Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 345: Howto fine

Under Lorraine’s wise leadership, Nyan’s civil servants took his orders to remove their fat butts from the leather sand they had just purchased, and then spent the whole day under the uncomfortable sun in the late summer. Running around in the business district.

In particular, Lord Lorraine emphasizes the importance of a remediation task every day. Now that the civil servants of Nai’an have received the slogan of the Governor of Lorraine, they have been playing "multi-angle, all-round, three-dimensional, and in-depth. To carry out this governance action." Go down.

Originally produced by Naian Salt Company of high quality. Low-priced table salt has had an almost fatal impact on the salt market in the entire Nai An province.

But Lorraine did not stop, in order to occupy the market as soon as possible. Strike the arrogance of those jumping clowns who wanted to jump out and compete with him. Let them know who is the boss of this place.

The rectification and rectification movement initiated by Lorraine has blown away the sorrows of the merchants in Nai An Province, especially the families that were named by Lorraine to be rich. All the shops on the market can no longer be opened.

Ren Sui also couldn't stand the day when inspectors would come every fifteen minutes and receive at least two tickets a day.

What's more, the shops that are crazy about fried salt and salt have not been able to open the door since the rectification. The rectification notices are posted on their doors one by one, and the dates for the rectification are added up. , It can be almost a hundred years.

From the beginning of the rectification, Nian’s officials looked at Governor Lorraine’s all sorts of unbelievable, but they were all reasonable and reasonable, and all the various statutes that could be found in the imperial law, they all came to their senses, "It turns out that our rights can still be used in this way. This is really awesome, too awesome, too

These ruffians realized that they had finally found the organization, and they cried bitterly for a while. Like a sublime god, worship Governor Lorraine.

Lorraine despised the officials who only hired gangsters to make trouble, throw **** at the door of the common people, and throw bricks. To put it bluntly, these methods are no different from those who can only move rough dogs. If the officials of the Qing Dynasty knew about it, they would despise them ten thousand

At the daily routine meeting, seeing the expressions of the officials in front of him that they had comprehended every day, as well as the appearance that they had learned something, Lorraine couldn't help sneering in his heart, and he proudly secretly said: The governor's two thousand years of governance. The experience hasn't been used yet. These furs are enough for you to study for thirty to fifty years. Is the magistrate who ransacked the house and the prefect who destroyed the door a joke?

The work of the deployment can be handled by a special person. Lorraine usually reads reports and signs documents in the governor's office every afternoon. Or participate in official ceremonies


The end of summer. Except for the most violent moment at noon, the weather is no longer so hot, and the decoration of the Governor's Mansion has been completed, after the acceptance of the two proprietresses. Nicole has announced that she will no longer meet at the beach house at night.

On this day, Lorraine had lunch and was drinking cold red wine in the office where countless huge ice cubes were placed. Of course, according to the official statement, Lord Lorraine took the initiative to give up the rest time, working overtime in the office, and working hard to serve the people of the Empire.

Of course, if you have been an official, everyone knows that it is a way of deceiving the people. The most important thing is that it costs the public money to blow air-conditioning in the office. And to go home, that is my own money.

Just as he was planning, would he go to the office next door, talk to the new beautiful female executive secretary, and care about her work. At this moment, he saw Leo rushing in.

He kicked the door of the office, gnawing an apple in his mouth and yelled, "Boss. Nicole and they are looking for you.

Lorraine was shocked immediately and dropped the wine glass in his hand. Wonderful: "What's wrong? Why are you looking for me now?

Leo rolled his eyes and said: "I asked Nicole, but she didn't say anything, only that it was a good thing to let you go to the Throne of God Seal. How do I know the troubles of you adults?"

Lorraine shrugged, and had to stand up and walk out of the office to the house behind.

When Lorraine went out, Leo pressed his **** and sat on Lorraine's chair with his feet folded. Sloping across the table. Then he picked up the report on the table and turned it over.

Lorraine walked all the way into the house, from the lobby to the restaurant. After going around from the study to the reception room, I didn't find one, and finally walked to the bedroom on the third floor.

Before opening the door, the door of Lorraine's bedroom hulled open. Catherine and Adele saw Lorraine stunned by the door.

"What are you going to do? Come in!"

The two girls hugged Lorraine's arms and dragged Lorraine into the bedroom.

From the touch on his arm, Lorraine felt something wrong, and looked around. It was only then that Catherine and Adele were wearing cool silk pajamas, one red and one white, and the sling pulled the lace covering the chest, exposing a piece of white, tender skin in the middle.

The pajamas only reached above the knees, and the toned legs of a young girl dangled in front of Lorraine's eyes.

Lorraine only felt a burst of swelling in his brain, and his eyes almost jumped out of his eye sockets. When the nose is hot, there is an urge to spray blood.

Catherine and Adele dragged Lorraine through the outer room and pushed the door directly into the bedroom.

Adele shook Lorraine's arm, pointed to the middle of the bedroom and smiled: "Look, for you

The middle of the bedroom is one. The huge bed, fully customized according to Lorraine’s requirements, is more than ten feet long and wide, with blue sheets and quilts on it, and thrown round or square pillows, tall. The curtain of the bed hung from the face of Tiankabu, and Catherine Zhuwubu, who is now tied to the bed frame, asked, "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"Yeah, yeah." Lorraine nodded vigorously. After struggling for so long, his great ideal is finally about to be realized. Almost all his eyes became heart-shaped, and he couldn't help but said: "Satisfied, satisfied. Ah."

As if suddenly remembering something, he sighed regretfully and said, "The bed is very good. But it seems that something is missing on it."

Catherine looked at the big bed and asked in confusion: "I bought everything, what's missing?"

Adele let out Lorraine and walked to the bed, sitting on the bed with her elegant legs, and said to Lorraine, "Is that right?"

Lorraine's heart rate suddenly soared by 50% and nodded vigorously. At the same time, I felt like there was saliva in the corners of my mouth that wanted to flow out.

Adele slowly lay on the bed, lying on her side facing Lorraine, supporting her head with one hand, and gently tapping with the other on her lap. She smiled sweetly at Lorraine and said, "Or"? .

Lorraine felt that his eyes were not enough, and could not help taking a deep breath.

Adele gave Catherine a wink. Catherine rolled her eyes, her arm holding Lorraine became tighter, and she leaned her head on Lorraine's shoulder, and replied to Adele with her mouth: No.

Adele's eyes were fat on the head of the bed, and she gave Catherine another wink.

Lorraine stared at them. Wonderful said: "Nicole, Dai Er, what's wrong with you?.

Catherine said: "No, no more." Then helplessly walked to the bed and lay side by side with Adele, and then gave Lorraine a dry smile.

Both Catherine and Adele are enchanting and enchanting. Being alone with Lorraine is incredibly charming. Two people cuddled together in translucent clothes. The effect of one plus one is equal to one thousand, and Lorraine felt his brain degenerate and quickly mutated in the direction of the werewolf.

Adele bit Catherine's ear and whispered in a low voice: "Have a good smile. If he wakes up, I will not be responsible.

Catherine shocked when she heard the words, wrinkled her nose, gave a low hmm, and looked up at Lorraine.

Adele stretched out her arm to Lorraine and said tiredly: "Death, come here."

Lorraine suddenly felt like crying. After so long, is it possible that my spring has finally arrived. It turns out that if you want to sleep together, you must first need a big quilt. This experience needs to be written down. If you want to travel, please refer to it first.

Lorraine flicked the slippers on his feet and opened his arms. Cheers: "Baby. I'm here."

Lorraine jumped onto the bed in two steps, crawled between Catherine and Adele, opened her arms to hug them, Catherine stretched out a hand on Lorraine's chest. Said: "Don't worry."

Lorraine glared and said, "This situation. How can I be in no hurry."

Catherine didn’t know how to conjure a piece of paper and a pen from there, stretched it out in front of Lorraine, and said, “Hey, don’t worry. Sign this first.

Lorraine grabbed Catherine's wrist and pressed it onto the bed. Without looking at the paper, he said, "When is this?"

Adele pulled the pajamas on her chest, fanned her clothes as if it were hot, and said coquettishly to Lorraine: "Did you sign first?"

Lorraine saw the jade-like fat on her chest. Right now, he nodded stupidly and said: "Okay, good."

Catherine chuckled and handed the things to Lorraine. Lorraine didn't even look at it, even if it was a contract for sale, he couldn't care about it. He took a pen and wrote his name on it.

Lorraine took the pen and threw it away. Just want to jump on it. Catherine and Adele giggled, avoided Lorraine, and slapped their palms at each other. The two jumped out of the bed, dressed up, Catherine's head was stunned. To Lorraine said: "Okay, the problem is solved, you can go ahead."

Adele made a grimace at Lorraine. Lorraine was completely stunned and exclaimed in dissatisfaction: "You two, what are you doing? Don't bully people like this."

Catherine akimbo, bent over, leaned forward and handed the piece of paper to Lorraine, saying, "Hey, this is your voluntary sign.

Lorraine lowered his head and saw that the blood faded quickly, and his calves instantly became cold. The paper said "Bills." Underneath it was "Total, eighty to sixty gold coins."

Lorraine couldn't help screaming, threw the bill, looked at the girl standing side by side in front of him, like the two victorious little foxes, and said helplessly: "You two little fairies, isn't this a scam?" "

Catherine pointed at Adele and said: "Don't look at me, it's all Dai's idea. He is afraid that you will have high blood pressure, so he thought of this way.

Dale thumped Catherine and said: The little one has no conscience, it's not that you are afraid Lorraine is interested. Now it's time to blame me. "

Lorraine snorted. I stood up and walked to the door.

Catherine and Adele looked at each other. Catch up and said: "Okay, okay, what's your anger with a big man? It's a big deal to make up for you at night."

"Is that so? It's not worth it.

Lorraine lowered his head without saying a word, and walked towards the door.

When Catherine and Adele thought about it, they also felt that they had played with fire, and hurriedly followed Lorraine to the Throne of God Seal.

Lorraine walked to the door and turned around twice while holding the key. Catherine and Adele said behind Lorraine: "Okay, okay, we apologize. Sorry, don't be angry."

Lorraine lowered his head and gave a low grin. Pulling the key out of the door, turning around and grinning at Catherine and Adele, "Do you think you can run today?" After saying that, he threw the key in his hand into the corner and raised both hands to grab it. He walked over to the Throne of God Seal with a smile to Catherine and Adele, and said:

Catherine and Adele looked at each other blankly. Catherine stomped and said, "It's all to you. What should I do?"

Adele froze for a while, then suddenly woke up. Her big watery eyes gave Lorraine a charming look, then she pulled Catherine and said, "Run."

Fortunately, for Lorraine, this is the bedroom, not fucking


Very refreshing

The air is so fresh, the world is so beautiful, and the birds are so cute." Of course. Except for the sore waist.

The governor of Lorraine, who has been greatly satisfied in his life, suddenly became inspired, and decided to pursue a victory on the problem of rectifying profiteers, and he kept on catching it. This group of people must be beaten to death, so that Nian's gang of Tu Lao who are not convinced by Wang Hua can take their knowledge and see what "people's mind is like iron, and official law is like furnace."

Lorraine learned from the rich administrative experience in his mind. There is no need to increase the cost to find one, and there are very effective methods.

Governor Lorraine ordered the establishment of a large number of offices in Nian's government agencies at all levels within a day.

The authority of the office is clear. The staff is comprehensive. For example, the Weekend Volunteer Labor Office organizes the Nian people to go to sweep the streets on the weekends, especially those young children of two or three. It is especially convenient to call up. Clean the government department today and clean the square tomorrow, saving money and trouble. .

There are other "stray dog ​​management office street greening offices."

The members of each office are all current civil servants of the Nyan government, so there is no need to set up another department in Lorraine, and then pay a high salary to keep the government low. And the work in the office is considered part of the job, so Lorraine doesn't even need a lot of bonuses.

Not only that, Lorraine will also decentralize power. Officials above the city lord level, as well as the heads of various departments in Nydel City, can set up their own offices according to their needs, such as "assisting" the management of stray dog ​​offices and public offices. Secondary institutions such as "offices" are blooming everywhere.

Every civil servant is a member of several offices, and every official is the director of several offices.

Even Lorraine himself is also the director of eight offices, guiding the work of dozens of offices at the same time.

In the past, Lorraine only instructed his officials to find ways to embarrass their business activities in places such as markets or tax checkpoints. They have not yet expanded the scope of the attacks to all of their industries and daily lives.

After the office banquet came into being, immediately began to perform this task.

Moreover, the members of an office did an extra job, but did not receive an extra salary. Of course these people have a way to convert their hard work into actual interests of the city.

Where the office was established, in order to show their mighty power, Lorraine and the others pointed their target to the Master Hermione. He was one of the main forces in this salt-specting operation and has always acted as the organizer.

The "Food Safety Investigation Committee to Protect the Health of the People of Nian'an" approached him first. The staff sent by the committee fought up and down in Hermione's property for a long time. He didn't find anything, and finally pointed to their pig farm and asked, "What do you usually feed the pigs?"

Except that it was the old housekeeper of the Hermione family who dealt with these officials, that was also a well-tested old fried dough stick, but he didn't know what these guys were trying to do, and he said in confusion:

"Does it matter?"

"It's a big deal." The committee members said loudly, "Your pig farm is not large enough. These pigs will eventually flow to the market. For the health of everyone's food, we must investigate these things.

"What else can I eat, rotten vegetable clappers, rotten vegetable leaves, and leftovers."

"Fine, you feed the pigs with junk food. This is an act that endangers the health of the people."

The next day, this group of Nian's government officials came to the same side again, grabbed the old butler again and asked, "What do you use to feed the pigs?"

"Today we are pigs fed with clean beans and oats

"Fine." Committee members said decisively.

"How to pay the penalty?"

"Today we are "opposing waste, advocating economy, and promoting low-carbon life. For office workers, you use pure grains to feed pigs. It goes against the spirit of the governor's instructions, and of course fines."

On the third day, it was still this group of people, and this group of people asked the same question: "What do you use to feed the pigs?"

This time the old housekeeper also has experience. I glanced at them, then thought for a long time, and slowly said: "I now give the pigs five lock plates every day, and they can do what they want to eat."

If ordinary people get here, then there is nothing wrong. But under the leadership of Lord Lorraine, these guys are even better.

Everyone laughed immediately, simply and honestly. "Punishment"

"Is there any reason to fine?" The old butler was furious.

"We are tax officials. The pigs go shopping. Have you paid the consumption tax? Have you paid the pig tax? How dare you to evade tax in a good place in a province, the circumstances are very bad, the impact is very serious, and the fines are severe.

The old housekeeper vomited blood for three liters.

Ren Sui can't stand this kind of toss, and no matter what the name is, the office, committee group, etc., they can always find a reason for fines or governance.

For a while, those who had offended Lorraine complained

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