Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1436: Ministry of State, Navy and Justice

September 3rd, 836 years in the Julian calendar, sunny. M//.//

The autumn breeze is refreshing, it is a good time of the year, the weather is neither cold nor hot, the sun of early autumn is spreading over the earth, accompanied by the melodious bells, the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy has restored the peace and harmony of the past.

In a huge conference room of the United Nations Building in Maple Leaf, a breeze blew through the open windows, raising the white linen curtains.

A white pigeon flapped its wings and landed on the window sill, making a "cuckoo, cuckoo" sound in its mouth, walked a few steps back and forth on the window sill, tilted its head and looked at the conference room, as if wondering why it suddenly appeared here A group of sculptures.

A group of well-dressed ambassadors were sitting together. They all sat on the chairs silently and motionless, rolling their eyes and looking at each other's expressions.

Trying to find any flaws in the opponent's expression.

Although a few days ago, the UN ambassadors were all frightened by the information brought by Lorraine, and then voted and passed the troop dispatch resolution unanimously.

In terms of intelligence directed at the undead, no one knows more than Lord Lorraine, who holds the three-party intelligence resources of Semitic undercover agents, Flying Eagle Group agents, and Vantino spy.

The war fortress and the undead war plan were all brought back by Lord Lorraine, and by the way, he also abducted the Flower of Lightning, the first beauty of the Semi returned.

Since the undead can create a war fortress, it is also very possible to create a magic weapon that is a thousand times larger than a war fortress. Don’t forget, it’s already passed since the war fortress first appeared on the human continent. A thousand years.

During this millennium, anything can happen.

As long as the resolution to dispatch troops is passed. Immediately, the millions of troops moved instantaneously. Thousand Sails Race. All ships were sent out together, and the army marched eastward. They boarded the Semitic continent with an unrelenting spirit, and wiped out the undead high priest and his lackeys by sweeping the cave.

The Xie Semi people hang upside down, defeat the evil dark mage, and then join hands to create a warm, loving, happy and happy feudal family. Together we will move towards a better tomorrow...

Such remarks can only deceive the mentally handicapped with an IQ below 25. In fact, this is simply impossible.

As a bureaucratic organization of the United Nations, it is already incredible that resolutions can be passed in a short period of time.

This is because the ambassadors of various countries are very afraid of death after experiencing a war, for fear that the high priest will come back, and some Sid battleship will appear on their heads and kill them cleanly.

Under the threat of terror, a consensus was quickly reached.

Since the resolution was passed on August 28. The ambassadors all sent back telegrams to their country at the first time, and then... uh. Then, because it was the weekend, they strictly enforced the national leave regulations for civil servants and took two days off.

After the abduction came back, it took another day or two before they received a domestic order. This is not surprising, because domestic officials also need to spend Sundays.

This made Lord Lorraine, who often didn't even know the day of the week, yelled at him, and the more he didn't work, the more **** he was.

However, the discussion can be over within a day or two, and it is rare in the current bureaucracy to be highly efficient.

In the past, I didn't look at it, discuss it, watch it again, and discuss it again. It took ten days and a half of a month, so I can't think of the officials doing something serious.

And this is also entirely because of the help of Flying Eagle Telecom. If you need to spread the letter quickly as before, you may not get the news even after one or two months.

Just one round trip from Maple Leaf Danlin to Samarkand, it takes six hundred li to expedite, and it takes a month without stopping day and night.

After the ambassadors received the domestic instructions, they immediately began a new round of bargaining.

The war itself is the biggest business in the world.


I don’t know how long it took, someone in the conference room finally couldn’t help standing up and shouting: "Everyone, everybody~!

It is our duty to liberate the Semitic continent, rescue the people living under the cruel rule of the undead high priest, and guarantee their most basic human rights. It is our duty to be based on the conscience of a believer in the **** of light.

May the God of Light bless us and the poor Semitic people.

Here, on behalf of our great Queen Isabella, I solemnly declare: Our Almohad Empire has a powerful navy. In this cross-sea expedition, no matter how many ships we send, our navy is willing to take up a percentage. Forty shares..."

Before he could finish his words, someone next to him had already slapped the case, and the atmosphere shouted angrily: "Fart~!

Your navy is strong, and our Ruman navy is not vegetarian. Why do you account for 40% and we still account for 50%...

Shall we pull it out and smash it? "

The ambassador of the Ruman Empire and the ambassador of Almohad immediately crossed their eyebrows, squeezing their fists to prepare for a "direct and frank" debate.

Just when the two of them stared at them, and on the other side, the ambassador of the Elf Kingdom sneered, puffed up his chest, and said proudly: "As for the navy, who has the strong navy of our Elf Kingdom?

Well, you unite all the ships, and then hand them to us..."

The rest of the people all took a sip at him, and for a while, saliva flew wildly on the venue, and even more wicked puppies even spit out disgusting thick sputum.

Elf, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Elf, reached out and wiped it, then furiously, he jumped up from his chair and looked around, his face sternly shouted: "I bought a watch last year~! Who, is that? Who~!

*, forget about spitting, dare to spit at this uncle, there is a kind of stand up, the master will fight him..."

The people present either looked left and right, or looked up at the ceiling, pretending that they could not see the furious elven kingdom ambassador, and let him jump and yell there.

After a while, the ambassador of the interim chairman of the meeting, Mr. Hillon, stood tremblingly.

This is a short, but chubby, fat man with a slightly flattened head. It looks like a big ball is stacked on top of a small ball.

He has a pair of golden glasses over his eyes. The eyes behind the glasses kept flickering. At first glance, he was a timid and cowardly fellow.

This is not surprising. According to the rules of the United Nations, in order to avoid the situation of one party dominating, all the rotating presidencies cannot be composed of six gangsters... Well, the seven gangsters have recently been formed, and the Elf Kingdom has also submitted its membership to the UN Please apply, and it was approved in the first time.

So on. The elven kingdom can also participate in the United Nations of mankind grandiosely, and because they have the most powerful navy in the world, and their outstanding performance in the battle of the Mediterranean Sea in the reinforcement of Vaticano, they have also won a seat of a permanent member of the United Nations. In one fell swoop among the big gangsters.

This also marked the beginning of the Elf Kingdom and formally integrated into the warm feudal family of human society.

Of course, there are also some people who criticize this, thinking that this group of nymphs is entirely dependent on women's nepotism, and they send their princesses to Lorraine as lovers. Only successfully got the big gangster seat, so I look down on them very much.

How powerful the Wizard Kingdom navy is. These countries are located inland, so they are not afraid that the gang of elves are above the ocean. Although they are now part of humanity, their influence on most landlocked countries is limited.

And they think highly of themselves and think they are superior. Always boast: "Our great and noble kingdom of elves..."

More importantly, the elves are handsome, even the forty ambassadors Alf are also talents, and they often provoke a large group of human **** girls to scream and watch, making the majority of human men deeply hit. .

Therefore, it is very annoying to everyone, and everyone has no less to play black hands behind them. Spit on the back, pushpins on the chair, turtles painted on the clothes... etc.

Every time the ambassador of the Elf Nation was provoked, it was almost a scene in the United Nations.

At this time, the Helen State ambassador weakly persuaded: "Forget it, forget it, I don't think that person did it intentionally, everyone is standing under the same banner, and they are all good friends. Long live understanding , Understand Long live..."

Alf also cursed for a long time at this time, and saw that no one made a sound, and then he snorted heavily before sitting down again.

Ambassador Helen looked at the people through his myopic glasses, and said, "Gentlemen, let's continue the meeting. Regarding the issue of the proportion of troops dispatched by the navy, everyone must calmly think about it. Here, I am willing to ask everyone to calm down. , Everyone is good friends, don’t make trouble just because of this little thing..."

Speaking of later, there was even a hint of crying in his tone. Even if the wolf listened to it, he couldn't help but soften his heart, making all the small nations present at the meeting feel anxious, but the representatives of the big gangsters who were sitting turned a blind eye to this and still stared at each other viciously.

Elf patted the ashtray beside him intentionally or unintentionally, and Ambassador Almohad beside him immediately coughed heavily, and then moved his chair back.

The Ruman Empire ambassador next to him did not show any weakness, and immediately took out his alloy cane and placed it on the table.

The three representatives of the Maple Leaf Danlin, the Magic Association, and the Holy See of Light were holding their arms and looking at them with a sneer. The fingertips of the Maple Leaf Danlin were already flashing with blue electric light.

Everyone is ready to fight if they disagree.

The ambassadors of a group of small countries looked at each other, and then quietly shrank their bodies into their chairs. Reduce your goals as much as possible, so as not to harm the pond fish.

This is the difference between a big country and a small country.

In the past wars, the division and composition of the UN's military strength were not clear, and it was often the number of people who were drawn directly, which was a bit chaotic.

All countries have also discovered this end. Therefore, I intend to take advantage of this time to solve this problem. And since then, a regulation has been formed and fixed.

For large countries, how many troops they send and what proportion they send troops is a serious political issue related to their right to speak in the United Nations in the future. Therefore, it is natural that they cannot relax the slightest vigilance.

For small countries, they have no right to speak anyway. Naturally, if they can send fewer troops, they will send fewer troops and spend less money. Just spend less.

And on the navy issue. It's not just about the proportion of troops sent. In fact. It is also related to another, more important thing, the arms race.

There is no shortage of far-sighted politicians. This time the expedition to the Semitic continent, the only thing you can rely on is the navy. The navy is needed to transport troops, and the navy is needed to transport supplies.

After the war, the communication between mankind and the Semitic must be close, and there is a huge amount of wealth in it. This also means that whoever controls the sea in the future will be able to dominate the two continents.

And whose navy accounts for more. Who can hold the sea.

But the navy is an extremely money-burning place. The century-old navy is not for nothing.

If everyone is desperately building ships and ships in order to have the most powerful navy, it is estimated that the family will go bankrupt before going out for an expedition.

Therefore, this time the ‘Navy Dispatch Ratio’ meeting is actually related to the issue of the proportion of naval forces in the future.

Under such circumstances, as a maritime power, the kingdom of elves, and Almohad, Ruman is naturally unwilling to fall behind.

According to the heart. They each have their own advantages.

The elven kingdom has a large tonnage and a huge fleet. There are many sailors and all of them are well-trained. They are well deservedly No. 1 in the world.

The sea trade of Almohad is quite prosperous, with rich experience of sailors. Although the tonnage of ships is small, but the number is large, they can cope with various complicated sea conditions.

As for Ruman's ship, which is large in tonnage, fast and durable, it is very lacking in terms of sailors, far inferior to the other two.

At this time, the ambassador of the Parthian Empire stood up and said: "Everyone, no matter how you divide it, here, let me make a statement. Our powerful Parthian Empire navy will account for 20%... …"

Before he could finish his words, all the imperialist rough men next to him all roared.

"To shut up."

"You shut up~!"

"What trouble. Sit back."


The Parthian Empire ambassador immediately blushed and his neck was thick, and he roared back without hesitation, and said, "Why? Why are you guys?"

The representative of the Ruman Empire slapped the table and roared angrily: "Shut up, you **** again, believe it or not, I'll smoke you.

Your **** desert continent country, at most there is an inconspicuous outlet in the lower right corner of the Mediterranean Sea, how dare you call for a navy?

Shameless, ah, ah~! "

The representatives of the small countries that were vassals in the Parthian Empire were also ashamed and all bowed their heads and hated them too much.

The representative of the Parthian Empire snorted and retorted mercilessly: "What's wrong with continental countries, can they not have navies? Don't Ruman still have the Ministry of Justice?"

"@#¥#%~%&x!..." These words are really slapped.

The representative of the Ruman Empire was ashamed... Well, under the anger, his face had turned into the color of pig liver.

The representative of the Parthian Empire sneered and turned to look at the ambassadors of other countries. Those people also turned their heads, afraid to look at him.

After a while, someone suddenly understood, then he slapped the table hard, pointed to the nose of the ambassador of the Parthian Empire, and screamed: "*, don't you also have the Ministry of Justice?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone also woke up. Pointing to the Parthian Empire ambassador, they shouted.

"*, you almost fooled you."

"When did your Parthia start the law? You have the face to say us."

"So shameless..."

"It's so shameless~!"


When everyone was filled with indignation and accusations, someone whispered: "Everyone, everybody, this doesn't seem to be a glorious thing, right?"

Everyone was suddenly stagnant, and suddenly looked at each other, and then slapped a haha ​​together, saying: "The meeting, continue the meeting, hahahaha..."

Then everyone sat down again and started a new round of negotiations.


In the United Nations, although the efficiency of officials is the lowest, the spread of various gossip and gossip is the fastest.

The joke of the ‘Ministry of Justice’ had just come out in the morning, and in the afternoon it had spread to No.7 Hongfengye Road, Fengye Danlin.

Adele deliberately told the joke out loud in front of Catherine.

Catherine was ashamed, and Adeling and Fiona pressed her to the sofa and harassed her.

Adele realized that the two of Adling were also the royal family of the Semi, and they also had the judicial department. Rao is Adele's superb martial arts and double cultivation of magic and dance, but in the joint attack of the three imperialist female robbers, they can only scream and surrender.

The scenery in the middle of Xuan Ni is not beautiful.

When Luo Linna came in, she happened to see that scene and couldn't help but laugh and curse a few words. Then she turned her head and saw Lorraine squinting and fainting, and immediately glared at him angrily.

She turned around and stood in front of Lorraine, and then said: "My Sir, don't you worry? That group of people are arguing about naval quotas. When is this a leader?

Teacher Lester asked me to ask you, is there any good way? "

Lorraine smiled and said: "What's the problem with this? I have said that dpk is the best way to solve the problem."

He paused, and continued: "Let the Elf Kingdom, Almohad, and Ruman all give out 25% first, and give the rest to the Holy See, and distribute the rest to the small nations. At that time, we will see the results of the war. For those with good performance and high merit, increase the proportion; for those with poor performance, decrease the proportion."

Luo Linna frowned and said, "Do you have mature documents?"

Lorraine didn't even look at it. He reached out and took a document from the table and said, "Here. Here, you have a look."

Luo Linna took a surprised look and said, "If you have, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Lorraine glanced at her strangely, and said, "If they don't fight, how do they know that my plan is good?"

Lorraine rolled her eyes very angry, then took the file in her hand and looked through it carefully. Next to Catherine, she saw that it was and immediately let go of Adele and walked over. .

She picked up the plan and took a look, then frowned, and said, "Lorraine, if you divide it by tonnage like this, from the very beginning, the Elf Kingdom will take advantage of it.

Like crazy, those people bought our cannons. According to the CIA's intelligence, they armed all the big ships into battleships.

The group of people trembled like three to five to eighty thousand, and when there was nothing to do, they called out "the truth is within the range of a cannon." The typical ambitions are rampant, and they are about to become a group of militarists.

If you press the dpk mode. In the end, they must have the majority. At that time, once they dominate the ocean, you will wait for them to start a war. "

Lorraine smiled disdainfully and said: "Don't worry, even if you give them three hundred battleships, they won't be able to make trouble."

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