Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1444: The role of the church

"Why do you look like shit?"

Lorraine listened to the Grand Duke's question, and then looked at his neat clothes and shiny leather boots. He was speechless for a while, rolled his eyes at him, grinning and said nothing. m

At this time, many coalition officers came down from the war fortress.

All of them are well-dressed, neatly dressed, and their hair is meticulously combed. Even the collars of their shirts are white and snow-white, not stained with a little dirt, and all kinds of military uniforms are shining, wishing to dazzle blind people. The same as preparing to attend the king's banquet.

On the other hand, the officers behind Lorraine, all their faces were blackened with gunpowder smoke, as if they had just been dug out of the mound.

The smoke from the gun when the bullet was fired was rolled back by the sea breeze and all stuck to their faces.

The Feng Ji buckle also tore, the military uniform was crooked, and the collar slumped randomly on both sides. The sleeves were rolled up high.

The clothes are also in tatters, and the large and small areas burned by sparks are full of holes, like a group of beggars who are beggars. The identity emits a pungent and choking smell with a burning and burnt smell. That is The smell of gun oil after being heated by bullets.

No wonder Grand Duke Julian said this to him.

In the past two years Lord Lorraine has hardly been involved in battle, and has been completely dressed up by his girlfriend. Even if he smashes with the undead high priest, he has not been so miserable as before.

The group of people in front of them looked like they had been stepped on by a large group of horses three times.

The Grand Duke brought the officers to look here, and they couldn't help whispering, pointing and pointing. They were quite puzzled, and they just took an island. Doesn't it need to be like this?

The puppies under Lord Luo Jue also felt a little ashamed. Compared with the dazzling bunch of guys, they seemed to be beggars.

They tidied up their clothes quietly, pulled down the corners of their clothes, stretched their uniforms as far as possible, and then buttoned them. Twist the belt.

The Grand Duke looked at Lorraine's appearance, with a smirking smile at first, but then his face gradually became serious.

Shen said: "What? Is it hard to fight?"

Don't know if it is tired or angry, Lord Lorraine doesn't even have the strength to speak now. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed to the sea. There was the beach in the distance, and then he shrugged.

The Grand Duke was stunned for a moment, then turned to look around, and then he couldn't help but inhaled a breath of air, with a surprised expression on his face.

I saw a layer of dead bodies and limbs floating on the sea under the fleet. Various broken limbs kept undulating with the waves, squeezing one by one one by one, impervious to the wind, so that no trace of sea water could be seen at all.

On the beach in the distance, the dead bodies were densely packed and piled up like a mountain, leaving only the defensive positions of the middle human soldiers. Look far away. It's like a volcano after an eruption.

Grand Duke Julian only felt his scalp numb in an instant. As long as he glanced at it, he would never forget this terrifying sight.

Even if he fought on the battlefield for decades, the corpses piled up like a mountain, and the **** scull battle had been seen how many times, the scene before him was still beyond his imagination.

How many undead creatures did the undead fill here, thirty thousand or fifty thousand?

Among the piles of corpses covered with the beach, the soldiers in the defensive position could be seen sitting on the ground one by one, crying bitterly, or lying motionless on the ground with their backs facing the sky. They all thought they were going to die, the undead creatures rushed to a place a few meters away from them, and they were about to swallow them. But suddenly collapsed.

This kind of ups and downs is really too exciting and makes many people feel unstable. Although many of the Marines are veterans. But it was the first time for them to fight such a huge disparity.

Only a handful of brave soldiers followed behind the officer, turning a blind eye to the horrible pile of corpses under their feet, walking back and forth on the beach, seeing the struggling undead, walked over, and on the opponent’s head Take a shot and smash their heads like a watermelon.

The crisp gunfire of "Papa Papa" came intermittently, but it set off the tranquility of the island after the war.

Seeing this, the Grand Duke took a half step back, then raised his hand, and saluted Lorraine and the officers behind him solemnly, saying, "You have worked hard."

The disadvantage is that the Nian fleet and the Marines are equipped with machine guns and artillery. The powerful firepower can form a fire net that is insurmountable by any creature. If it is replaced by other army using swords, it has long been swallowed by undead creatures like a flood. Up.

Like a conditioned reflex, Lorraine also raised his hand in an instant and saluted.

At the same time, the officers behind them also saluted, and at the same time shouted in unison: "Long live the empire!"

The victory in the first battle is indeed very exciting.

Not far away, the priests and priests on the other ships heard the officers' slogans and frowned: This slogan is very taboo.

Because this time the action was under the banner of the United Nations to liberate the Semites who were enslaved by the undead.

According to the rules, everyone’s slogan should be ‘Long live the Guangming’, because everyone is in the camp of the God of Light.

But these arrogant emperors didn't take it seriously, they just shouted their original slogans.

This also shows from another aspect that these soldiers have never regarded the Lord Guangming God as a thing~!

Not taking the God of Light seriously means not taking their apostles of the God of Light seriously.

But despite their dissatisfaction, no one dared to stand up and correct Lorraine and the others.

After all, this battle was fought by Emperor Ruman and the soldiers of the Elven Kingdom.

Hundreds of gunfire on the battlefield just now roared at the same time, and the explosion sounded earth-shattering. The sight of undead creatures full of battleships like ants was almost like the end of the day. Many priests who came to the battlefield for the first time almost peeed their pants in shock.

Looking at the group of soldiers holding shotguns under Lord Lord Lorraine, they still had some fear in their eyes. These desperate puppies almost shot their guns against the tip of the noses of those undead creatures.

And these priests, who were supposed to be the main force against the undead creatures, didn't make much effort from start to finish, and they almost messed up, causing the undead to make their dumplings.

Just shut up at this time, lest you annoy the Ruman. Ask them "Where were you when I was desperately fighting the undead".

At this moment, a burst of enthusiastic cheers was heard suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a dozen black shadows flashing above my head.

Lorraine looked up, and only a dozen war fortresses whizzed past the fleet, hovering in a circle and then slowly fell.

That was the war fortress that went out to bomb the Lich not long ago.

Those war fortresses fell on the deck one after another. Later, several cardinals climbed down from the war fortress in the middle a little awkwardly.

The sailors on the ship rushed up, greeted them with enthusiastic cheers: they are the greatest heroes of this battle.

If it hadn't been for them to find the exact location of the lich manipulating the undead creatures and carry out the bombing, maybe those undead creatures had already rounded them all up now.

In front of a large number of undead creatures, even a small unit with elite equipment is also dangerous.

The cardinals were all tired and sweating. It seems that there is no less effort.

At this moment, I suddenly saw everyone so enthusiastic, and I was not used to it, all with stiff smiles on their faces, beckoning to everyone.

When they saw Lorraine and Grand Duke, they hurried forward and saluted them.

Lorraine also smiled. To the justice: "His Royal Highness, please allow me to introduce to you the greatest contribution of this battle.

Cardinal Claude, Cardinal Reid, and Cardinal Greg...

It was they who used holy arts to find the position of the liches and destroy them, which made us win the victory. "

Then use a very low voice. Quietly added another sentence: "Probably it should be?"

The voice was so low that only Lorraine could hear it.

He was very suspicious that those liches had not been killed by them, and the liches that could go up to the earth could not be solved by a few bombs.

It was scared off by the main fleet that followed up.

Whenever he saw the hostile fleets full of the sea, his heart trembled, and he felt almost the same as Lorraine himself seeing the undead creatures on the beach.

But anyway, after the bombardment by those people, the undead's offensive did fail. Therefore, they can only count on the credit. And in this way, it can also boost the morale of the soldiers.

Lord Luo Jue thought. He sighed secretly: As I gradually grew up, I seemed to be more and more degenerate, and I became more and more like a politician that I once looked down on.

The Grand Duke glanced at them with interest, and then asked carefully, "How about? Have the liches cleared out?"

Crowder glanced at each other, with a confused expression on their faces. Then he shook his head and said, "His Royal Highness, although we have killed a few, we ran away more..."

He paused, then changed his tone, and then said: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, the earl's praise just now was a bit overwhelming.

Saying we wiped out the liches, it would be better to say that you came with an army and scared them away. "

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, and looked at the cardinal Claude with admiration: this guy is not credited with any credit, dare to tell the truth, it's a rare creature that Vantino has become extinct. How did the hypocritical Vatican get to where it is now?

At this time, Crowder continued: "When we were scouting in the air, we looked at it and said that the island is not big, but it is not small. There are still many forests on this island for the liches. Hide."

Upon hearing this, Lorraine and Grand Duke couldn't help but glance at each other.

This small island is the key point of the connection between the Semitic continent and the human continent. In the future, it will be responsible for supporting all the important tasks of material transportation, and it must not be lost.

If the liches are hiding here, just like guerrillas, they will run out to do damage or something, and run away after the fight, then everyone will not get confused. Hurry up and walk around.

This small island is also several kilometers wide. If you want to thoroughly search and eliminate the lich, you have to comb it several times by tens of thousands of people, and this may not necessarily be able to kill it.

I don't have that time, leaving tens of thousands of people to play with a few liches.

Lorraine thought for a while, then frowned, and said, "Your Excellency, how can we clean up the Lich?"

The cardinals next to him looked back. They all laughed.

Lorraine didn't get angry when he heard it, but relaxed. Since the other party can laugh, it means that they have a solution.

of course. If not, dare to laugh like this, Sir Alex has some way to make them unable to laugh for the rest of his life.

He and Grand Duke looked at each other, and then waited patiently for the people to finish laughing.

Claude laughed for a long time before realizing his gaffe. He hurriedly bowed his body and said, "His Royal Highness, Earl. This problem is actually very easy to solve. We have found a solution thousands of years ago."


Claude smiled and said: "This thing is actually very simple to put it bluntly, just one, repair the church. Repair the cathedral."

The Grand Duke suddenly smoked with Qi Qiao: NMLGBD~! This gang is dead bald. It's really lack of greed, this island hasn't been occupied yet, and they plan to grab territory here.

And beside him, Lord Luo Jue was also embarrassed.

The leader of this group is Sir Alex Ferguson's girlfriend, and he gave birth to all the babies.

Therefore, although Sir Alex has no good impression of these bald heads, as long as Sir Alex can take care of them, he has to take care of them. Speaking of which, this can be regarded as his own little brother.

But so shameless, just grabbing here, Ferguson was not ashamed to help out.

Claude looked at the two men’s expressions unkind, and immediately knew they knew they were wrong, and hurriedly coughed and said: "His Royal Highness, Sir, this is how it is. Once the cathedral is built, it will be able to deal with on a large scale. The undead of this small island are purified. The Holy Light Array is set up in the Holy See, enough to cover the entire small island.

Second, in the church, you can draw on the power of light and faith, and after setting up the Holy Light Array, you can easily detect evil creatures. It is convenient for us to prevent and eliminate.

third. The completion of the church can also consolidate our local rule. I think this island in the future must be very prosperous, right?

The two adults are bright saints with firm beliefs and lofty ambitions. They can maintain their faith no matter when and where, but ordinary people are different. They need a place to comfort their souls. Need a shepherd to give them directions. "

Claude said this to an extremely high level, and there was also a bald head who slapped the two of them, and really can wear a red robe with gold rim, there is no simple character.

Although Sir Alex Ferguson is now surrounded by officers, but those vulgar Qiu Ba are awkwardly flattering.

Over and over again is "the commander is wise, the commander is martial, and the commander will dominate the rivers and lakes for generations to come", far from the skilled old man of this cardinal. Between raising their hands, they put the hats of ‘Sages of Light’ on the two uncles.

The Saints of Light, also commonly known as saints, are the heaviest titles of the Holy See. Not only do they erect statues on the Guangming Plaza and engrave deeds for worshippers, but also write a separate page in the history books. The next biography, eternally fragrant.

The Grand Duke looked at Lorraine, then coughed heavily, and said, "I think...I think this suggestion is good, you can have it."

One of Lord Luo’s girlfriends is His Majesty the Pope, and the dream of each generation of His Majesty the Pope is to build churches all over the world, so that everyone can become believers, and collect the protection of the people (from this aspect, the Holy See and the dead There is no essential difference between the high priest, which may be the characteristic of all dictators.).

And when it comes to preaching, Hilmelia is more serious and persistent than other popes.

Lord Luo did not want a fire in the backyard, so naturally he could not object.

The Grand Duke turned his head to look around, and then said: "So where is this church suitable for repair?"

Claude thought for a moment, then pointed to the hill not far away, and said, "Where the highest is the place, fix it. It is condescending and unobstructed. And the higher the place, the larger the surveillance range."

After hearing this, the Grand Duke couldn't help but sighed softly: The repair is high and the effect is great, and the cost will naturally increase, and it is estimated that it will not cost a hundred thousand.

Fortunately, I didn't pay for myself~!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being a little happy.

But Lorraine couldn't help but be in a daze, remembering that in his time, those cathedrals in Europe seemed to be built high and large, and the geographical location was as high as possible. Did they also have this requirement?

He settled, and then said: "Since it is going to be repaired, it will be repaired a little bit. The building materials are all made of reinforced concrete, and then a lighthouse of ten to twenty meters will be built. There will be smoke during the day and a light on at night. What? In this way, if a ship loses its way on the sea, you can easily find the direction."

Claude looked at Lorraine with surprise on his face, and he really deserved to be the pope's head... Pooh, pooh, the pope's closest friend, this **** is about to be crooked to his own bench.

I just sit on the ground and start the price. I was waiting for the Grand Duke and Sir Alex to pay back the money. I didn't expect Sir Lorraine to be so generous. The building materials had to be shipped from the rear. The freight cost was estimated to be a scary figure.

He didn't know that Lord Lorraine had already blasted the mountains and rocks and collected materials on the spot. By the way, he even included the port and fort engineering, mixed it into a bill, and sent it to the Holy See.

The Holy See has always been generous with the cost of building churches. Even if there is no money now, just talk about fundraising, and some are paying for it.

Claude immediately bowed deeply to the ground and said respectfully: "Xie Jue, Xie Your Highness. The light will always be with you."

At this time, the subsequent battleships have already galloped up.

All the battleships immediately sounded their horns to show their welcome.

The Royal Ark of the Elf Kingdom did not show any weakness, recruiting twenty trumpeters and blowing a loud horn at the same time.

With the arrival of the fleet, the sea suddenly became crowded. Due to the limited capacity of the island, many ships had to moor outside the island.

In the harbour, large numbers of soldiers got off the ship and were sent directly into the mountains and forests to search.

More than a dozen war fortresses carried several cardinals circling in the sky.

Many other soldiers gathered the dead souls and buried them in a large pit next to them, while priests and priests stood by the pit, singing hymns loudly, and sprinkling holy water on the corpses, surpassing those wronged ones. spirit.

Hundreds of engineers began to build trestle bridges from the beach to the to facilitate the docking of deep-water ships, loading and unloading goods...

The whole island is full of noise.

When everyone was busy, a few strands of black smoke suddenly rose up in the mountains and forests deep in the island and fled directly to the north.

There was an uproar in the crowd, and then there was a burst of warm cheers. Obviously, it was the liches hiding in the forest. They saw that something was wrong, so they ran away early.

Vaguely, there was a shrill voice: "Stupid humans, don't be too proud of you, this is just the beginning~!"

Although the voice was not high, it was hoarse and unpleasant, and the hearts of the people who pressed like a heavy stone couldn't help but sink. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.)

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