Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 318: How the legend is made (middle)

Show Infernal Affairs is, after all, a high-tech work, especially after the heart is out. Generally you will lose your life.

While the bandit was nervous about being exposed, he would definitely be divided by these colleagues, while thinking about the poison in his stomach.

He didn't know that Grandpa Leo grew up vigorously under Catherine's hands, and he was a time-tested veteran soldier.

When the ruffian was three years old, he had known that a lie had to be 70% true and 3% false. Only in this way is it not easy to be seen through and will not be slapped on the butt.

So when he was drugging the bandit. But carefully chose Catherine's cosmetics. Since Catherine wipes her face every day, she doesn’t have anything at all. It should be undead. Even if she’s eating her to death, she should make a contribution to women’s beauty career.

And that soil bun mountain thief had never seen high-end cosmetics, and smelled the scent of the pill, which was also a terrible poison. At the moment, it is also very scared. It can only be obedient.

What's more, even without the pill. He was still turning his ninety nine in his heart.

Although until now, the bandit has not figured out who Lorraine and Leo are, but from the attitudes of the brightly-dressed soldiers around him, he can clearly infer that these people are incredible people. .

And Lorraine was the promise of him. The matter was done well, not to mention that he was not guilty, but he was cleaned up and arranged for a civil servant.

Although the bandit didn't know the famous saying that "want to be an official. Killing and arson, etc.", but to be able to turn from a shameless bandit to a public man who eats royal meals is really blessed by the gods.

Just for this, as a civil servant. It's worth it just to die.

Under this extremely complicated psychology. It is impossible for this bandit to behave naturally.

The bandit leader looked at the second master who was sitting in the high position staring at his green **** eyes, a moment of emptiness in his heart, he involuntarily lowered his head and looked at the ground.

He calmed down a bit. He only followed the draft prepared by everyone in Lorraine and said as exaggeratedly as possible: "No, it's not an officer. Those officers and soldiers who have only walked, didn't pay attention to us at all."

Stay here in the cottage. The boss is the second master of the cottage, a dog-headed military division, etc.

He listened to the boss's words, and immediately slapped his thigh, and shouted to the thieves around him: "How, how? I said that those officers and soldiers must have walked, and they won't bother us.


They all have food and drink, and money to spend. Everyone thinks that their lives are more expensive than gold. How come they come to this place and fight us hard?

Besides, we also have someone on top. If they had trouble with us, someone would have come to report it. "

Although the bandits did not mix in officialdom, from a certain point of view, the structure of this mountain fortress is not much different from officialdom. There is even a past, but no less.

Because of the officialdom, you can put in as many brother-in-laws as you can. Because of the relaxed environment, you can let them hang around.

But this kind of bad environment Shansai is a guy who can't tolerate idle meals. Everyone has to rely on their own hands, work hard to get rich, and eat by their ability. A radish is a pit. Due to the fierce competition, if you are not careful, you will be hung up.

Therefore, in the years of struggle, everyone has developed excellent qualities. They looked at the triumphant face of the boss, and they were flattering and flattering.

"The second master of the British"

"Seeing thousands of miles clearly"

"Tian Zong Talent"

Everyone shot hard for a long time, although most of those words were used by him before, but this did not prevent the second master from closing his eyes and enjoying the pleasant feeling of being flattered by everyone. .

It took a while until he was satisfied. Then he waved his hand to make everyone stop.

He opened his eyes and saw that. The boss who came back to report was still standing in front of him, couldn't help but stunned, and then said: "Oh, yes. Why are you back alone? The boss?"

The boss grinned immediately and smiled bitterly: "Second master, you should take the brothers down the mountain. The boss will let people clean up."

Everyone was taken aback.

The second master also became nervous, leaned over, looked at him steadily, and said, "What the **** is going on? I was surprised."

The boss sighed and said, "We can't help the innkeeper's daughter in Lushui Town, do you want to take her back to be the thirteenth room?"

The second master blinked and said, "Yeah, that's right. Didn't you go down the mountain early? What's the matter? You ran into the army and made dumplings? Are they all dead?"

All the bandits were also nervous.

The second master now thumped his chest and his feet, "I said it a long time ago, there is such a big movement below. Don't let the boss go down the mountain. But he is fascinated, teach, **** brothers."

The boss saw him talking to himself like this. With a bitter face at the moment, he interjected: "That's not it. The boss was not arrested by the army."

The second master immediately stagnated. In my heart, I cursed secretly: It’s not that I said earlier, I was half happy for the master

He paused for a while and said: "Tell me carefully."

The boss said, "That’s it. Although the passing army doesn’t care about us

The people in the town thought that when the officers and soldiers arrived, the owner of the hotel gathered the people in the town and surrounded us, killed several of us, and arrested the leader.

As a result, the officers and soldiers didn't care at all. I saw that they escorted a few big men directly to Freetown. These **** townspeople must be dumbfounded by now

The second master's face was angry. The bitch's eyes widened, and he cursed angrily: "This bunch of **** spoilers, really want to kill a few well and stand up for their talent.

And the bandits were also furious. They took up long swords and swords one after another, and scolded.

"These **** guys dare to move us after eating the guts.

"Kill them, kill him.

The language they curse is extremely filthy, which is understandable, although these bandits are crude. But from instinct, they also know the reason why they can go down the mountain and run rampant everywhere to oppress the people. It's entirely based on the fear of the people in their hearts.

If the fear is gone, the people will never fear them again.

So with their hundreds of people, they can't compete with the strength formed by the huge population of those towns.

The second master thought for a while, then yelled at the crowd, "Brothers, brothers. Listen to me."

If the boss is sent to Freetown, he will confess us all.

Our homes are all in the countryside. If the government takes over, we have only a dead end. If we can **** the leader out, we **** it. If we can't **** it out, we have to run away.

These bandits also knew that the situation was urgent and prepared in a panic.

Seeing that the undercover strategy succeeded, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the colleagues who were running around in the cottage like a headless fly, he began to despise them a little and act as a thief. Earning more and earning less, the money has been greedy by the big bosses, and they will be chased and killed when they go out. There is no future at all. I sold you, even if I set foot on the Golden Road.

Although Lorraine and Leo had a great time playing in Green Water Town, in order to confuse the bandits, they achieved the greatest victory with the least cost. According to Lorraine's plan, Catherine's guarding army never stopped.

Except for Leo’s personal guards and the elite of the death squad he personally selected, thousands of people from the rest of the army followed Lorraine’s prior orders, holding aloft the flag, and swaggering across the town, along Avenue, keep moving forward all the way.

After noon, when the sun deflected slightly to the west, the first team led by the magistrate was already on the side of the road and enthusiastically greeted the Guards.

At the beginning, the Guards had a local officer in charge of receiving the princess, but they followed the team before sending the princess's team out of their jurisdiction safely and satisfactorily. These people cannot leave. Also, the local officials at the next stop were sent to greet them in advance. There were also a lot of these people. They had always been in Lorraine's team, but Lorraine and Catherine didn't care about them.

After Lorraine and Leo caught the bandits yesterday afternoon, the officials of this group of **** princesses were the most flexible, and they immediately saw the crisis inside.

The imperial imperial family was not crowded in the first place, so there were only four people who passed by their own jurisdiction. They just started the wild boar in the mountains, and they could all meet the bandits. How did your magistrate manage the security? This is no longer a public security issue, it is a serious political incident.

What's more, the eldest princess has already reported the matter to the emperor, and in a word, it is very suspicious.

Report things up, from the governor to the sheriff. No one can escape responsibility.

The big man above may only be reprimanded at best, but when he gets to the place, he will lose his official accountability.

Now things can't be covered up anymore. Only by performing well and striving for guilt and meritorious deeds can be exchanged for leniency.

Those people who felt the situation was serious, sent someone back to report the letter that night.

The magistrate who received the news did not dare to neglect. The first 300-man local army quickly merged with the Janissaries, but no one paid any attention to them. General Philip just asked his subordinates coldly to tell them to give way and don't block us.

These people had to volunteer to cut to the front of the imperial army and clear the streets.

Despite the sincerity and fear of these officials, Catherine didn't pay attention to them at all, and left all these local officials here, making these local officials feel unsure and can only honestly perform the task of escort.

When the imperial army whizzed past Lushui Town, they came down to the mountain and hid there. The bandits in the ditch were relieved when they heard the news.

The second master of this group of bandits was also afraid that the night would have many dreams. Stunned was the attention of the battle. They planned to go down and grab someone and run away, if their leader was sent to the government. The Baron Peter Anker they were relying on was dug out, and everyone was going to die.

From now on, I just have to wait to be edited and hide around.

Although the army of unknown purpose camped overnight ten miles away, it would be very dangerous for them to go on like this, but they could not care about it.

After waiting until the early morning, there was no moonlight in the sky, and Bandit Hundred and Ten emerged from the woods and quietly touched the town.

There is no difference between Lushui Town and usual. In the quiet night, there was no sound here except for Ye Xiao's weird cry.

Only when you get close can you see the light from the houses in the town

It took a long time for the bandit to get back. When I walked to the boss, he lowered his voice and said, "I found the leader. They are all **** in the hotel in the town. There are a few people in the town watching over them. I was spotted as soon as I approached. Hid

The leader asked nervously: "There is nothing unusual in the town, what do the people in our ambush say?

The bandit said bitterly, "I dare not knock on the door in the middle of the night.

The boss touched his forehead and said anxiously: "Look, would those people in town wait for us in ambush?"

"No, I turned around, there was no sound at all, there should be no abnormalities. If they ambush us, hundreds of people. There won't be any movement."

The boss thought for a while, and said, "It doesn't matter. We can't beat it. We can't run away. Let's tell the brothers. Let the people in the town have a long memory. Come on! "

Leo leaned over to Lorraine's ear and asked in a low voice, "Boss, will they come?

Lorraine said: "This is a group of desperadoes. There is nothing they dare not dare to. We grabbed their collars and killed them. They had to come. These people's homes are in Free Around Dun."

Leo said: "I still think they will just run away

A mages of the Imperial Guard beside Lorraine suddenly whispered: "Come on, someone touched the trap.

Leo shook his fist and said, "Okay. It's coming.

The mage continued: "It seems there is only one person. Hell, he's gone back again."

Lorraine said: "This. It's just a scout

"Our people won't show their feet. If they feel it, then there will be no fun." Leo said worriedly.

General Philip topped his helmet and dangled in armour, and draped himself all over. The long sword was out of its sheath and laid horizontally on the knee.

Seeing Leo's worry, General Philip said confidently: "Your Highness can rest assured that the Guards never make mistakes."

Lorraine was stunned by General Philip’s proud sentence. After spending so long with them, Lorraine had an intuitive understanding of their strength, even the fact that the death squad members usually don’t do good things. Every one of them is extremely sturdy and sturdy.

All that was left was to wait patiently. Lorraine folded his feet on the table, leaning comfortably on the back of the chair.

General Philip sat upright in his chair. With eyes closed, his fingers tapped the back of the sword lightly. A relaxed look, showing the demeanor of an old soldier.

Leo looks like this. Like a monkey whose **** was burned by the fire, he was uneasy, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks.

After waiting for a full half, Leo grabbed his head in a hurry, and the mage who laid the warning trap stood up and said: "The frontal traps have been touched. It is estimated that there are more than 100 people."

Lorraine lowered his leg from the table and said, "Okay, I'll come here obediently. I hate these robbers. They have no technical content.

General Philip smiled slightly and said, "When you are ready, signal.

The bandit leader took his hundred and ten subordinates along both sides of the road to touch the town.

The hotel was at the outermost part of the town. After the bandit leader approached, he saw the light from the crack in the door, and said that it was here.

Two steps forward violently, he smashed the big sword in his hand and hit the door heavily.

"Kang Dang" there was a loud noise, and the door of the hotel arrived, stopping in the middle of the hotel lobby. The leader of the thieves and a group of Leo's prisoners are sitting on the ground tied up, their mouths are also blocked, and the residents of several towns are holding hunting knives and sticks in their hands, watching these bandits on the ground.

The boss who broke in saw the bandit's collar. Yelled: "Boss, don't panic, we're here to save you. Brothers, go!

The bandit leader who was **** with a gag screamed and shook his head desperately.

Seeing the boss yelled after opening the door, the bandits also yelled and rushed up. Rushed into the hotel.

The residents guarding these bandits did not speak. Just drag the weapon in his hand, turn around and run.

The leader ran up to the bandit leader, grabbed the pouting cloth, and said loudly, "Boss, how are you?,

The bandit leader coughed twice and said: "Run quickly

Leo shook his head, straightened his collar, pulled his sleeves, and said to Lorraine: "I'm just going out like this, why not?"

Lorraine curled his mouth, then raised his foot to face Leo's butt, and gently pushed the instep, Leo yelled twice at the moment and was pushed out of the door.

At this time, several magic lighting lights slowly rose into the air, revealing the slender house near the hotel.

Leo hurriedly stopped, hands on hips. He raised his head and laughed "hahahaha".

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Janitors swarmed like a tide. Surrounded the store

Leo laughed a few times, then probed his hand. Received the roll of loudspeaker barrel from the imperial army around him. He shouted at them: "Listen, you bandits, you are already surrounded, so those who know you should hurry up and cast."

The bandits gathered in the open space in front of the hotel in a panic, looking around.

Outside the light of the flares, the gray shadows are full of shadowy figures, surrounding them around the periphery. (To be continued)

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