoke rose into the sky, covering the sky, covering the entire battlefield.

The battle on the ground has entered a white-hot stage.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division used machine guns, rifles and grenades to form a steel barrage, sprinkling hot bullets on the enemy madly.

And the Semites, as if going mad, kept hitting the deadly fire web of the Ruman with their flesh and blood.

After jumping out of the snowy mountains, they wreaked havoc in the quintessential area to the north of Ruman, saying that they did not commit murder and arson, and they committed Taotian's crime.

These Semitic people also knew that even if they surrendered, they would never forgive themselves with the surname that the Ruman must report. Therefore, they can't help but work hard.

Under the intense firepower, the Semitic people fell to the ground like weeds that were cut down.

In just a few minutes, their bodies were covered in front of the positions of the two armies, but the Semitic soldiers, like death-hunting soldiers, uttered hysterical shouts, stepped on their companions’ bodies and continued to charge, and then fell to their companions. On the still warm body.

On the other fronts, only Ruman soldiers with cold weapons guarded their fronts, blocking the Semitic attack with dense grenades.

As the war progressed, the ground became a dead world composed of steel, flames and blood.

In the sky, countless black shadows shuttled across.

The artillery fire of the war fort flickered in the air, the light of colorful magic and the crimson artillery crisscrossed in the air, as gorgeous as fireworks.

It's just that when the fireworks bloom, there will always be a war fortress dragging a long black trail, whistling down from the sky.

Both sides sent all the air power they could mobilize to join this battle like a meat grinder.

In Ruman City, you can smell the heavy smoke from the north, and even some people can't help coughing.

With the continuous offensive of Emperor [*], more than 200,000 Semitic troops were compressed by Ruman in an area that was no more than five or six miles long and wide.

This area is also their last line of defense.

The entire area was dug with trenches criss-crossed like a spider web.

The Semitic soldiers rely on these deep trenches to make the last and most resolute resistance.

In order to capture the enemy's last line of defense, Rumandi [*] also tried his best to transfer all the artillery over and blast.

Eight hundred artillery fired continuously, smashing thousands of shells on the Semitic positions every minute.

The Semites had never experienced shelling on such a scale, and they did not even dare to appear on the surface.

Almost all of the ground was plowed by artillery fire, and the soil was soft and dry by the blast, with plumes of green smoke. If you grab it, you can always get a few shrapnel from it.

The commander of the Semitic North Route Army, General Orlandini, and his headquarters are now hidden deep underground in the center of the battlefield.

In order to defend against human shells, the command post was covered with logs and a layer of soil a few meters later, and finally stones were laid on the soil layer.

But none of these stopped the fierce fire from the Ruman.

With the vibration of the explosion of the artillery fire, the soil would roll down from the canopy.

People can't help but wonder if this place might collapse at any time, burying all the people in the headquarters underneath.

Orlandini was covered in dust, described as haggard, sitting on a chair motionless, looking at the map with his eyes dreamily, not knowing what he was thinking, and the dust falling from the top of his head sprinkled on him from time to time.

The atmosphere in the command post was dull, and the officers were silent with a sad expression on their faces.

Through the gap of the artillery fire, it can be clearly heard that the shouts of the human soldiers are getting closer and closer.

The officers knew that the disaster was imminent, but they were helpless.

At this moment, an officer covered in blood and mud with a bandage on his head rushed in and exclaimed anxiously, "My lord, where is my lord? Our 13th Division is almost unable to stand it. We need Reinforcements, urgent reinforcements are needed..."

An officer in the headquarters looked up and saw the officer who had just walked down from the line of fire with a sad smile, and said: "There is no more reserve team. All the people have been sent to the battlefield."

The officer begging for help was taken aback, and then he shook him vigorously, begging earnestly: "Even if there is another squadron~! There are only a thousand people left in our division. They are almost gone..."

The command officer shook his head and said, "There is no one, the guard, the groom, the cook, the guard, all of them have been sent to the battlefield."

The officer who asked for help murmured disappointedly: "Is there really no one left? Isn't there anymore? Even one team or one team will do..."

While talking, he looked at the other officers.

The command officers all smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

"Hey..." The chief officer who asked for help sighed, the light in his eyes dimmed suddenly, and he turned and walked out of the headquarters.

"Wait~!" The command officer suddenly stopped him, then took his long sword from the left, slowly hung it on his belt, and said firmly: "At least I can support you."

The officer begging for help looked at him, opened his mouth but didn't say anything, just nodded heavily.

The officer in the command drew on the uniform to make it look flatter, and then solemnly saluted Orandini, saying, "I am very happy to serve under the command of the adults."

Then he said to the other officers: "Everyone, see you in the Great Demon Temple~!"

Turned and strode out of the headquarters.

The other people in the command post looked at each other, their faces were desperate and helpless.

Several people stood up one after another, adjusted their suits silently, waved goodbye to the surrounding colleagues, and then walked out without looking back.

Rather than waiting to die here, it is better to go out and fight vigorously, at least as dead as a soldier.

Orlandini saw all this in his eyes, but said nothing.

The Rumans were originally able to launch a counterattack in February, but they actually delayed the launch of the campaign until April, in order to mobilize as many troops as possible and surround themselves to death. Then eat it in one bite.

If I saw the opportunity early, I could still take the troops...most of the troops safely withdrew. But the high priest... the dark council issued an order requiring all troops to insist on the last five minutes in order to win.

As a result, I could only watch the last opportunity slip away from my hands, and when the dark council reacted, it was already too late.

Although several breakthroughs were organized, all of Yi Jinzhi's breakthrough efforts failed.

Under the powerful offensive of the Ruman, it was only a matter of time before he was breached. Maybe, he will soon fight the Ruman like a soldier.

Orlandini has been thinking about a question at this moment: Who is to blame for this ending?

Blame the high priest?

But he is the commander of this army, and he is the one who should be most responsible to the soldiers.

Blame yourself?

Those **** dark council officials hid behind, gesticulating themselves constantly, repeatedly interfering with normal command...At this moment, a man in black appeared in front of the command department, walking slowly with his staff. When he came in, he kept coming to Orlandini's body, only when Orlandini was thinking suddenly found him.

Orlandini raised his head, looked at the familiar figure of the lich Herod in front of him, and nodded at him sternly.

The Lich Herod sat down opposite Orandini, and said in a hoarse voice: "General, a defeat cannot explain anything.

As long as there is a high priest, after we go back, we can continue to recuperate and wait for the opportunity to come back. Although the road ahead is full of ruggedness, the future world must belong to us. "

For this stupid 13, Orlandini was too lazy to raise his eyes, just cursed in anger in his heart: qnmlgb~! It's not ashamed to sing a hilarious song like a **** at this time.

Even if you wait another thousand years, that is your undead thing.

But now, we have lost hundreds of thousands of Semitic men, which is a tragedy for the entire Semitic.

For the hundreds of thousands of Semites who died on the human continent, who should they seek to redress? Who should be responsible for their deaths?

For a moment, Orlandini was about to shoot the crime, but watching the cold light flashing in the eyes of the lich, he immediately sat down weakly-reasoning with the lich, and talking with the cow. What's the difference?

He shook his head slowly, and then said wearily: "Mr. came from the air, do you see the battle of our army south of the city?"

"There is no banner of our army in the south of the city." The Lich Herod said indifferently.

Orlandini took a breath and murmured, "No more..."

The Lich Herod didn't know what to say for a while. No matter what you say at this time is redundant.

After a moment of silence, he coughed slightly, and then whispered: "I will bring the general back in the name of the high priest."

Orlandini suddenly raised his head and stared at Herod, and said angrily: "I will not go. Here are hundreds of thousands of compatriots I brought out from my hometown. They all stay here. Only if I go back alive, how to face it? Their family."

The Lich Herod snorted coldly, and said, "This is the order of the Lord of God, do you want to disobey it?"

In order to prevent the surrender of Veraprani from happening again, the Undead High Priest ordered Orandini to withdraw to Ryder so that he could not be caught by humans again.

From the war to the present, the commanders of the Semitic tribe, deadly death, surrendered, captured and captured, have greatly affected morale. Now there is only a Semitic commander in Orlandini, and the pillar power of the other high priest is Emperor De Rossi.

There is only one Semitic commander left, and he can't be caught by humans anymore.

"I..." Orlandini gritted his teeth, snorted and remained silent.

The Lich Herod nodded and said, "That's right, we will go now. There is a shortage of people in front of Your Majesty the God Seat. Your General has important work in the future."

Orlandini seemed to have accepted his fate, stood up without saying a word, and followed Herod to the outside of the headquarters, beckoning to the people in the headquarters weakly, beckoning everyone to follow.

Several officers around looked at Orlandini, and then at each other. Someone lowered their heads in shame, stood up and followed.

A few people shook their heads and sat motionless. One of them said loudly, "I am willing to stay."

"me too."

"I'm a bachelor anyway, and I have nowhere to go."


Orlandini turned and looked at those who were willing to stay solemnly. After a moment of silence, he said: "Everyone, take care, have a chance, goodbye..."

Then strode out of the headquarters.

The lich Herod shot a green light above his head, and several war fortresses quickly swooped down under the cover of other war fortresses.

A war fortress quickly fell to the ground in the continuous artillery fire around it, acting recklessly and hurriedly, so that the base slapped the ground heavily, splashing dust in the sky.

Under the gaze of the surrounding Semites, Orlandini followed Herod like a puppet, walking towards the war fortress step by step.

Although the Semitic soldiers on both sides did not speak, their scolding, disappointed and resentful eyes made him unbearable, forcing him to bow his head deeply, embarrassed like a criminal walking towards a prison wagon.

The soldiers were silent, many of them were wrapped in blood-stained bandages, standing still, watching Orlandini and his party ascend the war fortress.

The officers who followed Orlandini couldn't even stand the scolding and disappointed eyes of the soldiers, they stopped one after another, and then slowly withdrew their swords.

It is better to die heroically than to live in shame. They planned to stay and fight alongside their comrades.

Only two or three real cowards bowed their heads and hurriedly jumped out of the war fortress.

The war fortress quickly lifted into the sky under the gaze of the Semitic, and headed west.

The remaining officers put on their helmets, drew their weapons and carried them in their hands. They looked at each other and said, "Take care."

"Goodbye to the Great Demon Temple."

Then greeted the surrounding soldiers, each rushing in different directions.

They plan to disperse and break through and make the last fight.

Herod and Orlandini’s war fortress is climbing at maximum speed and wants to leave the battlefield as soon as possible. Around it, the war fortress of the undead is desperately blocking the Eagle-type fleets of the Maple Leaf Danlin and the security forces, and is fighting Retreat.

After covering this war fortress from the battlefield, their mission was completed, and immediately they turned around and left at the fastest speed.

At this moment, they just want to leave this terrible place quickly.

The unscrupulous bombing of Ruman City a few days ago felt really cool. It was like shooting a target. The dark mages also bet on who could bring down the main hall of Ruman Palace.

But with the passage of time, there are more and more human war forts over Ruman.

It was a squadron at first, and soon became two squadrons, and one squadron was a nasty minicomputer.

Then a few days later, it became three squadrons, and nearly a hundred squadrons appeared on the battlefield next month.

Up to now, the number of human war fortresses is no less than theirs, and even seems to be a lot more than them.

Air combat is very difficult, especially the tricky and vicious minicomputers, the number is unknown, as if the sky is full of their shadows.

They were like a group of evil wolves. They suddenly came out of a blind spot, took a fierce bite, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant, which most frightened the dark wizards.

Just as the dark wizard on the fortress of the war felt relieved, several eagles leaped towards him from different directions.

The Eagle Captain Ferreira has long paid attention to this war fortress that landed on the ground, guessing that it must have a special mission.

Therefore, this cunning doggie took his wingman and hid in the western sky early in the morning, waiting for the prey to be delivered to him.

There are several eagle pilots who have the same idea as him. In the air combat lacking a wireless dialogue system, everyone can only fight on their own.

In this case, they unanimously bit the war fortress.

Seeing a few fighter jets with huge eagle heads swooping and rushing over, the Undead War Fortress hurriedly avoided and fled in all directions.

Herod’s war fortress quickly dived and accelerated, desperately trying to escape the eagle-like siege.

The undead war fortress, like a large group of panicked rabbits, blocked the eagle-like flight path and target.

Ferreira and the others were unwilling to waste ammunition on these guys, but flickered left and right in the air, trying to bite the fleeing war fortress.

But the distance was quickly opened, and it was about to escape from the battlefield.

Ferreira was so angry that he slapped the seat hard in the cockpit and yelled at him. It was all the bad things of those guys who wanted to grab merit. The fat ducks in hand flew, and they had to educate them when they came back. What is to respect the seniors?

Just as Ferreira and the pilots stomped their feet with hatred, two eagles suddenly emerged from the west and rushed towards the war fortress. Within a distance of less than 300 meters, their noses were down. The light flashed, right in the middle of the war fortress of the undead race.

A flame was spit out from the window of the low-altitude, desperate war The war fortress plummeted to the ground. First, it fell to the ground and lifted up mud like waves, then bounced and rolled on the ground, and disintegrated in the impact.

A large number of black fragments were thrown out from the tumbling war fortress and tossed all the way.

After rolling out hundreds of meters away, the tattered war fortress fell to the ground, with flames and thick smoke coming out, and a "cracking" explosion sounded.

The Semitic soldiers witnessed all this in the position, and watched the war fortress in which Orlandini was riding fell to the ground, but no one spoke, let alone exclaimed. They just glanced at it with a sneer, and then continued to charge forward. , Until he fell under Ruman's sword and bullets.

On April 14th, after killing a trench, the Skeleton Division 1st Battalion ran into a group of Ruman soldiers wearing red uniforms. Just as the red-eyed Skeleton Division soldiers instinctively swept the bullets over, suddenly See the eagle flag held high by the opponent.

Ruman's garrison and the northern army of the Marquess of Marleyton penetrated the Semitic's last position and successfully met.

(To be continued) q

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