Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 222: Shit Barracks

With Ou startled. I looked down at my own fleshy chubby arms and legs, and wondered: "What do you mean? I think I now eat, drink, and play. This is great. Yeah, why are you talking about "mortals," gods, people. You guys seem to be very complicated?"

Catherine realized that she had just worked hard, but it turned out that she was just "playing the piano to the cow". She rolled her eyes and said, "Some eat, some drink, some play? Are you a pig? You can't think about doing something. Is it serious?"

Leo looked at her angrily. Immediately knowing that Catherine's menopausal syndrome was also coming, I absolutely couldn't afford it, and immediately hid away obediently.

It's just that he was still unwilling to say something serious in his mouth, and said: "Do something serious? I'm going to rob, you don't let it. I organize a mafia, you don't let it.

I want to be a governor and give myself tax cuts. You don't let it. In addition to these, what more serious things can you do? "

Lorraine couldn't help but smile, and thought to himself: "robbing", "organizing the mafia" and "being the governor to cut taxes for himself. These are not serious things, right?"

Leo hid next to him, but his mood fell for a second. Then, hearing a loud noise from the carriage, he immediately recovered.

He pouted his buttocks, knelt down on the chair, and then pressed his hands against the edge of the window, pressing his nose tightly on the glass. He opened his big eyes that were as dark as lacquer, and looked curiously at the camp station outside the window.

Along the way, I saw in the camp, "It's a mess!

Some people sell snacks along the street, and some are cooking while picking up their nose and playing around. There are also those with their feet crossed, lying lazily on the recliner while sipping wine and basking in the sun.

There are a few who are standing in the middle of the road with strange weapons, staring at each other and scolding each other, and there are people nearby who are throwing dirty water on the road outside.

There are even a few who squatted their **** on the ground and threw their gambling on the spot excitedly,

People of all colors quarreled with each other. It's extremely lively. It's like a huge vegetable market.

Leo had grown up at such an age, had he ever seen such a scene, and now, "Wow, exclaimed, and then. His eyes were round and he looked intently.

Catherine looked at it and couldn't help frowning, and said: "What kind of barracks is this and how does it look?"

Although she didn't want to explode, she couldn't help cursing when she saw it was so unreasonable. But when Wang finished speaking, when he raised his eyes, he saw a wild dog running out of nowhere with a large piece of bacon in his mouth, looking happy and engaged in a tug of war with a fat cook not far away.

She immediately corrected: "I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have said that this is a pool of shit. This is obviously a pool of dogs."

Lorraine sighed helplessly. Said: "Nicole, this is already pretty good!"

Catherine raised her eyebrows and said in surprise: "Very good? You call this very good? I just brought a group of dogs from the Eastern Legion, and it was a hundred better than them.

Lorraine thought for a while, and seriously explained to her the chaotic composition of this joint crusade, saying: "The composition of these people is extremely complicated.

A volunteer army composed of small and medium aristocrats who graduated from the academy. The reason why they sent troops was firstly because of their outrage at Almohad's attack and invasion, and secondly, because the family was not well-off, and the money on hand was not too much. But seeing someone else hire a mistress to build a bungalow and live a happy life, I also itch. So I wanted to take the opportunity to grab money from Almohad and make a fortune.

Because their troops are all militias hurriedly recruited from the countryside, even militiamen from the villages, their military discipline is also the worst.

There are also great nobles, they are also dogs of this size. It's just that the quality of their troops is slightly better. But it’s not much better. They are all rascals who have been used to hooligans in the local area, sneaking around and petting dogs, and going to restaurants without paying.

By the way, those guys of them are the focus of the gendarmerie to capture and strike targets. Generally, as long as they leave the camp, they are caught directly. Those rascals will never be wronged even if they are slaughtered one after another.

The rest is the regular army supported by countries

When Lorraine said this, he suddenly remembered. Calling this directly can easily cause international disputes. Hastily changed his words: "Uh," the volunteer army. They are neatly dressed. Military discipline is also strong. But these guys are even less good than those two gangs. Because it was mixed with their own political demands, after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt wrong. The last sentence seemed to scold myself in. Among other things, he himself has been blowing in Catherine’s ears, asking her to put the black forest rich in tire wood in the northwest mountainous area of ​​Almohad into her sphere of influence in the name of the Governor-General of the East. .

Catherine seemed to realize this too, frowning beside her, but she couldn't think of a good way.

Vera rolled her eyes and asked innocently: "Master, you" you are so big, why don't you care about them. Beat them up so that those guys can be honest.

Lorraine looked at her big eyes that were as clear as a lake, and couldn't help but sighed, "Silly girl, do you think I am a big officer? I'm just the commander of the Maple Leaf Danlin Student Crusade Army. Overseeing Fengbao's student armies.

Although the level is not low, it looks pretty majestic.

But the rest of the volunteers

; It’s not my responsibility; the dean directly leads the small

He paused, then continued: "I really want to beat someone. But once I beat someone, I just put the big mouth on the faces of the three of them, and the consequences are serious.

Even if the three of them look at the young master, I won't hold him accountable. But this kind of infighting and party disputes affect unity.

As soon as the fight started, I wanted to go to Almohad again to grab money and things, but it would be delayed again. "Vera listened for a long time, but found that she didn't understand at all, and blinked her pure blue eyes in confusion.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help sighing, and said, "Forget it. You only need to know about politics, which is more complicated than philosophy, and that's it."

Although Vera was full of doubts, this innocent girl always believed, "Follow the young master and never go wrong. As for the rest, do you need her to worry about the rest?

So, like a good baby, she nodded seriously and said, "Oh, this

Then stop talking. Breaking his white and tender fingers. Thinking about where to buy snacks while waiting.

Leo rolled his eyes beside him. Said: "You hadn't finished saying that a long time ago, and it made me think about it for a long time, and my mind was almost exhausted."

Catherine gave him a fierce look, trying to scold him, but then thought that this might make Vera a little sensitive.

Although she has always been innocent and heartless, she never dresses well, as long as there is food, although she does some trouble from time to time, but she is very good to feed.

But no matter how. She is also a girl after all. Moreover, she is a girl who is innocent and cute and can't bear to hurt anyone who looks at it. She always takes care of her.

Catherine thought of this, so she suppressed her anger and stopped speaking. Pretending not to see Leo rushed to the window again, looking out with envy.

The carriage moved forward for a short distance and came to a huge camp. Then he stopped slowly.

Lorraine jumped out of the car first, and then stood by the car, gently receiving the girls one by one, and then turned around.

At this time, some guards ran over, saluted, and said, "Sir, following your order, all the officers from all the nobles and private soldiers are here."

Lorraine looked sideways at the big tent, which was not far away, and saw through the tent door that it was full of people. He nodded happily and said, "Very good."

With that said, take the lead and walk towards the big account.

The guard watched, and the net was about to follow. He saw Leo jumping out of the carriage in a small military uniform.

The county soldier looked at the little silver star on his shoulder, couldn't help but was taken aback, then hurriedly raised his hand to salute. At the same time, he looked at him curiously, and said in his heart: This white and fat little boy is actually an army officer, and I don’t know whose child it is.

Leo looked at the look in his eyes. Can not help secretly angry.

He followed Lorraine's way. He put his fat hand on his forehead casually and gave a bow. But he whispered in his mouth: "You are the same."

The soldier couldn't help being a little inexplicable, staring blankly at Leo leaping and running far, only then came to his senses, and then hurried to catch up.

As soon as Lorraine and the girls appeared in the camp, it immediately caused a commotion.

You know this is a military camp. As long as you have been in the army for a month, you can become a place for recruiting meditation even when you see the sow. Not to mention that the four people around Lorraine are all in the world.


When these rascals saw them, their eyes lit up, but when they saw Lorraine who was by their side, they knew that the chief was so powerful, and none of them dared to move.

As soon as their net arrived at Xiye Danlin. I've heard Lorraine's impressive reputation. Many people even have cocoons in their ears. Know the countless heroic deeds of Lord Lorraine.

When he was in the territory, he dared to fight dragons and liches. Later, she protected the eldest princess from fleeing thousands of miles, and fought hard against the powerful Emperor Huang Tian.

Later, he wrote countless brilliant and moving scripts, and his name moved the world.

Later, he was writing a great military book. It is said that once this book is published, it will become a military master. From now on, no one in the world can look back.

Moreover, this is not over yet.

During the holidays, his 70,000 elite troops of the Almohad Empire, which he fought with hundreds of student troops, were destroyed. Moreover, he was extremely vicious, and would toss the captured magicians of the Empire to death.

Now they are eating nutritious foods rich in multivitamins, and then doing adequate physical exercise in the sand quarry and quarry. Everyone has lost eight laps and followed the legendary Auschwitz Only a handful of bones remained as thin as the concentration camp. Even the skeleton soldiers of the undead race saw that they were too fat and needed to lose weight.

Some people even rumored that Sir Alex's method of scraping the land was extremely fierce. The sky was three feet high and the ground was seven cents thin. Even the beams of Lord Underlord’s palace were exposed from deep underground.

Even falling into **** is three points better than falling into his hands.

"Qi" the star official stood on the stage and yelled loudly.

A group of officers stood up.

With all kinds of mixed feelings, they watched Lorraine stride by. Some are envious, some are jealous, some are not convinced. There are those who look down on him, and those who plan to play with him, and all kinds of emotions vary.

Lorraine came to the front row, arranged the aunts and grandmothers first, and then came to the stage slowly.

A group of officers immediately stomped their feet neatly and shouted in a loud voice: "Hello, sir.

In the camp, nearly a hundred loud voices screamed loudly. Deafening.

Lorraine was also shocked.

He looked at the expressions on the faces of a group of officers, and knew that these rascals were deliberately giving himself a predicament.

But fortunately, he has gone through several battles now and his psychological quality is extremely stable. Even in such an unpredictable situation, there is no flaw on his face. I just kept cursing in my heart: These bastards, Sir, I'll let you cry in a while.

He made up his mind, and then casually waved his hand on his forehead, and said, "Take a rest. Sit down, everyone. I'm coming today, I have no other meaning, just want to chat with everyone casually. Recent insurance issues."

Everyone just sat down. After hearing what he said, he grinned immediately. Everyone thought one after another: This Sir Alex really deserves his reputation as a land-scraping master, and came here to ask for money.

Someone in the crowd stood up, pointed to Lorraine's nose, and yelled angrily. Said: "You greedy ghost. We respond to the call of justice and raise troops to strengthen the academy. Hold high the banner of justice, fight against the unrighteous Almohad Empire, defend the truth and justice of the world, and don't hesitate to shed our blood.

Lorraine interrupted his words with a smile, and said, "Which unit does this brother belong to? He is indeed a heroic and heroic. Since I defend justice and spare no effort to shed blood, I happen to have a great and glorious thing here. Do you want to take it?

Oh, why is your face yellow. Don't be quiet, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.

In fact, this task is not a big deal, and I feel that it is to assassinate the Supreme Majesty of Almohad. Although it was nine deaths, there is still a possibility of survival. It’s much better than to assassinate the undead high priest with ten deaths and no life.”

Hearing Lorraine's implied murderous words, the scared face was green, as if his gall was broken. He rolled his eyes. Then he hugged his stomach and screamed, "Oh, sir, I have appendicitis. It hurts. It hurts. I can't bear it, I can't bear it."

He said, holding his belly and fled out hastily.

Lorraine looked at his back and couldn't help but laugh secretly: This ruffian actually told me about blood and justice. Where did you think I used to be?

All the officers saw that the battle failed, and there was an immediate commotion.

Immediately afterwards, another person stood up.

The man standing upright shouted: "Sir. I also want to pay for insurance. But you don't know how poor our place is.

Don’t think I’m also a nobleman, and I have brought three hundred people and horses, but you should know that our poor mountains and bad waters are out of trouble.

The landlord has no surplus food

Not to mention anything else, you see my dress is glamorous, but it's all donkey dung egg noodles. Not afraid of everyone laughing. This is my underwear, and I haven't changed it for months. "

Everyone burst into laughter immediately. The Catherine daughters couldn't help frowning in disgust, and then burst into laughter.

Lorraine looked at the man. But I saw that man looked impoverished. She doesn't give in to her gaze.

After half a day, Lorraine sighed for a long time and said, "This lord. I can understand your situation. But we are a crusade army here, not Huaziying.

Although this expedition to Almohad is a punitive action, this is not a robbery by bandits, if you want to make a fortune. It is better to find another way. Otherwise, it violates military discipline, and the picket gendarmerie will not let you go. At that time, the three-foot military technique would not be merciful. "

The crowd waiting to be able to organize an army, pulled up a crowd and ran here, but there was no fool. When they heard General Lorraine, the words "big fortune" were extremely heavy, and they immediately understood the meaning of his words.

These rascals got promises from official channels this time, and they exchanged glances with each other, and they all smiled immediately.

But these uncles are not good all of them are like iron cock, even if they have promised. But it is not easy to pull hair from them.

They sit there. His eyes were innocent like a pupil, but he just didn't say a word.

Lorraine waved. Signaled the embarrassed officer to sit down, and then said, "Gentlemen, don't think I came to you to ask for money. Actually, I am doing this for your good."

He paused and saw the unbelief look in the eyes of the officers. He also felt that he said it like a MLM teacher. He coughed awkwardly, and then continued: "Gentlemen, I want to You explain the protection brought by insurance.

If in war. Unfortunately, if you or your subordinates died, the college will compensate your family members with one hundred gold coins. But if you don’t have insurance, the college will only pay up to five gold coins for funeral expenses.”

All the officers laughed, and said: "What's the use of this. No matter how much money, don't you still have to die? Since you dare to come to war, you can't be afraid of death." Lorraine ignored them. Continuing unhurriedly: "Gentlemen, think about it. Once you are on the battlefield, the academy will send those troops to the battle if you are on the battlefield. Those who buy insurance or not buy insurance. of?"

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