Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1477: Countryman enters the city

The strategic goal of this expedition of mankind is to eliminate the undead high priest and to solve forever this nightmare that has been shrouded in mankind for thousands of years. m.

At the same time, completely eradicate the undead race and eliminate the profession of necromancer.

And what they have to face is not only the undead and the dark mage, but also the vassals of the undead, the thunder flash and the two big races.

It can be said that the undead tribe is a poisonous fruit born from the big tree of the Semi tribe. To destroy the poisonous fruit of the Undead Race, one must start from the foundation and completely cut off its vitality.

The first stage of the blow must start from the Semitic.

Because of this, mankind had to dispatch millions of elites to expedition across the sea.

For strategic needs, to ensure the continuous combat of the millions of troops-in the future they will inevitably have to penetrate thousands of miles into the Semitic continent and stretch the supply line very long.

Mankind must build a logistic base that can support a huge army on the Semitic, a complete modern military industrial base.

Not only is it necessary to store materials shipped from the human continent, but more importantly, it is able to produce military supplies and munitions needed for war.

Only in this way can it meet the needs of the millions of troops for sustained high-intensity operations.

The benefit is not only to meet the needs of war, but also to save a lot of war funds, and even better is to stimulate economic development under the Semitic Provisional Government.

Drive construction, engineering, mining, metallurgy, machinery and other industries, while providing a lot of job opportunities.

It can not only prevent the war from causing unemployment to the Semitic people, but also provide tax revenue for the Provisional Republican Government, maintain the normal operation of the Semitic Provisional Government, and eventually replace the original Lingshan regime.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

At this time, it embodies the powerful force of the evil capitalist money society far beyond the feudal aristocratic society.

In this grand project, almost everything needed is provided by Flying Eagle Group, and only Flying Eagle Group has the ability to provide it.

Chairman Leo provided funds and loans to the Semitic Provisional Government and business owners to directly monopolize basic industries such as ports, mining, energy, railways and communications.

Sell ​​all kinds of machinery to small business owners in installments and purchase their products.

Regardless of whether it is the coalition or the Semitic people, this group of Tu Lao Mao still doesn't know what monopoly capital is. They are busy grabbing territory and are very happy to get a little precious metal.

For this reason, Chairman Leo laughed at them as "amateurs."

After decades, these guys didn't understand why they sent troops, spent money, sold their lives, and the territories that they worked so hard to defeat, eventually became the Flying Eagle Group.

In order to turn the magnificent blueprint into reality, Lord Luo drew a circle on the east coast of the Semitic with a swipe of his pen, to build the Caribbean so that it could become a stable rear.

In order to put this industrial base into production and operation as soon as possible, everyone is working overtime and working hard.


In the early morning, when the first ray of sun shines through the sky, Caribbean City has already woke up.

In fact, although it experienced a cold night, it did not sleep at all.

The whole city has now become a huge construction site, originally a city built on the hillside, was submerged in a black construction site.

Even in the dark, there are still people sweating like rain, working non-stop, just to start production as soon as possible and recover the investment.

In order to catch up with the work hours and speed up the progress, all the contractors who are dedicated to making money are all frantic and buy a steam generator at a high price, the third-generation mature product provided by the Flying Eagle Group.

Although the power generation efficiency of these steam engines is low, the output power can still drive electric lights and illuminate the construction site like daylight.

In the daytime, this situation did not abate, but became even more crazy.

After all, the line of sight is unclear at night, and many meticulous tasks cannot be completed, and can only be carried out during the day.

Therefore, as soon as the day breaks, the contractors will urge the workers to go to work as soon as possible. In fact, if they are not afraid of overwork and work-related injuries, they will be like the legendary landlord Zhou in the middle of the night. When I put my head into the chicken coop to learn how to crow, wake up all these workers.

The lack of labor to replace the financial crisis has become the top headache of the Caribbean Provisional Government. Even the people in the mountains are hired to work, but the number of workers is still insufficient.

Some factory owners even crazily missed slavery.

When all the heavy machinery was put into operation, the scene was extremely spectacular.

Hundreds of steam engines made a roaring sound day and night, converging together, like the roar of a giant beast, and strands of black soot went straight up into the sky, as if on fire.

Pollute the originally blue sky in a mess.

In that situation, it was as if a stubborn little **** scribbled on a white wall that had just been painted with a carbon pen. It made people see it, and immediately felt extremely disharmonious.

But Chairman Leo said, this is called the taste of industry, means modernization, means victory and wealth. Means a good life.

In addition, I deliberately asked people to take out the songs praising the smoking chimneys and roaring machines originally written in Nian'an, slightly modify them, and then let people sing them everywhere, so as to dispel people's concerns and resistance. psychological.

Amu, a corporal in six rows and three rows of the Seventy-one Regiment of the Fourth Division of the Lingshan National Independence and Freedom Army, dressed in a beautiful uniform, walked easily on the street.

He just got off the night shift and asked for leave from the chief. Before he had a bite of breakfast, he had to go to the gate of the city to pick up his young and beautiful fiancee.

Today, his old wife, as well as the old wife's mother-in-law, etc., are all coming to the city to buy some dowry items for his wedding.

Therefore, although he stayed up all night and didn't listen to breakfast, he was still very energetic and extremely happy.

At this time, Moore, a soldier from the 506th Regiment of the 101st Division of the Eastern Army, walked across from the opposite side with a gun slanted on his back.

Seeing Amu, More greeted him eagerly.

Amu was taken aback for a moment. He didn't know the other party at all, but looking at the other party's clothing, the generals directly under the command of the army definitely couldn't offend him.

Therefore, out of politeness, Amu nodded with a smile, and then walked over.

Moore turned his head, pointed at Amu's back, and then introduced to the recruits beside him: "Is it true? That's the lucky bastard."

The few recruits next to him nodded ‘oh oh oh’, and at the same time cast envy and envy to Amu.

Although Amu couldn't feel it himself, he is now a legend among soldiers.

There was a tiger raging in the mountains, harming the Semites. Those hunters caught many times and didn't catch them, but instead lost a lot of people.

Even a local rich and wealthy nobleman said that as long as anyone can kill a tiger, he should marry his beautiful and charming only daughter.

And when Amu went home to visit relatives, the old lady just poured him a bowl of hot water, and she heard the news before drinking it.

Amu went out immediately with his gun, and then went to the mountain, found the tiger, took a precise aim, squeezed the trigger, and shot the tiger to death.

On the way back in the middle, he also killed more than a dozen bandits.

When he returned home carrying the tiger's body, he picked up the bowl and touched it, only to find that the bowl of water was still warm.

And he won a beautiful wife so easily, and because the father-in-law's family is only an only daughter, in the future, the house and land will all belong to Amu.

At this time, the storyteller always talked and made gestures, saliva flew in his eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly.

And the little soldiers who listened to the story also raised their faces forty-five degrees one by one, fascinated and yearning.

Just holding a gun and slamming it easily, you can marry a wife and take possession of the property.

This kind of glamour, violence, and money...Bah, baah, this kind of knightly romantic story has always been the favorite of these soldiers.

This incident even spread to the headquarters of the coalition forces and the interim government. For the purpose of political propaganda, the positive image of the coalition forces and the interim government was established. This story was used as a model to promote it, and it is now well known in Caribbean City.

When Moore and the few recruits were chatting happily, Amu had already arrived at the gate of the city, watching the hustle and bustle of the gate, the constant flow of people and traffic, he couldn't help sighing: Although the Caribbean used to be known as prosperous , But only at the time of New Year's and holidays, will there be such a flow of people.

This also caused him some trouble-there are too many people in contact with each other, if Erya and the others come over, and they didn't see it, and they missed it, what should I do?

But immediately I saw a stone step not far away, and immediately got an idea and stood up.

In this way, even if they can't see them, Erya will definitely see themselves when they pass by.

Everyone in the past watched the well-dressed soldier standing on the stone steps at the gate of the city, standing out from the crowd, and they couldn't help casting their surprised eyes.

Some big girls and little wives looked at his appearance, and even lowered their heads, giggling.

This is another thing that confuses Amu, to be precise, it confuses all men. When the women are okay, they always like to chuckle and laugh.

They laughed when they saw the handsome guy. They also laughed when they saw Brother Pig. They laughed when they saw the smiling big brother, and even when they saw a dog crawling on top of another dog and fighting.

It is very confusing.

It is said that Lord Luo once drew a picture of "Mona Lisa's Smile" specially to show the mysterious smile of women.

Maybe only a god-like figure like Lord Luo can understand the real meaning behind a woman’s smile~~!

When Amu was thinking about it, he saw an ox cart slowly approaching.

Immediately afterwards, a slim figure jumped out of the car and exclaimed in surprise: "Amu Ge..."

After speaking, he blushed suddenly. Then he lowered his head shyly, pretending to play with the corners of his clothes.

Amu looked at the girl's smooth and pretty face, and he was immediately happy, and said, "Ya, you are here..."

He hurriedly jumped down the stone steps, and two steps forward, he was about to grab the girl's delicate hand, but then he heard a cough.

Amu looked up and found out that his mother, village elder's father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, little brother-in-law, and old father-in-law's brother-in-law... all came.

They squeezed the bullock cart full, with almost no gaps.

Although it is winter, because there are too many people in the car, the old cow pulling the car is tired and sweaty.

There are no old farmers nearby, otherwise they could not help but curse at the pitiful appearance of the cow. As a farmer, if you don’t know that you love livestock, then you are a prodigal son who is not as good as a pig and a dog~!

Village Chief Barr turned his head first, gave his wife a fierce look, and then jumped out of the carriage, calmly sideways, and inserted between the two.

But his wife rolled her eyes and didn’t take him seriously—just now the daughter jumped out of the carriage as soon as she saw Amu, she was as agile as a dog that saw shit...Bah, baah, just like It's like a butterfly that sees nectar, how can she stop it?

This made the village head even more angry. Although they beckoned and ordered their daughter out, the old couple calmed down and thought about it carefully, but found this matter extremely unreliable~!

Amu is a poor soldier. The family doesn't even have a piece of land. His only property is a mountain bungalow. How much money can he have?

And there will be wars in the future, but they will fight with the high priest, who knows whether he is dead or alive after the war?

If it's really dead, it's fine. But in case she becomes disabled, lacks arms and legs, wouldn't her daughter be involved in her life?

Therefore, the old couple were very worried. Later, they sat on the kang to discuss and see if there was any way to separate the two. It would be better to make things difficult for Amu and force him to propose regretting the marriage. The best.

So, this time they brought so many people here.

Village Chief Barr coughed softly, ignoring the bitter gaze from his daughter. Of course the little daughter knew what his father was thinking about.

Barr turned his head and looked at the gate of the city, and said, "Amu, I didn't expect that there are a lot of people here today."

Amu hurriedly replied: "Yes, since Lord Luo led his troops, this Caribbean city has become more prosperous than before. There are so many people coming in and out every day."

Village Chief Barr glanced at him calmly now, and cursed in his heart: This little **** is very good at pulling a big flag. With just a word, he reminded himself secretly that he was actually Lorraine's little brother.

Village Chief Barr coughed lightly again, then pointed to the big characters written on the wall, and said, "What's this written? Jarson."

He said that to a young man in the carriage.

The old couple's intentions are extremely sinister, because this Jarson is a cousin of Er Ya. Not only did he have a childhood sweetheart with Erya, but he also traveled north and south as an apprentice with a businessman, and he was very literate and hyphenated.

There are only two ways for Caribbeans, either as a crew member or as a vendor.

The village chief was planning to try it first, so that this young man could show off his knowledge, and pressed Amu severely to make this kid retreat.

Jarson looked at the slogan on the wall and couldn't help but hesitate. Then he stammered: "Time...time is..."

He just went out with the businessman. Although he knew a few big characters and could understand the account books, he was already a well-known person in the generally ignorant village.

Amu interrupted him with a smile at the moment, and said, "This is popular from the human race. It's called a slogan. It says..."

Having said that, he turned sideways slightly, and then read word by word: "Time is money, efficiency is life~!"

These words were plain and straightforward, unbearable, and there was a smell of copper on the face. It has the style of a big Nian dog.

If there is a literati who is present, you must sneer at it immediately: Talking about money at every turn is really too trivial~!

But there was a spark flashing in the eyes of Erya next to her, and she exclaimed with admiration: "Amu Ge, you are actually literate, really amazing."

It is not surprising that the little girl is so excited.

In the Semites, at this time still in the Dark Age, knowledge is completely in the hands of nobles.

In other words, as long as you are literate, you can basically hope to become a member of the ruling class. It's definitely not a problem to do things like the head of a local security chief or township chief.

Amu scratched his head embarrassedly, and said modestly: "It's nothing. In our army, we have to learn culture every night. As long as we have more than 100 literacy, we can add one silver coin to every month's salary. "

Er Ya asked immediately: "How many words do you know?"

Amu hesitated and said, "I have recognized all the basic characters. Are you preparing for the fourth level exam?"

Stars almost appeared in Er Ya's eyes, she couldn't help but exclaimed loudly, and said, "You are so amazing."

Seeing the admiring gaze in the eyes of the beloved girl, Amu is very self-aware, but he can't help but feel a little airy. At the same time, he can't help but sigh: It's good to have culture~!

Village Chief Barr looked at it, but he sighed in his heart: This Jarson is really a idiot, so unbelievable~!

But his wife keenly noticed one of the details and asked aloud: "Amu, how much can you get now?"

Amu thought for a while, and then honestly replied: "I don't know the details. If you add various subsidies, it will now be about three gold coins a month."

"Three...three gold coins..." A gold star suddenly appeared in the eyes of the village elder's wife.

Compared with merchants and handicraftsmen, although farmers claim to have high political treatment, they actually have to pay a large amount of excessive taxes every year.

In addition to this, they have to be conscripted into labor. That is to work under the government's assignment, usually for one month, sometimes for half a year, or even unlimited time. And this is no money~!

Therefore, ‘farmers are really bitter, farmers are really tired, farmers are really poor’. This sentence is not the slightest exaggeration but a portrayal of their real life.

After a year, you can have a red head rope like Xi'er, tie your hair and you can celebrate the new year happily.

Therefore, for these farmers, three gold coins are simply something as big as a wheel.

And this is only one month~!

At the end of the year, there must not be dozens of gold coins, basically enough to buy another cow.

At this time, Amu threw another blockbuster, "It will be fine when I pass the fourth level. After the fourth level of grammar, I can receive one more gold coin every month."

Seventy or eighty gold coins a year, this is simply the God of Wealth~! ——Under the ecstasy of the village elder's wife, she didn't notice a serious error in her arithmetic.

Village Chief Barr looked at his wife's eyes with Venus, and couldn't get out of the money. He couldn't help but feel very upset. He flicked his sleeves and said in a deep voice: "Enter the city~!" (To be continued. If You like this work, you are welcome to (this site) to subscribe, give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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