Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 229: Rich but 3 generations

When they came to the city, they found that the city gate was crowded with people. Zeng Diao: Various vehicles and people blocked the city gate, moving out of the city step by step like a tortoise.

The gates of the city were so magnificently open, and there was no way to see the defenders above and below the city. The various orders seemed to have disappeared, and people were vying, crying and desperately squeezing out of the city.

Lorraine looked at the crowded crowd at the gate of the city and couldn't help but frowned. With a shake of his horse whip in his hand, he made a loud noise in the air, and then shouted: "The First Cavalry, drive me away. ."

At the moment, dozens of knights agreed, and then rushed toward the gate fiercely, but felt that the civilians who had left the city simply ignored them and were still fighting for themselves.

The knights watched. But he did not dare to run wildly. If the war horse tramples on these unarmed civilians, even if the gendarmes do not make trouble for themselves, they will be ridiculed by their colleagues as "road killers" and shame their reputation.

They had to stop the horse slowly, wave the whip in their hands, and shout loudly: "Get out, get out!"

Those who are going to flee from the city are extremely tough. He didn't even look at these ruffians in military uniforms.

They either pushed each other and continued to squeeze out, or they yelled at Lorraine and the others: "The city gate is squeezed like this and you are still driving in. You have no brains."

Someone even shouted: "Brothers, don't give your life to the officials. They've already passed away.

Some people even put their hands on their hips, showing off their official power, and cursed: "You bastards! I really blinded your dogs, knowing that I am the brother-in-law who guards the adult's thirteenth room. Dare. Moved my finger, I reported Master Guard, let him use a whip to kill you puppies!"

For a time, the court was extremely chaotic.

The current cavalry was already huddled with the civilians, but they couldn't move an inch while looking at the nearby gate. In order to be able to advance forward, the cavalry, in desperation, raised their whip, and kept pulling towards the surrounding crowd.

Who knew that the civilians who were beaten not only did not back down, but shouted, "They beat people, they beat them again.

The knights couldn't help being extremely depressed, "Why do you say it again?,

At this time, the civilians yelled at the same enemy. Surged up. They shouted loudly: "Beat them, beat their brother-in-law. Beat those puppies."

They waved their fists and wooden sticks above their heads. Someone even rushed to the front, pushing the warhorses and knights hard, pushing them back. Even can't help but askew.

The knights can only use their legs to clamp the belly of the horse, and control the horse that seems to be shaking.

Some guys saw that they couldn't squeeze through the Throne of God Seal, so they simply turned around and ran to Lorraine and ran to the Throne of God Seal. Pointing at Lorraine's noses from a distance, they broke open and cursed.

Lorraine listened attentively, and there was nothing new about the cursing of those people. They were probably all scolding them for eating people and not doing personnel affairs. The official only knew about corruption and bribery, and when he saw the enemy, he was divorced and ran away alone. Category.

And at most it is shit, feces, rice buckets, and the like, which are far less brilliant than the curse language that blended the essence of five thousand years of civilization.

The knights under the city gate were surrounded by civilians on three sides and kept pushing. But for these unarmed civilians, the knights, driven by their strong sense of honor, at most dare to use whips instead of knives to deal with them.

In the end, they were outnumbered enemies, and they couldn't help but retreat by those brave and skilled people.

Between pushing and shoving, I just listened, chucked, and made a sound. The Almohad military uniform, which was originally crude and rotten, was torn apart. Then, it was forced again. Pull, and immediately cast down the cover. The red cross costumes of the Holy Knights on white background they were wearing were immediately revealed.

Seeing the conspicuous poison of Ye Danlin on the knight's robes, the knight and the people around him who were pushing and fighting were all stunned.

I don’t know who is in the crowd yelled loudly, saying: "He is the enemy. They are all enemies

Immediately afterwards, countless voices screamed in panic and said: "Enemy. Enemy. Enemy is here. The bad guys from Banbao are here."

Lorraine saw that he had revealed his identity, so he sighed and turned his head and said: "The whole army is ready for war, ready to charge. Follow me,"

His "rush." ​​The word has not yet been exported.

Then the civilians yelled in unison: "Run, run away."

They killed

After finishing talking, just stuck at the gate of the city, on the third floor inside and the third floor outside, the crowd that was still crowded like a snow mountain collapsed, tumbling down.

They threw away their packages and vehicles, screamed and fled.

It seemed as if only a blink of an eye, before Lorraine could react, all the ordinary people had fled away in a hurry.

Only an empty door and a mess of ground were left. Then a small cool breeze swirled. With a few weeds and fallen leaves, a whistling sound was scraped in front of everyone in Lorraine.

Through the open gate. You can also see it at the other end of the long street. The billowing smoke disappeared at the end of the horizon. At the same time, there was a faint voice coming from: "It's terrible, run away. Run away. Otherwise, you will die."

A wild dog sprang out from nowhere, holding a bone in its mouth. He glanced at everyone in Lorraine contemptuously, then raised his tail arrogantly and walked from the side to the Throne of God Seal.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the back of everyone's heads. Then one after another looked at Lorraine with a vague and accusing look

Lorraine was also depressed and cursed secretly in his heart: If I knew they were so daring, what else would I let everyone change? It was really kicked in the head by the donkey.

Under embarrassment, his anger soared, he tore off the Almohad uniform that covered his body, then waved the long sword in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Are you still waiting for milk? Follow me"

After finishing speaking, shaking the rigid rope, urging the war horse, take the lead and gallop towards the city.

The knights looked at it and immediately burst into laughter. Then amidst the laughter, they mobilized their respective horses, and rushed towards the city following Lorraine.

For a time the iron hoof rolled, as fast as thunder.

Seeing this, the mages also knew the importance of this battle. Now. Lester gave a whistle and led them to ascend into the air one after another, covering the people of Lorraine in the air, and rushing directly towards the port to the Throne of God Seal.

Lorraine led a group of cavalry, under the support and guidance of the wizards in mid-air, hurriedly all the way. Passing through the city, he rushed directly to the Throne of God Seal in the direction of the port.

Lorraine ran wildly. Seeing the houses on both sides of the road flashed by. But my heart is extremely strange. The enemy's fight went too smoothly.

If there is preparation in this city, why are they scattered in a rush?

If it is said that they are planning to use a wife as a gangster, pretending to be defeated, so as to lure the enemy to go deeper and get rid of themselves. It can be regarded as a plausible explanation. But seeing that there are so many magicians and Templars on his side, he will use such tactics. Obviously, it is the product of the marriage of close relatives.

But if you were not prepared, why did you happen to encounter the enemy's transfer on the road? and

He is thinking about it. I saw the front team turn down the street, and then felt wide. The set came unknowingly. Has passed through the city and came to the edge of the port.

Lorraine looked up. Suddenly, my heart sank, and my heart sighed secretly: As expected, these guys are really ruthless.

I saw that all around the trestle bridges in the deep water area on the port were piled with firewood and sulfur. As long as an order is given and the fire is thrown in, it can immediately cause a skyrocketing fire, completely destroying the entire port and burning it into a white ground.

But the strange thing is. There was no Almohad soldier guard in the whole port, and there was no human scene in sight, just like an airport.

Lorraine was awe-inspiring, not daring to be sloppy, and immediately ordered loudly, saying: "Order, the magicians will increase their guard and expand the range of alert. As soon as they see someone holding the fire, shoot them on the spot."

Someone immediately agreed, then puffed up their cheeks and blew the horn.

The magicians received the order and immediately ascended to the sky. Looking down at the earth like a goshawk. The colorful light in their hands kept flickering, and all kinds of spells were ready, as long as there was any movement, they would immediately kill them.

Lorraine raised his head and glanced, and then ordered the knights to leave a part of their warning, and the rest of the crowd dismounted. Clean up those firewood. Can be pushed into the sea. Push into the sea. If you can’t push it into the sea, try to move it away.

Lorraine was directing the crowd while cursing in his heart: Which bastard's devious scheme came up with this? If this fire burns, this port will be completely scrapped. It will take at least one or two months to fully repair it. And those large troops who came by boat can only float at sea for two months idly. At that time, even if they are not sick, it is estimated that they should walk.

And this is pretty good. Once the enemy reinforcements arrive. Consolidating the port, his size is huge, and he vowed to hold high the flag of righteousness. The army crusades against the empire can only turn the bow of the ship, clip the tail and go back griefly. By that time, this face will be lost.

Thought of this. Lorraine felt a little curious: "Move the army in time, intercept at the right time, and pile up firewood. Once something happens, it will be burned. What kind of person is the guy who can make such a vicious plan?

He still didn’t know at this time. In fact, his hand was the famous Amor, General Hadu

The series of defense plans were all drawn up by him.

In other words. To a certain extent, he has defeated the peerless name who frightened the entire Ruman Empire and could only live in the shadow of his terror.

However, this is not to say that the general's plan will not work. But"

As a well-known saying has been said since ancient times: "Don't be afraid of nothing good, just be afraid of nothing"

The local commander is really too **** and cowardly. Even if Ye Danlin sent four similar ace spies to the God Seal Throne in the past, they might not be able to achieve such an effect.

The general made this plan" in order to prevent the Ruman Empire from invading one day in the future.

He is like a prophet, with the piercing gaze of a master of warfare, he foresees the life of every event with insight.

The feint of the large fleet attracts attention. The quiet action of elite troops. Choose the beach, abandon the boat and land on the shore, rush all the way, suddenly surprise..."

So on. In response to this series of actions, a detailed plan was formulated. If executed properly, even if they can't wipe out all of Lorraine, they can at least resist it for a while and fight steadily until the reinforcements arrive. Keep the enemy army out of the country.

But there are no plans for profit, but the trust is not human.

What's more, in the past year when God sealed the throne, the Julian calendar 831 was not only a difficult year for the Ruman Empire. For Almohad, it was even more troublesome.

At the beginning, the Ruman Empire was defeated and defeated on the northern front, and the two legions were destroyed in the battle against the Durun barbarian. The news came. Almo was flustered and Jiaguo saw the enemy suddenly read about the joys of life, of course it was a joy for the country.

But then, Feng Shui began to rotate.

After the threat from the Ruman Empire in the north was lifted, His Majesty the Emperor immediately entrusted the officials. In order to please his lover, he first banned officials and made a wish, and got them into the court.

Even though Queen Isabella tried her best to maintain. But because of the power of the two Despi father and son. In order to expand their strength, they immediately accepted bribes and compensations and bought and sold officials.

It is not easy to establish an imperial regime, but it can be destroyed very quickly. Soon, there were a large number of brother-in-laws and the second generation ancestor above the court and the place.

Although the second generation ancestors and the like have also seen many outstanding figures, such as Zhou Wuwang, Li Shimin, Liu Che, Liu Xiaozhu, etc., but more are like Yang Xiaoguang. A character like Jia Baoyu's Huaguduo.

Among them, the garrison commander of Hafs Port, Lord Zolaer III, is the most outstanding representative.

His ancestors used to be a salt seller.

It turns out that in order to defend their sacred and inviolable free trade rights and benefit the poor, these private salt dealers are engaged in an evocative and unremitting struggle with the tax collectors of the empire. It is normal for white knives to go in and red knives to come out. It also has three points of blood.

Only his generation has been reached, and it is already the third generation.

"It's not rich for three generations. Maybe it refers to his kind.

With some money in the family, the bloodliness will fade by seven points. Plus, the old man was brandishing a saber once. When I was struggling to communicate with the tax collectors in a friendly manner, I was under a dark arrow shot from behind.

After the third generation took over, he retired from this lucrative and highly competitive industry. It happened to have a large amount of funds in hand. When I saw the opportunity, I spent money to buy an official.

After his old man came to power, he did not review the troops and did not repair the defense. Inheriting and promoting the commercial spirit of the ancestors, every day just thinking of ways to drink the blood of soldiers and eat empty salaries. Then while he was young, he walked around the horse Zhangtai and spent all the money in Bada Hutong. Made a huge contribution to the prosperity of the empire's economy.

If the port of Hafs is bigger, the standing force should be 50,000, but under his careful management, it has shrunk by more than half. Even so, those Qiu Bamen who served as soldiers and ate food often received only half of the salary. And it was three months ago.

If someone dared to complain, his old man would just stare at him: "I don't want to do it. The three-legged toad is hard to find. There are two-legged people."

He took control of this place. To destroy the soldiers of the Almohad Empire, compared to the bloodhanded butcher of the Ruman Empire, the prestigious Grand Duke Julian is more powerful than three points.

The so-called good fighters have no merit. Nothing more.

Afterwards. Received news that Fengye Danlin organized a legion to crusade the empire. The Hafs Harbor garrison launched a pre-planning case in accordance with the regulations formulated by General Hardu.

When he was vowing his troops. It is also full of ambition. Cruelly pierced his fingernails and drank a whole bottle of wine. Then vowed to annihilate the evil Fengbao invading army.

Although he thought it was wrong to lead the army on the expedition, the enemy could not land elsewhere. However, under the persuasion of all the officers, they still followed General Hadu's plan and dispatched troops.

Lord Zolaer III led his army out. Still feel good. It seemed that it was just a breeze. Just flip the palm of your hand to do it. Then make great achievements. Achieve his peerless fame far beyond General Hadu.

Maybe one day, Lord Gonggao. When he was poisoned by the emperor's poison, he could also learn from the loyal and loyal ministers in history. A loud and loud sentence: "Your Majesty. You are using your left hand to chop off your right hand." (It's not that he doesn't want to play with the emperor's management buyout, but that he still knows how many bowls he eats in his subconscious mind. cooked rice.)

Just when he was riding on a horse, carrying infinite narcissism, and engaging in sexual obscenity. The news of encountering the enemy came from ahead.

When the two armies began to confront each other, Lord Zolaer III saw the murderous aura flooding the battlefield, and he felt tight.

And when Lorraine led the assault, the powerful spells released by the wizards almost destroyed the cavalry regiment sent out in an instant. He was already scared to pee his pants.

Seeing the Templars marching bravely to kill themselves. Zolaer III suddenly realized that he was an anti-war. Anti-war people who call for peace. "Life is so beautiful, the air is so fresh, but the war is so cruel and quite bad.

At the moment, he turned his horse's head. Even the Legion’s battle flag was shamelessly dropped, and he flew all the way, hurried back to Hafs City in a panic.

After returning to the city, he did not notify anyone, nor did he issue an alarm. Even without organizing resistance, he ran back home directly. Then he cleaned up, took his beloved concubine, and ran away griefly.

The high officials in the city all lived together. Seeing him run away, the others were not fools. They asked about it, but they were also a roll of things. They were loaded on a carriage, and then they fled.

When Lorraine appeared below the city. They have fled fifty kilometers away.

The soldiers saw the senior officials all run away. In addition, people's hearts are floating, and rumors are flying everywhere. He was also panicked right now. There was a whistle, and then he took off his uniform. When deserted.

Therefore, everyone in Lorraine went unimpeded all the way to the port.

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