Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 216: It's cheap

Yu Lin dealt with Zong Zhong's flattering and looked at Da Lu Zhong strangely! …One…The madness is not on the front line to supervise the war, what are they doing here? But the old guy didn't say it himself, and he didn't dare to ask casually.

Seeing that everyone had greeted Lorraine, the Grand Duke could not help but cough slightly, showing a look of disapproval, and said: "Don't praise him like this, young man, praise too much, it is easy to forget. But who will let me He has family ties with him, and everyone will have to take care of them in the future."

Lorraine glanced at him," said inwardly: No wonder Catherine can play with such a change of temperament, it seems that she is a family heirloom.

And family friendship? The Lorraine family has been walking with their heads down for many years, for fear of causing a royal misunderstanding. I'm afraid that they will think about the hatred of the year, and then cut their own raw pork.


Lorraine looked at the Grand Duke and couldn't help but wonder. Why did this old guy suddenly change sex? So good to yourself? Did the sun gather from the west?

The Grand Duke coughed slightly, pretending that he didn't see the strange look on Lorraine’s face, and then said: "But as a commander, this performance is still eye-catching. Of course there are a lot of problems. When I look back, everyone must be severe. Criticize him seriously, don't you need to face me to know?.

"Don't give me face. This sentence is often said by everyone, but if you only know the positive understanding, then the pig with an IQ below 30 will know it and will laugh to death.

Everyone is a good old fellow, can't you understand the thoughts of the Grand Duke there?

They screamed immediately.

"Oh, it is the blessing of the empire that the Duke has such high standards and strict requirements.

"It is precisely under the strict requirements of the Grand Duke that there is a genius mission like Lord Lorraine, which is also the blessing of the empire."

"The Grand Duke and the earl really complement each other, it is a good story in our empire"

For a time, the flattery was like a wave, and the flattery flew wildly.

A gleam of cold flashed in the eyes of the Grand Duke, but then he drew it away, changing into a kind smile. Skin Xiaorou introduced Lorraine to the people around him without a smile.

Only then did Lorraine know that these flatterers were all important military and political officials from the nearby Ruman province. They were all accompanied by the Grand Duke to discuss mercenaries and secretly stumble the Almohad.

He looked at the few ruman imperial dignitaries who were respectful in front of the Grand Duke, and couldn't help but sigh deeply. It's no wonder that I can't climb to a high position, not to mention anything else, just because of their shameless flattery level, I can't match it.

Lorraine accompanied everyone into the gate of Fengye Danlin.

The Dagong himself is a figure of the national leadership level, and he comes here to visit and learn, plus visit activities. And based on the total 300 years of experience of the three major college deans, it can be inferred that there is a full possibility of 98.996, and he is sending money to everyone.

Therefore, after receiving the news, everyone did not dare to neglect, and the city gate greeted it like this.

The Grand Duke also hurriedly got off his horse, bringing his men and the three deans to see him.

Everyone greeted them, and then talked nonsense about a chase, wasting a lot of time.

Although everyone laughed more than one fake, it was a formal visit after all, and everyone had to do this out of courtesy.

When all the rituals are finished, everyone feels relieved.

Lester and others came because of the great Duke. Please go to rest first. Then we will have a banquet in the evening, and then hold a consultation meeting the next day. Then, Lester thoughtfully asked Lorraine to send Dagongli Manor.

Dagong and others entered the manor on Fenglin Road, before they had time to sit down and rest.

Leo received the news and ran in from the door with the snow chips on his body.

When Leo saw the Grand Duke, he said excitedly, "Oh, then opened a pair of chubby hands and rushed over to the God Seal Throne, then he slid his body, jumped heavily into the Grand Duke’s arms, and then hung it on the Duke’s. On the neck, he said loudly: "Dad, where is the present for me? Where is it? "

He said, digging around on the old guy.

Catherine, Adele, and Vera also came in from outside.

With Leo hanging on his body, Grand Duke stretched out an arm to embrace Catherine's shoulder, kissed her forehead gently, and said, "Good girl. How have you been?"

Catherine replied vaguely: "It's okay. It's okay to fight, deceive people to collect taxes, and so on. It's all used to it."

The Grand Duke looked at Lorraine next to him worriedly, and then asked a little worriedly, "You,, didn't you let that **** take advantage?"

This is called a peerless star by others. The grand prince of the murderous mad demon, at this time, he had no such aura that others had said, but was just an old man who was worried about his daughter.

Catherine's eyes widened in amazement. Then my heart felt bitter. She bit her secretly, then slowly, then smiled softly. He put his arm around the Grand Duke's arm and said softly: "Old man. How could your daughter be taken advantage of by others."

The grand public sighed lightly.

Immediately afterwards, I just listened to Catherine continuing to say: "I always took advantage of him. Don't worry."

After finishing speaking, she smiled, dazzling the country and the city, and she is so beautiful.

The Grand Duke's heart was immediately hit by her words.

His body stiffened, and after half a day, he murmured without tears: "Relax? Is there anything more worrying than this?"

The eldest princess of the empire not only took advantage of people, but also came to the post. If this spreads out, it would be an earth-shattering royal scandal.

At this time, two pairs of curious eyes cast from the side, and the Grand Duke hurriedly changed his mind. Then he forced Adele and Vera to win! Dai'er, the towel is slightly fat, you are getting more and more beautiful. "

Vera, who followed in, looked at this happy family scene with a sad expression.

Lorraine knew that she was a little homesick, and said to her heart: The two parents are also very relieved. Her daughter has been running out for more than half a year, and she didn't even say to come and have a look, so she wrote a few letters.

He walked over to the Throne of God Seal and patted Vera's lovely head.

Vera recovered and looked at Lorraine's concerned eyes. Can not help but smile brightly at him.

The Grand Duke finished greeting with everyone, then lifted Leo up high, and nodded in satisfaction when he looked at him. Said: "Yeah. That's right. I'm a lot stronger again. I almost can't move my arm under pressure."

For the past six months, Leo has played happily in Quan Ye Danlin. Catherine has always been paying attention to him. This little ruffian can eat and sleep on her own. It is strange that he is not strong.

The Grand Duke cleared up his mood, then smiled and said to Catherine: "Leo is pretty long."

Catherine glanced at the little ruffian, and said faintly: "Yes. He has been stumbling a lot in the past six months, and he often makes trouble for me.

Grand Duke pretended not to hear the second half of the conversation.

He put Leo down and asked enthusiastically: "My little pumpkin, tell me, what company is yours. How much money do you make?"

Leo looked back at Catherine, then sighed, and said, "Oh, don't mention it. Almohad, these idiots, have to fight, and our company has lost a major customer.

And now the market is sluggish, business is bleak

and also. Nicole also charged me a heavy tax, which Jing Liang had hit the already fragile economic situation. "

After speaking, he frowned and sighed heavily.

The Dagong thought he was talking like an economist. I couldn't help laughing out loud and said: "Well, my dear little pumpkin, then in your opinion, what do you want to do?"

Leo rolled his eyes and said quickly: "First, reduce taxes. Second, encourage business. Third, extend loans. Fourth, build highways to facilitate transportation. Fifth."

The Grand Duke couldn't help but look at him with admiration when he saw Taotao's endless suggestions. Muttered: "Is this my son who makes trouble everywhere and beats the dog when he is fine?"

Seeing that Leo wanted to continue speaking, he hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, yes. You are almost done. If you continue, you will really become an economist."

Leo immediately said in a pleasant surprise: "So you all agree?

The Grand Duke sighed, then turned his head to look at Catherine, and said, "He is nine years old this year? Then start today."

A strange light flashed in Catherine's eyes, and she said in amazement: "Can it really be done like that?.

The Dagong looked at Leo with an inexplicable look, and then said: "Let’s start today, if later. He will go to the economist's side. Besides, when you were studying, it was two years earlier than him. Years."

Catherine thought for a moment, then nodded and replied, "Okay. I see."

Leo touched the back of his head and said, "Old man, what do you start? Why am I not sure."

The Grand Duke lifted him up and placed it on the opposite table; then looked straight into his eyes and said: "From today"

He saw that the sun outside had risen high, and changed his words: "Uh, no. From tomorrow. From tomorrow on. You have a chance to become the governor of one day."

Leo's eyes lit up, and he couldn't bear his mood, and he let out a loud and sharp cheer that is unique to children: "Ah, this is great. Yeah"

The Grand Duke smiled and said, "You listen to me. Every morning, you can make political suggestions to Catherine. If you are accepted, you can be the governor of the day. But there is only one chance every morning. Whether it’s late. Or you’re wrong. The chance of this day is gone, you know?"

Leo hesitated and said, "Oh, yes. If I become the governor for a day, can I do all the things I want to do?"

The Grand Duke smiled bitterly and said: "Almost. As long as it is not too excessive."

Leo didn't know what he thought of. His excited eyes were gleaming like a thousand-watt light bulb, which almost made people unable to look directly, but he calmly pressed his hand on his chest and replied solemnly: "I know."

The Grand Duke smiled and put him down.

Because at the gate

It was already noon.

Seeing this, Catherine blinked at Lorraine, and said, "Don't go back. Let's have dinner here."

The Grand Duke also nodded and said, "Yes, Lorraine stays. I want to talk to you. There are many things to ask you. Okay, the gifts for you are piled in the restaurant, and everyone has a share. Go and take a look."

Vera and Leo listened and looked at each other. Then ran out together.

Immediately afterwards, cheers came out from the restaurant "remind the intermission

In the restaurant, after having dinner, everyone started chatting at this refreshment.

In fact, the concubine Leo showed off his experience of fighting to the grandpa.

Hearing Leo said that under the command of Lorraine, they pursued on a single ship, slapped Almohad in the ass, and captured almost all Almohad warships.

The Grand Duke's eyes lit up, staring at Lorraine like an old fox, and then asked casually: "Oh? Lorraine, are the results brilliant?

Lorraine looked at the Grand Duke's expression and knew what the Grand Duke was thinking. He immediately took out the document with the spoils and handed it over to the Throne of God Seal. Then he said to him: "It's all here

In the battleship part. A total of 197 battleships and 13 transport ships, except for the transport ships, were all injured. But it is not too serious.

What college means. Those warships cannot eat or drink. Leaving it is also a waste, it is best to sell them all and exchange them for gold coins to reward the soldiers. There are also various supplies, which are not well counted, so they are only listed in general terms. "

The Grand Duke flipped through the document in his hand, "hissed", took a breath, and was patiently shocked. He flicked the document and said, "I only thought of you winning a big battle, but I didn't expect you to win so brilliantly.

Catherine looked. I am even more happy than listening to praise myself. He smiled and said: "Someone scammed the city since the beginning of the Internet. Fortunately, Lorraine saw through. At that time, he was only a few steps away from the bursting crystals of those cars. Later, when he caught the group of wizards, Lorraine rushed in front. When it was fierce, Lorraine never left the city wall

Leo also hurriedly jumped out, then raised his hands high and shouted: "I still have me, and me, I shot the magic cannon. It's very powerful."

The Grand Duke couldn't help but smiled bitterly, but when he saw Leo's elation, he still said: "Yes, not bad. This is my son."

"Of course." Leo said proudly, puffing his chest. The little tail was almost up to the sky.

Lorraine gave a light cough, and then said seriously: "Actually. We won this time, there is a big accident. When they attacked, it was when Fengye Danlin was weak.

However, the Almohad people worked on an expedition. Exhausted. Coupled with their command errors. And we wait for work with ease, plus a powerful force of magicians. That's it, it's just a tie with them.

If it were not for later; the appearance of the Sorcerer of Lester, the Red Archbishop, and the Holy Knights, we might not have won.

The Grand Duke gave him a real admiration for the first time and said: "Okay, very good. Win without arrogance, and have a clear understanding of himself, like a future star." He paused. Then he said: "But you don't need to be underestimated. You led a group of student army with three towers. Without even a powerful wizard, you easily resisted the 70,000 army. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Arrived

After speaking. He turned his head and saw outside the window, only to see the three towers that represented the Danlin of Armamental Leaf Danlin standing in the sky, he could not help but sighed, "For a thousand years, people have always chanted the powerfulness of Danlin Armored Leaf, but no one has ever seen it. , I just treat it as a legend. I didn’t expect that these are all true.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg rising out of the sea, from this we can see how powerful it is.

The Maple Leaf Pill is really worthy of being a Mechanical Leaf Pill"

After speaking, he shook his head and let out another long sigh. Said: "After you fight this battle, you can keep Fengye Danlin's peace for the next thousand years.

Lorraine smiled and said, "The adults praise the younger.

The crowd chatted for a while.

When it was time for a nap, Leo sat on the sand with his head little by little, and as usual began to doze off again.

Several girls watched. He looked at each other and smiled, then picked him up and sent him to rest. And they also left, leaving the Grand Duke, Catherine and Lorraine to discuss business matters.

The Grand Duke carefully flipped through the documents in his hand, frowned and thought about it.

Lorraine drank the hot tea with peace of mind, waiting for the evangelical.

Finally, the Grand Duke put down the pieces of paper and said, "Lorraine, that's it. You know, this time I'm not interested in other things, so I told me what to do with these warships?

Lorraine thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, they plan to sell all of them at one-third of the original price, and the old guys only accept cash.

The guys in the college looked at the pile of things like a dog gnawing on a hedgehog. I was also anxious to let go, and now all of them became human wolves, screaming at those loot all day. Anxious fire burned. But how are they going to sell? Now those old guys don’t own the owner.

The Grand Duke shook his head and smiled, "It's no wonder. These warships are worth more than ten million gold coins. Anyone who looks at them will lose their minds. It's just that these warships are for us Ruman~www.wuxiaspot .com~ is too important. If our navy has more of these warships, it can compete with the Almohad. But so much money "is a big sum."

Lorraine said strangely: "What? The empire has always been rich and powerful, can't it not come up with so much money?"

Grand Duke smiled. Said: "It's not that I can't take it out. It's just that I can't make up so much money in a short time. After all, I don't pile so many gold coins in the warehouse. And Russell, he can't take it out."

"Yes," Lorraine understood immediately. It seems that Grand Duke is planning to pay for his own money and completely control this weapon in his own hands.

Lorraine continued: "Since we can't even get it out, then the other small countries that have come to reinforce the Maple Leaf Danlin can't get it out. If it's sold to other countries, Ruman won't be willing. .It would be nice if it could be paid in installments, now it is to give those old guys two million gold coins, they also know how to spend.

After hearing Lorraine’s statement, the Grand Duke groaned for a while, then frowned, laughed, stood up and patted Lorraine’s shoulder, and said to Lorraine: “I’m going to find those deans, you first Rest, there will be a consultation meeting tomorrow, which is also a trouble. Kaldor, prepare the car (to be continued)

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