Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 343: diving

After the transport ship of Yingou Diye Company stopped at the dock, the tightly packed Tile was carried by the dock workers from the ship and piled directly on the dock.

After the people in the exchange were not busy to watch, they walked out of it and surrounded the mountain of salt bags on the dock.

There are not only dockers in front of this. The Neders who heard the news nearby also rushed into the dock and circled the salt packet.

They are one by one. With green light in his eyes, he looked at the salt slanderously.

Although there is scorching sun on the head, it is very noon, and it is uncomfortable even at the seaside, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of the people on the dock.

After eating a meal lacking salt and seasoning for more than two months, the Neidel used the old saying that a bird can fade out of his mouth.

At this time, I suddenly heard that a large amount of salt was shipped to the dock, and the group of black salt merchants who were hoarding and wanting a big country to make money could no longer withstand it.

The most important thing is. The price of salt, which is three parts more expensive than meat, is about to fall!

Hearing this great news, let alone the impatient, even the most depressed ruffian can't wait to see it on the spot.

Even if you can't buy the salt now, it's good to come over and smell it.

Catherine leaned on the window lazily with her plump hips. Look at the noisy harbor below. A little uneasy, he said, "Is it okay to let Leo go like this? Will he mess up? You also know his virtue. The more people there are, the more vigorous he will be when he starts messing around."

Lorraine looked at the exchange behind the pier through the window, shrugged, and smiled bitterly: "Is there any way? Can I not let him go? You didn't see it. He just got ridden and almost rolled on the ground. Don't talk about me, why didn't you stop him just now?"

Catherine was very annoyed at the moment, coldly "hum. Then she pinched Lorraine's waist hard, and whispered angrily: "You are used to him. See what his skin looks like now! "

Adele took a sip of cold red wine gracefully. He whispered softly: "I think it's nice that a boy is a little lively and cute. From now on, my child will have Leo's lively energy"

With that, Xiu's eyes blinked, and a charming pretty eye flew over.

Catherine was choked.

She was angry, but after thinking about it, she finally just snorted, letting Lorrain go in her hand, and rubbed it gently at the place she had just pinched.

Lorraine smiled bitterly, and said inwardly: This is really Catherine's version of a stick, and then give a sweet date.

Adele looked at it and couldn't help smiling like a little fox who stole a chicken. She drank all the wine in her glass in one gulp, naughty pushing the ice cubes in her mouth.

Saw Leo coming out of the exchange. Lorraine said: "Okay, that little ruffian has finished his ass, now it's time for us to clean up the black hands. We have only recite the sutra for two days, and they will treat them as vegetarians. This time I will chase them all away. Go begging on the street.

This group of local people still don't understand that if they play outside the system, I can at most make them bankrupt and play inside the system. It is easiest for them to rob their houses and destroy their doors. "

Adele still disagreed, and poured herself a full glass of red wine, and took a sip. Said: "Nian'an is a small place, isn't it like this?

They can only close the door to entertain themselves. It’s not that I laughed at them. These indigenous people who don’t even understand fashion have probably never watched even the most crude court dramas, otherwise they wouldn’t even know a simple conspiracy, which is really disappointing.

Originally, this young lady was still looking forward to being able to fight aggressively with the group of foxes, but unexpectedly, they were all aunts and aunts. "

She said, raising the wine glass in her hand. Then she narrowed her eyes, looked at the magnificent colors reflected by the sunlight through the wine glass, and sighed faintly. Said: "Oh" life without rivals is really lonely as snow! "

Catherine rolled her eyes angrily.

She settled down and decided to ignore the vixen, or she would be mad and sick sooner or later.

She turned her head and looked out the window, seeing the group of salt merchants, and her anger rose again. The willow frowned and said: "No matter what, these people dare to hijack the people's biomass and threaten the empire government, the Nian natives. They don't leave them a lifetime unforgettable teaching. It seems that they will not take the royal dignity Keep it in the eye."

At this time, several carriages galloped into the dock.

Those carriages rushed without hesitation, rushing past the pedestrians, causing a flurry of jumps.

The people on the road hurriedly hid to the side, and then yelled at the back of the carriage in the dust of the vehicle.

Seeing the crowds in the port, it was really impossible to squeeze in, so these cars stopped.

A few luxuriously dressed people hurriedly jumped off the carriage, nodded to each other, and squeezed into the crowd at the pier without saying a word.

They struggled to squeeze in, after the boss for a while. This was just enough to squeeze past the throne of God Seal from the crowd and move to the dock where the ship was docked.

They watched the tall salt packets piled up in front of them, and there were workers carrying the salt packets down the ship. All of them stared at each other with big eyes, and said in a panic: "How can this be? Where do these come from?"

For a gray-headed middle-aged man, looking at the salt mountain in front of him, he couldn't help but panting wildly. Like a broken phonograph, I kept repeating: "What should I do? What should I do?"

While talking to himself, he scanned the people around him. All he saw were people who were happily discussing how salt prices would fall to the salt mountain.

Only the enemy merchants in the Wuzhan Institute who had been specializing in Sang just now looked at the fox as if their souls had been sucked away. Standing stupidly in front of the salt bag, his face was blank.

The middle-aged man ran to the Shenyin Throne in a few steps, grabbed the collar of the salt merchant who was Wei, and forcefully pulled him to his eyes.

He glared at the salt merchant's eyes and shook his collar. He said sharply: "What's the matter? Tell me how is this?"

The salt merchant was shaken twice by him before he came back to his senses. He fixedly looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and said bitterly: "Master Hermione, it's all over. It's all over"

Hermione immediately felt cold in her hands and feet, and her heart sank to the bottom, but she was still unwilling, and continued to shake the salt merchant's collar, and asked angrily. "Where did the salt come from?

The salt merchant said bitterly: "Nashi Salt Company. The salt farm built by the Lorraine kid is all from Naian Salt Company."

Hermione continued to hold the salt merchant's collar with one hand. Pointing to the pile of salt packets, he said loudly: "How is this possible? Didn't you say that he would never produce more than us?"

The salt merchant said with a bitter face, "We were deceived, Master Hermione, we were all deceived. How could there be only 1,000 people in the five thousand acres of salt merchants, and that salt farm has at least 10,000 people?

"It's impossible. Where can he recruit so many people?" Hermione couldn't help but pushed the salt merchant away, turning his head to look at the salt bag that was still increasing. Suddenly, he slapped his legs and said: "By the way, that kid must be putting a smoke screen. He piled up so much salt to scare us.

After speaking, Hermione laughed haha ​​and said, "It must be like this."

Several people who came with him also clapped their palms and shouted: "Yes, it can't be wrong.

"He actually came to Yin with us."

"He is looking for thousands of people from neighboring provinces, we will not be without news."

These people desperately cheered themselves up like drowning people caught the straw.

The old salt merchant looked at the few big figures hiding behind the scenes manipulating salt prices, and was still trying to find reasons to comfort him. He suddenly felt funny, shaking his head, and secretly saying in his heart: this is the virtue. Ordinarily consider yourself a big shot? What's more ridiculous is that I thought so before.

He watched an episode of the salt merchant and said coldly: "Impossible? Although they have been small-scale shipments for the past half month, the goods we eat alone are more than one million pounds.

Our combined output is not much. This can't be faked. People prepared the trap early in the morning. We all fell into their trap. In the afternoon, the salt was all worthless. "

The few people were speechless. They were taken aback for a moment and shouted: "What should we do? What shall we do?"

The onlookers have already seen that these people are behind the high salt prices. Seeing them panicked like a bereaved dog, they all feel happy. Surrounding them, some laughed loudly, some loudly Called scolding.

Hermione grabbed the salt merchant’s shoulder again, and asked with a grim expression: "I threw all 80,000 gold coins in it, how are you responsible?

The salt dealer seemed to have heard a funny joke. He laughed and said, "How am I responsible? I put all the property on the property and lost everything. Who will be responsible for me? If not for your greed and arrogance , How come to this step today. Haha, you have offended the Governor. Losing money is the beginning. I will watch how you die below."

The salt merchant said, pushing Hermien away in front of him. Turned and walked towards the pier and jumped

go with.

Hermione and the others watched the salt merchant jumping into the sea blankly, and then all looked at each other with horrified expressions. The last words the salt merchant said shocked them. He was right. This was Lorraine's counterattack. The first step is definitely not the last step. There must be other means waiting for them.

Seeing that the salt merchant dived, the onlookers were shocked, and immediately began to shout: "Someone has dived, and someone has dived."

Several people shouted: "Hurry up and save people."

The docker looked at each other and turned his head. Someone among them said: "I'm going to you, the boats going to the port, go down to find death. Besides, the salt merchant, why are you saving him!"

There are also people who do not say anything, jump into the sea to save people.

People in the harbor squeezed to the water's edge, poking their heads into the water.

A few minutes later, those who went down swam up from the water, shook their heads, and said, "There are boats everywhere, and I can't find them."

Hearing the sudden explosion from below, Lorraine put down the wine glass in his hand, walked to the window and looked down, and said, "What happened below?"

Catherine and Adele also went to the window and looked down.

From upstairs, you can only see a mess on the pier, and the crowd is facing the water, gathering on the edge of the pier.

Vera chewed the ice in her mouth crunchingly. He raised his head and swallowed hard, and said blankly: "Someone dived below. It's true. What's all the fuss about going for a swim in such a hot day."

Feeling Vera took this diving as Lorraine and the others in the villa pool.

Lorraine was stunned for a moment and said: "Diving." It was immediately understood that someone had committed suicide by diving.

Lorraine looked back at Vera, not knowing how to explain to Vera, think about it, let Vera leave only good memories.

After a while, Leo and Melina pushed in.

Leo yelled as soon as he entered the door, "Really, there is actually a salt merchant who dived below. You said that such a big person, why can't his heart bear so much?

Leo nodded and said: "Yeah, Jerry told me just now that there are some behind the scenes of salt frying. I'm afraid they are here to make trouble, so I just looked at them there. I didn't expect a few people to say it. Conversation, that salt merchant actually jumped off."

Lorraine curled his lips and said, "It's nothing. As expected, this kind of investment hype behavior. Once it crashes, you have to jump a lot of people that time."

Lorraine said in his heart that Wall Street is not without the souls of the failed speculators. Similarly, in Nyan's Beni River, there are also salt merchants. If you dare to fish for meat, you must be prepared to be beaten. In only 29 years, the US stock market crashed, and thousands of people committed suicide.

Adele showed a frightened expression, leaning on Lorraine like a frightened little rabbit, grabbing Lorraine's arm, and asked nervously, "Is the man saved?"

Melina thought for a while and said: "The lamp seems to be saved, right?"

Adele looked at Lorraine pitifully, and said, "I've seen diving before, and it's scary to think about it. What should I do?

Lorraine pulled Adele into his arms, held Adele and patted her on the back, and said: "Good, good. It's fine if you don't want to, think about the Governor's Mansion, it will be decorated soon."

Catherine rolled her eyes at the two naive people and asked Melina: "Meilin, did do anything shameful?.

Leo "Ah. After a cry, he protested: "If you don't look down on people so much, what makes me shameful? "

Catherine stared: "Shut up, I don't know you yet, a proud little tail is up to the sky."

Leo was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his head, his **** and white eyes slapped Meilinna vigorously, and the back teeth of a flattering smile were exposed.

Melina looked down at Leo and sighed, then raised her head and smiled and said to Catherine: "It's okay, Sister Nicole, Leo is doing what Lorraine brother said."

When Catherine choked, her face went dark. Slowly said: "What does that represent the moon?

Melina nodded with a sweet smile.

Leo looked at it, and he lifted it up all at once, smiled dryly, and said, "Um, I remember, the group still has work, I'm leaving now."

"Huh, you can run.

The sound of ghost crying and wolf howling came out now.

In the afternoon, the three of Lorraine had their own jobs. Lorraine had to return to the Governor's Mansion to work. Catherine and Adele had to check and accept the renovation project of the Governor's Mansion.

In the "Advance Command", there are only Leo lying on the sand and rubbing her buttocks, Melina who is coldly beside Leo, and Vera who is sitting in the president's seat and calculating with a pen.

Jerry knocked on the door and walked in. After saluting the giants of the Flying Eagle Group in the house, Melina was now the director of the president's office. According to Catherine’s explanation, this position is dedicated to the president

Leo is to maintain the authority of his president. Hastily endured the pain, composing a set of things as usual, sat up from the sand, and said, "Jerry, what's the matter?"

"Chief President, the salt merchants have already withdrawn from the exchange. I'm here to ask the president. What should I do with the salt on the dock?"

"All gone? Then I can't sell fifteen silver coins?" Leo was immediately surprised.

Jerry nodded immediately.

"What is the market price of salt now?" Leo asked.

"When the market opened in the morning, it was still fifty silver coins a pound. After lunch it had fallen to forty-two silver coins a pound, Jerry said.

Leoto pondered his chin for a while, and secretly said, "Nicole only said that I wanted me to lower the salt price, but didn’t say how long it would take. Anyway, I just lowered the salt price in the end. This part of the income is not bad. Fake accounts to evade taxes, um, it's worth it

Leo said: "Jerry."

"Yes, President."

Leo secretly glanced at Melina, who was dozing off next to him, and said, "In order to punish these unscrupulous businessmen, I will hit them hard from the heart. I decided that our salt is worth thirty-eight silver coins per pound. The market sells uniformly. Do you understand?"

As soon as Jerry heard it, it was clear that this president is pursuing the maximization of But they have a huge output as a basis, and they are not afraid to interact with those people, or even say, how to play is that group People are dead.

Jerry nodded and said, "Yes, President, I understand."

In fact, after the salt merchants left the exchange sadly at noon, the salt price in Nydel City began to fluctuate. Some salt merchants knew that the following storm was coming soon, but they had nothing to do. Holding the idea that it is a little bit to hug it back, I first lowered the salt price by a few silver coins to win the market. Other salt merchants have the same idea. As soon as someone dropped it, they also cut the price.

But these salt merchants did not dare to cut prices too much, just like Leo. They all have the idea of ​​making as much money as possible. If you sell it for fifty, I will sell it for forty-nine. If you drop it, I will drop another silver coin. Even so, the price of salt is within the time of a meal. It fell from fifty to forty-two.

The man behind the salt frying knows that this is impossible. If this continues, before Lorraine takes action, they themselves will compete disorderly. It is very likely that within a day, the salt merchants will fight inwardly. After they came back from the port. They gathered together and closed their doors for an emergency meeting. Although all of them were exhausted, after receiving news that their subordinates were competing in price reductions, they ordered their salt merchants to sell at a unified price. First settle down by yourself, and then unite to find a way to fight Lorraine.

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