Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1482: Difficulties

The weather is slowly warming up, and the pace of spring is getting closer.

Almost three months have passed since the coalition of humanity landed in the Caribbean.

Millions of troops have gathered in the Caribbean port and have been attracted but not sent.

Although the war did not break out as quickly as the Semis expected, in the past two or three months, with the strong support of the Terran, especially the Flying Eagle transnational trust monopoly, the Caribbean Port has developed by leaps and bounds.

The speed can be said to be changing with each passing day, and the city changes every day.

Various factories have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain, and they are pulled out of the ground in a huff, black smoke billowing from the chimneys, and the roar of steam engines day and night.

Long queues of ships laden with coal, ore and workers are waiting to enter the port.

Good news spread frequently on all fronts, and the situation is gratifying. The fart of the chicken in the Caribbean port is like a stimulant, rolling up.

Industry, finance, urbanization, and cheap labor are flooding into this once monotonous port.

A jewel on the coast is rising, and the future must be bright...


But these are just superficial appearances~!

In fact, the situation in the Caribbean is not optimistic at all. The undercurrent is turbulent and intricate, affecting the whole body.

Due to the influx of migrant workers, the security situation in the Caribbean has deteriorated sharply.

Although the law and order in the Caribbean was not very good at first, the Xiacheng district where pirate smugglers gathered and the poor gathered was even more out of the law.

But it has never been so bad.

Think about it, when the human coalition is stationed in the Caribbean, the bandits and robbers dared to rob the Flying Eagle Bank in broad daylight. Just this one case can illustrate the extent to which the situation has deteriorated.

In addition, with the influx of population, they not only provided labor, but also brought in the gangs that formed in their native land.

This is a matter of course. Outsiders who come here for the first time are bound to be bullied by the locals. Especially in this era without labor laws and labor unions, it is common for outsiders to lose their lives.

In order to make money, these outsiders will unite together, and the simplest and most credible is naturally their fellow villagers.

What's more, many people are simply organized by a boss to discuss life together. They form the most basic gang organization.

As more people grow up, they naturally become more ambitious. In order to maximize their interests, they often form a violent gang in the shortest possible time, and then bully the market and take advantage of the opportunity to monopolize a certain industry.

Just as described in the "Godfather" that can be regarded as a gang textbook, the Irish and Italians who have just boarded Amei’s periodical apprentices have formed the most famous gangs, mad dog gangs and mafia. These people turned out to be just honest farmers.

They acted recklessly in the golden age of the gang. Vidor, Corleone monopolized the sale of olive oil by burning his rival's goods and made his first pot of gold.

Everyone has done this in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Not only that, in order to compete for the site, protection fees, and the controllers of underground casinos and courtyards, hundreds of people fight each other on the streets almost every day. There are countless people who died. Now it is the fight. The most intense time.

This is nothing. No matter how powerful the gangsters are under the guns of the security forces, their fate will only be wiped out. What is even more troublesome is the group of nobles who have escaped.

Lord Lorraine couldn't be like dealing with the gangsters, and the shot fell apart-although Sir Alex thought about it more than once.

At the very beginning, the nobles who came were all the elites of the Semitic, persecuted.

Their arrival has added a lot of influence to the Caribbean government.

For example, the Chief of Military Park Parker, the guard commander Hawke, and the Northwest Military District command Hark.

These people are very important in the Semitic army, and they have great reputation in the Semitic.

Their arrival has caused a subtle change in the attitude of the entire Semitic military.

In addition, there are a large number of other officials who have been persecuted.

Since they are not treated by Madolins’s necromantic gold medal doglegs, these people are naturally clear-headed among the Semites. They are truly ideal and ambitious elites who want to find a way out for the independence and freedom of the Semites. .

If they don’t run, the secret police's butcher knife might fall on them that day.

The Caribbean government is currently short of talents. There are only three or two big cats and kittens in the entire provisional government, and they cannot even hold a regular meeting.

For these nobles who defected, naturally they are favorably taken care of. Basically everyone is promoted.

With more and more men, the happy President Brad's eyes narrowed for a month, and he even smiled in dreams.

But later, the situation took a turn for the worse.

A large number of unscrupulous nobles and landlords who were mixed with the Semi, saw that there was a bargain here, and they would be treated as officials as long as they came. At the moment, like sharks smelling blood, their families came and rushed.

There are even some of them who are notorious, bad behaviors, and even the mainstream Semitic society cannot accept them.

Their arrival brought over the inherent inferiority of the feudal landlord class and the inferior aristocracy.

Contempt for businessmen, oppress the people, buy and sell, rob women, kill people on the street... almost no different from the underworld gang.

If there is really any difference, it is that the underworld still has a little face, and when opening the court, they have to shout two voices for loyalty and help the dead.

And they relied on their aristocratic status, unscrupulous, and didn't even want a face.

Although they did not dare to provoke the human coalition, they made the people of the Caribbean resentful and excited.

If it weren't for knowing that Prime Minister Madolins was a fool, and now he was busy carrying out a large-scale purge, Lord Luo would suspect that they were undercover agents sent by Madolins.

To say that they are pig teammates are all insulting pigs. Those people are completely scumbags and scumbags~!

The Caribbean has already been smashed by them. If it is allowed to develop, the local people may be forced to rebel.

This is an extremely terrible thing.

You know, everyone came under the banner of freedom and democracy to save the Semitic people living in dire straits, but instead they pushed the Semitic people back.

At that time, humans became a joke.

Lord Lorraine's famous name will also become the laughing stock of the world.

Jue Luo looked at the documents on the table and couldn't help sighing again: now we have to think of a good way~!

The local Intelligence Agency agents have suggested that the action team directly targeted the removal.

However, if you cut them directly, it will inevitably make the Semitic nobles feel terrified, and the hearts of the people who have gathered together will be scattered.

You must know that the Caribbean government had a bad reputation, and it was even called a flash rape, a traitor, and a dogleg of mankind.

If it hadn't been for Madolins' perverse behavior and the fear of killing everyone, they would never have come here.

This good momentum must be maintained in order to divide and draw the Semites as much as possible and weaken their resistance.

Not to mention that at this stage, humans still need these Semitic nobles to help maintain their rule.

This is really a dilemma~!

Rao is Lord Luo Jue with a lot of sages, but at this moment, he can't come up with a good idea, kill or not?

He rubbed his temples with a headache, then stood up, came to the window, and pushed the window open.

A cold wind blew in immediately, clearing Lorraine's original mind.

He glanced out.

I saw the entire Caribbean city in sight.

In the distant sea, countless ships are shuttled back and forth, extremely busy.

In the port, hundreds of large ships are also anchored.

Long trestle bridges went deep into the sea, connecting the heavy ships with the dock.

The heavy steam engine emits billowing black smoke, which drives the lifting equipment to lift the cargo from the ship.

On another hill, a magnificent cathedral is under construction.

The workers are constantly busy on the scaffolding. From a distance, they are as small as ants.

Farther away, the chimneys of the steel plants have been erected high, and one of them has been ignited and billowing black smoke has been emitted.

In Caribbean City, it is also a busy scene.

In that situation, Lorraine couldn't help but think of his own Nian. Nian's original construction was so lively and busy. It changes with each passing day, and it is flourishing.

Sir Alex could not help feeling quite proud when he saw this. Under his leadership, this originally backward Caribbean has already stepped into the ranks of capitalism with half his foot.

At this moment, a light breeze blew, and at the same time, there was also a burst of soft music mixed with laughter.

Lorraine turned his head to look, and saw a scene of flat singing and dancing in the lobby of the Presidential Palace. Countless gentlemen and ladies are holding champagne and talking about something with a smile.

These are all nobles who have come from exile from the Semites, who were invited to attend the banquet of President Brad.

In order to gather popularity and attract people's hearts, President Brad holds such banquets almost every day.

The old guy had a very bad problem. Whenever he drank too much, he would just pull someone over, and then start to talk about his arduous course and glorious history, and then he started to seal officials and make wishes, hiring people illegally.

When I was the lord of the city, most of the people who attended the banquet were local people and his relatives. At this time, if I drank too much, I would ban officials at random. There is not much harm.

But now as the president, every day the banquet is attended by the exiled nobles who came from all directions. It would be too cautious to appoint officials like this.

Sir Alex doubted maliciously in his heart: This cheap old man is probably at best a talent for being a city lord~!

At this moment, I heard the door creaking behind me. Then a faint sound of footsteps came behind him from far to near.

Now in this place, only four people can come in without saying hello.

Among them, Lei Er and Xiao Bai were always earth-shattering when they came, and they often liked to kick the door directly with their feet, and when Lei Er was kicking the door, they would yell, "Death and shadowless feet~!" ’

And Vera's pocket contained either gold coins or snacks, and she walked around and made noises. It's like a mobile vault.

Only Fiona can be so gentle and considerate.

Sure enough, she heard her voice ringing behind her, saying: "Are you worried again?"

With that, Lianbu moved lightly, came behind Lorraine, and then gently rubbed Lorraine's forehead.

Lorraine sighed and said, "Yes, there is no way.

Why are the run-down nobles here like the mouse cubs, you can't see them at ordinary times, and when the critical moment comes, they all get out of the hole to find food? "

Fiona immediately punched him on the back with an anguish, and then said, "Why don't I understand, your human race has many countries, and there should be more nobles. How did you deal with it?"

Lorraine shrugged and said, "Although there are many nobles on our side, there are many wars, so many nobles die."

If Sir Alex Ferguson himself hadn't gotten into the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy, he would have been sent to the frontier to fight the savages.

And even so, when he first met Catherine, the eight-woman would always use the death squad to scare him.

Fiona couldn't help but chuckled, and then went on: "There is still something left."

Lorraine turned his head and thought for a moment, and said, "If you have the rest, send it to the Senate and let them be there..."

Having said this, he suddenly realized it, and he slapped his forehead heavily: How did he use the Senate's arranging and full-time **** to ignore?

I just thought of setting up a Semitic government, completely ignoring that the current Semitic Provisional Republican government is completely different from the original. This is a brand new architecture, you can add it freely.

Even if some minor problems are encountered, then these problems can be solved by applying them to the human society.

And since it is a republican government, then this is also a civil society, and the nobility, the dynasty-building class, can no longer exist. In this society, everyone is equal... well, at least on the surface, everyone is equal.

Anyone who wants to be an official...

Thinking of this, Lord Luo Jue was suddenly enlightened. The thinking also opened up suddenly.

Lorraine sighed inwardly, after patronizing the war for the past two years, he had been stupid as a soldier and had forgotten his own job.

He pulled Fiona over, gave her a heavy kiss on the cheek, and then sat down at the table, picked up a pen, and wrote in a hurry.


The next day, the Provisional Republican Government issued an announcement announcing the establishment of the State Administration of Taxation.

When this tax bureau was established, it did not attract everyone's attention.

After all, the tax bureau specifically collects protection fees for everyone, but any country that wants to operate has to rely on various taxation support.

No matter where it is placed, it is understandable.

Only the most attentive people will notice that all the tax police officers of the State Administration of Taxation are all transferred from Nian's most fierce and most powerful SS.

Moreover, the head of the tax bureau is not a Semitic, but a human, a well-known human warrior, the little grandfather of the Ruman Empire, the chairman and general manager of the Flying Eagle Group, and the second master Leo Lei.

This may seem inappropriate, because it is generally impossible for a country’s officials to appoint foreigners. But according to the treaty signed between the Semitic Provisional Government and humans. Humans lent large sums of money to the Semites, and all of these money must be used as collateral with taxes.

Therefore, it is a matter of course to appoint Terran to monitor taxes and ensure that the Semis have the ability to repay.

It is said that Lei Erye took the commission and immediately couldn't stand his excitement, and sat on the ground, pulling his throat, crying like a wolf dog ‘Ohhhhhhhhh...’.

It's not easy, it's not easy~!

In the past, Nicole’s eight wives collected their own taxes, and they collected thousands of them at every turn. They didn’t even blink their eyebrows, as if they had a faucet on their body. Once they were unscrewed, they would smash Rush out.

That's all money~!

It was his own sweat bead falling to the ground and eight petals, squeezing the buttocks hard to earn a copper plate, a copper plate.

In the end, if you accept it, you will accept it. There is no place to reason~!

That kind of pain is almost like cutting meat with a knife. If you don't experience it firsthand, it's definitely hard to understand.

Finally, finally, now it's over. Finally it's my turn to collect taxes from others~!

What makes Erye Lei most happy is that it also stipulates in detail that two thousandths of all taxes are his salary.

Two thousandths, this number looks small, but once multiplied by the huge taxes of the Semis, it is also a pretty terrifying number.

Fiona was sitting in Lorraine’s office, looking at Lei Er’s crying nose and tears, she couldn’t help but was extremely worried, and asked Lorraine: "Leo is all right? Nicole is just such a younger brother~ In case he has one to come. How can I tell his sister?"

Lorraine was smiling treacherously...Bah, he wrote something happily on his face. Hearing what she said, he immediately raised his head, glanced out the window, and shouted: "Leo, stop howling. Time is Money, you can cry here for a minute, and you will make at least two thousand less gold coins."

Leo's cry outside the window stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Leo got up from the ground, then wiped the tears and nose on his face with his sleeves, and then shouted: "Little ones, we are all together, we men are going to make a lot of money today. Up."

He paused, and then shouted towards this side again: "Boss, don't worry, I must learn like you, I have to scrape this Semitic land by three feet~!"

Fiona's eyes were dark, staggered, and fell into Lorraine's arms.

When she stood up again and erased the black line on her forehead, she saw Lei Er, with Xiao Bai, and a large number of tax policemen, rushing out the door mightily.

Looking at Leo's back, then looking back, seeing Lorraine lying on the table with a sly smile on his face and writing something on the table, Fiona suddenly felt regretful in her heart: she was full and was okay. What's the idea?

These two scourges are already enough assholes. As a result, they must have become more **** with this idea~!

The more she thought about it, the more she became afraid, she couldn't help turning her head and looking out the window, worrying about her fellow Semitic people... (to be continued)

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