Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 323: Gift giving is a matter of university

One shouted loudly in the crowd! "We are all working in the crowd, and all our minds stay in it, why not let us take it out."

Lorraine did not come forward when seeing those people, and saluted. Instead, he hid far away in the darkness. For fear of being seen his face by myself. It shows how guilty they are. Now frowned. Then he sneered and said, "Really? I haven't heard of the servant who is working as a servant. I have to use a shovel and a pry to take the things left by the host?"

He turned his head, looked at the guard beside him, and said, "Have you heard of it?"

The soldiers of the Guards laughed immediately and said loudly, "No, sir."

Someone in the crowd shouted: "No, we came back from work and stopped by to get it."

"Yes, yes."


"That's it."

Other people nearby also echoed loudly.

Lorraine shrugged and laughed loudly.

He pointed at the other party and laughed for a long time before he came over and said: "Okay, okay, if you are reasonable, why are you pushing so many cars? I haven't heard of what I do and pull the cars myself. Up."

These people looked at each other, and there was a quick response from behind, shouting loudly: "The baron owes us wages, hundreds of catties of food, of course, we have to cart."

The guards all laughed. Podoch also couldn't help it. "Haha, laugh." He said in admiration, "These guys are really *song"

These rascals used to be the goods in the country. Looking at the soldiers in front of them who laughed at themselves heartily, they felt a little scared, but also felt a little bit ashamed and irritated, but the temptation of those wealth was real. In fact, these scavengers like coyotes will not give up until the end.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Will you let in? We are not allowed to take our own things. Are you not bullying the people?"

Lorraine suddenly shouted: "Do you know what crime the baron committed? Do you know who we are? Do you know that you have broken the law?"

At this moment, the ruffians on the opposite side were stunned. They only knew that the baron had been arrested, and only a few people were guarding the place.

And knowing these two items is enough for them.

Lorraine shouted angrily: "There are definitely baronial gangsters here, brothers, give me all of them."

Only a command was heard. From behind and around the hundreds of villagers, three hundred soldiers of the Imperial Guard who had stealthily copied the back of the opponent rushed out of the darkness.

While waving the swords in their hands, they yelled: "You will be arrested, otherwise the count will have an order if you slash you. If you resist, don't kill you."

Looking at these hundreds of heavily armed soldiers, these people panicked and screamed and ran around. Seeing organically, he was surrounded strictly. He hugged his head and squatted obediently on the ground.

The soldiers of the Guards were not armed either, but with their fists and clubs, they quickly subdued the group, and tied them to the ground like pigs.

The courageous had already cried, and some people shouted: "Innocent, we really came to get our own things."

"I was forced, I did nothing."

"I'm a good person."

Lorraine shook his head. Lorraine didn't take the behavior of these people seriously. If these people didn't do this, they would be unskilled. They just hit his own hands. They were unlucky.

Especially Lorraine knew that the thugs under Baron Peter Anker did bad things. Especially since Baron Peter Anker became a sheriff in Freetown, he has been doing things like bullying men and women, **** and robbery, and they have many lives in their hands.

This is understandable, this is one after all. The world ruled by the nobles, such things as laws. It is only used by the nobles to manage the dead people below.

A hereditary nobleman really broke the law, so what? It's just a fine of three drinks. The imperial law expressly stipulates. For non-treason and treason, nobles are not subject to the death penalty, so they are put in prison. It is also a luxurious presidential suite with daily steak set menu.

Lorraine knew that she couldn't handle this kind of time-consuming and complicated case. Catherine could do it, but neither she nor Lorraine had this time, this. It takes at least half a year for the case to be heard, from finding the victim, collecting evidence, arresting and interrogating the accomplice, to sentencing and execution.


A hereditary baron is involved in the middle, and the final conviction requires the approval of the Heraldic House in Ruman City. Once and again, this case cannot be ended within a year.

What's more, Lorraine himself has no right to do this. This is not his Nyan Province. Lorraine and Catherine can only leave this to the magistrate.

Lorraine knew that he couldn't handle this time-consuming and complicated case, and he didn't have the right to do it, so he just left it to the magistrate. But I didn't expect that these people hit the gunpoint by themselves, so there is no reason to let it go.

There are also two big beauties in the family who are cleansed for nothing, waiting for themselves, if they are dissatisfied with their desires, they will be offended again. Therefore, Lorraine is not willing to waste time with these rascals in this ghost place.

Lorraine said to Podoch: "I'll leave it to you. I will carefully screen out the common people whose brains are too hot to take advantage. Let me put them back after teaching them. Other things related to this **** baron will be taken down first and collected. ."

Po concubine and the guards have recently become addicted to the trial and other things that are not part of their work. This is much more interesting than their daily duty in Ruman City. They nodded and said with a smile: "My lord, don’t worry. Well, we can always keep your instructions in mind, sir, and never wrong a good person, and never let a bad person go. Especially never let a bad person go."

Lorraine laughed, patted Podoch's shoulder and said, "I am very optimistic about you."

"Master Xie praised."

Freetown officials, large and small, who were guarding the Freetown City Hall urgently discussing countermeasures, received detailed news about Lorraine's night actions in the latter half of the night.

These officials, who were originally like the ants on the hot pot, were so anxious that their eyes lit up when they heard this.

One person also shouted excitedly: "I remembered. Our young governor is known as a friend of Hades."

These guys immediately became happy. Say loudly: "There is a way, there is a way."

The most severe wind in the world is not a hurricane, a typhoon, or a tornado. Moreover, the pillow wind, there are so many heroes who come in front of this wind, even our sage, Comrade Kong Lao Er, in order to build relationships. , Run official. Don't you want to play ambiguously with "Nanzi" and follow the lady's route?

But when he came back, he said, "It's hard to raise a villain and a woman."

It can be seen that the pillow wind is not so easy to blow. If you want the leader of Xiaomi to say good things to you, the cost is not cheap.

Once again, officials in Freetown did not want to prevent heatstroke and cool down, and began to work overtime freely and voluntarily. Meeting all night.

The city lord of Freetown knew that after such a major event, his political life was over. Now it is definitely about to be removed.

According to reports, the task force officials sent by the Governor to handle this case are now on their way.

His old man now has the thought of breaking the jar, and no longer has to worry about things in Freetown. Now he is just trying to make his own fortune.

He has been the lord of Freetown for seven years, from his brother-in-law to the housekeeper's dog, all of them are rich.

Therefore, it is necessary to convert all of his black property into gray property and wash the gray property into legal property before he traces his responsibilities as much as possible.

Otherwise, with the strict laws of the empire, just a crime of a huge amount of unidentified property would be enough to make him bankrupt and exiled for three thousand miles.

The city lord of the Friarism didn't have much time here, and he had earned this huge family property in the past few years. They all need to move back to their hometown. The cakes in the Freetown area have already been divided by the city lord and these officials. In order to reshuffle the cards, the newly appointed city lord put his brother-in-law in charge and took the money for himself. The emperor and the courtier.

Instead of being voluntarily sold at a low price, or being confiscated under the excuse of pornography, gambling, and drugs, it is better to take advantage of him as the city lord for a few days, and deal with it.

So now the city lord of Freetown is so busy that he has no time to take care of the officials below, and he doesn’t want to take care of them. Even the eldest princess and his party are too lazy to take care of them. Anyway, I am going back to my hometown. Right.

The following officials no longer care about his superior. When a group of people gave up the grievances formed by many years of fighting and fighting, and sitting here brainstorming generalized countermeasures, no one wanted to go to Lord City Lord.

Besides, what they are discussing now. It takes a lot of money to get it done. I want Lorraine, the governor to take office, to give them local officials who have nothing to do with Lorraine to speak nice things to Catherine. Think about it and know that it is expensive. Would Lorraine not take advantage of this opportunity to bludgeon it?

But for the sake of one's official position, all the money has to be spent, otherwise the special commissioner will surely get them all in one go.

According to reports, the official position sold by the Governor-General himself is enough to rank in the order of rotation! It's been 2 years, let alone other superiors, their brother-in-law, mistress or something. It also needs to be taken care of.

The alternate guys stared at Shiqian, like a starving dog seeing a chicken bone. I can't wait for the staring eyes to drip.

Now that such a thing has happened, the Governor will be very happy to make room for his own people.

The city lord is like this now, and it is certain that he will not pay for it alone, and these people will leave the city lord aside.

It is foreseeable that if you want to quell this matter, this will be a lot of money, so big that these officials must work together to make money. It’s so big that everyone is in pain like pulling a tooth for more than a year,

And having money only solves the first problem.

You know, from ancient times to the present, up and down five thousand years, no matter where it is, gift-giving is always a university question.

Can it be given out, how can it be given out, and can it be given to people who feel comfortable receiving the gift? These are all very deep and very deep knowledge.

For example, when I gave gifts to the middle halls of Qing Dynasty, they had to be painted and written by others. No matter how much it is, buy it, and then send it to the Throne of God Seal, it is an elegance.

Beckham, the brother Beckham in Italy, then you have to send a house of undressed beauties.

Fortunately, these people have all become officials. It belongs to the common people's second rank, or even after the third rank, this skill is a compulsory skill for them, and it is not difficult to play.

Judging by Lorraine's performance, this Sir Alex is not a seamless egg, a master who doesn't get in with oil and salt. This gift can’t be given out without worries, but you should know that Lord Lorraine entered Almohad. The sky was three feet high and the ground was seven minutes thin. Now his vision has broadened, not even three. Characters that can be fooled by walnuts and dates.

These officials bought detailed information from the imperial guards, and knew exactly what Lorraine did in the Baron Peter Anker’s Manor. To the tens of thousands of gold coins, this man just spit his lips. , It's not salty or indifferent as a small amount of money, but how big a sum can be thought of will be put in the eyes of Lorraine

The main thing they discussed was to keep their official position and how much money they were worth. Fortunately, the value of these positions can be measured by money.

The price list of the official position that Leo produced was not bad at all. It was higher than that price, even if it kept the official position, it also lost money.

After everyone reached a consensus, they acted swiftly. This large sum of money took a lot of effort to collect. Besides, they couldn’t throw a few large boxes of gold directly in front of Lorraine. That was not a gift, it was an insult. , Lord Lorraine will definitely ransack his home first and then receive gifts when he is angry.

It’s not difficult to collect those equivalent gifts in Freetown.

Not only Lorraine, but the people around Lorraine cannot be ignored, starting with Leo and Vera. Adele, Melina, and Carter are all well aware of their interests and hobbies, and then targeted gifts are given to satisfy everyone and they can rest assured.

Everyone has been discussing one. All night, this is considered an agreement.

All of Lorraine and the others slept a long time together. Lord Lorraine studied and implemented the spirit of Guan Erye's night reading of Spring and Autumn, and studied the philosophical issues in the middle of the night. He and Catherine stayed in bed until about ten o'clock.

The restaurant has a face, and Vera is still brooding about the harvest last night, even eating less food.

Leo comforted Vera on the side: "Compared with the bandits who took such a great effort to copy, there are already a lot of them. These are the same as those who have picked them up for nothing."

Melina opened up a lot of horizons for two days in a row, looking forward to Leo's next activities, but it was difficult for Leo to get better.

Adele was humming a song with a relaxed and happy expression, flipping a book on the table with a tea cup. Lorraine took a sigh of relief, and as expected, it was another rotten girl's favorite.

Adele saw Lorraine and hurriedly hid the book, as if he was afraid that he would really be affected by the book and change his aesthetic orientation.

Lorraine couldn't help rolling his eyes, then turned and sat down at the table.

He just sat down, and Carter walked in with a weird look, and said, "Miss Qi, there is an official from Freetown outside asking for a meeting."

Catherine waved her hand impatiently, and said, "No, tell them that I don't want to make trouble and cancel all activities."

Carter smiled bitterly, and said: "I told him so, but, he said, they are here to invite Lord Lorraine to join the Fengye Danlin classmates."

Lorraine, Catherine, and Adele were all taken aback.

Catherine snorted coldly and said: "These ghosts, you really will find excuses. Give gifts as gifts, what kind of classmate meeting."

Leo's little ears were erected immediately, sharply piercing them, and said, "Is the presenter here?"

Adele, giggle. With a smile, he kicked Lorraine under the table and said, "Hey, Nicole and I are also from Fengye Danlin, why don't they know us?"

Vera swallowed hard, and said vaguely: "It contains forehead, um, it's also Fengye" Danlin's. "

Leo raised his hand and said, "Me, I, and I are also from Fengye Danlin, and so is Melina. We are all going."

Lorraine smiled and said, "Okay, okay, we are all Xie Ye Danlin, let's go together. I want to see how generous these people are."

A Huan'er stretched her waist, smiled sweetly at Lorraine, and said: "This lady is not willing to pay attention to them, just to make up for sleep today."

Catherine also said: "You are up to you, but you are not allowed to fool around."

Leo immediately raised a small fist, and said with the same determination: "Don't worry, old sister, I must take the boss seriously."

Lorraine stood up and said with a smile: "Go, let's also enjoy the feeling of being flattered."

Lorraine and his party bared their fangs and eagerly went straight to the reception room outside.

The guards opened the door and Leo jumped in first.

Several officials waiting here hurried over to salute Leo, Leo waved his hand, and then cautiously asked: "I am also from Fengye Danlin. You have a class meeting, can I go?"

These few. After looking at each other, one of the people in front said hurriedly: "Being able to be classmates with your Highness. That is the glory of all our Maple Leaf Danlin people. Today, your Highness must appreciate it. If you can't, it will be all of us in Freetown. Xiye Danlin graduates have suffered the greatest loss in this life."

Lorraine almost didn't spit it out. Leo enjoyed it very much. He squinted his eyes and couldn't find the North." He said, "Hey, since you all said that, I reluctantly agreed to you. "

He immediately showed a surprised expression, and said repeatedly: "Your Highness Xie, Your Highness Xie, your presence here is the glory of our lives for those of Frisians."

Lorraine was watching suddenly sighed that his life was coming. If it wasn't for Vera, this dumb girl, if it wasn't for Lester, if it wasn't for Yan Ye Danlin, or Nicole and Dale , Lorraine estimated that he had mixed up well in his life, just like the official in Freetown before, he was a small official casually, raising two mistresses, holding some small money, being a slave to the maidservants, and humbly. Financial power struggles.

Lorraine looked at the forty-something in front of him. The Freetown official with a ruddy face and a standard official portrait asked: "I don't know what your surname is your lord?"

The official hurriedly bowed to Lorraine. Said: "Don't dare, in Lower Bled, it is the works officer in Freetown."

Lorraine nodded and said, "Oh, Lord Bled, please lead the way.

Bled said: "His Royal Highness, please, adults please."

Leo haha ​​smiled, and then his stomach bulged, and walked towards the door imposingly.

He poisoned the door, suddenly remembered something, then slapped his head, with a small face, and said to the officials: "Yes, I forgot to remind you of a very serious matter." (to be continued)

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