Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1455: Cheap son-in-law visits

The firepower display lasted a quarter of an hour. m

Five battleships, more than two hundred artillery fired at the breakwater, covering the entire causeway in the smoke of the explosion.

The breakwater made of large stones was broken into pieces in the bombardment of artillery fire, and then disappeared on the sea.

The war fortress also swooped down like a performance, and in front of all the defenders in the harbor, bombs were dropped on the ships crowded in the harbor.

The Caribs on the boat had already escaped, leaving only one empty boat spinning on the surface.

The soldiers in the Caribbean watched the black bombs falling like raindrops, blowing the ships blocking the harbor to pieces.

The blasted wooden planks were flying all over the sky, the bomb exploded in the sea set off a thick water column more than ten meters high, and even some small sampans were directly blown into the sky by the impact of the explosion, and rolled onto the harbor.

The sea in the harbor seemed to boil, and the white waves were surging.

Soon, the entire port was submerged in the black smoke of the explosion.

The thunderous explosion stunned all the Caribbean people.

But suddenly, the explosion stopped.

The dark harbor became very quiet, and there was a huge contrast with the earth-shaking explosion just now, so that the soldiers in the Caribbean were all stunned.

They hid behind the bunker and froze for several minutes, until there was no explosion sound for a long time, and then they cautiously poked their heads out of the bunker and looked at the port.

The smoke covering the harbor is slowly being blown away by the sea breeze, exposing the sea covered with ship debris.

The breakwater that had a history of hundreds of miles and was unharmed after numerous ship collisions almost disappeared on the sea.

There is only a small section connecting the coast and a pile of rocks accidentally emerging from the sea. Prove that it once existed.

The war fortress that completed the display of firepower hovered over the human fleet, like an invincible swordsman, showing the loneliness of a master, staring coldly at the Caribbean at his feet.

At this moment, the Semi soldiers looked at the human fleet surrounding the port and the city, and looked at the black muzzle protruding from the side window of the battleship. There were expressions of horror and horror in his eyes.

Many soldiers couldn't help but swallowed their saliva, and then looked at each other. They were thinking hard in their hearts, can they survive such an explosion on their heads?

From the eyes and expressions of the comrades-in-arms, they all saw a positive answer. impossible.

No matter how strong they have fortresses and how large an army they have, in the bombing of sea and air, the ending can only be crushed like that breakwater.

At this moment, the harbor is unprecedentedly quiet inside and outside.

Beyond the expectations of the defenders. After a naked threat of force, humans seemed to have no further action to attack the Caribbean.

While the soldiers in the port watchtower and the fortress were relieved, they were also puzzled.

What are human beings doing? Shouldn't you log in directly at this time?

A few minutes later, from the gap between the two human battleships, a small boat was drawn.

The bow plough opened the wood fragments spreading over the sea and slowly rowed towards the harbor.

General Melun couldn't help beckoning to all directions on the boat, meaning he was back again. Don't let your hands slip and let an arrow come.

Lord Lorraine stood on the bow of the boat and glanced at Fiona next to her. She saw an anxious and tangled look on her face, her hands like white jade twisted together, biting her lips tightly.

Sir Alex could not help but pray secretly: After this display of artillery fire, I hope that Lord Brad can recognize the situation clearly and not be stubborn.

The reason Sir Alex Ferguson came in person was to show his sincerity. I hope that the old guy will not go against the tide of history and block the wheels of history.

Although Lord Luo didn't want to go to war, the patience of the human army was limited. Although he is the deputy commander-in-chief, the time for peace talks is limited.

Human beings have come across thousands of miles of oceans and will not be blocked by a Caribbean.

No one will continue to wait indefinitely like this. The proud soldiers and heroes of mankind stayed on the ship for more than two months. These soldiers are like lions trapped in cages. All of them roared anxiously, wanting to go ashore and take a good rest.

Only by being down to earth can they feel safe and secure.

When passing the guard post, the officers and soldiers above looked at the beautiful girl standing on the bow of the ship, all in a daze.

Immediately someone recognized Fiona, the eldest lady in Caribbean City, and everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Miss Fiona actually came back? ? ? Didn't she elope with a little white face of humans?

And because it was too hot and related to sensitive factors such as the royal family, violence, religion, elopement, etc., this topic has been topped by everyone until today. There is still a market.

and many more……

If this is the case, then the little white face who looks very close to her when standing next to the young lady is naturally... the flying eagle **** of war that makes all the Semitic people fearful? ? ?

All of them stared straight at Lorraine, with awe-inspiring expressions in their eyes: this is this man, this is this man who has abducted the most beautiful flowers of the Semites, this is the man who fought against the strongest under the stars. A tie. It was this person who wiped out the millions of Semitic army~!

Some soldiers controlled the ballista and involuntarily aimed at the small boat, deliberately trying to pull the trigger, and wipe out the peerless enemy of the Semitic in one fell swoop, but for some reason, there was no strength to pull the trigger—though that It's just the power of moving your fingers.

Many years later, when all kinds of autobiographical novels became popular, the soldier also took the opportunity to write a book "I Almost Changed History", describing his inner struggles like the first time a prostitute picked up a guest in extremely detailed and full For the contradiction and rational thinking about life, the people attracted are all sought after.

At the same time, they also sighed. If the soldier was brave and really pulled the trigger at that time, it would be great~!

In a short while, the boat had reached the shore and docked smoothly on the dock.

Although she was psychologically prepared, when Fiona looked at the ships in the sea that were blown to pieces. Still could not help but feel chills.

When I was standing on the human side before, I didn't really feel their power when I watched the great victory reports.

But now she switched to the Semitic side and suddenly realized that these weapons were so powerful. Can't resist at all.

Once mankind launches a storm, the entire city will be turned into a piece of scorched earth~!

She bit her lip vigorously, and became more determined to persuade her father.

Even for a while, she was seriously considering, agitating the soldiers, or simply pulling out her mother. The possibility of launching a mutiny in a small area and ousting the stubborn and hateful old guy from power.

I'm afraid this is really the only choice in desperation-it seems that in the family, her mother speaks better than her father...

Seeing someone landing, a few soldiers immediately shrunk their necks and greeted them tremblingly.

There is no way, they have all been frightened by the unreasonable bombardment of human beings.

Same as other soldiers. When they saw Fiona who jumped ashore first, they were also taken aback for a while, and then issued a series of exclamations.

With the eldest lady, humans would definitely not open fire at them.

City Lord Brad sat in the hall, unable to do anything because of the powerful human artillery fire.

Through the artillery fire demonstration just now, he also clearly knows the power of human weapons, including tens of thousands of militiamen in his hands. It is estimated that it is not enough for people to bomb it for a long time.

However, this old man is also worthy of being the royal family of the Semi, he is not thinking about surrendering to save his life, but about starting to seriously think about how to write his suicide note to show his heroism.

Like all old-school nobles, he also put his reputation before his life.

Suddenly heard the noise outside, immediately furious. Carrying the sword, he walked out and shouted angrily: "Who dares to make noise at will. Those who mess up our army will be cut!"

Having just said this, I suddenly saw a handsome figure standing in front of me, and I couldn't help being surprised. It seemed to be the daughter I was thinking about.

immediately. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, it was not bad, it was his daughter.

He immediately rushed forward, then hugged her hard, and said: "Fiona is really you. Ha, Nana, my little Nana is back~!"

Fiona couldn't help but look embarrassed. Whoever was called by a nickname in public, and also called so numbly, would naturally not be happy, especially Lorraine next to him still looked interested.

At this time, Lord Brad held Fiona's shoulders with both hands, took a half step later, carefully examined her face, and said: "Well, fortunately, it's as beautiful as before. Just a little fatter. After a little bit, it seems that life is going well, and your mother and I are relieved."

After listening to him, Fiona couldn't help but slender her feet, and said angrily: "Dad..."

City Lord Brad laughed, but immediately when he saw Lorraine next to him, he was startled, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, his face suddenly became clear, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that you, Lei Luo, are Lorraine."

Fiona was nervous immediately, and quietly stretched out her hand to grab the corner of her father's clothes, for fear that he would directly drew the sword and slashed her boyfriend under the rage.

Under the fierce gaze of Lord Brad, Lorraine leaned slightly and said, "Yes."

City Lord Brad turned his head and said, "I'm very curious, who is that little fat man named Lei Guangguang?"

Fiona was afraid that the two would be stiff, so she hurriedly interjected: "That treacherous, slanderous and slippery fat guy is actually called Leo. He is the young man of the Ruman Empire and the future heir to the throne."

Brad nodded heavily, and said, "No wonder the deception is omnipotent, it turns out to be the offspring of the three villains."

Lorraine couldn't help being speechless. Humans call the three founders of Maple Leaf Danlin as saints, and the Semites call them villains. One of them is just because of different positions.

City Lord Brad looked at Lorraine and said coldly: "What do you want to do this time? You want us to surrender? Tell you, our Semitic men. I would rather stand to die than kneel to live."

The officers and soldiers nearby all roared and drew their swords together.

For a time, the knife was shining, and the chill was pressing.

Lorraine glanced at everyone, then couldn't help but smile.

He looked back at Melun and said, "What's going on? Didn't I say, let you and Lord City Lord explain clearly? What did you say?"

Melun grinned, spreading his hands. With a wry smile: "I haven't opened my mouth yet, so he kicked me out."

Lord Brad looked at the conversation between the two, frowning, and said: "What do you mean? What are you two singing?"

Lorraine turned around and smiled bitterly: "Sir. It seems that there is a misunderstanding between us. A big misunderstanding."

Hearing this, Lord Brad couldn't help but become interested, and then stretched out his hand and gestured.

Someone rushed over, moved two chairs, and placed them behind him and Lorraine.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help sighing secretly: This cheap old man is really too cruel. His new son-in-law came to the door, and seeing this, he didn't even plan to let himself in.

But having said that, when the son-in-law came to the door, he brought a bunch of rogue thugs and blocked the door of Lao Zhangren. Then it shot and fired.

Seeing Lorraine sitting down, Fiona instinctively wanted to walk over, but then Lord Brad grabbed her wrist and dragged it back.

City Lord Brad looked at Lorraine coldly and said: "Since you want to say, then I will give you a chance to make it clear to me."

This old guy is also extremely slick. Obviously humans are strong and strong, and they have the advantage, but when he says this, it seems that they are the dominant party. Listening to Lorraine speaks to give him a big face.

Lorraine sighed softly, and then said **** for tat: "My Lord City Lord, there is no offense. This is an opportunity for both of us."

As a good politician, you need to know when to make concessions. but. Knowing that you can never take a step back in peacetime, but it is a prerequisite for becoming a politician.

Lord Brad snorted noncommittal.

Lorraine continued: "This time our army is not here for revenge. It is not for hegemony, nor is it to **** the land of the Semitic people. It is..."

Having said that, he paused. Then he said one by one: "It is to liberate the Semitic people who have been exploited and enslaved by the high priest~!

"I'm a big mess~!" All the officers present shrank their necks in shock. This master is worthy of being a master, so dare to say it~!

The necromantic high priest, the strongest under the starry sky, just hearing his name, all of the Semi tribe was already shaking. And he even dared to point out that the high priest was a villain.

Just listening to what he said is enough to constitute a crime of decapitation~!

Everyone glanced at each other, and then took a step back.

At this time, Lorraine continued: "You don't want to think about the same starting line for humans and the Semites, but why a thousand years have passed.

The Semites are still as poor as they were a thousand years ago?

Why do ordinary people still can't eat enough and don't wear warm clothes?

Why are the beacon smoke rising everywhere?

Why do you have to pay a lot of taxes to the dead every year? Even if it’s a disaster year when people are hungry and die everywhere? "

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but turn away.

It is not that they have not considered these things, but they often only look at the surface and do not think in the depths at all, or to be precise, out of fear in their hearts, they dare not think in the depths at all.

It's like looking at the emperor in new clothes. Everyone dare not tell the truth. They can only compliment against their will. Now suddenly they heard Lorraine reveal the **** facts, but they were at a loss for a while. .

Lorraine looked at them and said, "Wake up, for thousands of years, the high priest has been like a vampire, crawling on the Semitic and sucking blood.

During the war, the Semitic warriors were used as cannon fodder by him and rushed to the forefront of the battlefield.

In peacetime, the Semitic people were cruelly exploited by him. Support them with their own flesh and blood.

But what did they give you?

Nothing at all. There is only endless exploitation and crushing~!

All the Semitic officers were silent and gloomy.

City Lord Brad sneered and said mockingly: "So, you want to agitate us, and then turn around, let you enslaved and exploited?"

All the officers were awakened by him, and suddenly raised their heads: Grandma's, she was almost fooled by this little white face.

This cargo brought so many soldiers and so many artillery, dare you say that it didn't come to grab our territory?

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and said flatly: "No, of course not. We are just to destroy the high priest and eradicate the source of all evil in the world.

Let our two races live in peace forever, without having to kill each other for a few hundred years or a thousand years.

As for the others, we wanted nothing.

If you don't believe it, you can ask Fiona. "

Lord Brad looked at his daughter questioningly.

Fiona nodded vigorously immediately, with a firm attitude without any hesitation.

City Lord Brad thought for a moment, then shook his head, and said: "I am a Semitic, I don't know, and I can't betray my compatriots. So..."

Lorraine immediately took the call and said, "So, you should stand up and speak for them."


Lorraine said: "My lord, the United Nations is not only the United Nations of mankind, but also the United Nations of the Semitic people.

And our union includes not only our human legion, but also the great and heroic Semitic legion. "

City Lord Brad was immediately furious, and said: "Boy, what do you mean? Just like tongue twisters, don't think that I am old and my brain is not bright, so I can just play around."

Lorraine sighed, then turned to Melun and said, "Tell your lord, the name of your legion."

Melan stepped forward and said, "Uncle, we are now the Semitic nation and the Free Army. We are also part of the union."

City Lord Brad couldn't help but shook, muttering: "The nation and the free army..."

Lorraine saw the subtle change in the attitude of Lord Brad and couldn't help but smile, and then threw another bomb, saying: "In order to show that we are not hostile to the Semitic people, so we Every liberated place will be managed by the Semitic Republican Provisional Government."

"The Semitic Republican Provisional Government? What is this?" Although Lord Brad knew it shouldn't, he couldn't help asking.

Lorraine said: "It is the government of the Semitic people. We will never interfere in all their administration. As long as we guarantee the success of our expedition."

"Why haven't I heard of it before?" City Lord Brad asked in a deep voice.

Lorraine smiled and said: "Isn't this still not established? Ha, it happens. We have no candidate for the interim president of the Semitic Republican Provisional Government for the time being. I wonder if you are interested?" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.)

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