Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1469: You must first settle inside

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On December 1st of the Julian calendar year 836, overcast.

The cold wind of midwinter blew over Akaderin's head, bringing a biting chill.

The vegetation in the city is withered, everything is sad, the cold wind is like howling ghosts and wolves, the weather is gloomy, and the sun has not been seen for a long time.

At this time, the Imperial City of Akadrin was just like this weather, immersed in a cold rain and wind. All the inhabitants of the city are as cold as freezing, miserable, hopeless, and panic all day long.

Just yesterday, the disappearance of human aggression was confirmed.

Under the leadership of the greatest villain of mankind, the terrible rebel, the despicable conspirator, the shameless villain, and the public enemy of the Semitic, Lorraine, a coalition of millions of humans has landed in the Caribbean.

But this is not the worst news. Humans landed in the Caribbean hundreds of years ago, and they were not beaten back by the heroic Semites.

What really shocked the Semitic people was that Brad, one of the twelve Semitic royal families who represented the spirit and blood of the Semitic, Iskander betrayed the Semitic, surrendered, and then was supported by humans. , Brad Huangpao added himself and became emperor.

The Caribbean and human forces formed an alliance.

For all the Semitic people, this is an unprecedented change.

For a while, the entire Semitic tribe was panicked.

The wise Semites all smelled an ominous smell from it.

Even though it was a human invasion hundreds of years ago, they were just for revenge, without a clear combat objective at all. It just played the banner of destroying the Semitic and the undead.

Therefore, when they occupied the Caribbean port, they massacred and committed thousands of miles away, and they regarded the Semites as enemies with different enemies.

The mankind who occupied the Caribbean also did not have a clear political program to establish a real political organization, but the great cardinal of the Caribbean diocese appointed by Vatican has been led. Adhere to fanatical religious ideas.

It is precisely because of this that aroused the anger of all the Semitic people. Everyone gave up their prejudices and joined hands to drive the invaders off the sea.

When humans woke up and tried to win over their local allies, it was too late.

And now...

just now. Although the human policy seems to be a bit mild, it just shouted the beautiful slogan of destroying the undead, bringing independence and freedom to the Semitic people, and dressing themselves up as a group of liberators in the city, rather than an invading army, but because of this. It is more terrifying.

Through their actions, it can be seen that they have a clear strategic purpose, to differentiate and draw the Semites, weaken the resistance of the Semites, and consolidate the implementation step by step.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, heat the water little by little until the frog reacts. Basically it is eight mature.

Similarly, if the development is allowed to continue, with the help of Brad that Semitic scum, they will eventually invade the entire Semitic.

At this time, the best way is to quickly mobilize all the troops, press it over with a powerful force of thunder, and drive off the enemy who has just landed and is not stable~!

Kill this budding danger in the baby~!

But this is not easy said than done. Not to mention that the human coalition has just wiped out the millions of Semitic expeditionary forces, and morale is booming.

The Caribbean alone is easy to defend and difficult to attack. At that time, there were only tens of thousands of volunteers left in the Caribbean city. The Semites mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops, and it took a few years to harden them. Not to mention that humans still have absolute naval superiority, the Caribbean is a seaport.

To drive mankind out of the sea, the Semi must have a strong government at this moment. And a real strongman.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to the Prime Minister's Office, waiting for Prime Minister Madolins to act quickly.

And Madolins lived up to expectations and moved quickly.

He was the first time. The thief clearance announcement was issued, and a, a vigorous investigation of the insider was started.


The crisp sound of horseshoes was mixed with the sound of wheels rolling over the bluestone slabs, and a long line of seven or eight prison vehicles passed through the street.

Several people were crammed into each prison car. Their clothes were broken into pieces, hanging down from their bodies, and their exposed bodies were covered with blood and scars. They looked haggard and had apparently been tortured.

Some of these prisoners were ashen faces, trembling in horror, and some with grim and resentful expressions, cursing loudly and vigorously slamming the railings of the prison wagon.

The guards on both sides of the street are full of energy, wearing shiny armor, holding a spear in their hands, and with a straight waist, watching the people standing on the street, crowded and still, in case they wear it. Cross the line of defense and rush to make trouble.

Seeing the prison car coming, I didn't know who it was at the moment, and shouted: "Come here, here, those flashbacks are here..."

As the voice fell, there was a commotion among the people and they rushed forward.

The guards were about to slam their spears in their hands to stop them forcefully.

However, the people rushed up like a tide, constantly impacting the guards' blocking, and the guards who pushed could only retreat step by step.

Seeing that the defensive line was about to be broken through by the people and came into contact with the prison car, at this moment, a sharp whistle sounded. Then, a group of city guards rushed up from the other side of the street.

They didn't have a sword in their hands, but they were all...nine-headed whips.

This kind of whip is the most vicious, but most of them are made of five or six whip ropes. They are tied with countless large and small lumps. Some vicious puppies still tie copper coins on the lumps, or hide steel needles. For things like that, there is an egg-sized ball covered with iron teeth hanging from the whip.

No matter who you encounter, you can go down with a whip, and you can definitely draw blood and skin on the other person's face.

A few more whips will kill or be disabled.

Among the top ten weapons of the Semitic official towns that crushed the common people, it ranked first, and those gangsters would frighten their heads when they saw this thing.

Those city guards came to the front, and slapped their heads and faces at the people with a whip. They screamed, and finally had to retreat.

At this time, the prison cart had already come to the front.

I saw that all of the people standing in the prison car were high-ranking officials and dignitaries...The high-ranking officials who used to be dignified, the common people looked at those people, and they all showed resentment.

These people, these people betrayed the Semites. He betrayed the interests of the Semites and colluded with the base and despicable humans. Providing them with information eventually led to the defeat of the Semitic, killing millions of elite Semitic people on the battlefield.

Although the nobles stood in the prison wagon, each with their heads shaved and embarrassed, they still held their heads high. Shows unyielding... uh... unruly appearance.

Some people were still shouting and shouting, "Madolins, you dog thief, you must die~!"

"Guys, we are all wronged..."

"History will prove our blue and white."

When all the people heard what he said, they were all startled: How did this come back?

Don't wait for the man to finish. Immediately I heard someone yelling: "The people's eyes are sharp, you don't want to deceive us."

"You dare to slander the noble Prime Minister."

"It's death coming, I don't know how to repent."

"You **** flashbacks, traitors~!"

"It's that you colluded with Lorraine and killed our soldiers, our family."

"The folks, they are the ones who colluded with the humans. The humans who led us to burn, kill and loot."


Those voices were all unusually loud, completely suppressing the voice of the nobleman in the prison car.

People's emotions were immediately mobilized, and for a while, they also forgot the bloodstain they had just drawn out by the nine-head whip, and they all pointed at the nobles on the prison car and yelled.

The army of one million has been wiped out in the entire human army. I don't know how many families have lost their relatives.

Moreover, it is not uncommon for these ordinary people to see these nobles rampage on the street with brilliance, and have long gritted their teeth against the nobles.

Immediately, the emotional people rushed across the defense line, jumped into the prison wagon, and slapped the nobleman more than ten times. The blood on his face hit him straight. I can't say a word.

Only sharp-eyed people will find that the emotional people are not wearing ordinary shoes, but military boots unique to the military and police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Seeing blood flowed out of the nobleman's face, the people suddenly became more excited.

"Beat them, kill these **** flashes~!" I don't know who was shouting in the crowd.

Immediately, I saw countless rotten tomatoes, and rotten eggs were thrown from behind like raindrops and hit the prisoners' faces.

Some people even threw bricks and stones at them. The nobles who smashed them were bloody, screaming and embarrassed.

At this time, the people would laugh happily.

For these dead people. They don't care whether the aristocrat who was smashed is upright or hypocritical, as long as they see the aristocratic luck, that's enough.

This is class hatred, it has nothing to do with the individual, only the identity.

It seemed that it was specifically to ease the emotions of the people, and all those prison wagons moved extremely slowly. Moved forward almost bit by bit.

At the same time, the soldiers didn't care about it, allowing the people to smash all kinds of debris on the nobles, and they screamed like clowns.

Above a restaurant not far away, a man held up a pair of pocket telescopes and watched the farce in the distance coldly. Coldly watching the nobles who were originally high in the clouds were arbitrarily insulted, the people coldly opened their mouths there, showing their yellow teeth, and laughed hysterically.

After a while, he put down the binoculars, with a sad expression on his face, muttering: "Poor people..."

What he said was a little strange. I don't know if he was referring to the people who were throwing tomatoes, the nobles in the prison wagons, or all of them...

Surrounded by a group of big men with solemn and cold expressions, they all showed helpless expressions.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door lightly, then walked in, and said, "Commander, sir?"

The man sighed softly and said, "Hart, come in."

Turning around after speaking, a face full of wrinkles was revealed.

It is the commander of the Lingshan Guards, Hawkes.

After two years, he was also much older, especially when he knew that millions of Semitic men were almost wiped out, he was almost ten years old all at once.

Many of the Semites who were buried in the human continent were his old friends and close friends.

Although he knows, this is a life and death war. No one would be merciful, but the thought of nearly a million people dying like this in vain still felt extremely distressed.

Those who were all elites of the Semitic people disappeared into the wind silently, and even no one knew where they died or were buried there.

Hart looked at his commander and whispered worriedly: "My lord. Today Madolins has arrested another 23 nobles, and the charges are still the same as before, all of them are fornicating human races and betraying the country for glory."

Hawkes couldn't help but snorted.

There are human undercover agents in the Semitic. This is something everyone can see, but who are these undercover agents? But no one knows.

Hart lowered his head and said sadly: "My lord, if you say that others may be traitors to the country, but Bakar, Lombard, and Xiurisis... these people are all cultivated by you, and have followed you. Moved to the Quartet. Great credit.

Don’t you know what they look like?

They are all from the royal family, so how could they be traitors and traitors for glory? "

Hawkes was silent for a moment.

Although he thinks Hart's words are indeed reasonable, but... But Brad, Iskander is also a royal family, and is a royal family, but he surrendered to humanity?

There are the previous examples. He really couldn't believe his own judgment anymore. There is one, maybe there will be a second.

For a moment, emotions arose in his heart: Maybe it was not that I understood, but the world was changing too fast.

Aristocratic nobles, powerful and powerful, how can they take refuge?

Hart peeked at his face. Continue to say: "My lord, this is clearly Madolins' conspiracy. He was pursuing stray rapes in name, but in fact he was planting and framing. He wanted to exclude dissidents. Look at the people he caught. They all have criticized him. his.

To me, Madolins is the biggest rape. "

"Speak carefully~!" Hawkes glared at Hart, warned severely, but sighed helplessly, was silent for a while, and slowly said: "What do you want me to do? The enemy is now, we must Find a way to stabilize the situation.

Perhaps some of them have been wronged. However, in order to maintain the overall situation, we have to fight hard.

Only in this way can we gather the corresponding forces as soon as possible to start a decisive battle with the enemy. "

Compared with the future of the Semites, the fate of these nobles is of little importance.

Having said that, a sense of pride suddenly rose in his chest.

I want to lead the army and go to the Caribbean to fight vigorously with the seemingly smiling Reilo, and see how powerful the legendary Flying Eagle War God is on the battlefield~!

Seeing this stubborn old man, Hart couldn't help but smile.

He opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him again, but then he heard a clear voice from the side: "You are old and stubborn, why don't you understand. Madolins caught them, actually cutting your wings.

In the next step, that dog thing will start on you~! "

The voice was soft and soft, clear and sweet. Although it was anxious, it still carried the little daughter's unique anger.

Hawkes turned his head to see that it was Rufian, his granddaughter, the jewel in his palm.

Since Adeling built the smuggling line, the princesses who handed in handkerchiefs have become the biggest smugglers in the flash, and they are rich and can be called the super-dogs of the Semitic.

Before the war, basically, every month they moved home to Jinshan Yinshan or something, and their status was naturally more stable.

As for this smuggling transaction, it violates the law...

These people are all from great nobles, and they never put any small laws in their eyes, or to be precise, they themselves are kings, and the law serves them.

Not to mention, they also brought in a lot of the Semitic's most precious military supplies like binoculars, dragon-slaying knives, etc., and even some technical weapons from the human side.

Although the price is high, for the Semitic, some are better than none.

And once the country is closed, not to mention munitions, there is no pig hair. From this perspective, they have made a huge contribution to the Semitic. All many people also opened one eye and closed one Hawkes looked at his granddaughter, couldn't help but sighed again, and then reprimanded: "Stop talking nonsense there. Humanity has landed. Up.

Madolins would not be so short-sighted and disregard the overall situation.

At this time, we must abandon our previous prejudices and make certain concessions. Only in this way can we unite and defeat the enemy. "

Rufie had an anxious slender foot, and said softly: "Grandpa, he is already disregarding the overall situation. The news of human offensive has been around for seven or eight days, but he just knows about arresting people all day long, you can see him. What mobilization order was issued?

Speaking of concessions. You gave in. But you took so many steps back, did you see that he gave in half a step? "

Hawkes couldn't help but hesitated, and then he became irritated and said: "Military affairs, girls should not interrupt anymore~!"

Rufian stomped her foot in a hurry, then turned and walked out.

Hawks looked at her slender figure, couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and walked out.

That night, when Hawkes was about to rest, a Justice Department carriage came to his door.

Then, a judicial officer dressed in black knocked on his door and walked in.

In front of Hawkes, he took out an arrest warrant and said blankly: "Master Hawkes, someone accused you of colluding with human beings and betraying your country, please come with me." (To be continued)

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