Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1471: Demacia seeking monthly pass, seeking recommendation, seeking collection, seeking subscription


In the dark night, an orange ball of light rose rapidly, exploding under the dark blue sky, and the gorgeous fireworks, like flowers in full bloom, looked particularly dazzling

People who are a few miles away can see clearly

Feral raised his head, stared wide-eyed and stared at the fireworks blooming in the sky. He couldn't help but cried out like a child with "Wow", and he couldn't help but sighed inwardly: It's so beautiful~!

But then, I was a little puzzled in my heart. At this time, it is neither a celebration nor a festival. What kind of fireworks are on?

This person is really idle

There must be money to burn~!

At this moment, Rufian hugged a bunch of things and walked over quickly

Seeing him looking up at the sky, looking up at the sky stupidly, waiting for others to set off fireworks, Rufian immediately became angry and slammed the things in his hands towards Ferrar.

Probably when facing his stupid brother, all sisters tend to be violent

When Filalton felt that something knocked on the back of his head, his eyes went black and he could see nothing. The whole head was completely blindfolded. Even his breathing was a little bit difficult, and his nose smelled of sweat. Musty

He hurriedly stretched out his hand, took a few breaths, and found that it was a group of clothes. He glared at Rufian at the moment and said, "You bastard, what are you doing?"

Rufian said in an angry manner: "Hurry up and change clothes. We have precious time, why are we poking there like a fool?"

Feral then realized that he lowered his head and looked at his clothes. Because of the sudden incident, he just ran out with Rufian in his pajamas. There was only a pair of slippers on his feet, and there was no time to change clothes.

However, the road was fresh and exciting, Ferrar completely ignored the surrounding environment and waited for her reminder, and then felt a little bit cold.

Although it didn’t snow, the temperature of Akadrien was only a few degrees at this time, and it was still cold.

He hurriedly picked up the pile of clothes from the middle and picked them up casually

Most of these clothes are made of coarse cloth with simple styles

Although Feral came from a military family, as a young master from a noble family, he was also spoiled and accustomed, and he was quite uncomfortable to wear.

The clothes still have the smell of others wearing them. Ferrar frowned with a reluctant expression. He kept stretching and pulling at the clothes on his body, fearing that there would be lice or bugs on the clothes, crying. : "Can't you get me a clean one?"

At this time, Rufian had also changed his clothes, and appeared in front of him again, watching him scratching indiscriminately there. He was going to scold him when he stared, but then his heart softened: his younger brother is a family. The human treasure egg, has never suffered since he was a child, but today he ran here with himself without a single complaint. In terms of these performances alone, it is already quite good.

But then Feral raised his head and looked at her in coarse cloth and cloth shoes on her feet. He couldn't help but grin. He pointed to her and laughed loudly and said, "Village girl, village girl, you are really dressed up. Village girl, hahaha..."

Feral is a teenager after all

Rufian jumped into a rage, rushed over, and kicked again Feral. Of course he was unwilling to show his weakness, but he immediately drew a more fierce combo, and he kept his head stalking, saying: "A good man doesn't follow. Female fight"

When the two were arguing, they heard a neigh of war horses outside.

Feral couldn't help being surprised: Warhorse, did someone find something wrong and ran over to catch him?

He glanced at Rufian, then grabbed the dagger around his waist with his backhand, but then Rufian held it down.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the mill was opened, and the young miller led three horses to the door.

Feral breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and saw that Rufian was also touching his heart with his hands and let out a long breath. It turned out that she was also a little nervous.

At this time, the young man grinned and said: "Hurry up, we have to hurry up."

Ferrar was taken aback, looked at Rufian, but saw that she had already strode out, and immediately followed up.

When the two came outside, they turned over and jumped on the horse and riding skill is the basic skill of the nobles. They climbed up and down on horseback when they were a few years old.

Filal stroked the horse's neck with great skill, calmed the horse under him, and then asked Rufian: "Sister, where are we going? What should I do with Grandpa? We can't just patronize ourselves, don't go. Save him"

His tone was full of anxiety, for fear that Rufian denied his question. After all, he also knew that he could not rescue Hawkes at all by his own strength.

Rufian glanced at him disdainfully, and said, "Is it still necessary for you to teach me? Aren't we going to save it?"

Filalton felt at ease for a while. Although he didn't say anything about this magical sister, he actually admired it.

Filal knows that his sister is a big man of Akaderin, and holds a super big business in his hands, and his status in a group of friends has been rising all the way.

Of course, more importantly, he can get a lot of pocket money from Rufian every month, and every time a bunch of shameless guys are attracted to follow his ass, and they keep yelling: "Typical tyrant, let’s do it. Friends, local tyrant..."

Rufian turned his head to look at the miller, without making a sound, but slightly raised his chin

The miller nodded immediately, then flicked the rein, urged the horse, and rushed forward

Both Rufian raised their whips at this time, mobilized their horses, and pursued them.

There was no one on the dark street, and occasionally faint lights like stars appeared on both sides of the road. Amidst the rapid sound of horseshoes, the biting cold wind blew in, hitting the face quite painful. The trees on both sides quickly Go backwards

Feral ran behind them for a while and then realized that something was wrong and shouted: "Luffy, we have gone the wrong way. If we save Grandpa, it should be along another road."

With that, both hands pressed hard, and the horse was strangled

Seeing this, Rufian and the two hurriedly stopped the horse, and the horse still rushed out a certain distance under the huge inertia and then stopped.

Rufian glanced back at him, then circled the horse again, pointed Feral's nose with a whip, and reprimanded impatiently: "You little boy knows what a fart and just follow me, you know?"

Feral snorted coldly, raised his head stubbornly, and shouted: "I know you don't want to save Grandpa, if you don't go, I'll go~!"

With that said, he will leave

"Fart~!" Rufian was furious, and raised the whip in his hand with a scream, and was about to hit him

At this moment, the miller also turned back. He stopped Rufian and looked at Ferrar and said, "Youth, don’t worry, in fact, this road is the right way."

Filal raised his eyebrows and looked at him disbelievingly. He clearly saw the man holding Hawkes walking to another street.

The miller smiled, and then explained: "This incident happened too suddenly, and the uncertainty of time is too strong. We thought it would be a few days before the grandfather's turn, and there was no time to arrange an ambush in advance. , You can only see the tricks"

He paused, and then said, "But we had done a trick on a bridge on the road, as we planned beforehand. When a signal is sent from here, the bridge over there will collapse.

When the gendarmes arrive, they can only choose to change their way and they will walk into our ambush by themselves"

Filalton opened his mouth wide: These people's minds are really powerful enough to even calculate this kind of thing in advance

And... wait, what does he mean by ‘us’? Could it be that there are other people?

He couldn't help turning his head and looked at Rufian

But Rufian glared her eyes impatiently, and said, "Are there any problems? If you don't have any, go quickly, otherwise, the time will be too late, you little troublemaker."

Feral was startled, and then he hurriedly agreed

Rufian ignored him and immediately urged the horse to continue running along the road

After a while, everyone came to a small forest and stopped immediately.

At this time, there was a night owl in the woods that made a cry

On this cold night, the voice was particularly eerie and terrifying

Philar couldn't help but sink, remembering the terrible legend that Ye Xiao’s tweet was actually counting people’s eyebrows, and after counting enough, people died.

Although the brave Ferrar secretly warned himself that he shouldn't believe this, but to be on the safe side, he spit a little and wiped it on his eyebrows, so that the number of night owls was not clear, and then he thought about it, and was not at ease. I spit on Rufian's eyebrows again

Rufian was in a bad mood, but when he saw him making trouble, she immediately raised her hand and crackled his head.

Whether it’s Nyan or Akaderin, all the sisters in the world teach their younger brothers are so violent and direct, full of love and care

Feral was beaten with no power to fight, so he could only squat on the ground with his head in his hands, feeling wronged and sad, and a little bit angry.

At this moment, I heard Ye Xiao's voice suddenly coming from beside him: "Gu, Gu Gu..."

Ferrar was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, and then discovered that it was the young miller who made the call.

Immediately afterwards, several people stood up from the grass on the side of the road.

The actions of those few people are all clean and neat, and their movements are neat and uniform, and you can see that they are definitely professional soldiers.

And what made him feel strange was that through the faint starlight, he could vaguely see that each of them was holding a...a strange fire stick in their hands.

Are these people fighting on this fire stick?

Feral was puzzled for a while

At this time, the miller and Rufian had already greeted him, and Ferrar also hurriedly followed

But seeing Rufian and the others whispering something, Filal pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He could vaguely hear "Everything is going well", "The situation..." and so on.

At this time someone came over and led the three war horses into the depths of the woods

The shadows and shadows around Ferrar couldn’t see how many people were in ambush. It felt like there were people hiding in the darkness.

Rufian turned around cautiously, and said to Philar: "You follow me, hide here, understand?"

Feral also knew that the matter was important at this time, and immediately looked serious and nodded his head several times.

Immediately after Rufian, he sneaked into the woods

When he looked back, he was surprised to find that the few people who were just behind them had disappeared, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

He followed Rufian and hid behind a tree

At this time, the woods became quiet again, and Wan Lai was quiet. Only when the cold wind blew over the treetops, there was a rustle.

When he was galloping, he couldn't think of other things. When he was free, Feral couldn't help thinking, "How is Grandpa now?" ’

‘Will the gendarmes’ carriages pass by here? ’

"Can we rob the carriage when we pass by here?"

"What should I do in the future? Do you want the End of the Dead?"

"What conspiracy is the evil imperialist leader Lorraine planning secretly?"

"Where are the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America in their struggle for freedom..."

Then he realized that he was distracted

At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of wheels in the distance. The sound was mixed with the sound of horseshoes and the messy footsteps of soldiers.

Because of the silence in the night, even if it is far away from them, it is still clearly audible

Feral couldn't help but shocked: They are here~!

Then look intently towards the front

After a while, I saw a few lanterns on the road ahead.

Surrounded by a group of black soldiers, a carriage came slowly.

As if it were telepathic, when Filal poked his head out from behind the tree, trying to see the situation in the carriage, he saw the carriage window opened, revealing a human face.

Through the lights on the carriage, you can clearly see his face

Filalton clenched his fists: that person was the official of the Justice Department who went to their home not long ago and took Hawkes away.

The man glanced randomly, then hid his face in the shadow of the carriage again

At this moment, the carriage is getting closer, getting closer and closer... it is about to enter the ambush

Feral was under tension, breathing could not help but quickly, unknowingly clenched his fists tightly

Maybe after a second, maybe after a long time, I suddenly saw a few soft sounds of ‘puff puff’ on the road, and then, several dazzling white lights exploded.

These bright lights instantly illuminate the entire fleet

The light was so dazzling, like the sun in the sky, even if it was more than ten meters away, Ferrar felt a glare, leaving a long-lasting mark on the retina.

Before the gendarmes were prepared, they were stabbed with pain in their eyes, and hurriedly covered their eyes. Many of them even screamed.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a series of crisp sounds like popping beans

"Papa, papa, papa..."

Feral opened his eyes desperately and looked out, and saw that the horse pulling the cart had fallen to the ground against the dazzling light, and the black figures of the military police seemed to have been enchanted. Fell one by one

Someone saw their companions fall and hurriedly clenched their weapons, trying to find the enemy's trail, but in the next moment, their body shook suddenly, and then fell heavily like a stone tablet to the ground.

Ferrar carefully discovered that whenever the ‘pop’ sound rang, there would always be bright red flowers bursting out of a military policeman’s body and then falling down.

He couldn't help but feel a panic in his heart. What kind of weapon is this? It's so powerful, even if it is the legendary forbidden spell "Finger of Death" and "Avadaso's Mantra", right?

In just over ten seconds, almost all the gendarmes had fallen, and only a few clever guys were hiding behind the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the carriage door suddenly opened

Immediately, the figure of Hawkes appeared in front of the door, and Filal was overjoyed, but immediately froze, and saw a cold dagger on Hawks’s neck.

The sheriff hid behind Hawkes and shouted: "Don't fire, don't fire if... If you fire again, I will kill him~!"

The sound just fell like a curse, and the sound of "Papa" stopped immediately.

Upon seeing this, the magistrate was overjoyed, and immediately got off the carriage slowly, and then signaled the remaining military police to stand in front of him.

He dragged Hawkes forward slowly, and shouted loudly, "Don't fire, no one is allowed to fire, anyone dares to fire, I will kill him, I can do it!"

The voice was sharp and loud, full of fear and hysteria

At this moment, I saw five or six figures standing up from the grass, holding their fire sticks flat, without saying a word, slowly forcing them towards the magistrate

The judicial officer was shocked when he saw this, and the dagger in his hand made a gesture towards them, and screamed: "No one is allowed, no one is allowed, I... I really killed someone..."

With that, he gestured towards Hawkes again and again

The crowd were worried about Hawkes’ safety, and they all stopped.

The scene froze for a while

The magistrate saw this, UU reading knew that the other party had thrown a rat-avoidance device, so he didn't dare to come again, but he was hysterical and laughed

He was originally a gentleman. After he took refuge in Madolins, he thought he could go straight up, expand his ambitions, and realize his great ideals.

Moreover, I have caught a lot of big shots these days, stepped on them, and found that they are actually nothing compared to themselves or even far worse than they are, and they can’t help but become arrogant and consciously play a decisive role. Number One

But at this moment, he discovered that his humble life was no different from a wild dog on the street, and he could be killed at any time, naturally because he didn’t panic.

He dragged Hawks rudely, step by step towards the other side of the forest

As long as you get there, you can kill Hawks with a single sword, and then take advantage of the moment when the opponent is in a mess, and easily escape through the dense forest

Seeing that the distance to the woods is getting closer and closer, his mouth can't help showing a slight grin (to be continued...)

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