Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 331: Little tiger body 1 shock

Bei Lin is the governor. In order to show the demeanor of the leader who is close to the people and the brown, and talked and laughed so happily, and smiled so that his face was a little numb, only those officials were sent to the throne of God Seal.

He turned his head to see Catherine and Adele who were laughing and talking with a group of aunts and aunts, and sighed in his heart: It seems that in the beginning of this world, they might really be a matriarchal society. They were born political animals.

Lorraine waved his hand at the moment, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said to the officials around him: "Ladies and gentlemen. Nian's prosperity in the future depends on everyone's efforts."

The nimble flattery hurriedly yelled in agreement at this time: "We believe that under the wise leadership of the Governor, Nyan will have a more glorious tomorrow!"

Lorraine nodded approvingly to this flattering guy, smiled and said, "Okay, everyone have fun

The crowd suddenly agreed, and then they dispersed. Each went to find the target.

At this time, listen to the music on the dance floor to change the tone, become light and soft. Immediately afterwards, men and women in twos and threes appeared in the center of the dance floor.

Lorraine was holding a wine glass and wandered in the hall alone.

The people I met all raised their glasses to Lorraine, and Lorraine just nodded.

He turned around, only to see Vera circling around the snack table.

And another group of young people were watching Vera's side.

Those guys with oily noodles are all chasing Vera to talk, and Vera, who has a gluten, spends all his thoughts on snacks. Although he is very reluctant to those flies, but out of the courtesy of ladies, there is a Return to them without a hitch.

Lorraine laughed immediately and called Vera.

"Hey, Master." Vera happily replied while holding the plate, very happy to get rid of the entanglement of those people. Then he jumped to Lorraine's side in twos or twos.

She looked back at the well-dressed young people, and then whispered: "Those people are really annoying, they always ask questions."

Lorraine looked up and saw that the young people were dressed in luxurious clothes, but it was probably because they had been spoiled since they were young, and they had the style of a country nobleman who didn't know the heights of the sky.

He couldn't help but smiled faintly, then patted Vera, and said: "Go to Catherine's to eat. I believe no one will disturb you there."

"Hehe, yes, Master." Vera ran to the Throne of God Seal with the plate.

When these young people saw Lorraine coming, they hurriedly came forward to salute. The men and women in front bent over and said, "Hello, Lord Governor.

Lorraine waved his hand and said, "Everyone is the same age, so don't be polite."

A girl covered her mouth and said with a chuckle: "Your Excellency is so easy!"

Lorraine smiled and said, "A few months ago I was the same person as everyone."

Several people around Lorraine smiled politely.

"Master Lorraine, why did I hear Miss Vera say that she is your maid?" the young girl asked.

Lorraine secretly said in his heart: This silly girl. How the truth is said.

He coughed lightly and said, "That's it."

"Ah!" The girls around exclaimed: "How come?"

"Miss Vera is so beautiful."

The men around each made a gesture of stroking their wrists and sighing.

Lorraine shrugged and said in his heart: What's wrong with this? You look like one by one.

At this moment, the one beside Lorraine raised his voice and said three "Oh, it was just a maid."

Lorraine was taken aback, then turned around to pose the young golden man strangely.

This person's voice attracted the attention of people around.

Angus is playing with a few. The officials gathered together to talk, but as the administrative assistant to the civil servants, his eyes never left Lorraine. He saw the young golden man saying something strangely beside Lorraine. Angus frowned and said, "Why are these guys again."

An official around him was also surprised when he saw it, and said, "No, it's this bunch of troublemakers.

With that said, I wanted to go to the God Seal Throne.

Angus reached out and pulled the official.

He stared at the young man next to Lorraine for a long time, then the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a sneer, and said: "I want to die by myself, let them go."

The officials around Angus were stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other, just like watching a wolf about to step into a trap with cold eyes, and they all fell silent unconsciously.

"Will this affect the Governor's mood?" Someone said with worry.

Angus sneered and said, "What are you afraid of? The days are still there, and you are afraid that you will not be able to beat the Governor?"

At this time, the young people around Lorraine also fell silent, looking at Lorraine and this nervously. The young man named Laurie.

Someone even thought of it immediately. Did Laurien get the guidance of an adult in his family? He was testing the bottom line of the unaccompanied Governor Xinzha who didn’t know Nian at all.

But they also took a step back and watched carefully. See what method the governor would use to deal with this matter, after all, the family power behind Laurien should not be underestimated.

But Lorraine looked at the reactions of the people, but it was also a bit strange, and said in his heart: What happened to the maid? Is there not a few maids in any house? This group of Naian people are too strange, right?

Laurien pretended not to see Lorraine's strange expression, and said to himself: "Such a beautiful person, such innocent and charming appearance, is so exciting, she is actually a girl" Chuanchuan Luo Zhiluo didn't say anything, but he frowned.

Laurie sighed to himself: "It's too violent."

Lorraine glanced at the people around him. Several girls frowned or showed expressions of disgust, while most of the other men showed a look that "all men know".

Lorraine knew that this nasty guy was saying nothing good, and at the same time Lorraine was surprised: his attitude was already very clear. This guy is not so long-eyed.

General Philip had already seen the situation around Lorraine and signaled several soldiers of the Janissary Army to approach the surveillance.

Laurian smiled at Lorraine, squeezed in front of Lorraine, and said, "Your Excellency, how about a discussion?"

Lorraine frowned and took a step back indifferently. "Sir, please speak."

"Your Excellency" is a term for equal status between aristocrats and officials. Laurian is already rude to call so, a girl behind him called out: "Laurien."

But immediately there was no sound.

Laurie said: "I'll give out three thousand gold coins, how about you sell me Vera."

After speaking, Laurian tilted his head and looked at Lorraine slyly.

Lorraine sternly said coldly: "Your Excellency. I think you have misunderstood, Vera is my family."

Laurian smiled and said, "Don't do this, everyone can continue to discuss it, I double it, how about six thousand gold coins?.

Lorraine had a dark face, but then suddenly laughed, and said in his heart: Whose child is this. It's really rare to be lacking in mind to this point.

He smiled and shook his head, treating this guy in front of him as an idiot, and said in his heart: What do I care about with a brain-dead? But check back later. Which **** gave the hapless boy the invitation?

Then he turned around and wanted to leave.

Laurian saw Lorraine suddenly smiled and shook his head, followed by haha's laugh.

He stepped forward, grabbed Lorraine’s arm and said: "I have always heard that the Governor has economic savvy. I will give another step, nine thousand gold coins. Plus a pair of fairy sisters, twins, it’s still fresh. But my reserve price is up."

Lorraine suddenly became interested when he listened to him. Looking up and down the golden young man, he said, "Elf? Twins?"

Laurian saw Lorraine asking like this, thinking he thought it was. She raised her head with pride, haha ​​said, "I bought it for a big price. Female slaves like this are rare.

Lorraine suddenly realized, and glanced at him contemptuously: I said that, these guys treat Vera as slave girls.

At the same time, I became disgusted with this group of young people.

Lorraine looked at Laurie's contemptuous eyes, his face was stern, and he raised his voice and said, "Asshole thing, you are insulting my family.

Laurie froze for a moment, and his face flushed instantly. Looking at Lorraine with his eyes wide open, he smashed the wine glass in his hand with a click.

At this time, a crisp voice with a little childish voice beside Lorraine exclaimed; "Who? That desperate dare! Is it just him?"

It was the little grandpa Leo who turned boringly in the hall.

At this time, the young master Leo stood beside Lorraine. The sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, and the buttons on the shirt were all unbuttoned, revealing the two octopus on the chest, and the big toad mirror was driving on the bridge of the nose. He is akimbo and pointing at Laurian.

Looking at each other angrily.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard had quietly surrounded this group of people. The people around had noticed the noise that appeared here, and looked at Lorraine and Leo in surprise.

Lorraine snorted at Laurian, then shrugged.

Leo immediately exploded Xiaohu's body and shocked. She yelled: "Calcium Oxide is your family's."

With that, he picked up a silver plate full of large cakes from the ground and slammed it at Laurian.

Before he was prepared, Laurie hurriedly did a sideways dodge job. Unexpectedly, he staggered and fell to the ground without knowing what he was tripping on.

This is the invincible sweeping leg of Young Master Leo.

This set of combo skills was originally the invincible lime that Lorrain gave Leo, and Leo temporarily filled the cream cake. Once this trick is used, it will ensure that the gods will block and kill the gods, and the Buddhism will kill the Buddha, which is extremely powerful.

Without waiting for Laurie to struggle, Leo jumped to Laurie's side, raised his foot to stamp on Laurie's body, beat and cursed: "I don't have eyes, even this uncle dare to scold, believe it or not, you

Leo followed Lorraine to learn black bricks, limes, sap and other styles of play. It can be said that the blue is better than the blue. Back then, he played Almohad in Maple Leaf Danlin. A twelve combo was called a smooth. .

Leo relied on these unique tricks to dominate the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy.

At this time, these few tricks were used, and the guy was beaten to the point that he could only hold his head and scream, and his painful body writhed randomly on the ground.

Laurien kicked his legs to fight back, and the guards next to him were already ready and swarmed. He stretched his feet on Laurian's limbs and fixed him firmly to the ground.

Leo shouted: "Okay, that's it. Go back and give you bonus

With that, he picked up the silver plate next to him and patted Laurian straight.

The silver plate hit Laurian's face with a thumping sound. At this time, Laurian was so dizzy that he could only fight loudly with "Ah, ah"

The young people around Lorraine were stunned watching the life, and the hall became quiet, everyone was exploring

Lorraine turned the glass in his hand and looked at Leo Biao with an indifferent attitude.

The little grandpa smashed hard for a while and threw the plate away. With his sour wrists, a finger of Laurie, who had already smashed his face to blue and purple, and still had a piece of white cream, said loudly, "Call me again until he doesn't even recognize him. I'm calcium oxide. Your whole family really eats the guts of bears and leopards"

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard saw Leo's fight so happily, their hands were already itchy. At this time, he got his order and shouted excitedly, and several big feet in military boots kicked on Laurian.

In such a grand, solemn, and high-level government party, in front of these high officials. A celebrity, a famous aid face, randomly beat a big person, this is a treatment that you don't have when you mess with the emperor.

Do it this time, it's worth all my life. If you say this, you will not be shocked to be jealous of the colleagues who stayed in Ruman City in the future. All of these hands-on guards trembled with excitement, and they started working hard.

These professional assassins are really kung fu. Leo's soft strength was incomparable to them. Especially the military boots with clad steel and studs. That's a big killer. After a few feet, blood splashed out immediately.

At this time, Laurian didn't even have the strength to scream loudly, and could only hum softly on the ground.

The girls next to Lorraine saw the tragic situation. Only then did I know that I was screaming, some of them had to cover their eyes, and some of them hurriedly supported the man beside them.

Now the young man wanted to walk to Lorraine to the Throne of God Seal. Opening his mouth to speak, the guard soldier stepped in front of him, pressing the sword with one hand, and pressing the other hand on his shoulder, pushing him so hard that he could not move.

Seeing the murderous eyes of the Guardsmen, the young man's throat swayed up and down. After swallowing two saliva, unable to say a word, he hurried back a few steps.

The people in the hall whispered at this moment, and there was an ominous buzzing sound.

Angus looked at Laurien, who was not in human form on the floor, gritted his teeth and sneered, then drank the wine in the glass in a happily sip, whispered to the attendant next to him, and said: "Happy. Continued Cup."

The officials around Laurian couldn't bear it either, and smirked in a low voice.

Catherine and Adele saw that there was chaos in Lorraine and Leo, stood up and walked towards this side.

They saw Lorraine squinting his eyes, turning the glass and sneer, Leo was waving a plate and beating someone. After all, they were a married couple. Catherine and Adele slowed down deliberately and moved out of the crowd a little bit.

General Philip led the Guards soldiers to surround Catherine and Adele in groups. Followed by Catherine and the others.

Seeing that the fight was almost done, Catherine stepped forward to complete the game.

She waved her hand, the Guards stepped forward and pushed away the crowd roughly. Catherine walked up to Leo, grabbed Leo’s collar, dragged it to her front, twisted Leo’s ears, and yelled. : "How many times have I told you, no swearing

After hearing the words of His Royal Highness Princess Long, all the people in the room broke down in cold sweat. This group of guys now understand why the Ruman royal family can dominate for millennia and immortality. The advanced nature of their royal education is this group of local elders. What the pros can only look up: beat people into pigs, it’s not a matter of all, but when beating people, you can’t say swear words, the previous emperor’s phrase “I’m sorry, I’m going to kill you.” It seems that it’s not at all. rumor.

If the dignity of the royal family was only a concept before, now this group of Naian people have a deep understanding of the meaning of the word "Ruman Empire."

Most of the Nian people present were stunned and at a loss. Some were smiling triumphantly, while others looked at Lorraine and his family angrily.

At this time, Leo also protested loudly: "I didn't say any swear words. Since you issued the ban. I always use false characters when I curse."

Lorraine saw that Vera was still stupidly carrying the plate with the cake. All of his attention was on the plate. There was still a little cake crumbs stuck to the corner of his mouth. He didn't even look at the guy lying on the ground. Lorraine laughed. When I got up, my heart said: This is our family.

Then Lorraine raised his head and scanned a group of young people around him. These people are now looking at Lorraine in horror. When they met Lorraine's eyes, they shivered with fear, bold. Also hurriedly lowered his head.

Adele gave Lorraine a wink. At the door of Fat Fat, Lorraine knew that they wanted to go back. Beckoned to a silly waiter outside, the waiter let out an "Ah", shaking with surprise, hurriedly trot to Lorraine, bending over and lowering his head.

Lorraine put the wine glass on the waiter's plate. Nodded to the waiter and said, "Trouble."

Then he turned to General Philip and said, "Go back, I'm out of interest. Boring

Philip saluted and said loudly: "Yes. Your lord." Then he shouted: "Guardian, gather.

Angus knew it was time to play by himself. I also hurried to Lorraine, nodded and bowed his head and said, "I'm really sorry, Lord Governor. Let a group of idiots disturb your mind, please believe. We Nian people have infinite respect for Your Royal Highness Princess and Governor General. ."

Lorraine smiled lightly, patted Angus on the shoulder, and said, "My administrative assistant, if you respect me infinitely, where were you just now?"

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