Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1439: Enterprise

Maybe it was a deliberate show off, maybe it was an unintentional act. After the naval officers of Lorraine and the Elf Kingdom got on, the war fortress did not fly directly to the mothership.

Instead, it rose rapidly, reaching a height of 300 meters, and then stopped.

Having not fully recovered from the pressure of the rapid ascent, Parno, the deputy commander of the Naval Fleet of the Elven Kingdom, looked down through the narrow window of the war fortress, and he could not help but hold his breath with just a glance.

I saw above the vast sea, warships like clouds, and sails like forests.

Countless warships covered the entire sea like a dense school of fish.

The foremost battleship has been submerged below the horizon, and behind, there are still battleships continuously gushing out of the strait, appearing in their sight, and it seems to be endless. I don’t know if it is below the sea level. How many battleships are hidden.

Among the 3,000 warships, the warships of the Elven Kingdom are only a small part of them.

This kind of overwhelming, mighty scene is extremely difficult to see in the Elf fleet. In fact, there has never been such a large fleet in human history.

Because I was on the battleship Royal Ark, I looked around, and I saw that all my ships were all around, and all the masts of Rulin were floating on the golden rose banner of the Elf Kingdom.

It will give them an illusion, as if the ship in the distance is their ship, invisibly it will make people feel arrogant and arrogant, blinding their eyes and not seeing Mount Tai.

But now, at a high place, looking down from the sky, you can clearly distinguish the nationality of the ship through the flag on the ship.

It is natural to know what proportion they occupy.

Parnault suddenly felt sweat dripping from his forehead: it was so arrogant before. The elven kingdom puts all the power of the whole country together, but it has assembled its own fleet.

Although the five fleets of the Elven Kingdom are large in size, they need to defend the territorial waters and sea trade lines of the Elven Kingdom.

The ability to mobilize these 700 warships and the same number of transport ships is already the greatest ability of the Elf Kingdom.

The human fleet is four times as large as their Elf Kingdom task force~!

Not to mention the Nian Fleet, an elite and powerful fleet. Equipped with the best contemporary artillery and powered by a magical steam engine, it is the most advanced warship of this era.

In the past, he always thought that the fleet of the Elf Kingdom was unparalleled in the world, and even if the humans were united, they didn't have to be afraid of the idea, it really was a toad sitting in a well and watching the sky.

Parno couldn't help looking a little silly, and turned his head away, not wanting to see Lord Lorraine's proud face.

As if for the convenience of them to see clearly, the war fortress hovered in the sky for a long time. Only then did it slowly fly down, and under the command of several guides, it landed steadily on the deck of the mothership.

Just as the captain opened the hatch, Parno and a group of officers squeezed out of the war fortress impatiently. Jump on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

As soon as their feet touched the huge carrier deck, they were taken aback.

The ship is stable, it's so stable.

On the Royal Ark, you can still feel the shaking caused by the ups and downs, but on this huge battleship, you can't feel it at all, as if it were a piece of land.

But thinking about it conversely, this seems to be what it should be.

After all, such a large ship can easily crush all winds and waves, unless it encounters an extremely bad storm. This huge battleship is not afraid of the undulating waves.

Everyone settled, then looked up and saw that the entire deck was flat, neat and smooth. You can see the stern from the bow at a glance.

Unlike other warships of this era, there are almost no superstructures on the deck.

Only on the right side of the middle of the ship there is a three-story command tower, which is like a flat column and not very wide. Save as much space as possible for the deck.

At the top of the command tower, the Ruman Empire's golden eagle flag with a red background fluttered in the wind, hunting and flying, looking domineering.

Behind the ship, billowing black smoke was expelled, like an erupting active volcano.

Still far away, you can smell the choking smell of soot in the air.

Lorraine walked slowly down the war fort, stepped on the deck and took a deep breath. I looked at my huge aircraft carrier with emotion and pride.

I secretly said in my heart: We can afford to play with aircraft carriers, and we can learn from the countrymen in the future and play hooligans all over the world.

This huge ship was not originally built as an aircraft carrier. When the ship was built, Lorraine had no plans to build an aircraft carrier because there was no war fortress suitable for carrier-based aircraft.

After the idea of ​​miniaturization of the war fortress was put forward. Lord Lorraine had the idea of ​​an aircraft carrier in his mind.

The original purpose of this ship was a large coal ship.

Due to the war, there was a huge demand for steel. Therefore, the steel plants in the safe environment of Chennai were all running at full power and producing at full capacity day and night.

Although the situation of Rijin Doujin made Lei Erye almost crazy. But he cannot ignore a problem. The steel industry has a huge demand for coal, especially high-quality coal.

However, Nian'an's coal is far from keeping up with demand, and the railway capacity can't be met. Therefore, the problem can only be solved through large-scale imports.

With a wave of his hand, Mr. Leo Lei, the president of Feiying Steel, placed a large order with Feiying Shipbuilding Company. He also requested that three large-tonnage coal ships be built at one time to solve the problem of coal. Transportation issues.

In addition, the construction of supporting coal docks and railways has started. The coal unloaded at the docks can be transported directly into the steel plant, which is a symbol of the industrial age.

At this time Lord Lorraine also began to worry about the aircraft carrier. Seeing this situation, he immediately seized it with a big stroke and unceremoniously, turning two of them into aircraft carriers.

And now only one of them has been completed, and the other is about to be completed. As long as it passes sea trials, it can be put into use immediately. The supporting three and five squadron flying units are already training.

For this matter, Lei Erye did not make any comments, clamoring that this was an unfair and immoral behavior that the government used administrative means to suppress the development of the enterprise.

It was not until Catherine promised to exempt him from taxes for another three years. However, Chairman Leo’s condition of not doing homework was resolutely rejected.

Although the ship was converted from a coal carrier. However, this ship has a standard displacement of 8,000 tons, and the original full-load displacement of 15,000 tons. After being converted to an aircraft carrier, after partial modification, the full-load displacement was reduced to 13,000 tons.

Even so, it is unique in the whole world. It can be called the existence of a Big Mac.

Lorraine stomped the plank under his feet strongly, and then proudly introduced to everyone: "Gentlemen. Allow me to introduce this ship to you."

Parno wanted to see the logo on the hull when he was on the Royal Ark, and then said: "Endeavour?"

Lorraine smiled, and then said: "You can say the same. But I prefer to call it the "Enterprise" number.

The hull is a steel-framed wooden shell structure with a total length of 165 meters. The ship is 21 meters wide and draught...Ha, this is a secret number, forgive me.

In terms of power, there are four high-power steam boilers, and if running at full power, the fastest speed can reach 15 knots.

Nearly forty medium-sized war fortresses and more than 20 light-weight war fortresses can be parked in the hangar on and under the deck.

If the upper deck is completely emptied, four more heavy war forts can be parked, of course. I am referring to the silly, black and thick model produced by Fengye Danlin. "

Everyone could not help but smile slightly, showing a knowing smile.

In order to pursue practicability and combat effectiveness, Fengye Danlin’s war fortress has survivability in aerial combat, so the appearance is not very particular.

In addition, a large number of mesh grid armors are installed on the outside. Although it will be fine to get a few shots in battle, the war fortress with grid armor gives people the feeling of-that stuff is too much. Ugly.

Especially from the perspective of the elves full of elegance and literary aesthetics, it is simply a stinky shit.

Some people even proposed to reject their first batch of war fort orders in Fengye Danlin. Until the arrogant Maple Leaf Danlin changed the appearance a little bit, he could see it.

And from another aspect, the war fortress built by Fengye Danlin is a bottomless pit in terms of energy consumption because of its huge size, heavy armor, and a large number of guns.

It used to be just a little better when it was only on defense.

If it is a cross-sea expedition, flying over the entire journey, the devilish power spar consumed alone is enough to cause headaches for the three principals. That would be a stunning astronomical number.

At the same time, everyone's fear of the undead high priest also deepened.

He is an out-and-out big dog family, and he can actually send three hundred war fortresses to fly across the sea at a time and continue to fight on the human continent.

How much magic power spar he has to accumulate in normal times~!

From this alone, we can know that for this thousand years. The undead race is really not idle.

However, facing the same energy consumption as the bottomless pit of a war fortress, Maple Leaf Danlin Academy also came up with an excellent method-loading the war fortress with a transport ship. Each transport ship is loaded with one or two war fortresses.

Although the ship is a little smaller, once a large war fortress flies up, it is difficult to land. The typical kills are not buried. But despite this, they can proudly claim that they own an aircraft carrier.

It is precisely because they smashed their signs that everyone looked down on Fengye Danlin's aircraft carrier at the very beginning, and naturally it was accompanied by the tactics of using ships to carry war fortresses, which was considered useless. of.

Until now, as soon as Lord Luo's aircraft carrier came out, it made them re-examine this super weapon that turned out to be.

At this time, another gust of wind was blowing from behind, and the soot that was blowing immediately turned upside down, and the choking people coughed and made their faces gray.

Lorraine couldn't help sweating profusely, and quickly explained: "Oh, sorry, sorry. The design of the chimney of this ship is a little unreasonable.

The second ship has already started to improve, and when it comes out, it will be much better. "

Everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other, and they all cursed in their hearts: This is really his grandma's dog family, a mothership is enough to scare the big guy's pants wet, this **** actually has another one, everyone in the future Still alive?

At this moment, I listened to Lorraine continuing to say: "However, having said that, the smoke is also good. The sea is vast, without coordinates, and no navigation. The war fortress flew out. It's easy to get lost.

With this black smoke floating in the air, they could easily find their way home from a distance of one hundred and eighty miles.

You say yes? Haha, hahahaha"

Sir Alex Ferguson is a civilized man, and he is embarrassed to make the working environment on the deck very bad for such large-scale pollution.

The people nearby heard Lorraine's words, but they couldn't help being silent for a while. Even some inferiority complex: Will the war fortress be lost in the sea?

This kind of high-tech thing is completely unheard of, like a poor bargainer listening to a debate between two big dogs, tiger whip or Indian **** oil, which one is better in bed battle.

The elves were silent for a while. Parno slowly said: "My lord, with all due respect, this mothership looks good, but its cost-effectiveness is really bad. How much energy does a war fortress consume every day?

In addition, personnel training, ammunition supply... etc. and so on, and for these war fortresses, you also built this huge ship specially.

In order to cover this huge ship. He also sent several battleships to **** it..."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the battleships scattered around the aircraft carrier, and said, "My lord, am I right? Are they deliberately escorting this aircraft carrier?"

Lorraine couldn't help but glanced at him in surprise: I thought the goods were just a straw bag, but I didn't expect that there was still some material in his stomach.

Just turning around here, you can say so many things, it seems. These puppies should not be underestimated~!

He nodded immediately and said: "Yes, you are right. Their task is to **** them to prevent the enemy from getting close to them during naval battles.

Although this ship is large, it is also very weak in defense. "

Parno immediately laughed and said, "My Lord, your fleet is equipped. How much does it cost? Millions or tens of millions?

This cost-effective ratio is really bad. With so much money, it is possible to build ten Tier 1 battleships, with five or six hundred shells in one salvo, and use artillery to completely submerge the enemy in the sea of ​​fire.

Therefore, the giant ship artillery is the correct development direction in the future.

And ten battleships can control the sea. It must be broader than an aircraft carrier. "

Lorraine looked at him sideways, and then said thoughtfully: "Maybe what you said makes sense? Who knows? After all, no one can predict the future."

After speaking, with his hands behind his back, he raised his head, looked at the blue sky, and sighed a long, sighing expression.

After all, the inherent thoughts and opinions are difficult to reverse.

Even in Lord Lorraine’s previous life, the argument between the aircraft carrier and the battleship went on for twenty years before it was proven in actual combat. The samurai of Ottopond nation once made monsters like Yamato and Musashi.

Parno laughed immediately, then leaned slightly, and politely said: "My lord, you apologized, I'm just a little opinion. I'm still very immature, haha, hahahaha..."

Although he was humble, the smug look on his face couldn't hide it.

This is not surprising, and Lorraine, that is the magnificent Flying Eagle God of War, is the world's most recognized warrior. In front of him, no matter how self-righteous and narcissistic these elves are, they have to admit that Sir Alex Ferguson is much better than them, and many people regard Sir Alex Luo as their goal of surpassing.

Not to mention that he abducted Princess Lulu, the national idol of the Elf Kingdom.

And now, Lord Luo Jue who can be said is just poor in reason, which shows that he is powerful.

At the same time, these young and strong officers also strengthened their determination to develop the line of giant ship artillery.

The reason is very simple. If you say no words for military experts like Lord Luo, it naturally fully reveals the great vision and foresight of the soldiers of the Elf Kingdom.

After many years, an anti-government rebellion broke out in the Elven Kingdom. The United Nations army disregarded international standards and ignored the sovereignty of the Elven Kingdom, shouting slogans to defend human rights, and outrageously sent troops to interfere.

At that time, they had been immersed in the development of giant ship artillery, and when they faced the task force composed of many aircraft carriers in Naian, they knew: mlgbd~! Let the cunning pup deceive again~!

At this time, the elves consciously refuted Lord Luo in words, and they were naturally very happy. Although they visited the aircraft carrier for a while, due to their preconceived impressions, they were also very picky about this aircraft carrier. Okay, that's not good either.

Even the boats mostly come out to say things.

What kind of boat is too big, there is not a little wave of swaying. On such a boat, it can only raise a large group of young master cakes. It is absolutely impossible to cultivate brave and persevering men on the sea who dare to fight the wind and waves.

Although Ferguson didn't bother with any kindness, he deliberately dug a hole for them, so he was more upright, but otherwise, those elves almost made Ferguson's nose crooked.

Nothing for the next few The fleet headed west.

Although this ocean is vast and vast, the smugglers in the past are all familiar with the route. Beginning thousands of years ago, there have been countless courageous smugglers who want to make a fortune, driving simple ships and risking a life of nine deaths to sail into the ocean and make huge profits between the two continents.

Later, the Flying Eagle multinational draglas monopoly group also participated.

Under the control of Adeling, Fiona, and Deipule, the scale of smuggling has been greatly expanded, and countless small smugglers have been annexed in the process, forming a complete industrial chain.

Coupled with the use of navigational instruments such as sextants and watches, navigation is much simpler than before. Even after some captains drank too much cat urine, they dared to pat their chests to ensure that they could open the ocean with their eyes closed.

And now that these experienced captains are leading the way, the rest of the ships don't have to worry, as long as they follow.

In the ocean, there are still many small islands scattered around, allowing them to stop and supply fresh water.

Twenty days later, on October 18th, 836 years of the Julian calendar, they crossed the central line of the ocean and galloped into the sphere of influence of the Semitic continent.

At this time, the warships sounded their air horns and trumpets to celebrate.

The sounds gathered together and turned into a huge sound, like the horn of a **** of war, resounding through the world, and then spread far away under the blowing of the sea breeze... (to be continued)

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