Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 329: Tradition and education

Recognize and detour next to the building. After that is the governor’s residence. It is also a high-tech city-style building.

When he got here, Ma Feng stopped slowly.

Leo took the lead and jumped off the carriage.

He looked up and found the ubiquitous high walls and police posts around him. He nodded with satisfaction and sighed, "This place is safe!"

At this time, the front door opened, and the four Catherine and Adele walked out of the house splendidly to greet Lorraine and Leo.

Leo watched the four slowly walk down the steps. Suddenly remembering something, he rubbed his belly and said to Lorraine: "Wait, I forgot a very important thing."

Lorraine was taken aback for a moment, but then saw the pained expression on Leo's face and couldn't help but smile. Tentatively asked: "Isn't it?"

Leo nodded solemnly and said, "Really, I was embarrassed in front of tens of thousands of people just now."

Lorraine sighed helplessly at the moment, then stroked his forehead and said weakly: "It's up to you."

Leo agreed very excitedly. Then he ran to the gate of the castle and pulled off his belt. Prepare for the ancient, fine, and glorious traditional rituals that the heirs of the Julian family should perform.

Adele couldn't help but giggled after seeing the moment.

Vera blinked, and then she hung herself on Lorraine's body, twisting and twisting like noodles.

Catherine had a pretty face with frost, almost bursting out of fire from her eyes, pinching her fingers and creaking.

The little girl Melina yelled shyly, then raised her hands and covered her big blue eyes.

However, Lorraine looked up and saw that the little girl's fingers could almost pass through the aircraft carrier Yorktown, and those big blue eyes looked at Leo, almost unblinking, full of curiosity. Look.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lorraine was looking at herself, her face blushed, and she stuck her tongue out at him, then turned around shyly, trying to run away, but she was a little bit unacceptable. So he picked off a flower next to him and pretended to count the petals seriously.

Lorraine couldn't help sweating a bit, and the cheek of this little head was thick enough to be exposed. Actually, he didn't give up, using this little trick to deceive Lord Luo, who was staring.

But having said that, with such a face as a foundation, she will definitely be the fifth gentle and virtuous woman in the world in the future.

In order to be able to fulfill the fine traditions of Julianism with due diligence, Leo made a good mark and drank too much water. In addition, the process of the welcome party was also a bit longer. He was frowning for a long time, so after a long time, he ran back to Lorraine proudly while tying his pants.

While shaking his hands, he said loudly, "You owe it to the gate of the city, and wait for the chance."

Then, taking advantage of Lorraine's carelessness, he reached for his back and wiped his hands secretly.

Catherine could not hold back for a long time, and immediately snorted, and then stretched out her slender hand. Two white tender and spring onion-like fingers have accurately grasped the tender flesh on Leo's white, tender and fat face that can be broken. .

Leo screamed in pain.

Catherine heard his screams, but was merciless, and pulled him over, then turned his body over and pressed it on her knees, and then raised her delicate hand, Ou slapped his **** a few times, and cursed angrily: "It's too good to learn, and none of these bad things will fall. Can't you learn something good?"

Leo yelled in pain there, struggling desperately, but he was also extremely tough and did not ask for mercy.

Lorraine saw that he wanted to come forward and persuade him a few words, but before he could say goodbye, Catherine already raised her head and shouted at him angrily: "Don't worry about this matter. If he doesn't educate him, it will be true. Lawless"

Lorraine thought for a while, but found that Leo hadn't been beaten in the past few days, as if it was indeed itchy. It was a trend to go to the house to reveal the tiles, so I sighed and pretended not to hear.

At this moment, Vera jumped to his side and couldn't wait to yell, "Master, this place is much bigger than the house."

Lorraine knocked Vera on the head with a violent shudder, and said, "It's still up to you."

Lorraine looked up at this heavily guarded castle, and exclaimed; "This place is bigger than mine."

Adele came to him with a slender waist and put her arms around one of his arms. He also looked up at that. The castle curled its red lips and said, "It's just like a castle, it's not comfortable at all. It seems that we have to work hard to decorate it."

Lorraine smiled bitterly and said; "Dai Er, this was originally a castle."

Catherine looked up and took a look. Then he also said: "Dai'er is not wrong, the environment inside is really not very good, forget it, this is not your man's business, leave it to me and Dai'er, we will decorate this place within a week. Banquet, hurry up."

After speaking, he hit Leo in the **** again.

Lorraine shrugged and said, "You two. I really answered that sentence, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Now in this land, I am the boss, and I can do whatever I want."

"On this land, we are the old golden young man sitting on the comfortable sand, holding an expensive wine glass in his hand, watching the blood-like red liquid in the glass, one

A young woman dressed in Hua Zai snorted coldly.

She casually played with the fan in her hand and said without raising her head: "Forget it, Laurie. You don't even have an official position. You don't have to listen to what people say. I heard that Now, the new governor who is younger than you is still a handsome guy, sisters, how about you say we seduce him."

Another woman nearby picked up the handkerchief and threw it at her. Said: "Pooh Xiaolang hoofs are not dead. That is the face of the princess."

"Because of this, it's interesting to seduce him"

Several Dongqing men and women in her county laughed.

The young man called Laurie snorted. Said: "It's just a little white face. I heard that a run-down nobleman in the poor ravine is lucky and has no skills at all.

Nian’s food is in our hands, and the caravan is in our hands. Nian’s prosperity depends on our families. These people have never brought any benefits to Nian. We have to listen to them. Don’t you think this is unreasonable? "

The young woman who said just now that she was going to seduce Lorraine smiled and said, "That makes sense, but, Laurie, are you sure this is not the new governor who is jealous of ours?"

The young man called Laurian raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, put down the glass, and said with a sneer: "Jealous? I can't talk about it, but I just can't understand his tyrannical face. You also did the morning ceremony. Went to see it, that look like a villain.

Another young woman who didn't want to listen to his nonsense, interrupted him and said, "Well, I just ask you, will you participate in the evening dance?"

"Go, of course. Of course, such a pink and lovely governor is going to take a bite, another woman said.

Laurian lay down on the sand grinningly. Said: "I heard that the little governor is surrounded by big beauties. I must go to see and see. I don't believe that there are women more beautiful than our Bonnie in this world.

"Bah, go to death." A woman next to Laurian took a sip and threw the fan she was holding on Laurian.

Lorraine walked into this centuries-old castle. The entrance is the lobby. A few feet above the ground, there are several windows open, and sunlight comes in directly from the windows.

Even though it is hot summer, the sun is scorching hot. But after walking into the hall, I immediately felt the slightest chill.

There are icy slabs on the floor of the hall. The walls on both sides were not even painted, only a few tapestries hung.

Catherine and Adele seemed to have appeared in the New World. They used this castle as their own toy. They couldn’t wait to drag Lorraine around in the castle. Carter was holding the notebook in his hand, and showed Catherine and Adele. Write down your instructions.

Adele pointed to the hall and said to Lorraine: "Look, this is just a primitive room."

"That's right, I really don't know how the former governors lived." Catherine complained a few words, and then told Carter: "By the way, the walls must be painted on one side, and then the wall panels should be installed."

Adele stomped her sassy boots. He also said dissatisfiedly: "Also, the floor is replaced with solid wood. This cold stone is uncomfortable to look at."

Catherine nodded, and then said: "The furniture is also replaced. This style is really ugly!"

"Stop, stop" Lorraine stopped the two girls from continuing to wave, and said: "Listen to you, whatever you toss, don't have to pull me."

"No way." Catherine and Adele said at the same time, and then they hugged Lorraine's arm one to the other, and said: "We have to let you know where the money is spent. When billing, it hurts like pulling a tooth."

"Huh?" Lorraine said: "Aren't these public accounts?"

Leo sighed next to him, then rubbed his ass, and said sympathetically: "Boss, it was stipulated hundreds of years ago. The decoration and maintenance of the Governor's Mansion will be paid for by the Governor himself."

Lorraine was shocked, and screamed "Ah", and said, "How much money do you get to throw in a castle every year?"

Leo shook his head and said to Lorraine: "The governor who is too poor to live in the governor's mansion is not one in history. Two. But it's okay, boss, I've seen it. There is only a house here that needs your money. For the city defense facilities, the expenditure is military expenses."

Lorraine sighed sincerely: "Which governor gave the order? Wise!"

Leo touched his head and said in confusion: "But how do I feel, it seems that my money has been stolen. That's not right, I live here too!"

Seeing Leo's rare hero spirit, Catherine and Adele glanced at each other immediately. Then at the same time, he couldn't help himself, chuckled with his arms around Lorraine, and then dragged him to the second floor.

There is a staircase on each side of the hall leading to the upper floor. On the second floor is the Governor’s study and a large office, as well as several suites for people to live in.

Lorraine and the others pushed open the study room. It’s a simple plan. The floor is covered with a monochrome stall with a large desk in the middle. There are rows of bookshelves beside the wall. There is actually an empty weapon rack. The study is in the style of a warrior. It seems that the Marquess of Marleyton arranged it himself.




"Fireplace, hanging""

Carter buried his head and kept writing wildly in the notebook.

"Desk, eh?" Adele walked to the desk, fumbled and tapped on the desk, and opened the drawer to take a look.

Catherine also released Lorraine and walked around the desk.

"Really?" Adele said in surprise.

Catherine nodded: "The style of Emperor Ruyide has been three hundred years."

Lorraine pulled Leo and asked, "Is it valuable?"

Leo curled his lips and said, "Boss, you're very vulgar! That was the golden age of art, when the toothpicks were all carved."

Lorraine curled his lips, and was despised by Leo, a little miser.

Adele smiled and said, "Okay, give Lorraine a new one, this one will move to my room."

Lorraine and Lei looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

"However, it is also good. The desk is in Adele's room. The story of the boss and the female secretary is very loving." Lorraine began to think about it. Adele and Catherine looked at Lorraine's pig brother portrait and stepped on them. Lorraine kicked.

The third floor is all two or three living rooms. The middle room is the largest. Lorraine turned around in the bedroom and said to Catherine and Adele: "I don't care how you two are tossing this castle. I just pay for it and leave, but the bed in this bedroom must be According to what I want, replace it with a big, big, big one."

Lorraine couldn't say anything excited.

Catherine and Adele sipped Lorraine at the same time. Said: "Okay, let you go back."

Leo said disdainfully: "Cut, such a big person, and afraid of rolling off the bed."

The rooms of Catherine and Adele are on both sides of Lorraine. Although under Lorraine’s repeated requests, requests, and pleadings, the two of them still did not agree to open the walls of the three bedrooms. Lorraine still inevitably came running from both ends. Life running away.

The President said that as a residence, it is quite spacious and comfortable. After all, it is the Governor's own lair. Even if the Governor himself does not care, the officials below dare not let the Governor live badly.

If that day, the king's heart in this place moved. Going to a subordinate’s home for a meal or something, and seeing that his subordinates live better than himself, isn’t this official really bad luck? The living standard of his superiors is higher, so everyone can take it for granted, right?

It's just that the Marquis of Marleyton's military style is too strong, and this is what it looks like here.

Excitedly after going around in the new territory. The Lorraine family gathered in a lounge on the second floor. Catherine and Adele got together and set out to make a decoration plan. Leo and Melina got together and whispered.

Lorraine bought Vera to beat her shoulders for a gold coin, enjoying herself comfortably.

Catherine suddenly thought of something, and raised her head to Lorraine and said: "I was so excited just after playing, I almost forgot. Here are two letters left to you by the Marquis of Marleyton." As he said, he pulled out two from the side. Give the envelope to Lorraine.

Lorraine took it and opened it, carefully looking aside.

Catherine asked, "What did the Marquess of Marleyton say?"

Lorraine handed the letter to Catherine and Adele, and asked, "Nicole, how is this person like Marquis Marleyton?"

Catherine froze for a moment, tapped her chin for a moment, and said, "I remember my dad said that the Marquis of Marleyton is a good general and a qualified marshal, but he is just a good general. Probably it means Marley. The Marquis of Dayton can only fight wars. The Marleyton family? They have been generals for several generations, and they are very powerful."

Lorraine gave a sigh, nodded, and said, "One is to say something that Nian should pay attention to. Be careful of those wealthy people. It is important to guard against half-orcs every winter, as well as those unfinished projects. The governor needs personal supervision. That's probably it. There is also a letter asking me to sell his face and take care of General Lali, saying that he will remember me as a favor. The Marquis of Marleyton. It is quite interesting."

Adele unfolded the letter a few times and said, "In such a big tone, the letter says that General Larry has been in the army for 30 years and has been with the Marleyton family. It seems that the Marquis of Marleyton has treated this General Larry. Yes, do you have any impression of this General Larry?"

"Nyan's army looks like an old soldier, he is probably very straight." Lorraine said.

Catherine said: "Look at his performance. If you do, you can keep it, if you don't, let him go home. The Marquis of Marleyton has the face, and it doesn't matter if you don't sell him. But what's the matter with the rich family that made you be careful? those people?"

Lorraine shrugged and said: "It didn't say in the letter. However, the local conflict is probably the old school of the county magistrate and the current manager. Forget it, no matter what, they will jump out by themselves anyway, and kill two by then. Show the chicken to the monkeys and they will be honest.

You should also prepare and change your clothes. There will be a banquet in the afternoon. "

In the center of Nydal City, a four-story gorgeous building, here is the best hotel in Nydal City.

At this moment, the lights are festooned here, and the dusk has just fallen. The lights are already transparent here, and the light coming out here can be seen from a distance.

Neidel's garrison had guarded the street near the hotel, and horse-drawn carriages gathered here from all parts of the city, and soon the street in front of the hotel was full of vehicles. , If you want to know what happened, please log in. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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