Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1458: I'm here, I see, I...

The war fortress with a huge eagle emblem painted on the front flew over several tens of meters from the sea and directly broke into the Caribbean port.

The dark golden eagle spreads its wings and is surrounded by a crimson border, which looks like it is about to fly, extremely powerful and domineering.

This huge eagle emblem can be seen clearly from more than ten miles away. It is very different from the dark gray low-visibility painting of ordinary war fortresses, and looks very ostentatious.

And on both sides of the war fort, four zero numbers are painted.

All coalition forces know that such a war fortress can only belong to the commander-in-chief of the coalition, the commander-in-chief of the coalition, the commander-in-chief of the coalition, and Grand Marshal Julius.

Seeing the arrival of the Grand Duke, Lorraine couldn't help frowning slightly, and curled his lips anger.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of no good, you are afraid of no good.

The Grand Duke Julian can be called the most outstanding representative figure among them.

This guy can fight wars, command outstanding, excellent leadership, rewards and punishments, is deeply supported by the officers and men of the Eastern Legion, and has an extremely keen strategic vision, but it is also extremely capable of poking trouble.

Acting willful, coming from your temper, thinking of which is which, is extremely willful like a child.

At the most critical moment of the war, the Ruman Empire could only passively defend, and Vantino gathered the Semitic army.

The Parthian Empire also sent reinforcements from two elite legions, joined the ranks of the coalition forces, and went to Ruman to participate in the war.

It stands to reason that at this time, everyone should give up their prejudices and unite. Join hands. Jointly resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

But the Parthian emperor came to his tent and took a look. The military layout of Samarkand is actually on the wall. A big red circle circled it outside.

He almost didn't make his nose crooked.

Archduke Julian seems to have nothing the same, although this map was hung up deliberately when he knew that the Parthians were coming.

If it were not for the Holy See to persuade, the Parthian Empire would almost unilaterally retreat in protest.

Before crossing the sea to counterattack, many people opposed Grand Duke Julian's appointment as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, because the uncle talked too much with hatred, and often put others in the face of disgrace.

But Ruman is so powerful that his arms can't break his thighs. And it is really impossible to find a suitable candidate.

General Wabador was highly respected. But the old guy is too old, what should everyone do if he is dead during the expedition?

As for the other generals, they cannot be compared with the Grand Duke.

Therefore, in the end, everyone had to recognize the bad luck, pinch his nose, and let him become the commander.

As the commander of the coalition forces, he should have been in the rear command and coordinated the various ministries.

And now. The human army has just arrived in the Caribbean, and the people in the city are emotionally unstable. Uncertainty in the army, there might be some accident, this old guy hurried over, what did he want to do?

But he is already here, and he can't be allowed to go back.

This cheap old man, his personality is similar to the one in front of him. He has an ass-like temper, and he likes to screw him up with people, and he never stops being advised by others, especially Lorraine.

Seeing that the No. 0 heavy war fortress had slowly landed, Lorraine sighed in desperation, and said in his heart: How could it not be worrying all by one.

At the same time, he deeply understood Catherine's difficulties.

He turned his head and said, "Your Excellency, the commander of our coalition forces is here, why don't we go and meet him together?"

"Your Excellency the President" suddenly heard this word, but the Lord Brad, who had just become the interim president, did not respond for a while.

But when I took a closer look at this time, I realized the delicious taste.

The president, as the name suggests, is naturally the one who controls everything from the army to the local affairs. The future largest official of the Semi is more powerful than any prime minister, and the prime minister is only the first minister.

Speaking seriously, this president is actually the same as the "emperor", except that he has changed a term.

He couldn't help but Longyan Dayue, and glanced at Lorraine with admiration: Although this cheap son-in-law was a little bit **** and a little bit more money, he was actually not bad.

But think about it the other way around. Be a bit jerk, make sure not to be bullied, make a lot of money, and make sure that your daughter's life is stable. No matter how you look at it, you are a good person.

Especially for such a pestilent, he can come up with the name "President" casually.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became, and he glanced at his daughter approvingly. It turned out to be a woman from the Iskander family, and she had a good eye for men.

Brad immediately laughed twice and said: "Okay, then let's go meet..."

Having said this, I suddenly felt someone tugging at the corner of his clothes.

City Lord Brad couldn't help but stunned, and then turned his head to look around, only to see his daughter winking.

He suddenly woke up: Yes~! I am the president.

The earth emperor of the Semitic, the highest leader. Every word and deed represents the inviolable national dignity, why should I condescend to meet a coalition commander?

He couldn't help being Longyan Dayue again at the moment: this daughter is really a caring little padded jacket. Although she eloped with someone...Bah, this daughter went on a trip, but her heart was still toward her.

Thinking of this, City Lord Brad couldn't help but laughed twice, his tone changed, and said: "It should have been greeted, but in the two days of cold weather, my old cold legs made it again. It is really action. Inconvenience.

It's better to work hard to greet me. Haha, hahaha..."

After speaking, there was another burst of laughter, and he glanced at Lorraine with a triumphant look, and smiled even more happily.

Lorraine saw Fiona's small movements in his eyes, and saw City Lord Brad change his mind, and couldn't help glaring at her fiercely.

But Fiona rolled her eyes, shook her head and pretended not to see it, snorted proudly, and spoke in a low voice to Lord Brad.

Lorraine couldn't help cursing inwardly: These women are indeed politicians by nature~! It's all calculated into the bones.

But he had no choice but to turn around and walk away.

Seeing the city owner and his daughter, the son-in-law and his family are fighting in a lively and harmonious manner. All the panic in the hearts of the Semitic officers disappeared. Instead, everything settled down: if the other party didn't plan to behave. Naturally, he would never be so pretentious.

Judging from the way it is now, this battle cannot be fought. Humans really want to help their boss be the emperor. So as long as you follow the boss, promotion and fortune will naturally follow.

Lorraine had just walked to the door of the war fortress, and immediately saw the door open.

Immediately afterwards, a fat little fat man jumped out from inside happily, and a fat elephant of the same white fat followed immediately behind him.

The little elephant was especially fat, and the body was as fat as a bucket, jumping from inside to the ground. Immediately I saw the fat on my body trembled.

It was the second master Leo Lei and his **** dog-legged brother Xiaobai.

Chairman Leo stood on the beach, then took a deep breath of salty air, and exclaimed in excitement, "Hahaha, I'm back again, uncle!"

The little white next to him also raised his nose, screamed ‘howl’ and let out a loud long hum, even the excited person stood up.

Lorraine heard in his ears, and suddenly there was an illusion, as if he heard a bully with a mouthful of yellow teeth shouting there, "I, Hu Hansan, are back again!"

He shook his head vigorously now. Throw that strange idea out of my mind.

Immediately, I saw the Grand Duke dressed in a cloak surrounded by a large number of officers. Wearing sunglasses on his face, his big mouth crooked, and a cigar dangling, he walked out of the war fort with a big laugh.

It looks very iron and **** and feels like a button. If you put a revolver with an ivory handle on your waist, it will be perfect.

Lorraine's ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger when he saw him.

At this moment, the Grand Duke walked down the war fort in strides, hands on hips, and looked at it with his head raised.

I saw the influence of the busyness of the entire port.

A group of warships on the sea in the distance are slowly entering the port, and small boats are transporting soldiers toward the shore, densely packed in the port, like ants moving.

Not far away, the soldiers near the beach jumped from the boat with their guns high in their hands. In the command of the officers, they waded through the sea with difficulty, came to the shore, and then marched toward the depths of the harbor.

On the other side, there were even several war fortresses flying in the air. Under the command of ground personnel, a cannon was hoisted from the ship to the shore.

Immediately, soldiers ran over, dragging the cannons, dragging them aside.

There are dozens of cannons neatly arranged there, and countless ammunition and medicine are neatly stacked on the other side.

The Grand Duke looked at it and couldn't help but nodded again and again. Everything was in order. It seemed that this time the landing operation went smoothly.

Lorraine stepped forward at this time, saluted, and said: "His Royal Highness, Semitic President Brad, Mr. Iskander is pleased."

The Grand Duke couldn't help but lost his voice: "What? What president?"

Lorraine had no choice but to roll his eyes, and then patiently said: "Interim President of the Semitic Republican Provisional Government, Brad, Mr. Iskander, please."

The Grand Duke still looked confused, Lorraine couldn't help but sigh in his heart: When the military meeting, this old guy must have dozed off~!

At this time, an officer next to him whispered a few words in the ear of the Grand Duke, telling the Grand Duke what was going on with the Semitic president.

Grand Duke Julian suddenly woke up and said, "Isn't it the puppet we raised? You said I didn't understand it?

It's true that he still pulled such a long title. Where is he?

Forget it, I have seen it. "

Immediately, the Grand Duke laughed twice and walked enthusiastically to the interim president with open arms.

Brad kept looking here from a distance, and when the Grand Duke walked over, a few steps away, he opened his arms and greeted him with a smile on his face, his attitude was neither arrogant nor humble, and the noble manners were extremely standard.

The two came closer, dropped their hands in unison, and shook hands.

The human coalition and the Semitic Independence Army finally came together. At this historic moment, both the human and the Semitic officers looked complicated.

There is joy, loss, and confusion. There is excitement. Various expressions are different.

at this time. Someone shouted: "Two adults, please look over here."

The Grand Duke immediately turned his head with a smile on his face, while the Lord, President Brad was taken aback, and then turned his head suspiciously.

When I looked closely, I saw another person on the other side, holding a weird machine in his hand, and the round tube pointed in the direction of the two people.

He couldn't help but wonder: What is this?

at this time. The man yelled: "Smile, smile."

President Brad couldn't help but become even more puzzled. Why did he laugh?

Fiona next to him also said: "Smile, smile."

Brad was extremely confused, but listening to his daughter's words, he had to draw his cheeks stiffly.

The man shrugged helplessly, and then gently pressed a button.

There was a flash of strong light in front of him, a soft bang, and a thick white smoke rose.

This historical moment has been recorded forever, and the photo has always been cherished. For future generations to watch.

Through that photo, you can see the standard politician smile on the face of Grand Duke Julian. On the contrary, the real politician was sullen, like an old farmer in the country.

Fiona pulled her father aside and kept whispering: "I made you laugh. How you laugh is like crying. This is over. With the great duke's temper, he will definitely never fight with you again. Photographed."

Brad looked a little strange, and looked at the square box in the man's hand again with a little bewilderment, and said: "Then...what is that?"

Fiona was startled, and then she realized the problem.

Although she has no less to take photos now, she is even occasionally coaxed by Lorraine to take a glamorous photo...Bah bah bah...Boldly breaking through the worldly vision, starting from the perspective of pure art appreciation, with the help of machines, The beauty of mankind is eternally recorded in the super-realistic way of artistic expression of human civilization.

But as a high-tech gold training technology, President Brad didn't know what it was.

She couldn't help but sighed, and then carefully introduced: "That's a camera. As long as the person is standing in front, it can take all the portraits of people, much more realistic than painting."

Although President Brad still didn't understand him well, he still felt a little terrible. He gave a ‘uh’ right now. Secretly said in my heart: It's just a painting, so nervous.

He smiled, then took a step forward and said: "Dear Grand Duke, to welcome you, I have set up a banquet in the mansion to meet you and your generals."

The Duke is worthy of being a soldier. He is extremely straightforward. He laughed loudly at the moment and said, "Okay, then I'm welcome."

With that, take the lead and walk towards the city.

Lorraine watched the Grand Duke hurriedly walking forward, always having an ominous premonition in his heart, as if he had forgotten something, and it was still very important.

While he was thinking about paying, Leo next to him was already waiting impatiently, stretched out his hand and pulled his arm, and said: "Go, boss. What a daze. I remember the tomato scrambled eggs here are the best. ."

Lorraine recovered, and then walked up.

Brad looked at it and couldn't help shaking his head again and again: How can you walk in front of the host as a guest? This guy is really ignorant of etiquette.

But if that's the case, it's impossible to say that he will get cold.

Immediately he gave a few orders to the officers around him, asking them to pay attention not to conflict with the human army. Then he got up slowly and walked towards the city.

The Grand Duke and the others had just arrived at the gate of the city, and immediately saw a group of officers lined up, completely blocking the road. Then, the Grand Duke walked to the root of the wall with a smug expression, planning... uh... planning Untie the waistband. See what he meant, planning to make another dip under the wall.

I bought a big watch last year~!

Lorraine looked at it, and couldn't help having a headache: This old guy's problem with where he goes and where he urinates has not been corrected yet~!

The bad Brad is still behind. If this is in front, I guess he will have to die today.

He hurried forward with a stride, then took the Grand Duke, and said: "Your Highness, Your Highness, this Semitic Republican Provisional Government is our ally. If you do so, it will cause extremely serious diplomatic disputes.

Besides... Besides, Leo had already peeed when he came. "

At first the Grand Duke didn't take it seriously. He didn't get into trouble before, even if it was a diplomatic dispute, what about? The uncle didn't care at all.

But when he heard the latter sentence, he couldn't help but stunned, and then said: "Really peeed?"

Leo nodded vigorously now, and said loudly: "Yes, when the boss and I came, we already urinated."

The Grand Duke sighed, then fastened his pants again. Since Leo had already marked it, it would be meaningless to mark it again.

At this time, Leo continued to say: "Not only here, but also Akaderin, Rock City..."

He broke his fingers and said a lot of place names. Many of them, the Grand Duke and others have not even heard of it.

Everyone present couldn't help being silent for a while.

Everyone is guessing from the bottom of their hearts: Although this little gangster is young, how many roads have he traveled, and how many storms he has experienced?

The Grand Duke couldn't help sighing: There is a lot less space left for him.

He turned his head and glanced at Leo, with pride and affection, and said, "So, have you peeed a lot?"

Leo stood tall and proudly said: "Of course, I'm here, I've seen it, I have peeed~!"

As he said, the little tiger's body was shocked, and the king's spirit was dissipated.

The Duke and everyone looked at each other and laughed triumphantly.

At this time, Brad City...The President walked up from behind and looked at everyone crowded at the door. He couldn't help but wonder, "What are you doing here?"

Lorraine hurriedly said: "Nothing, just discussing a philosophical issue. Haha, hahaha..."

Seeing the unnatural looks on everyone's faces, City Lord Brad looked at them suspiciously, then reached out and said, "Please, please."

The Grand Duke laughed immediately and walked into the city first.

But everyone came to the city and looked at the situation on the street, but they were all taken aback.

(To be continued)

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