Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 365: Sword Saint Leo

Since Governor Lorraine wants to negotiate with these half-orcs himself, Angus, the chief steward of Nian'an Province, has to take the initiative to arrange everything.

Find a yard where there are few people in Nidal. Arrange accommodation for these half-orcs. Looking for the commander of the city guard to arrange the guard and guard of the orcs' residence, Angus even personally talked to the officers of the squadrons to make them understand the importance of this mission.

The most important thing is the welcome work of these orcs.

Since they are messengers, there is no reason why the Ruman Empire people, who have always regarded themselves as civilized people, should not welcome them.

Even if the two sides are jealous on the battlefield, the messenger is also a distinguished guest, because we are all Zhongshi, are we nobles? The harsh treatment of the messenger is not good for Lorraine's reputation. In this age when everyone is a bitch, everyone has a memorial. Shame to do so

But Angus’s problem is that he doesn’t know what kind of specifications he should use to receive these half-orcs, peer-to-peer relationship? Of course it is impossible. If he wants to do this, his wife can tear him up.

Vassal? This Abendan tribe is not.

The messenger of hostile relations? The two sides have not yet started a war. Although Lorraine and the others have been preparing, they cannot show it.

Angus thought and thought, racking his brains. In the end, they can only be received as a local trade mission.

In other words, I don’t know how to present a flower to the children of Ai Pai. Organize a large group of citizens to stand on both sides of the road and join a grand welcome ceremony such as welcome.

Nor will it arrange three to five hundred swordsmen. Hidden somewhere, and then waited until I heard the sound of falling cups in the hall, then humbled in and made them into dumpling fillings.

This also included only a small-scale welcome banquet limited to relevant officials, and negotiations between the two parties were limited to relevant high-level parties.

But considering that, just after Lord Lorraine took the position, he encountered a half-orc who came to take refuge in such a face-saving thing. As a qualified politician. Of course, his old man will not let go of this opportunity to increase his brilliance.

Therefore, Upper Angus also carefully arranged the time for the orcs to enter the city. It just so happened to let the people of Nydel City know that Lord Lorraine was wise and martial, and served as a guest from all over the world. Even the half-beasts were inspired by his great spirit of "moulding people with virtue." They resolutely abandoned their original lives and came to take refuge in secret.

In addition, the welcome ceremony Angus still has to preside.

Under the powerful onlookers of the Neders, the army rushed through numerous obstacles and escorted a group of half-orcs representatives to the front of the hall.

Angus stood on the steps of the hall gate, personally welcoming the half-orcs.

The people who had received the news had all ran over at this time. The inner three floors and the outer three floors blocked the entire block.

"It's really a half-orc, look, it's really a half-orc."

"Wife, come and see the orcs."

"They look so ugly!"

"I have confidence again, Xiaohua, I will come"

"Peanuts and melon seeds, five copper plates and one packet, designated snacks by the young master"

"Opening a big bargain, crying and selling."

"My wallet! My wallet has been stolen. Guards, guards, my wallet has been stolen. What do you eat for these rice buckets? I paid taxes for nothing and raised you idiots."

"Ah," colored"

Among the people's discussions, the half-orc who was constantly looking for things along the way and his body was particularly strong jumped off the horse first.

Their pale yellow eyes, like copper bells, swept over Angus who was standing at the door, looking around as if they hadn't seen him, looking like a hillbilly entering the city.

They didn't care about the Neder who gathered outside, so they stood at the door and yelled.

Angus couldn't understand their language either, he just laughed after watching them yell at the surrounding houses.

Angus was very calm, seeing that they didn't mean to come up. He even changed to a more comfortable position, standing on the steps and watching their performance coldly.

As a member of the most powerful empire in the world, that arrogance is in the blood.

At this moment that represents the imperial government, downgrading to meet this kind of very important thing, let alone a bunch of buns, even if they are the emperors of other countries, they will not take half a step and take the next step.

Angus did not move, and of course the officials behind did not move. Only the gang of orcs were talking to themselves. They had a quarrel for a while. Seeing no one came to respond to them, they soon became boringly quiet. Come down.

The leading half-orc walked to the bottom of the steps and stood still. He looked up and saw Angus standing on the three-foot-high steps. Seeing that he was still motionless, a sorrow flashed in his eyes.

He pointed at Angus with one hand on his hips, and screamed: "I, next to Drino, the first warrior of the Abendan tribe, the messenger of negotiations, don't worry if there is no beauty, you don't even have a glass of wine when we come. Is that how you humans receive guests?"

Before Angus could speak, the officers and soldiers around Nian had already started to drink angrily.


"It's rude, how did you talk to adults."

, Wang Fabi Bei

Angus was very restrained. He didn't look angry at all on his face. He waved his hand to signal the soldiers below to be quiet, and then said slowly: "Our Nian people receive guests. This is the rule. Wait until I get to the grassland. , You can receive me with your surname Ju, I am looking forward to it."

There was an applause from the onlookers.


"That's right, we have to abide by our rules in our territory."

"It's still beautiful, you just vomited it out for breakfast as far as you half-orcs look."

The people in the surrounding area laughed.

Shi, Ruobian turned his head and glared the eyes of the surrounding crowd, but knew that the crying gang would bark, and after not biting, the Neders all stood up and watched the crowd in peace, and some yelled: "Hey, savage, call another one , Call another one."

Delino still wanted to get angry, but soon held it back, hummed heavily, and raised his leg up the steps.

The more civilized the race is, the more complicated its diplomatic etiquette is. There are rules for taking a few steps, saying a few words, and how many dishes are served. It is not an experienced politician who cannot deal with it appropriately. It was also the reason why Angus went out in person.

If it is handled by inexperienced people, whether it is too humble or too arrogant, it will be criticized. Moreover, this time the half-orcs who have been fighting for hundreds of years are even more sensitive.

When Drino stepped on the third step, Angus also started and went down two steps down the steps. When Drino came to Angus, Angus stretched out his hand condescendingly.

Delino took a step up, standing on the same step as Angus, holding Angus's hand by Angus's side, and shook it.

Seeing the performance next to Drino, Lorraine in the mixed crowd laughed blankly, shook his head and said: "If anyone tells me that the Orc is stupid in the future, I will kill him. What kind of first warrior is this? A qualified diplomat."

The goblin Shajin nodded and said, "So, don't be fooled by their stupid appearance. They are just pretending to be stupid, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and deceiving a lot of things.

These wolf cubs are fighting every day on the grassland, fighting with the enemy, fighting with their own people, and fighting with the wild animals. No one who can survive is a fool. "

Just as Drino was holding Angus’s hand and wanted to make an effort to make Angus look ugly in public, the two officers behind Angus seemed to know what he was thinking, their eyes narrowed. , Pressing his hand on the hilt, staring sharply at Drina.

Next to Drino, he grinned, showing his sharp yellow teeth, and smiled plainly. Obediently let go of Angus's hand.

Angus concealedly wiped the hands he had held on his clothes, stretched out his hands and made a gesture of asking, saying: "My messengers, please come in.

Take people poison into the yard first.

Next to Drino waved to the orcs behind him, and followed Angus into the door.

The onlookers watched as the orcs walked in, while a large number of guards with sharp blades surrounded the yard. Everyone knew that there was no excitement to watch, so they dispersed.

Lorraine slapped Leo and said, "Let's go. Make arrangements for the Southern Route."

He paused, then shook his head and sighed: "These people are too smart to be tamed,"

Speaking of this, I started to ponder.

The goblin Shajin hurriedly flattered and said, "My lord is wise, you can see their true colors at a glance."

Angus led all the orcs into the lobby, ignoring them, looking around, and said to Drino: "You guys live here at ease for the time being. We Nyan will arrange for you a servant and a cook. If you are dissatisfied, you can do it yourself. Cooking.

If your people want to go to the streets, we Naian people will not restrict it, but you don’t understand the language. In order to avoid the troubles caused by different customs, our people will follow you.

However, for your safety, I advise your envoys to try not to go to the streets. The people here are not friendly to the nobility. "

Next to Drino was a little upset, sullen and yelled: "These are all secondary. We are here to negotiate. Your governor called us. When are you going to negotiate with us?

Angus wiped the spongy stars sprayed on his face by Drino, and said without expression, "The Governor-General has his own arrangements. I will talk to you when I'm ready."

Waving his arm beside Drino, he said quickly and loudly: "You have to give us an explanation, can't you prepare for half a year, we have to wait half a year?.

Now there is no one else here, and Angus no longer needs to be a civilized person.


He had a dark face and stared at Drina. He said coldly: "Our governor is ready, and we will naturally inform you that you are coming to form an alliance with us, not we are looking for you. You'd better figure this out first.

Next to Drino, he clenched his fist and waved in front of Angus, shouting loudly: "Why, look at us half-orcs to be bullied. Your border is not kept by our fellow clan."

Angus snorted contemptuously, and said: "Please find out first. It was their tribes who took refuge in us and survived under our protection.

The face next to Drino flushed immediately, and the blue veins on his forehead, the head on his forehead exploded, and shouted at Angus hoarsely: "Rely on your protection? Rely on your protection? We are half. Orcs are great warriors, they would rather die than be a vassal

He looked hideous and terrifying, and he was flaring his teeth and claws in front of Angus, and he wanted to throw Angus down next time.

Soldiers on both sides "knobbled. They pulled out their weapons and surrounded them in silence."

Angus watched Drino rushing in front of him, still coldly, waved his hand to signal the soldiers on both sides to retreat, and said: "Thank us, you can go to the border by yourself. Okay, I The task has been completed, and I'm leaving."

Angus put down these words and couldn't wait to go out of the hall door. When he walked out of the yard, Angus took out his handkerchief and wiped his face vigorously, muttering to the soldiers beside him: "Damn, these half-orcs' mouths It smells so bad. Get me some water quickly and let me wash my face well."

Adele signed the documents in her hand, moved her wrists, raised her head and asked, "What are you going to do with those half-orcs? Are you not going to talk to them?"

Lorraine said: "No, Erliang and the others for a few days, Belen promised me to discuss it. Two days! Give me peace of mind within the next day, Zhou Zhi and their bottom line will talk to them. Besides, our people are not like."

At this time, there was a loud noise from outside, Ding, Ding Dangdang. I heard Leo yelling in the backyard with his throat: "Grab it for me, don't let him run."

Then there was another roaring sound.

"Okay, okay. Just like that, hold it, hold it. I'll let you run."

There was a miserable bird cry and Leo laughed in the yard.

Catherine threw the pen away, stood up, annoyed: "What is Leo doing again?"

Lorraine stood up and supported Catherine's shoulders and pressed her back to the chair, and said, "Okay, okay, I'll go out and have a look. You two will continue to work."

Before Lorraine could walk out of the room, Leo ran up with his short legs.

Lorraine grabbed his neck and said, "Early in the morning, what are you tossing about? Be careful to annoy Nicole."

Leo held a few peacock feathers in his hand, swayed to Lorraine, and said, "Look, I asked Bodoqi to buy me some peacocks. They have beautiful tails."

Lorraine was taken aback, and said, "You were pulling the peacock's tail just now?"

"I originally wanted to buy peacock feathers, but there was nowhere to buy them. I had to pull them out. I had to leave beforehand." Then he flew upstairs, bypassing Lorraine. There was a sound of closing the door.

Lorrain scratched his head and returned to the house with a bad premonition.

Catherine asked without lifting her head: "Where is Leo doing?"

"He just got two peacock feathers." Lorraine said vaguely.

"If you get two peacock feathers, you can make a big movement." Catherine said puzzledly.

Lorraine could only smirk, thinking about to make up a reason to go around, and said, "That, I"

"No." Adele said decisively: "There are so many sharp pieces here. You have to sign it. I'm still in a hurry to ask for it. There is no chance for you to be lazy."

Then Xingmu looked up and waited for Lorraine, and said, "Come here."

"Oh, I see." Lorraine had no choice but to sit back obediently and continue to work.

Waited a while. Lorraine mysteriously said to Catherine and Adele: "But let me remind you first. What I will see later has nothing to do with me."

Lorraine's words were endless, and Catherine and Adele looked at each other.

"What the **** is Leo doing?" Catherine got up when she pushed her chair.

At this time, the door of the house was pushed open with a bang, and a figure covered in red, green and green jumped in.

Adele screamed: "Ah" monster. "Then pulled Lorraine to stand in front of him.

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Catherine was stunned, staring at the door blankly.

Lorraine patted his forehead and said, "It's broken!"

Leo only wore a big trousers, a naked upper body, two belts tied across his body, and a lady's belt still embedded with silver reflectors.

There are red, blue, white, and black stripes on his face, overlapping each other, and the flowers are not like the same.

There was a long strip of fur on the forehead. It's like a bunch of big braids, but there are yellow and black ones.

There are two extra fluffy ones on both sides of the forehead.

The upper body is also painted crookedly with red and other paint stripes, and the middle of the chest is still a white freehand sun pattern.

There are three upright peacock feathers on his back. I don't know how he fixed it on his back.

Carrying a small axe in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other.

Leo looked at the room full of people with surprised eyes, laughed triumphantly, and flaunted, "How about it? Do you look like a swordsman? I have referenced several original paintings. Alas, I blame Melina. , She refused to help, and there was no painting on her back."

Catherine gritted her teeth and squeezed her fists, her already large eyes widened, and with an unknown red light, Tianyin shouted angrily: "You give me almost a little bit."

Flick the chair, like an angry lioness. Raised his sleeves and forced Leo.

"Ah? You don't like it, don't you don't like it, don't you need to fire, there are people who understand and appreciate it." When Leo saw something wrong, he turned and wanted to escape.

Melina appeared at the right time, walked into the door and closed the door with a click, blocking Leo's escape route, and smiled innocently at Leo.

Leo said in a panic: "Melena, you framed me. It hurts, it hurts. Old sister, be gentle."

Catherine grabbed Leo's ear, turned it hard for a half circle, picked it up and shouted, "What's the matter?"

Leo hurriedly said: "I can explain it, I just"

"Wait" Catherine wiped Leo's and asked in confusion: "This is? Is this my lip gloss? And, this is the foundation?"

Leo said with a "Oh" and said: "The boss said that paint is poisonous. I see you wipe these things on your faces every day. It should be non-toxic."

Catherine grabbed Leo to look back and forth, and said, "How much did you use me?"

"It's just a small pipe." Leo stretched out his finger and looked small. He said indifferently, "Don't you still have a lot of them."

Catherine was about to cry in a hurry, and said in a hurry, "I'm not leaving. I only have one of this kind of light powder. I can only buy it in Ruman City. How would you let me go out in the future."

Seeing that it was not a monster who had jumped in, Adele patted her surging chest and gasped. Seeing Catherine's anxious look, she gloated and said, "Is that right, Nicole, don't be so stingy, what a big box of your lipstick." "

Catherine looked back at Adele and said, "Hmph, I don't have blue eye shadow."

"Ah" A Ji'er screamed octaves high.

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