Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 298: Appointment (below)

At this time, Yaowei Fanjing had this dark. Someone on the side of the road has started lighting up lights. "

The Grand Duke’s mansion is very close to the imperial palace and only two blocks away from Xiangfu. If you pass through the palace, it will be a straight distance, and it will be closer.

But if everyone is really doing this now, then there will be no second choice other than the promising job of rebellion.

In the carriage, neither Lorraine nor Viscount Friedrich spoke. He was a little curious, but he looked at each other carefully. I wanted to see the traces of a girl from the face of Viscount Friedly.

But in the end it was disappointed. This viscount is worthy of being a male secretary with the big man. Not the kind of female secretary who serves as a vase and other strange uses.

Lorraine couldn't see any movement from the opponent's face.

Viscount Friedly was under Lorraine’s gaze. Although he was calm and uncomfortable, he coughed a little, then smiled and nodded to Lorraine, and said, "Your Excellency, I I have long heard of your heroic behavior in Fengye Danlin, and I admire your experience in Almohad."

Lorraine couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard him say this, and then said: "That one just happened to catch up, and was pushed up by the leaders of the academy. In fact, I didn't know anything about it at the time."

Viscount Friedrich laughed and said, "You are humble. If I only took a few hundred people to fight against 70,000 people, I might have escaped by myself early in the morning."

"Huh?" Lorraine laughed when Viscount Friedly said so, and said in his heart: This person is also very interesting.

He "haha. He laughed twice, and then continued: "You are joking, the viscount is not too old, he is already the personal secretary of the minister, and his future is boundless. It is estimated that he will be in power soon. "

Viscount Friedrich shook his head and said with a sigh: "It's still nothing compared to you. The minister always says I have to exercise."

Lorraine shrugged and said: "This is normal. The first law of the office, the superior is always right! The more wrong, the better."

Viscount Friedrich was taken aback.

He tasted it carefully, Lorraine's words, the more he thought about it, the more he realized the taste. Finally, I couldn't help laughing, and then patted my thighs, and exclaimed: "Your Excellency, you are indeed a famous literati. You are too right, your superiors are always right.

This sentence really speaks to the bottom of my heart. "

Lorraine heard this, immediately furious, and secretly cursed: "You are a literati, and your whole family is a literary."

But I also knew in my heart that because there was no such thing as a pheasant university like Clayden in this era, and the brick beasts had not yet flooded. On the contrary, their market access conditions are extremely high, and they can't just take one or two Pheasant University diplomas and go back to Mongolia.

Therefore, "literati, this term is still quite commendable here.

At the moment, Lorraine took a long breath in his heart, suppressing the curse and rushing forward. On the surface, he was still calm, just smiled reluctantly.

Viscount Friedly did not notice either.

After he finished laughing, he pondered a little. Then he said: "I think the earl may have misunderstood the Lord. With the talent of the earl and the respect of the relative, you should have a better relationship with the Lord.

Lorraine waved her hand and said helplessly: "There is an old saying in my hometown that the **** decides the head. I have been in contact with Lord Russell. I have also fought against the Dark Council with the Lord. I don’t have any opinion on Mr. Sang, but the one in my family


Lorraine grinned, shrugged and said, "As you know, I was very annoyed at Lord Xiang's actions last time."

Viscount Friedly said in surprise: "The **** determines the head?"

He gave it a little thought, then laughed again, and said, "If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense. In fact, Mr. Xiang said that it was really not a wise decision, especially After the Battle of the Maple Leaf Danlin, the Lord Xiang once personally mentioned to me that fortunately, the samurai guards were a group of idiots. The last time was not done well, otherwise the trouble would be big."

Lorraine said in surprise, "Sir, would you say that?"

Viscount Friedrich immediately realized his failure, and then embarrassedly said: "This is what I secretly told Lord Lorraine. You have to keep it secret. Otherwise, I will be in trouble."

He paused for a moment, and then continued: "In fact, this matter is not just the idea of ​​Mr. Xiang. The most important thing is

He glanced at Lorraine's face. Seeing a look of concern on his face, he immediately continued: "In fact, the main reason is the Holy See."

Lorraine was stunned at the moment, and said: "This" what does this have to do with the Holy See? "

Friedly shook his head and said, "I don't know what's inside. I just know it vaguely. They seem to be worried about one thing. Because of that thing, a more stable international environment is needed. ."

Lorraine felt a little creepy immediately after hearing his words.

Don't look at him usually swearing at those dead bald heads, swearing back and forth. But he knows that the gangsters of the Holy See are magical, with their hands and eyes reaching the sky.

If even the gang of the Holy See are afraid of things, then there is only one answer, that is the demons and the undead.

But then he burst into laughter. Although the earth has been calm for so many years, it has never relaxed its guard, even if it is really a demons, what will happen if it is wrong, everyone has long known. But in the bottom of his heart, he has a very ominous premonition, which may also be true.

Based on the frequency of those undead clan coming out not long ago, they are becoming more and more frequent.

Don't say anything else. In the past year alone, he met twice.

And I also met the demons once.

Thought of this. Lorraine couldn't help but think of the Demon girl who had touched her a lot at the time, and remembered the soft jade feeling on her hand at that time, she couldn't help rubbing her fingers, as if her fingertips were still greasy with mutton fat.

Friedly looked at the wicked smile on his face, and couldn't help but muttered in disgust from the bottom of his heart: This guy with a nasty smile on his face is the guy who all the beauties look after? A few flowers are really stuck in shit.

But on the surface, he squinted, and then reminded loudly: "Earl, Earl... Six

Lorraine immediately woke up.

He looked at the weird look in each other’s eyes, immediately smiled, and then concealed himself: “It’s because I’m thinking. Those guys in the Holy See said things are so serious, are they playing the end of the world again? The trick to trick people into donating money?"

Friedly looked at Lorraine's squeaking, and didn't say anything about it. Instead, he thought about it for a moment, and then seriously said: "I have discussed this issue privately with the senior minister. If they really want to If you want to swindle money, you will have a lot of fanfare. But this quietness makes people have to doubt it."

Lorraine couldn't help thinking deeply.

Friedly saw Lorraine's appearance, suddenly laughed, and then said, "Follow him, it's none of our business. Let those guys get a headache! What do you think, count?"

Lorraine laughed loudly now.

He laughed. One side secretly said in his heart: This Viscount Friedrich really knows how to be a man, and he is so experienced that he will not lose to those politicians. If there is no Russell Ken, the ghost will believe that you, the personal secretary, dare to disclose this kind of conversation with the boss and behave like a good man Look, play with me.

Tricked me. I turn my head and say I'm sorry. I was wrong last time, and the responsibility is not with me. It is the bigger master, and I can't do anything.

We just want to assume that something has never been born, pull hands, and play together

Damn you, look at my ability to hold grudges too much.

The prison guards in Auschwitz all said so. But what was the result? Everyone didn’t shine, and even the boiler burning was caught and hanged.

Although he was slandering in his heart, Lorraine still put on a smile on the surface, nodded and said, "Yeah. Yeah. Let them get a headache."

Viscount Friedrich looked at the scenery outside the car window, then smiled, and said: "In general, Lord Russell has been in power over the years, and our Ruman Empire has been well developed. Count Lorraine thought that?"

Lorraine nodded. He said: "What your Excellency said is quite right. Since the Prime Minister took office, he has eliminated a century of accumulated abuses and strengthened the government's control over localities. The people's livelihood exhibition is also very fast."

Viscount Friedery narrowed his eyes with a smile, as if Lorraine was praising him.

Lorraine secretly said: What about Kwa Kwa Russell. Although he had cheated me and Catherine, but to be fair. He did have credit for the Ruman Empire, anyway, these will all belong to Catherine's family.

The better Russell did, the happier Leo and Catherine would be. If Russell and Emperor Julende really gave Grand Duke Julian and Leo a ruined Ruman Empire, just like Almoha. Like virtue, Grand Duke Julian does not block the door and scold his mother

Before Russell came to power, although the aristocratic group hadn't made the entire empire smug, its various drawbacks continued, especially those from the family. For the benefit of his family, he doesn't take imperial power and people's livelihood too seriously. There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. He is good at misleading the good scriptures, and the emperor Lao'er is the result of infamy.

It can be seen from Russell's identity that he is a cardinal and a figure of the Holy See. And Russell was born in a local landlord family, and his ancestors didn’t even have the title of knight.

This determined that Russell was born not to deal with these noble families.

Since Emperor Julende appointed Russell as the prime minister, he has devoted himself to weakening the political influence of the great nobles, restricting their oppression of the place, and even not hesitating to use Julian Grand Duke.

Then actively implemented the New Deal and tax reform, within a few years, the Ruman Empire's national power was pushed up by a layer, and the monarchy was greatly strengthened.

Although the nobles have spared no effort to stigmatize him, Russell's reputation among the people is very high.

This is why Catherine hates Russell so much, but she never wanted to drive Russell away from her position. The same is true of Grand Duke Julian, who often gets itchy teeth because of Russell's elbow. But it has always tried to protect Russell's position.

He knew very well that Russell was actually working for them. And it's hard work. I'm going to carry the scapegoat, and it's the one I went to die.

It can be seen from the defeat of the Northern Expedition last time that someone used this incident to force Russell to resign, but Emperor Julunde spared no effort to support him. Not only was Russell fine, but he also organized another Northern Expedition.

Viscount Friedrich talked about Russell's merits, and became more and more happy, and finally counted them with his fingers.

Lorraine dealt with it superficially, but was strange in his heart.

Tai Shu is supposed to be a viscount, so which big noble should inherit from "One or two should be incompatible with Russell? How come this guy looks like Russell, who admires Russell, said, did those nobles finally give in , Merged with Russell.

The carriage quickly stopped in front of the Xiang's Mansion, and Viscount Friedly looked like he hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time, and looked very addicted.

After the carriage stopped, Viscount Friedly jumped down first, made a please gesture, and said, "Count, please come with me."

Lorraine followed Viscount Friedly into the Xiangfu. The Military Affairs Department Lorraine was already familiar with it, but it was the first time for the Xiangfu to come.

At this time, it was already dark. Under the shining of the lights, the two military police guarded the door of Xiangfu, and they were still motionless when they saw Lorraine and Viscount Friedly coming over.

Go past the porter. In the front is a wide courtyard, in the middle of the courtyard is a large flower bed, and on the front is the three-story main building. On the left and right are two identical two-story buildings. At this time, the lights are on in front of the room. You can see the busy people in the house through the windows, and some people are busy shuttled between several buildings, the current Xiangfu. It still looks like an intense job.

The people who passed by Viscount Friedrich stopped and greeted him enthusiastically. Lorraine could see that the status of this personal secretary was not low, but it was not surprising. Is the leader a cron? Otherwise, this group of guys will talk bad about you in front of you.

For example, when Mouya saw you pooping anywhere in the Lord's garden, and seduce the Lord's most beloved niece, everyone just couldn't eat it.

Viscount Friedly took Lorraine straight to the third floor of the main building, Russell’s office was on the left side of the third floor.

Viscount Friedly pushed aside the waiting room and said to Lorraine: "Bo Yi, please wait a moment, I'll report."

After a while, Viscount Friedly came back and said to Lorraine: "Please, count."

Lorraine followed Viscount Friedly into Russell's office.

Lorraine originally thought that Russell's office should be the same as his big house in Maple Leaf Danlin. Russell was much richer than Lorraine.

But when I walked into the room, I found it was not big, it was about the same size as Catherine’s restaurant. On one wall was Russell’s desk, there were a few chairs on the opposite side, and there were some cabinets on both walls. . Apart from these, there are no decorations in the house, and the ground is just ordinary wooden floor. There is no carpet.

After seeing Lorraine, Russell stood up from behind his desk and said, "Our hero is here, welcome."

Lorraine also quickly bowed Russell and said, "It's an honor to be summoned by the Lord Chancellor."

Russell waved his hand. Said: "Well, no trouble, no trouble. Please sit down, Lorraine."

Viscount Friedrich brought tea cups to the two of them, then bowed down and bowed before leaving.

Lorraine sat down on the chair in front of Russell and looked at Russell in plain clothes in front of him. In fact, Lorraine was still a little uneasy. Who knows if this guy is a bereavement bird, and specifically called himself here. Shame, if Russell said: Lorraine, the motherland needs to fool you, for the people, go to the north to die. What else can I do by myself.

Russell leaned on the chair comfortably, tapped his fingers on the teacup, and said, "Since I saw Lorraine at Fengye Danlin last time. This is the second time I have seen you. I didn’t expect that you made such a big deal. The achievement. If you talk about it, you saved me once in Fengye Danlin.

Lorraine secretly said in his heart: Yes, that's all, that time because of you, Master, I was almost killed by a human bomb

Lorraine hurriedly said, "That's because the senior minister is very capable. In the end, it wasn't because of you to block those substitutions."

Russell laughed contentedly, touched his forehead with his hand, and said: "I didn't use it for many years, and my skills were useless. Only then would I be beaten so embarrassed. When I was young, I had fought on the Eastern Front for several years. , It was so happy at that time."

Russell obviously fell into the memory and left Lorraine here alone. Lorraine shrugged and said nothing.

After a while. Russell reacted, there was another person on the other side, and said to Lorraine embarrassedly: "When people are old, they like to remember the past."

Lorraine said: "If you want to come to the life of an adult when you are young, it must be colorful."

Russell waved his hand and said: "It's not comparable to you at this time, I was just one at the time. Soldier, you are already a general."

Lorraine said modestly: "It's all on the support of the older generation."

Russell shook his head. Said: "Don't be humble, Lorraine, you are the best young man I have ever met, not one of them."

Lorraine said: "Viscount Friedrich is also very good."

"Friedly has the brain, but lacks the courage to do things. It is good to be a staff advisor, but it is different from you. He can't stand alone." Russell said, "Don't talk about him, this time I call you here. In fact, there is something, Lorraine, how much do you know about Naian Province."

"Nian'an Province?" Lorraine said, "Except for knowing that it is a frontier province and there are more aliens, it can be said to know nothing."

Russell nodded and said, "It can be described as a place outside the civilized world, but I don’t know much about it. What I want to say is that your Majesty wants to appoint you as governor of Nyan, I think it’s best to do it first. Listen to your opinion."

"What?" Lorraine was stunned, and said grimly: "The Governor?!"

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