Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 326: Trial

After listening to Lorraine's words, Pincerin couldn't help but moved in her heart. Then she sighed and said, "If you can be like Lorraine said, the generals are not afraid of death. Civil officials don't love money, we Ruman said. Maybe the whole continent will be unified long ago."

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, then looked back at her, and finally let go of her heart. Fortunately, this beauty is still normal, and it should have nothing to do with the moldy child in Chongzhen.

Catherine felt Lorraine's strange gaze, thinking that he was walking around again, twisted his waist a little shyly, and then said: "What's wrong?"

Lorraine sneered at the moment, and then said: "Nicole, although you are a royal person, you don't bring people like this. You just work and don't eat, and you are not afraid that the people of the empire will give you a "Julian". "Pickling" the title.

Catherine also knew it was wrong, and immediately "snorted" and said, "I just said that."

Lorraine waved his hand and said, "Forget it. Everyone came out to be officers and soldiers, not for wealth and honor. It is a rare good official who can put the interests of the people first.

There are also those who claim to be incorruptible and dedicated to the people, but these guys are either hypocrites who don't want anything, or perverted, or they just want to climb up, want to be the grandfather, and play your management buyout. Do you dare to use this kind of person? "

Catherine was stagnated and was speechless.

Leo slapped the table next to him, and exclaimed, "Everyone walked out and mixed up, so whoever does the work for you if you don't give me some benefits.

Managers and salesmen like me all get commissions. The more my profits, the higher their wages. I can't wait for them to get high wages. If someone dares to say that they don’t want money and give me nothing, I’m also worried about whether this is a commercial spy who came to collect my confidential information.”

Huang Linna blinked and put down the tableware; crisply asked: "But sister Nicole, brother Lorraine, why should you let the officials like Freetown, they can buy us for such a big price," It can be seen that a lot of bad things have been done. For officials like this, shouldn't they be resolutely investigated and punished."

The adults on the table looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Catherine sighed, and then explained earnestly: "Although we are members of the royal family, we are subject to restrictions and do not have much power.

And it's just passing here. This place is still governed by local officials, and we can't interfere too much in their affairs.

Don't look at Lorraine taking Leo, playing gangsters and extortion all day long, playing very happily, but the empire still has laws. "

Lorraine protested dissatisfiedly at the moment: "Hey, hey, am I still sitting next to me when I die?"

Catherine ignored him and continued: "Otherwise, a bad start will be made. In the future, some members of the royal family will use the power in their hands to act arbitrarily, hijack the place, or even rebel, what should we do?"

Melina blinked her big watery eyes, thought about it seriously, and nodded.

Lorraine continued next to him: "Melena, you have to remember that no matter how high you are, you can't do everything. We still have to rely on these officials to govern. ."

Melina thought for a while, and said, "It's like Leo's rooster. To make money, you still need to rely on the employees, right?"

Leo was furious, and corrected it loudly: "What kind of cock, it's a company, a company."

Lorraine smiled and continued: "Take the city lord of Freetown as an example. Recently everyone knows that he is going to be removed from his job, but what is he doing? He is going to squeeze his money and sell his property in Freetown. go home.

What happens when the new city lord takes office? It's not according to what this city lord once did. Do it again, feed yourself first.

But as much power there is. In this sky the emperor is far away. In the feudal era lacking effective supervision, who didn't do it like this? Can you guarantee that when the next official comes, he will be as clean as water and will not commit any crimes? "

All the people present were silent when they heard Lorraine's words.

Although the female governor Catherine has been in power for many years. I am very familiar with this situation, but I have never thought of summing up the problem from the height of this theory. At this time, after listening to Lorraine's analysis, the brilliance in the eyes flashed. Looked at him in surprise.

Lorraine continued: "And for your Majesty and Russell, these bureaucrats don't want to betray the country. They don't embezzle public funds, don't hold the army privately, they can guarantee local stability, and they can pay taxes on time and in amounts. There is a problem with the above, and if I make a few more money, I can be considered a good official."

Adele also leaned forward, chuckled, and then lightly shook her arms over Lorraine’s shoulders, and said, “What’s more, we still have a governor and an heir to the throne. Before taking office, The first thing to discuss is how the official *business* collusion*, how to bribe, how to make money, Melina, you can imagine what the following people will look like."

Leo protested: "You can't say that. The boss and I are engaged in industrial investment. We can't just see that we are making money. We should see our outstanding contribution to the economic development of the Fang, which has increased the employment rate. The consumption index has been increased, local taxes have increased, and so on, but we can do it all.

As long as the people below can make money for me, as for playing office politics and arranging the old, a brother-in-law. Molesting the female secretary or something. I don't care about that. Our Flying Eagle Group has made a direct contribution to this year's domestic grain harvest, and the emperor acknowledged it. "

Adele copied a piece of meat into Leo's plate. Then he said grumpily: "Okay, okay. I see, you are very good. Is this all right?"

Melina nodded somewhat clearly.

The problem here in Freetown is finally resolved. Lorraine and the others can finally not have to deal with the local officials. They have thrown away all the baggage and brought the family around Freetown. The place of interest took a turn.

When Lorraine returned to the hotel in the afternoon, the attendants came to report that the commissioner sent by Governor Ayton of the province had been waiting here for a long time.

"Oh" Catherine said to Lorraine, "Go and see you, just say I'm tired and don't want to go out. See what the commissioner says."

Lei Ku rolled his eyes and said, "I will go too, and I will go too."

With that, without waiting for Catherine to say anything, she pulled Lorraine straight to the reception room.

The two came to the reception room.

As soon as he walked in, Lorraine saw a middle-aged man in his forties sitting in the reception room, his hair was not combed at all, his skin was well maintained, his face was pale, and he was dressed in appropriately tailored black casual clothes. See the traces of the wind and dust.

Seeing Lorraine and Leo walking in, the governor’s envoy hurriedly stood up, bent over to Leo, and said: "See Your Highness, Lord Lorraine"

Leo waved his hand carelessly and said, "No trouble

Lorraine nodded to him and said: "You are?"

"Baron Kenfa, Rhodes, Kenfa. I am the administrative assistant to Governor Ayton."

Lorraine nodded, then saw a faint layer of dust on his clothes, and said, "Did Baron Kenfa get out of the car?"

"Yes, my lord, my lord Governor confessed that when you arrive in Freetown next, you must first come to see your two Highnesses and the Governor. Take our Governor’s greetings to your Royal Highness Princess Leo, and Lord Lorraine, Governor I can’t get away from the busy government affairs, please forgive me.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Oh, Lord Ayton has bothered. Did Lord Kenfa come alone?.

Kenfa didn't expect Lorraine to ask this, he was taken aback, and said truthfully: "With me, there are several legal officials and my family members."

Lorraine let out a cry, and said in his heart, since he brought his family, it seems that this is the newly appointed City Lord. Lorraine smiled and said, "Then congratulations to Lord Kenfa."

Baron Kenfa smiled and said, "Thank you, sir. Actually, I still have something to ask for the consent of His Highness and Lord Lorraine.

Leo ran up so rashly, in fact, it was a gift. Since Governor Ayton sent someone to the door, of course he could not be empty-handed, especially when Lorraine and Leo made trouble here, he certainly had to be in Catherine. In front of Leo, these lost impressions were made up for.

Otherwise, our Leo wore the crown that day, and remembered the incompetence of Governor Ayton, and there was no good impression at all. Isn't it terrible?

But after waiting for a long time, Lorraine and this Baron Kenfa were polite here, and they were almost dozing off. When they heard something to ask, their eyes lit up.

Lorraine said, "My lord, please speak."

Baron Kenfar said: "Tomorrow I will start to try this band of robbers. I know that Baron Peter Anker is temporarily detained by Her Royal Highness the princess. Can you please take him?"

Lorraine interrupted him and said, "Okay. Please rest assured, my lord, we will take his Baron Anker to court tomorrow.

Lorraine knew that Kenfa wanted to ask Lorraine to hand over his Baron Anker to him, but about this. The Baron, Lorraine and Catherine had their own ideas, and they all couldn't believe the people in these places who knew how many people would think Baron Peter Anker could not speak, or just say anything.

It's about the credibility of Catherine and Lorraine. The eldest princess walked the place once, and it made the place awkward. There is also a nobleman who died unclearly. It is very likely that others will think our eldest princess is a harsh person.

So although Baron Peter Anker was absolutely terrible, it was during Catherine's stay in Freetown. Catherine and Lorraine must ensure that he gets a fair trial. When Catherine and the others leave, or the Baron Peter Anker is taken to Governor Ayton’s prison, whether the Baron is dead or alive has nothing to do with Catherine. It is Governor Ayton. Thing.

All Lorraine interrupted Baron Kenfar in advance. To keep Baron Peter Anker in his own hands.

Kenfa was stunned when he heard Lorraine say this. Then he said helplessly: "Also, thank you for your support

Lorraine looked at Kenfa, knowing what he was thinking, shook his head and said, "Your Excellency Kenfa

"Huh? Yes, the lord said with a bit of consent.

Lorraine said: "His Royal Highness is unwilling to interfere with local affairs. On the way, His Royal Highness rarely meets local officials. Regarding your work, My Royal Highness and I both fully support you."

"His Royal Highness and Your Excellency." Ken Fa hurriedly bent over and said

"But" Lorraine continued: "The Baron Anker is the sheriff of Freetown. But for committing such a crime, we are afraid that other people will be involved here, so that the case can be completed in a fair and safe manner. Your Highness attaches great importance to Baron Peter Anker. I think you understand what I mean

Lorraine meant that we can't trust you old officials. To prevent you from borrowing the knife to kill people and ruining our reputation. I have to watch this person before we smash someone.

After thinking about it, Baron Kenfa understood Lorraine's meaning, and hurriedly said, "I understand, I understand, then, please, your Royal Highness and the adults will supervise the case.

Lorraine waved his hand and said: "How to try the case. It is your magistrate's own business, we will not interfere. I can assure you that Baron Peter Anker will cooperate with your trial work very well. Do you think this is okay?"

Baron Kenfar thought, dare I say no, and said: "Thank you, Princess Long and Lord Lorraine, for your support to our local work. Then I won't bother your Lord and Lord to rest. I will come down tomorrow. The time for the adults to open the court. Oh, and, Governor Ayton dragged me to transfer some of the province’s specialties to His Highness and the adults. Then I will leave."

After Baron Kenfar went out, Leo jumped up and cheered, and said, "I have received another gift. This transaction is really worth it, boss, on the way down, let's catch the bandit."

Lorraine: "If you want to be beautiful, let's toss like this. I promise that the road below will be very peaceful. It's just a chance for this kind of foreign money."

In order to redeem the image points lost in front of Kairoulyn and Leo, Governor Ayton on the one hand cursed the incompetence of the magistrate of Freetown, while mobilizing the power of the province, began a vigorous crackdown on the robbers. Robbers and other public security crime campaigns.

Early the next morning, the people sent by Baron Kenfa came and informed Lorraine that the first interrogation would begin at nine o'clock.

Leo was dissatisfied with the gifts from Governor Ayton, which were all paintings and calligraphy. It didn't mean anything to Leo. So Adele liked these things very much, and she was rounded up by her. If Governor Ayton knew that the valuable works of art he had sent were ignored by the princess and Leo, he would definitely be suffocated.

When Leo heard the attendant inform that Kenfa had sent someone, he said dissatisfied: "That baron is not likable at all."

Lorraine patted Leo's head and said, "Although the Baron Kenfa is a bit more rigid, he is vigorous and resolute. He seems to be a decent person."

Catherine didn't want to go to this trial. As soon as she passed the throne of God Seal, those officials had to cower in everything.

Adele is actually collecting materials. Happily followed Lorraine and the others, plus Vera, Melina, and a group of five people under the protection of the Guards, holding Baron Peter Anker. I came to the court of Freetown in mighty force.

Last night, Kenfa had summoned all the officials in Freetown and held an emergency meeting. The original city lord was formally removed from office and went home for the elderly. Kenfa became the lord of Freetown, and the officials underneath looked at Kenfa's stern face, and they could only accept with anxiously pinching their noses.

Baron Kenfa has rich administrative experience. At the meeting that night, the interrogation was arranged properly. So early the next morning, the relevant officials of the Friary City and the legal officials sent by the governor had already gathered in Friesland. The Court of Lidun City.

After Baron Kenfa and Leo Lorraine met, they were not very polite, arranged for Lorraine and the others to sit down, and the trial began immediately.

The first is the review of prisoners, stolen goods and exhibits.

The band of bandits caught by Lorraine and Leo. They were pulled up one by one. In fact, there is nothing to ask. The gang of guards under Lorraine had already cleaned them up a few days ago. How terrible these guys have done to themselves? All the stakes were explained.

Now these confessions are all placed in front of the chief judge. He just read it out according to Xuanke. The following bandits are also very bachelors, knowing that they will not be able to escape the knife, and it is good to die early, or they will be taken to the Guards. It's really better to live than to die.

Lorraine and Leo sat at the back of the courtroom, accompanied by officials from Freetown.

Bled was in a higher position, and he was slightly familiar with Lorraine, so he stayed by Lorraine's side.

After a while, Baron Peter Anker was brought up. This guy did not suffer less in the hands of the Guards. The whole person has lost two laps in the past few days. The head of the clothes was messy, and he was held in his seat with a dull expression.

The officials in Freetown couldn't help feeling a little bit of sorrow. This place is still the invincible sheriff before, and it is simply a bad old man.

Bled looked at Baron Peter Anker and sighed, and said in a low voice, "It's a Lorraine said: "Why do you say that? "

Bled said, "Hey, there are just two families of nobles near the Friary City. They used to be examples of Freetown people. The ancestors of Baron Peter Anker are still very capable, and they can only come to him."

Lorraine said nothing.

Bled continued: "Baron Peter Anker is actually a nice guy, a good friend, and a little loyal, but he's just a gambling, these two things hurt him!"

Lorraine disagrees with Bled's statement in his heart. No one is forcing you to gamble on prostitution. It doesn't matter if you ruin the player's fortune yourself, and you have to do this kind of hurtful things, that is unforgivable.

But Lorraine wouldn't be boring to fight with Bled and the others. They just saw what their former colleagues look like now, and they were afraid that this would happen to them.

Lorraine asked: "According to the law, what sentence will Baron Peter Anker be sentenced to?" If you want to know what happened, please log in. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading! Read the latest Children’s Day and wash the book and sun the fine concave Shan" said Qi Umbrella

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