Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1428: Some people are dead, but he is still alive

At this moment, the exhausted Silmelia's face was full of crystal sweat, and Gu Cao's sweat slipped down her smooth face and dripped to the ground.

Silmelia turned her head, glanced at the person behind her, and then showed a warm smile.

That person was her father, His Majesty the former Pope, Eleutherius, and St. Paul XIII.

Only the Pope can hold this ring.

Seeing the light from the magic circle soaring into the sky, everyone turned their heads to look at the small island in the distance.

The fierce battle on the sea horizon was shrouded in a black storm, and it had long been unclear.

But in the next second, I saw a huge holy light descending vertically from the sky.

Like a **** descending, it pierced straight into the dark clouds in the distance.

Like a knife pierced into tofu, the dark clouds hovering over the island were pierced by the thick holy light in an instant, and fell on the island, dazzling light like a white beam of light supporting between the sky and the earth. °

On the island where everyone fought fiercely, dozens of humans and masters in the main city of the elves were almost inundated by dark creatures. Their battle groups had been reduced to the limit, and the ascetics depended on the Holy Light Shield to support them.

There are constantly dark creatures annihilated by powerful spells and holy lights, but every time they disappear, they are even more supplemented.

The high priest summoned a dense cluster of dark creatures to flock around him, waiting to join the battle at any time.

Maybe in the next second, the human formation will collapse.

Seeing that he was about to win, the corner of the high priest's mouth couldn't help showing a smile. This was the most embarrassing time for him in thousands of years. For a while, the high priest was not sure whether he could win.

Although severely injured, it was also his most glorious victory, including almost all of the mankind’s magisters, dozens of ascetics and cardinal archbishops, as well as the most powerful rangers and bowmen of the elves, and the most outstanding warriors of mankind. .

Each of these people is a well-known big figure in the human world, and all of them will soon become his record.

The high priest even thought about making them all into dark creatures, and then sending them all to the human continent to make waves.

This blow to human morale will be fatal.

But then there was a sudden movement in his heart, he hurriedly reached out and raised the staff, exhausted his whole body strength, desperately propped up a defensive barrier.

At this time, the holy light fell from the sky.

It slammed heavily on the barrier that wrapped the high priest, and the milky white light and the black ball of light suddenly burst into a dazzling light. The light and darkness fought fiercely, and there was a sizzle similar to the crow of gold and iron.

A person as powerful as the high priest did not expect that the other party could use such a powerful holy light.

"Such a powerful force is definitely not something human can do. Is it really a miracle?" He hadn't come to think seriously yet.

And in the next moment, a more powerful holy light fell, shrouded everyone in it, and the light illuminated the entire island.

Under the dazzling bright light, all the ghosts were purified in an instant, without making a scream, all disappeared without a trace.

Immediately, the dark knights also began to crack a little bit of black particles falling off their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye, pouring downwards like quicksand, and then disappearing into the air.

The banshees uttered harsh screams like crows. First, their wings melted quickly, and then the whole body turned into a mass of liquid. Before it fell to the ground, it evaporated into a mist in the holy light.

While the undead high priest was in the holy light, he was motionless, and only his beard fluttered slightly.

He sneered at the people, his low voice penetrated through the holy light, and clearly passed into human ears: "You despicable humans, do you think you can destroy me like this? It's ridiculous, hahahaha... ···"

Following his words, the high priest’s face showed a series of cracks as thin as a spider web, and the broken lines were like fragments of porcelain, but immediately he was repaired by his power and the cracks surfaced again and disappeared quickly. The situation was extremely eccentric.

At the same time, Obachem's group of red clothes snorted coldly, gathered the holy light together and began to counterattack, blasting them towards the chest of the high priest.

The magicians of Lester also gathered lightning and shot it at the high priest. Those lightning bolts gathered together as they flew and turned into a lightning bolt as thick as a water tank. Flew to the chest of the high priest.

And a group of demon archers also worked out the strength of the milk, and shot the arrows in their hands at the high priest.

The champion knights roared one after another, and threw their swords at the high priest.

Everyone knows that this is the time to finally decide victory or defeat, and use the last force unreservedly.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down suddenly.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see lightning, holy light, and those arrows, swords as if solidified in the air, slowly flying towards the high priest.

In the next instant, the holy light and lightning struck the high priest's chest at the same time. Then, arrows and swords flew, and they were heavily inserted into the high priest's body.

The sharp object penetrated into the human body, making dull noises like piercing leather.

The high priest's body vibrated continuously, and his stiff body retreated several steps before stabilizing his figure.

He looked down at the sword on his body with a strange and bewildering look in his eyes, then suddenly raised his head, looked at everyone, and sneered: "You despicable humans, do you think you can destroy me in this way? It's so ridiculous. Hahahaha..."

Although it was exactly the same as the previous sentence, his voice changed from being old to sharp, then from sharp to hoarse, and then from hoarse to a strange roar like a primitive monster.

The voice seemed to be coming from all directions, reverberating in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to tremble non-stop, and his limbs began to swell and contract irregularly, suddenly bulging, and then instantly collapsed.

It was as if there were balloons running around in his body.

Seeing the high priest’s abnormality, Lester was stunned for a moment, his eyes rolled, as if thinking of something, then he lost his face in panic, and shouted in a panic: "Run away. He has lost control. The magical elements are disordered and will explode soon~!"

Then turned around and ran.

Others did not dare to neglect, grabbing the wounded on the ground, supporting each other, spreading their legs and ran back.

In the distance, there is a magic teleportation array waiting for them. As long as you run there, you can instantly move to a safe place.

They rushed to the ground, and the wind behind them got stronger and stronger, and even produced a kind of suction that would pull them back.

Everyone tried their best to enter the teleportation array, and finally glanced back. They saw the high priest surrounding the center of the holy light. A whirlwind formed on the ground. The earth, rocks, and trees were swirling in the high wind and were swept towards the high priest.

Immediately there was a dazzling light rushing up like a tide.

In the next second, everyone stumbled and ran out of another teleportation formation.

The sun is shining and the sea breeze is blowing, and it is completely different from the evil spirits whistling and the gust of wind.

One by one, they all fell to the ground, panting and panting in panic.

Since this is their special pick-up location, these uncles didn't get in a hurry. They suddenly reached a safe place, and the fatigue surged. Everyone was tired as if half of their strength, and they didn't even want to lift their hands. Waiting for the guards guarding here to come and lift them up.

But to everyone's surprise, they waited for a few seconds, but none of the well-trained guards came over.

Everyone in Lester couldn't help but turned their heads and took a look, and saw that the guards were all standing in place, staring into the distance blankly.

The crowd also followed the guards' eyes and turned their heads to look into the distance. Then one by one they also got up from the ground and looked at the small island in the distance.

I saw a white holy light hit from the sky over the island where they had just fought fiercely. Under the violent impact of magical elements, the holy light tore a circular hole in the dark clouded sky.

Those clouds seemed to be dripped by hot water on the surface of the snow, melting quickly with the Holy Light as the center. Showing dark clouds on the blue sky.

Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a dull loud noise.

Then, a wave visible to the naked eye appeared in the air, which spread rapidly at a very fast speed.

Everyone just caught it with their naked eyes, and in the next second, it was already on top of their heads.

Suddenly the wind blows, flying sand and rocks.

The violent wind uprooted the surrounding trees and threw them into the air like toys.

Before everyone in Lester was ready to guard, they were all blown up and fell to the ground. Some were even blown away several steps away.

After a while, the gust of wind stopped, and everyone got up from the ground in disgrace, and immediately saw a scene that stunned them.

I saw that in the direction of the small island, a huge black cloud like a mushroom was slowly rising.

It continued to roll and rise, and slowly twisted and deformed under the blowing of the sea breeze.

Everyone suddenly discovered that a huge black eye appeared in the center of the mushroom cloud.

At first, everyone thought it was just a coincidence, but the eye became more and more realistic, like the legendary eye of the devil, looking at everyone coldly.

It made people look at it, and couldn't help feeling chills.

After a while, as the mushroom cloud kept rolling, the eyes were submerged in the black cloud again and disappeared.

At the end, the mushroom cloud was hundreds of meters high and hung in the sky for a long time.

Until then, everyone gradually slowed down.

They looked at each other's embarrassed appearance, and suddenly realized that they just seemed to have killed...killed the high priest? ? ~! ! ! !

At this moment, they did not cheer, did not jump, and did not shout.

Standing on a high place one by one, looking at the mushroom cloud in the distance, they were filled with emotion and embarrassed.

Lester, Wabador, and Obachem stood side by side with a cigar in their mouths, silently looking at the mushroom cloud in the distance, letting the sea breeze blow their robes.

History is always surprisingly similar.

Thousands of years ago, the three principals of the Maple Leaf Danlin once fought **** the simple city of Maple Leaf Danlin, and they finally waited for the reinforcements of humans to repel the undead coalition forces.

And now, the three principals of the same Fengye Danlin, they successfully ambushed the undead high priest and killed him on the spot.

The rest of the people didn't dare to bother at this time, but they slapped each other's shoulders, celebrating each other with joy.

Lester looked at the sky silently, and after sighing with victory, he suddenly felt a sense of loss.

The history of mankind has turned a page.

That powerful, invincible, the number one strong under the starry sky, was just eliminated? The shadow that has been hanging over the human world for two thousand years has just disappeared?

At this time, he couldn't help being in awe: no matter how strong he was, he still couldn't escape the mercy of fate.

Only then did he truly realize the true meaning of "the wheels of history roll forward".

Suddenly, a seagull flapped its wings and flew past them, shouting.

The Lester three looked at each other and smiled.

As soon as Wabador turned around, he shouted: "Little ones, bring the best wine. We'll have a good time."

His words immediately evoked cheers from everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, a series of ‘bang bang bang, the sound rang, and the already prepared champagne opened.

The frothy wine flows everywhere.

People held the wine bottle, or lifted it to drink or pressed the mouth of the bottle, shaking it for a while, and the wine was everywhere.

At this time, no one in the crowd whispered: "By the way, what happened to the eyes in the mushroom cloud at that time? How do I feel that something is evil?"

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became frozen.

Everyone present also had doubts about that eye. It's just that the high priest has just been killed, everyone is celebrating, and no one is disappointed.

And now, when someone points out, everyone can no longer ignore it like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

Lorraine sat in her tent, listened carefully to Lester's story, and then asked with concern: "How is Hillmelia? Is it injured? Is it serious?"

Lester couldn't help but froze for a while, and gave him an annoyed look: This **** is really a bastard. Everyone worked desperately and killed the undead high priest, and there were countless urgent things to deal with. But he only cares about his concubine.

He patiently said: "She is fine. In order to prevent the high priest from discovering, so when the Holy See cast the spell, it was on another island tens of kilometers away.

She was just a little weak. Now he has returned to Vantino. "

Lorraine just said ‘Oh’, and then sat in a chair silently, thinking seriously about how to shift and see his girlfriend.

Lester glanced at him strangely, and said, "Don't you want to ask anything else?

Lorraine was stunned. At this moment, Sir Alex only cared about his girlfriend. As for the others, he loved to death.

But looking at the look of fire in Lester's eyes, he had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay. Didn't you just say that the high priest is dead? Then you said he is still alive, what happened? What's going on?"

Lester glanced at him approvingly, then coughed lightly, and then said: "This is how it is. We have studied a lot of reference materials.

Then I found all kinds of clues, and then conducted a serious analysis of various clues, and finally unanimously concluded that we only killed the clone of the high priest.

Where must his real body be hidden? "

Lorraine couldn't help but stopped, looking at Lester and said, "Master, what are you kidding me. The high priest is just a clone? It's dead like a nuclear bomb.

If this is the case, wouldn't his real body be even more awesome. As soon as the real body comes, just take it easy, the big guys will have to fart and die?

Where are the Semitic and Lich's still used, fighting so hard with us. "

Lester shook his head, and then said: "Actually, according to our inference, the undead high priest was already the number one strong under the stars a thousand years ago. Then after a thousand years, his strength should be even stronger. But. Judging from the actual combat situation, there hasn't been much progress.

So we considered that it might be that his true body encountered some difficulties during the training, was trapped, or suffered some serious damage. Can only rely on the clone to move out. "

He paused for a while, and then said seriously: "We think that he was seriously injured a thousand years ago. That's why he started a war to cover up the fact that he was injured.

As a necromancer, in fact..."

He hesitated for a while, looked at Lorraine and said, "I'm just here to say that. I won't admit it when I go out."

Lorraine was taken aback and couldn't help getting serious.

Lester shook out a bomb and said: "After our research, we found that in the beginning, the Necromancers weren't evil people. In fact, they were followers of the Goddess of Life."

Lorraine looked at Lester in a daze, and said: "Are you old... don't you have a fever?"

With that said, Zhong went out with concern, wanting to test the temperature of his forehead.

Lester snorted coldly, slapped his hand away, and said, "I'm fine. Listen to me carefully.

Necromancer is just a branch of magician. Their research direction is to pursue immortality. From this perspective, they are actually believers of the goddess of life.

But later, they went wrong.

Because all life in the world is limited. So for their own eternal life, they began to take the lives of others by all means.

Gradually, because of their perverted methods, terrifying appearance, and unscrupulously, they wantonly take human lives and devote other lives to the gods in exchange for their own survival, so people think that they are followers of the gods. . "

Lorraine listened to his explanation and couldn't help nodding. This is like talking about the laws of physics. Although it is a bit weird, it has to be admitted that it is the correct interpretation.

Lorraine pondered for a moment and said, "From your point of view, how much strength does that clone possess?"

Lester thought for a while and said, "20-30%, up to 30%, no more."

Lorraine couldn't help sighing, and said: "This also means that we must start the expedition as soon as possible, otherwise once he recovers and send another clone out, then everything you have done will be meaningless." Continued)

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