Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 320: The last one

Under the gray sky, a slightly cold wind was blowing in the woods. At this moment, the world is peaceful.

In the morning mist, the camp stationed on the grass by the river slowly began to commotion.

The soldiers of the Janissaries had already got up early to prepare for the day, and the camp was a little noisy.

The cooks began to prepare breakfast for thousands of people early in the morning. These guys are extremely grumpy because of lack of sleep.

They were waving the shining spoon weighing more than ten kilograms like a copper hammer, shouting loudly at the soldiers who came to eat, mixed with all kinds of foul language. Coupled with the clanging of pots and pans intertwined together, it gathers into an early morning conversation


After the night, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard lazily held the weapons in their arms, greeted the guards who had come to the shift, and then yawned and walked quickly back to their camps while they had time. I plan to hurry up to catch up.

Although it was just an ordinary march, and Lord Lorraine was very good to everyone, and there was no time limit, but all the soldiers of the Imperial Army and their attendants were all prepared as quickly as possible. Then he put on his armor and strode out of the tent with pride.

The attendants and attendants started to prepare a day's outfit for the master quickly. Although they don't have to go to the front line to fight and fight, they are also a lot of debris. I also need to feed the horses, clean, clean up the camp, etc...

At this time, although the sun is still below the horizon, the sky is already bright.

The loud and melodious bugle has sounded

The soldiers of the imperial army began to gather at the command of the officers. The morning exercises in the early morning formally began soon. The sound of the imperial guard awakened the entire mountain forest.

Listen to the shouts coming from outside. Lorraine got up from Adele's bed.

Adele sat up sleepily, slapped her mouth and yawned, and said dissatisfiedly: "What? It's only so early, why do you get up?"

Adele's slightly messy head, flushed cheeks, smooth skin exposed from the quilt. It was a real beauty and food, Lorraine was so emotional at the moment that he wanted to get on the ground and bite.

Reaching out to encircle Adele's chest, Lorraine fell backward and landed Adele in Lorraine's arms. Lorraine just poked his head towards Adele's mouth.

Adele hit Lorraine's chest with an elbow. Turning his back to Lorraine, he pulled the quilt to wrap himself tightly, and gently "hum." After two times, he said: "Toss Nicole, I'm tired, I want to sleep. Lack of sleep is the natural enemy of women. "

At the same time, he unceremoniously kicked Lorraine under the quilt.

Lorraine grinned helplessly, no matter which girl they were, all the girls were shy and cute, but once they were hung up, they immediately looked like painted skin, tearing off the disguise, revealing a hideous face.

Just read "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance". The girl Qiuxiang at the time was so gentle and lovely, but when she got married, she immediately fisted and beat mahjong without pulling a single piece.

Lorraine got up from the bed unconsciously. Then got dressed and walked out of the camp.

The marching camp is a college question. General Philip is a long-time warrior, and the whole camp is well organized by him.

Lorraine's class-class tent is like the center of the camp, surrounded by circles of tents. The large rectangular tent where Lorraine is located. Including a large conference room with seven rooms.

Coming out of Adele's bedroom, Lorraine thought about today's work, then turned and got into Vera's bedroom.

Vera's sleeping face is always bad, just like a child.

I saw her blue long loose bundles. Lying horizontally on the pillow, Vera was lying on the bed carelessly like a big font. She didn't know that she had kicked the quilt there, and her nightdress was twisted, showing her smooth thighs.

Vera in her sleep was holding a big pillow in her hands. She wrinkled her lovely nose from time to time and mumbled vaguely: "Mine. These are all mine."

Lorraine secretly said in his heart: Fortunately, this girl is from the dragon clan, and the physique is really good.

He walked forward cautiously, then pushed Vera, and said to her ear: "Get up, Vera."

Vera "Hmm. I closed my eyes and waved impatiently. She slapped the shopkeeper on Lorraine's chest. Lorraine was not prepared, and under her great strength, her chest was stagnant and she backed away a few times. step.

He rubbed his chest and smiled bitterly. Then he rolled his eyes, stood up, and said loudly, "Vera, we robbed the money. If you don't get up again, you won't have your share."

As soon as Vera heard the words robbed of money, although she was still asleep, her cute little ears, crystal clear as snow, stood up.

Before Lorraine finished speaking, she already yelled: "No, no"

Then sat up from the bed all at once.

She tried to open her dazed eyes, saw Lorraine standing by the bed, and said, "Master. Where shall we go to grab the money?"

"I made it yesterday, and today I'm going to copy that cottage." Lorraine said.

Hee, I remembered that I didn't fall asleep during the happy middle of the night yesterday. "Vera jumped off the bed all of a sudden, pushing Lorraine to walk outside. Said: "Master, go out, let me change clothes and let's go out soon?" "

When Lorraine came to the meeting room in the middle of the tent. Breakfast is already on the middle table.

Melina was neatly dressed, sitting at the table, Yin Ding San Leo in her pajamas yawned and yawned at her mouth.

Leo watched Lorraine come out and said, "Oh. The boss is up, Nicole and Dale are still sleeping, really, not consciously at all."

Vera ran out hurriedly, sat down at the table, pulled the plate, and started eating, while still vaguely saying, "When shall we leave?"

Leo looked up and said, "Where are you going?"

"We are going to copy the bandits' nests, great fortune!" Vera said excitedly, waving the spoon in her hand.

Leo's eyes lit up, and he pointed to Lorraine and said, "Boss, you are too interesting. You won't call me for such fun.

Lorraine said: "Nicole won't let you go

Leo squeezed his eyes and said with a smile, "Isn't she not up, let's go now. Quick, quick, what else to eat for breakfast, and come back for a big meal after grabbing it."

Vera looked at the snack in her hand, then decisively pressed it on the plate, and said, "Okay, we will take it out now

Melina pulled Leo's sleeve and said, "Dare. Just stay, sister Catherine will be hot."

Leo looked at Melina with gleaming eyes and said, "Melena, don't you want to meet the thief's stockade? If you miss it, there will be no chance."

"But" Melina is still a child after all, and is very interested in new things. She couldn't help but feel a little moved, biting her finger tangledly.

Leo "chuckled, escaped from under Melina's hand, ran out of the tent and said loudly: "Gather, gather, gather the death squad. "

Vera stood up and pulled Lorraine's arm. Anxiously said: "Hurry up, hurry up, master."

Lorraine Mouli smiled bitterly, this time being miserable by these people, Catherine had to tear herself back when she came back.

General Philip was helpless with Leo's decision. If Leo was fooling around by himself, General Philip would certainly not agree, but Lorraine was there, and General Philip could rest assured, despite this. General Philip still spotted a squadron of the Janissaries, and ordered the local troops to play forwards in front of them in Lorraine.

The small group of guards sent to monitor the thief’s cottage has not relaxed, and will send back news every few hours. It has been around until now; there is nothing unusual in the mountain fort, and General Philip also knows that it is probably inside the mountain. There are only twenty or thirty family members of the bandit leader.

Fearing that Catherine would get up at this time, Leo wouldn't have to play, so under Leo's constant urging, the Imperial Guard quickly went on the road.

The front was a local army of several hundred people. They all arrived in a panic yesterday. The Guards escorted a few bandits to lead the way. Lorraine and Leo were mixed in the Guards' team.

The sun has not completely jumped out of the horizon. This team of nearly a thousand people has hurried into the forest.

The dew in the woods is heavy, so it should be in normal times. Leo had been complaining for a long time. Now, driven by the bandit treasure, Leo happily walked on the mountain path, and urged "Hurry up, come on."

The ten-mile mountain road is not easy to walk, especially the team of several hundred people, dragged into a long string in the forest. After walking for almost two hours, the guards contacted the team sent to monitor the cottage.

A Guardsman in dark green clothes came to fight Lorraine. Lorraine saw what the Guards were doing. Not only was this Guardsman dressed in camouflage clothes, he also wore a straw hat on his head. There are also a few vines in disguise.

Leo asked anxiously, "How about Shansai? Did they all run away with their stuff."

The imperial soldier said: "My lord, the gate of the cottage has been closed from yesterday afternoon until now. There was no movement inside, only a few people walked around in the cottage."

Lorraine said, "Which way are there? Are there any abnormalities?

The imperial soldier said: "We have been monitoring the two paths according to the confession of the bandits, and there is no movement."

Leo said: "Fortunately, fortunately. Our treasure should still be there. Many, no matter how strong the fortress is. It can be easily broken even with an inner ghost."

The group of captured bandits suffered all night, and the Guards pried everything they wanted out of their mouths.

The terrain of the mountain fortress built by the bandits is difficult, and there is only a two-person wide path in the front. The wall turned up, and the top was a mountain gate made of logs. The team led by Lorraine and Leo looked at the quiet gate above in the woods below the mountain.

The leader of the local army was a knight. Looking at Lorraine, Leo, and the guards surrounding them, he knew that it was time for him to behave. The group of people behind him couldn't eat anyone who hurt him.

He waved his hand and said loudly to the officers and soldiers around him: "Go up, up, up with the shield.

Many of these officers and soldiers of the local army have not come to attack this cottage for the first time. They have all been here when they used to suppress the bandits. They know how powerful this place is. Although they also know that most of the bandits have been caught, who knows it? There are many others.

After hearing the order, these people could only bite the bullet and attacked tremblingly.

Lorraine and Leo copied their hands, under the guard of the Imperial Guard, watching their actions, Vera stomped her feet in a hurry.

Although fearful, the people from these local troops quickly boarded the gate of the mountain stop, and the soldiers who climbed to the gate shook the flag vigorously and cheered on it.

Leo clapped his hands and said, "Okay, come on, come on."

Vera cheered, and rushed forward.

Lorraine and Leo also, Shulinna, when they climbed into the mountain. This person from the local army has been awkwardly investigated everywhere in the heart, and there are several women in the middle of the yard, all women of the bandit leaders.

Vera has been turning around in the cottage house, using her instinct to look for precious metals.

Lorraine nodded to the guard army commander beside him, and the army commander said to the soldiers beside him: "Take those bandits and turn this broken place over for me."

Compared with those local troops ramming in the mountain fort like headless flies, the efficiency of the imperial guard was much higher. The leader of the bandit could not stand the imperial instrument of torture, and vomited out all the hiding places.

Soon several large boxes were lifted out by the Forbidden Army and piled up in front of Lorraine.

The Custodian soldier smashed the big lock of the box twice and opened the lid to reveal the contents.

The surrounding soldiers surrounded Lorraine and the others, craned their necks to look inside, and when the box was opened, the special luster of gold appeared from the inside. The soldiers present opened their mouths and exclaimed.

Vera also let out a startled "Ah", grabbed Lorraine's arm, and said nervously, "Why are these tatters?"

Leo stretched out his little finger and drew a small gold pot from the box.

He looked at the sunlight, then curled his mouth in disdain, loosened his fingers, threw the small pot back into the box, and then reached out and wiped his hands on the clothes of the guard next to him. Said: "I thought that the treasures of being a robber would be like the legend of the red beard. Those of Jinshan and Yinshan, but they turned out to be a bunch of poor and poor."

Lorraine was digging through the boxes with a long sword. There were some gold objects in front of them, and there were probably hundreds of gold coins underneath. Several boxes were all such odds and ends.

Lorraine and Vera, who were not out of Fort Lorraine, couldn't sleep with excitement when they saw these things, but since Almohad returned, Lorraine and the others have looked down on these things.

Vera was also extremely disappointed. She lifted the black patent leather shoes on her feet, kicked it against the box, and said regretfully, "What? It sounds so nice."

The officers and soldiers around looked at the bosses who were full of people, not knowing that they were hungry, and they kept slandering. These things are a big windfall for everyone, and these big people actually say they are tattered.

Leo waved his hand and said, "Finally, mosquitoes have small legs and are meat. We chivalrous people are righteous. The rules can't be messed up. Take it away and go back to share with everyone."

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard and the officers and men of the local army all cheered around Leo, and they came out for a run. They could have a few gold coins of foreign money, and they would all be willing.

Lorraine smiled and shook his head, and said: "It's just such a gang of a hundred people who still live by robbery and looting. I also overestimate how much money they can have. However, the baron should have several sons in his hands. "

Leo was excited again now. "Correct"

He grabbed his sleeves and said, "Go, cut his raw pork. Master, I can't swallow that breath."

Lorraine waved to the Forbidden Army and said: "Okay, close the team. The locals will stay first. The cottage will be demolished, and the roads will be dug. Someone will drill here in the future."

Leo sighed, and said: "Close the team. Close the team. Nicole has to be beaten by Nicole for these tatters. It's really not worth it.

A large group of people went away in joy and returned in defeat. After Lorraine and Leo returned, they were both severely beaten by Catherine, but the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Guard happily smashed the gold objects. Divided happily.

Under the wise guidance of Lord Governor Lorraine and the decisive decision of His Royal Highness Leo, a small group of greedy and brutal robbers who have been entrenched in the Lushui Town area for many years were swept away by a net. Return peace to one party and benefit the people of one party.

From then on, the mountains in Lushui Town were also green and the water was clear. The people have recited the great achievements of the two adults from generation to generation.

Later, people circulated about the great deeds of Leo the Great as a chivalrous man and fighting violence.

In those stories, they are generally facing powerful enemies who are completely possessed by the demon king. In the final stage, in order to save thousands of people, Leo the Great unhesitatingly resorted to a forbidden trick to destroy the world. One stroke of Pegasus Meteor Fist, ("Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty Sect", "Duhu Nine Swords" or "Golden Light is invincible, Buddha is afraid, Bodhisattva shakes his head and palm.")

Then I heard a scream from the that devastating trick, it turned into ashes and disappeared into the air.

It fully shows that justice must prevail and evil must

Any handful of people have bad intentions and are enemies of the people. The extremely unpopular bad guys who are against the tide of history against the emperor and the imperial government will eventually have to die miserably.

At the same time, through this case, it is also to warn potential bad guys who want to move around, don’t do things that deny themselves to the people and the empire.

Of course, although the Imperial Propaganda Department did not make a clear request, it did point it out. A group of bards are instilling, uh, this great story to the people. When it comes to the emperor’s last move. It must be a name that is full of prestige and full of light and justice.

If you want to make up a martial arts such as "Nine Yin White Bone Palm", "Toad Gong", "Guihua Baodian Evil Sword Technique" and so on, the martial arts will be used by the military police of the Imperial Propaganda Department the next day. Please go for coffee and close the little black house.

(To be continued)

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