Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 360: Uniform 1 position

Bei Lin closed his eyes. Finger knocking on the table really thought about it. Then call City Lord Stark, you have done a good job, but if there is such a thing in the future, you still have to notify me as soon as possible. "

The City Lord Nostalco heard the warning in his words and immediately bowed his head and said: "Yes, Lord Governor

Lorraine continued: "General Larry. Regardless of whether those people want to take refuge in us or not, our defense can't relax. The remaining two brigades are also transferred to the border, and three thousand people are drawn from the northern and central cities. Reinforcement of the city defense army southward

General Larry stood up and saluted and said respectfully, "Yes, Lord Governor. That's why I came to you, Lord, please allow me to go to Colony City to command the army in the south.

Lorraine looked at his excited face and couldn't help but smile. Knowing that this general was worried that his position would be unstable and that he would be replaced by others, he was eager to make merit.

But after thinking about it, he is also a long battle. It is not a bad thing to have such an experienced general in charge.

Therefore, he nodded and said: "I agree. The generals are free to act in front of them. Once they feel that the situation is not good, they attack them. They bully the shop, and the half-orcs are all cats and they are all cats. Even if they are unfamiliar with us, even if they come to take refuge in us, we Nian’s people will not be at ease if we squat in the door of our yard with such a big brutal dog."

General Larry laughed, and said, "Yes, I understand what your lord means. I immediately set out to make a plan of action. Just to be sure."

Lorraine "Hmm. He then stood up. He called out loudly: "General Larry, your task is to ensure that there is no disturbance at the border. This is the premise.

If you want to attack and your troops are insufficient, you can postpone the plan for one month. I can also borrow two legions from the Eastern Province. If you want to destroy them, I will wipe them out in one fell swoop. "

General Larry slapped his heels together, made a military salute, and said loudly, "Yes. My lord, I will go out now.

Lorraine also raised his hand, earnestly returned a military salute, and said, "Thank you, general."

General Larry blinked quietly, and said in a fashionable way: "Serve the Empire

Lorraine turned his head and said, "City Lord Nostalco. I will hold a plenary meeting in a while to discuss this matter. If you don't need to hurry back, stay and participate in the meeting." Yes, sir. With General Larry sitting in town, I don’t have to rush back.

Lorraine faced the door of Wei Gong's room and said, "Susan."

The fat aunt in the secretary class soon appeared at the door.

Lorraine said: "Notify Lord Angus. Convene a meeting with officials from various departments. General Larry, you can leave when you are ready, and you don't have to come and say goodbye to me. Lord Nostalco, you can also go down and rest for a while.

When the two of them went out, Lorraine patted Adele on the shoulder, and said, "Dale, you call Nicole, and Leo and Vera are also called back. It's a big deal, maybe we I have to play a lot of money."

Adele also knew that the matter was urgent, so she stood up and flung the corner of her skirt neatly and said, "Okay, I see."

Seeing Lorraine's uncomfortable face, she couldn't help but smile, lightly press on Lorraine body, touch his cheek with her right hand, and said softly: "Don't worry, we have survived more troublesome things than this."

Lorraine held Adele's hand, raised her head and smiled at Adele, and said: "Well, I know, they will be destroyed if the big deal is a big deal. We have all picked the Almohad army of hundreds of thousands, and we still care about these little ones. Character."

"Hehe, this is our Lorraine."

After speaking, he turned around. With a gust of fragrance, he walked out quickly.

Angus administrative assistant is dealing with official affairs. When Lorraine said that he had stocked a tribe of 10,000 half-orcs on the border, he was frightened and shook his hand. Most of the paper was drawn. When the pen in his hand was about to be thrown away, the office building was full of people to call for a meeting. .

The door to the meeting room was constantly opened, and the numbered officials in Nydel City rushed into the meeting room one by one. These people are still at a loss now. Angus only informed them that the meeting was urgent, without explaining the reason. .

Angus sat in his seat, frowning and frowning. As the chief steward of Nai An Province. Angus has always been very stable, and can't be overjoyed.

Seeing that Angus is also worried now, all the officials are now carrying little rabbits. Watch out for the thump of the liver. Is Lord Lorraine addicted to copying his home? How many heads are going to be cut this time?

One person finally couldn't bear it and asked eagerly: "Butler Angus, what's going on. How can I call everyone in anxiously?"

Angus was awakened from his dullness, and when he looked up, he was already seated in the meeting seat. He touched his bald forehead and sighed. Then he said in a deep voice, "My colleagues. A large tribe of orcs with more than 10,000 people has appeared on the border. The situation is urgent."

An inhalation sound came from the conference table.

Everyone yelled anxiously. Said: "Ah! Has the autumn hunt of those half-beasts begun? Hurry up and mobilize order"

"That is, the southern line is not enough. There will be more orc tribes going northward. At that time, the southern line is dangerous.

"Hey, where is General Larry? Why hasn't General Larry here yet?"

"According to the scale of previous years, plus this, the tribe that suddenly emerged, 10,000 troops is not enough."

"Ask Grand Duke Julian

Angus heard them yelling louder and louder, stood up and waved his hand, and said in a heavy voice:

"My colleagues, steady.

It's not that simple, everyone will know later. "

At this moment, the door on the other side of the meeting room opened, Lorraine, Catherine, and Adele walked out first, and the City Lord of Nostalco followed Lorraine and them.

Angus stood up to greet Lorraine with the officials below.

Lorraine, Catherine and Adele pulled back their chairs, sat in their seats, and waved their hands. Said: "Sit down, Lord Nostalco. You sit down with General Larry."

After the hum of the stool, all the officials below sat down and looked at Lorraine blankly.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Master Nostalco. Let me introduce the situation to everyone."

"Yes, Dalu" City Lord Nostalco stood up. Then I briefly introduced the situation to everyone.

After he had introduced the current situation and sat down again, the officials below all looked at each other and began to think. The meeting room seemed very dull for a while.

"Damn it, it would be fine if there was a cigarette." Lorraine sighed in his heart, glanced at the people at the conference table, and added: "General Larry has invited himself to go south to the border. This is the situation. I want to hear your opinions. Shall we fight or tie?"

Still no one spoke, the scene was a bit cold for a while. Angus looked around at the crowd, and finally looked at the city lord of Nosdak, and said, "Master Nosdak, I don't understand the tribe called Abendan. Why do you want to take refuge in us?"

Nostalco smiled bitterly, and said, "Master Angus, I don't know you, I don't know. I once asked those Orc messengers, they just played stupid.

Later, they were also induced by knocking sideways. These guys are very smart. Without saying a word, I sent people to buy their messengers. These bastards, after receiving the money, play stupid. "

Angus paid for it and said, "In other words, we don't know their motivation for doing this?"

Nostalco smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, my lord, the official neglected his duty."

The officials heard this and couldn't help but exchange glances. It's all cursing in my heart: this **** grass

Lorraine waved his hand and said: "It's not to blame you. We have never been able to figure out the situation of the Orc site with effective intelligence. This is why I called everyone to a meeting. We don't know the reason. We can only discuss countermeasures."

The next official looked around, and then said aloud: "My lord, no matter what they are here for, they are half-orcs. They have a lot of people, and they are on the border now. I think these are enough. These half-orcs have already posed a threat to our safety. We should wipe them out quickly."

Lorraine glanced at the man without making a sound, and then his gaze swept across other people's faces.

I saw other people nodding their heads.

Another official next to him also said, "Yes. My lord, we can't tell if they came here to surrender. The half-orcs' wolf ambitions, we Nian people have suffered enough in the past few hundred years.

If they are here to fight for those half-orcs who are ready to rob us, don't take this opportunity to destroy them, and wait for the large army of half-orcs to arrive, it will be a disaster. "

The officials immediately began to whisper.

Many of them also agree with this opinion. They turned to look at Lorraine, speculating on Lorraine's attitude.

Generally speaking, after the following people have expressed their opinions, Shangguan will unconsciously show a little attitude. For example, nodding and shaking his head, smiling and black-faced. The following people can modify their opinions based on these, and keep the position consistent with their superiors.

But they were disappointed to find that Lorraine still had such a thinking expression, with no expression on his face, and placed his fingers together on the table.

Neither Catherine nor Adele spoke. Catherine frowned and thought, Adele tapped the table little by little. After a moment of silence, someone finally put forward a different opinion, and one person coughed and said: "I think we should contact them if they really come to take refuge in us. Can we just use them?

Isn't it in our interest to use these half-orcs to attack the half-orcs who are looting northward? "

Another interface said: “I think it’s good to get in touch. If you can use it, you can use it. If you can’t use it, destroy them. It’s not bad for the past few days. Of course. Isn't it a wonderful thing to fight half-orcs?

What's more, if we want to assemble an army to destroy them, we also need time to prepare. These hours. We can't do nothing, right? "

"Also, our strength may not be enough." The deputy military officer scratched his head in distress and said: "According to what the Lord of North Dakoh said, it is conservatively estimated that the opponent has at least 4,000 soldiers. They If you work hard, it is possible to gather six thousand people.

We can mobilize all our forces, about 12,000 soldiers, but this requires at least one month of preparation. In this month, the number of concubines, what should we do?

Moreover, although our army can guarantee to defeat the Orcs in the field, their tactics are deleted."

He paused, then looked at everyone. Said: "Their tactics, I think everyone knows. If you can't beat, you can fight, but if you can't beat, you can run.

Once these thousands of people are dispersed, it will be a great harm to the entire south and it is difficult to remove them. In that case, we must keep a force of about 10,000 people on the southern front, and we must send troops to clean them up. , This is also very difficult for us Nian. "

Lorraine nodded and said: "Master Cerian is right. This is what I am most worried about. We are not afraid of them when fighting head-on. But if they grab and run away, there are not many ways we can do. Lord Ryan, talk about your business

Serian said: "My lord, I think. We should talk to them, but at the same time we must mobilize with all our strength to eliminate them.

Stabilize them through negotiations, buy time, and at the same time, we do not prevent the conditions high. If they agree to break it up and use it completely for us, wouldn’t it be ideal?

If they disagree, those half-orc soldiers will run away, and their tribe of more than 10,000 people will not be able to run away, and they will be wiped out in an instant. "

Lorraine turned to look at Catherine and Adele. Both girls nodded slightly to Lorraine. In fact, Lorraine and Catherine and Adele had already discussed how to deal with these half-orcs.

That old saying, on the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep new, Li Yu, the hapless child, gave his wife to the boss of the Song Gang to play, and cuckold all the way. Pretending to be grandson, even if so, it was not the big brothers who took the place in the end. The last glass of added wine was sent to the crematorium. It is said to have been verified by the ancient brick house. By the way, the Brick Family at that time called Beast Ke was also quite powerful.

If they are not my race, their hearts must be different, and the small tribes on the border are worthless. Those people are still worthy of use. If you have a knife, a gun and a younger brother, then it is not a hidden danger but a real thing. Threatened.

These half-orcs are the wilting people of this world, and they can crawl down when they are needed. Lick clean with your tongue. You accidentally stepped on the **** feet.

And when you don’t need you, he will definitely come to grab your money, rob your woman, then give you a knife, or even worse, take you back and become a slave.

Leo said it too. A good half-orc is a dead half-orc.

Roosevelt said: "This refers to the inevitable and ultimately beneficial slaughter of Indian tribes. I don't want to go too far and say that only dead Indians are good, but I believe that one of the old good Indians is dead. , And I don’t want to look into the case of the first death.

Vera's attitude was the simplest, with her sleeves rolled up, and she immediately yelled: "Master, you said we should kill someone."

Lorraine and the others decided to prepare with both hands, and the peace talks were also to be discussed, but those half-orcs must fully accept Lorraine's terms.

As for these conditions, Lorraine and Leo and Vera have discussed them. Now that they are capable of bankrupting people, Leo and Vera can be regarded as experts, plus a master like Lorraine. In the eyes of Catherine and Adele, those half-orcs would never agree to the conditions offered.

According to Catherine, this is no different from destroying their clan.

Lorraine himself knew that there was almost no possibility of a successful negotiation, but a successful negotiation was two different things. In the history class of Luo Mo's life, he clearly wrote about the relationship between the Central Plains Dynasty and the northern nomads

For Lorraine and the others, this battle is almost bound to be fought, but Deputy Military Commander Serian is right, if there is no preparation for this battle. If the fight is not good, it will leave a big hidden danger on the border of Nian'an, and at least three or two years will not survive. How to ensure that during the coming large-scale attack of the half-orcs, the half-orcs can be wiped out in one fell swoop. This is what Lorraine they really consider.

Lorraine asked these officials for their opinions only to reach a consensus. It is also to see if there will be a better way among these people.

But now it seems that the performance of these people basically satisfies Lorraine, and those who have no brains want to convince others with virtue.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. The Ruman Empire is the most important military merit. The greater the military merit, the higher the reward. If you don't fight and don't kill people, where is the military merit?

Never mind that these people are mostly civilian officials and have won the battle. The merits of the civil servants do not have to be at all. There are fewer soldiers who are working on the front lines. If you add a strong dispatching, coordinated and well-coordinated comment, the reward will be huge.

Especially in border provinces like Nian'an where wars are constantly civilian officials are more combative than military attachés. They don’t need them to go up and take knives and hide behind them, crossing their feet, drinking and eating meat to tease Xiao Meimei, of course. It is desperate to praise the greatness of war.

If you have won, you have money for promotion. If you lose the war, you don't have to take responsibility. Is there anything cheaper than this in the world?

Just like this time, if this tribe of half-orcs is eliminated, a small pen is written on the battle report, and it says: Nearly 20,000 half-orcs have been eliminated. Ten thousand and one thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine are nearly 20,000

That became the most brilliant victory of the Ruman Empire in recent years. It is possible for the emperor to give out one or two hereditary hats. No wonder the people at the table are clamoring for war.

Lorraine nodded, straightened his upper body, and said: "Very well, I think our positions are unified.

Let's prepare with both hands. Those half-orcs are willing to talk, so let's talk to them, but at the same time, we can't relax our preparations. Angus.

A group of officials knew that this was the order of Lord Lorraine to start the war, and they all sat up straight at the moment.

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