Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1513: Retribution

The guard of Madolins watched Fair and the others stand up and leave, feeling a little awkward in his heart. M.

Just as the guard was hesitating for a while, he saw that Fair's figure had been completely submerged in the darkness, disappeared, and only the heavy footsteps of a few people could be heard.

He couldn't help sighing faintly, then cheered up, glanced around, then lowered his head, watching the burning fire, silently thinking about his own thoughts:'Mother went to the countryside with his wife and children. The relatives went, don’t know what happened?

Will they be accepted by relatives? Will you be bullied by them if you accept it? Will they be notified by others? If they are reported, will they be arrested...’

As a guard officer who is a close friend of the prime minister, he is also number one in Akadrin. He has the same privileges as other high-ranking officers. He knows more things than ordinary people, earlier, and more truthful.

Madolins also promoted Akaderin in the city. The enemy can only eat ashes under the city even if the enemy is a million army. The victory will belong to us, but they already know that they can't win this battle.

When they left the city, these people informed their family members in advance, asking them to carry gold and silver, go to the countryside to go to relatives, or go to other places to hide from the wolf-like free and human coalition forces.

But everyone knows that this is only a temporary emergency and it cannot solve the problem at all. No matter how fast they escaped, they could not escape the human coalition forces, and they were eventually occupied by humans.

Once the other party launches a large-scale investigation in the occupied area, in order to clean up dangerous elements and hidden enemy agents, this is inevitable, and it will be very careful.

Those family members will definitely be exposed.

It is too easy to find out their identities. Their neighbors know it very well, and even take the initiative to inform them for rewards.

At that time, I wonder if they will be persecuted by humans.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sink, and a bad premonition emerged in his mind.

At the beginning, everyone was persecuting the deprived aristocrats and their families in the Great Purge, and doing all kinds of bad things, especially those women.

The situation is not optimistic.

Those nobles who were persecuted by them and fled to the Caribbean, after this time they come back, they will certainly not give up.

Everything they have done may fall on their wives and daughters, which I have to say is a kind of retribution.

He sighed silently, raised his eyes and glanced at the opposite Madolins, secretly regretting in his heart, he knew that today, it would be better to farm in his hometown.

After a while, he suddenly woke up, only to feel the silence around him, deathly silence.

There was no sound nearby, and even the calls of insects disappeared.

"No~!" He couldn't help but feel stunned, clenching the hilt in his hand, straightening up and looking around warily.

But in the heavy darkness around, nothing can be seen.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a soft hum in the air.

His body shuddered suddenly, and then a sharp pain came.

He slowly lowered his eyes and looked down, only to see a long arrow nailed to his chest, the shaft of the arrow pierced deeply into his body, and the red blood was slowly flowing from the wound.的shed.

He wanted to raise his hand, but felt that all the power in his body was gone, and he could only weakly fall to the ground.

At this time, just listen to the sound of ‘swish, swish’. In the dim light of the bonfire, I saw several arrows shooting out of the darkness, and almost at the same time, they all shot down to the ground one by one at the nearby attendants.

There was no time for them to react and shout.

The guard officer convulsed all over, exhausted all his strength, slowly raised his head, and looked desperately in the direction of the arrow.

It must be his own if he can touch it in silently and make a scheming against himself.

So who is this damned traitor? ~! ! !

Immediately I saw a few people walking out of the darkness with knives that glowed with cold light, and it was...It was Fei Jiren~!

They all had a gloomy expression, and coldly surrounded Madolins.

"I knew these villains were unreliable." The guard officer's eyes gradually became dark, and his head tilted to the side weakly.

Madolins was startled when he saw that it was them. A bit of confusion flashed in his eyes, and finally he reacted with a look of relief: Although these puppies kept screaming patriotism in their mouths, they were actually Betrayed the chief for the official position and betrayed the Semitic.

Now, in order to save his life, naturally he must kill himself.

Not only did Madolins show no expression of horror, he smiled lightly and said flatly: "What do you mean? Are you planning to take me to receive a reward from Lorraine?"

Fair's face twisted, his expression sullen, and he said solemnly: "We are slaying rebels for the country."

When Madolins heard this, he couldn't help feeling ridiculous. He found that he was not angry at all, but almost laughed out loud, saying: This sentence is really wonderful, it can be used at any time. .

Having said that, when he launched a mutiny, didn't he also use it like this?

What a bad retribution~!

However, there is a difference between a tiger and a dog after all~!

He looked at everyone in Fair with a sneer, with a mocking tone, and said: "You all planned this way?"

Someone in the middle lowered his head with ashamed expression, looking embarrassed and hesitant.

But Fair looked at him boldly, as if he was a policeman who was enforcing the law, and said confidently: "We don't want to do things now, but for the honor and disgrace of the country and the righteous nation, we can only bear the pain of sacrificing adults."

He paused, and then continued: "For the revival of the Semites, we will take the heads of adults and ask Lorraine for a reward. Then we will try our best to connect with the righteous men in secret and cultivate the army. We will surely rise again and restore the Semites. The magnificent rivers and mountains, we do this, I think you, my lord, can understand."

What he was talking about was generous and fierce, his eyes shone, and even he was intoxicated by the bright future he described.

But at this moment, he heard Madolins cursing contemptuously: "A bunch of idiots~!"

Fair couldn't help but furious, stepped forward, pointed at Madolins and said sharply: "You **** old man. You still have the face to blame us?

If it weren’t for your woman’s kindness, kindness, and reluctance to punish all the royal families, including the rebel Brad, so that they had time to collude with humanity inside and outside, this led to the smooth landing of mankind in the Caribbean and sweeping my spirit. The flash continent. So much so that the people wailed and the creatures were smeared.

If I followed what I said, I would not have fallen to where I am today.

This is all your responsibility~!

You are the greatest sinner in our Semitic history~!

When this happens, I still don’t want to repent..."

Listening to Fair's turbulent waves and ranting words there, Madolins didn't respond at all, raised his head and looked at the vast starry sky. Muttered: "It seems that I was really wrong..."

Fair was startled first, then sneered, and said: "Okay, it's good to know that you are wrong. Now that you know it is wrong, although it's a little late..."

Madolins interrupted him coldly, and said, "I was blind by the mistake, and I found you guys who are so conscientious and wolf-hearted..."

Fair was even more angry right now, raised his arm, pointed at him and screamed: "Oh, you old thing, you don't even think about repenting until you die."

Madolins smiled coldly and mocked: "Then what are you waiting for?"

As he said, his eyes closed, and he took a breath of relief.

Fair yelled, stepped forward, and swung it down~!

Seeing that headless corpse fell to the ground, warm blood splashed and dripped on their faces, all the officers present were silent.

That scene reminded me of the moment of mutiny in the rainy night two years ago, when everyone was also shouting ‘for the sake of the country’s righteousness’, brandishing sharp knives, and cutting off the heads of important ministers. Hold them in exchange for merits.

Immediately, Fair picked up the head, pulled a piece of clothing from the corpse nearby, and then carefully wrapped it.

He looked at the other people and said, "It's not too late, let's go."

With that said, take the lead, turn around and walk towards the darkness.

The others looked at each other and followed in a hurry.

Although there are only a few hundred soldiers left here, the personnel are extremely mixed, including the army and political axe.

A large part of them are Madolins's guards, one by one, loyal, otherwise they will not be deserters until now.

If they find that Madolins has been killed, they must avenge Madolins.

He might even cut himself off, and then took his head to the human side to receive the reward.

Fair and the others carefully walked around the crowd, and Starry Night left.

At dawn the next day, after the soldiers scattered around woke up from their sleep, they found that there were a few dead bodies lying beside the burnt fire, and all the other senior officers were gone.

The only one without a head, the clothes on his body was Madolins.

A group of soldiers looked at each other, and they probably guessed what happened late at night. In fact, if there are a few more days in the evening, maybe everyone will do the same. Then carry their heads to the human side to receive the reward.

I have to say that these officials are quick to meet the opportunity, that is, they have higher quality than their own soldiers. It was cruel and cruel~!

There was a shout, and then they scattered, each fleeing in different directions.

The so-called tree fell and scattered, nothing more than that.

A few flexible-minded guys even sneaked away the jewelry from Madolins's body without being noticed.

And the corpses abandoned in the wilderness soon attracted wild beasts in the forest.

The poor generation of heroes eventually ended up with no bones.

At this time, Fair and others had already arrived in front of the human coalition barracks, kneeling on the ground with their heads in their hands.

A crowd of human soldiers were holding their guns and slowly approaching them.

Fair looked at them with a smile on his lips. Then I glanced at the right hand side with the corner of my eye, where there was a baggage, and the dark red blood was still leaching out...


On the 9th of June in the Julian calendar year 837, midsummer, outside the city of Akaderin, light rain.

Lead-grey dark clouds obscured the sky, cool rain fell from the sky lightly, and the air was fresh and moist.

Lord Luo was sitting in his army tent, looking at the scenery outside in melancholy. A cup of black tea on the table is wafting in the steam.

After three minutes of brewing in hot water at 95 degrees Celsius, the black tea produced in the Genting Valley, the highest mountain in the world, exudes a unique faint rose aroma, floating in the camp.

The translucent blue-and-white porcelain produced in Serris, worth ten thousand gold, is in sharp contrast with the red tea. It's like holding a cup of amber.

Not far away, a gramophone kept spinning, wafting out a soft, genie-like singing.

It is the shirt that shows the melancholy mood of Sir Alex Ferguson.

Lorraine looked at Fei Fei's silver rain outside, looked at the blue city not far away in the drizzle, and then sighed long: It deserves it~!

If you rushed directly into the city, nothing would come out now~!

After breaking through the enemy army, Sir Alex Ferguson was very low and stopped outside the city of Akaderin, but did not enter the city immediately.

I originally thought that Sir Alex Ferguson is now also a great military exploiter, freeing the majority of the Semitic people living in dire straits. They have to hold a grand welcoming ceremony or something, paving the road with flowers, waste colored flags, young and beautiful girls with beauty. Singing out what he expects for himself, is this a good way to enter the city?

Let everyone know, Hu Hansan is back again~!

Then I painted this scene with a huge oil painting and hung it in the parliament hall of the Semitic Republic, as a memento forever. It must be extremely scratching.

However, the ceremony has not yet been held on the other side, and the generals of the human coalition forces here have all sent letters over like sharks smelling blood.

"It has been learned that your Excellency has captured Akadrin. This is an unprecedented victory in my human history. My people have been looking forward to two thousand years, which can be described as a great achievement.

I am deeply honored and honored by the Holy See

This great victory is not only a military victory, but also a political victory. It is the result of the joint efforts of our human [*] teams and the Holy See. Of course, the magicians also played a little bit in the middle. ..."

This piece of shuffling was written by the representative of the Holy See in the Semitic mainland.

Although there is a lot of talk, it seems that there is no content. But in fact it showed their attitude: This grand ceremony of entering the city cannot be without us. We also paid for it.

As for the Grand Duke Julian also wrote: "The victory of this battle is the result of the unity of our allied forces and the formation of a city. Therefore, we must reflect the high morale of our army and show the might of our army..."

In a word, "I want to participate too!"

And President Brad of the Provisional Republican Political Axe also wrote: "This victory, the human coalition is indispensable, and under the leadership of Sir Alex Ferguson, our Free Army soldiers also made outstanding achievements, deeply gratified..."

The meaning is very simple, this time I cannot enter the city without me~!

The Dean of the Military Academy and the Chief of the General Staff of the Allied Forces, General Wabador, wrote very simply: "Boy, wait for me, otherwise you won't be able to eat."

None of this is the deadliest. The deadliest thing is that the old guy added another sentence to the letter, ‘the news of the big victory, I have sent back to the human continent through the magic circle.

Want to make people feel salty and smell, and celebrate together. ’

With that sentence alone, Lord Luo Jue had already had a toothache for a long time.

Although the old guy said he was pretty, Sir Alex guessed his ulterior circumstance. In fact, he wanted to show off in front of Obahheim and Lester.

It's like a kid holding a big red apple to show off in front of his companions: I have a big apple, sweet, crisp and fragrant, but none of you. I am greedy for you, I am greedy for you~!

I have to say that this kind of behavior is really very unsuccessful. If Sir Alex Ferguson has a **** at his hand, it will smear his face if he can't copy it.

This old thing didn't want to think about it, that Obachem and Lester are also dignified schoolmasters, are they so good to each other?

Usually three people fight for me, even if it is a piece of shit, it must be divided into three parts. And it has to be evenly divided, even if it is a little bit more and a little bit less, they will fight hard.

When they get the news, they must be furious with anger, and then send a message to themselves, postpone the time of the entrance ceremony, and wait for them to come to participate together.

I don't know how long it has been...

At this moment, I suddenly heard a thunderous roar from not far away.

Lorraine looked up, only to see a war fortress descending hurriedly.

Without waiting to stop, a group of soldiers hurriedly jumped out of the war fortress and ran towards the big tent, obviously there was something urgent.

Sir Alex Ferguson didn't care either, but watched the drizzle outside the tent and continued to feel melancholy. In this situation, he missed his beautiful girlfriends very much.

After a while, a guard came to report that the old political axe army...well, the commander of the pseudo-political axe army, Fair, and a group of high-ranking officials surrendered to the human coalition, and they also brought a gift-horse Dollings's top head~!

Lord Luo Jue was stunned, and then a look of disgust appeared in his eyes: How shameless can people be?

Without thinking carefully, Lord Lorraine also guessed what had happened.

He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Is that head real?"

The reason why Sir Alex Ferguson asked this was because he still had a ten-thousandth hope for their last name.

But then the guard said: "We have invited Hawkes, Pat and the former senior officials of the Semitic tribe to come and discern. I believe they have no guts to make a fake to fool us."

Lord Luo Jue thought for a while, shook his head slightly, his face was plain, and said, "Let them in."

After a short while, under the close monitoring of the soldiers, Fair and the others were taken up.

Lorraine glanced at them briefly, and saw that although these people were a little embarrassed, all of them had straight noses, thick eyebrows and big eyes. They were all very good-looking people at first glance.

No wonder they can deceive people.

After a while, Lord Luo asked: "You really killed Madolins?"

Fair stepped forward and generously said: "My lord, we can't do anything about it. Although Madolins is kind to us, he does a lot of unrighteousness, goes against the trend of history, and contends with the army. Although we have been more For the second time to dissuade him, he couldn't listen at all. So for the sake of the country, we have to...

Lorraine listened to his righteous words, and couldn't help thinking of a famous saying: patriotism, how shameless you are in your name.

Now this person is obviously such a character, especially looking at the sick light shining in his eyes.

Lord Luo couldn't help being very strange: How could such a person not be sent to a mental hospital?

He immediately interrupted Fair's words, then turned his head to look at the officers behind him, and curiously said: "Do you think so too?"

The few people looked at each other, some people bowed their heads in shame, but some people smiled and kept nodding their heads in a humble attitude.

Lorraine reached out and pointed to the ashamed and bowed head, and said, "Send this to the Quarry Fitness Weight Loss Center for 30 years."

Then he swiped the rest of the people and said casually: "Drag out all the rest and shoot them."

It's like saying a trivial thing.

All the officers were taken aback for a moment, all of them frightened, their faces pale instantly.

They didn't expect this Lorraine to be so cruel, and didn't intend to let them go.

They thought that even if they couldn't make a fortune, they could at least write rewards and hold a small life.

But I didn't expect it would be a dead end in the end.

At this moment, some soldiers stepped forward and dragged them down.

While struggling, Fair yelled: "General, you can't do this, but we came with Madolins' head, and we have done a good job. You can't kill us like this.

Otherwise, who else would dare to surrender in the future..."

Lorraine listened to and sighed, "Well, send them all to the special military court. Let the judges sentence them."

Fei several people can not help but startled again, what is a special military court? What judge? Although I don't quite understand it, it seems that I can get away with it.

They wanted to say more, but at this time, the soldiers had dragged them out of the camp extremely rudely.

Later, after they went to the military court, they saw the nobles who had been persecuted by them sitting on the bench with a grinning smile on their faces, and then they reacted, and then all of them abused Lorraine's despicable shamelessness.

At that time, they regretted why they didn't just get shot to death in the first place-the nobles who were destroyed by them, but they were already prepared to fine-tune them.

At this time, Lord Luo looked at the drizzle outside the tent, and fell into deep melancholy again: What if he had just entered the city at that time? The news should reach the human continent now, right? I don’t know what it looks like after you hear the news... (To be continued.) q

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