Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 367: Who said that half-beasts are short-sighted?

After Lorraine, the orcs couldn’t help but look at each other.

Without waiting for them to exchange glances, Drino's side stood up impatiently and said loudly: "Me, Drino's side, the first warrior of the Abendan tribe, our patriarch's most trusted brother. Listen to us The kinsmen in the north say that you humans are willing to live in peace with our half-orcs. Therefore, we are entrusted by our patriarch to form an alliance and friendly covenant with you."

Lorraine looked at his sturdy figure covered with long hair, and said with a faint "um", and said: "Do you want to form an alliance when you say it? Why do we want to form an alliance with you? Give us a reason first."

"I know you have always been afraid of our people, they will come to rob you every year." Delino said, then paused, and observed Lorraine and their faces meaningfully. However, Lorraine was still expressionless, just looking at herself with cold eyes.

He couldn't help but feel guilty, and involuntarily avoided Lorraine's eyes. Then he continued: "I heard that you have to prepare for a whole year every year in order to resist them.

There are continuous fortresses to the south of you. Men stay there all year long, neither hunting nor allowing their wives to have more children.

As long as you humans form an alliance with us and promise not to attack us, the six thousand warriors of our Abendan tribe are willing to resist our kinsmen for you humans and keep them away from your fortress. "

Someone from the Naian government immediately exclaimed: "Six thousand"

Angus turned his head immediately and glared at the man severely.

Delino's side was very satisfied with the effect, and smiled triumphantly with his yellow teeth covered with green leaves, and then sat down.

Lorraine looked at Drino and said with a chuckle: "Six thousand people? Laughing if you can really pull out six thousand brothers out to cut people, why do you have to go north to our border? You can't go there on the grassland?"

Drino lowered his eyes, sighed for a long time, and then said: "The Durchi who ate scorpions insulted Saint Shankna. They destroyed the temple of the ancestor and erected their own evil god.

The sun **** got angry and punish us **** people. Throughout the summer, there was not a single drop of rain on the prairie, and there were no big fishes in the deepest part of Xingxing Lake. The lion and the pity sheep were drinking turbid water together.

Our livestock starved to death in batches, our women had no milk, and the net-born children had to throw them away. In order not to drag us down, the old people walked alone into the depths of the arid grassland.

In order to survive, in order to find aquatic plants. We only have to go all the way north until your border. "

Lorraine listened to his description and immediately formed a tragic picture of starvation all over the country.

He sank, and said, "Drought on the prairie?"

If this is true, then in the autumn, this year's border situation is definitely not optimistic.

Once the grasslands dry up early, the tribes of orcs looting north will surge. Those orcs who are hungry and go crazy will surely flood in like mad dogs, and the pressure on the border will rise sharply.

If you continue to deal with it in the same way as in previous years, you will definitely be in a hurry, especially if the fortresses that act as current sentries are deployed on the scale of the Orcs invasion in recent years.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Angus.

Angus obviously thought of this situation, and nodded solemnly, indicating that he knew it.

Next to Drino sighed again, then nodded bitterly, and said: "In order to fight for a well and a river, the greatest warriors are killing each other. We Abendan are just to survive. We don't want to let our soldiers just Sacrifice for those rivers that flooded during the rainy season.

As long as you humans allow us to graze in the south, don't attack us or rob us. We warriors of Abendan, willing to stop those tribes hunting north for you. "

Lorraine looked at his twinkling eyes and couldn't help but laughed, and said in his heart: These guys are pretty pretty.

He sarcastically said: "You mean, as long as we leave you a place outside the border for you to graze, you will drive all of your fellow villagers north to go home. In this way, it seems that we have earned it. "

Drino said loudly: "Of course, we half-orcs' proverb, if you give your friend the most beautiful wife, you can get the friend's most beautiful daughter. We, Ashen Dan, never think that humans are our enemies. We just want to survive. That's it."

Who said that half-beasts are short-sighted? This group of grandsons was so wicked and slippery that Lorraine licked their lips at the moment, secretly saying: Use a second-hand product for an original one. Such shameless words can also be said shyly. This sale is really worthwhile. These half-orcs are also talents!

His eyes flashed, staring at the side of Drino, and said: "We are six hundred and twenty li in the south border of Nyan. We deploy regular troops, militias and more than 30,000 troops on the front line of the border, relying only on your legend. The 6,000 people in China want to play the role of 30,000 of us. Do you think I will believe what you say?"

Delino laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha. This is not our Abendan people talking big, we Abendan people have an advantage that you humans do not have."

When Drino said there was a pause, then he patted his chest, and then said: "We are half-orcs, we understand the behavior of our kind, you humans can only hide behind high walls and wait for them to find you. We Ashengdan can take the initiative to attack.


Lorraine gave a hum, looked at Drino and smiled: "This

, It seems that we Naian people have taken advantage of the cheap. It won't be that simple. "

Drino bared his teeth and smiled honestly. He slapped his forehead and said, "Look at my memory. Of course, we fought for you humans. It's not too much to make a few small requests?"

"Please speak."

Drino said by the side: "We hope that you humans can provide us with some help just like the Remi people."

The Remi tribe is a tribe that has lived on the border of Naian for a long time. Because it was the first to take refuge in humans, and it was also extremely civilized, it was treated best.

"We hope that you humans can provide us with 10,000 bags of food every year. Once our soldiers go out to fight, there will be no one to graze. We need this food to feed women and children.

Also, two thousand sets of weapons and armors every year. "

Some of Nian's officials couldn't help but "puff. He laughed out, mockingly: "Weapon for two thousand people?" Are you kidding me? "

Delino said with dissatisfaction: "Just kidding? We have followed the rules you gave to the Remi. There are only 600 people in the Beastmi tribe. You give them 100 sets of weapons every year. We have 10,000 and we need 2,000 sets. Not too much

Here Nian's official sneered, "How do we know if you will hit us with these things."

Drino glared and yelled: "We half-orcs take oaths above life. Those who violate oaths are worse than cowards.

Lorraine waved his hand and said to a group of officials: "Negotiate, ask for the price, pay it back on the spot, let's listen to what Drino says, and then bargain later."

He turned his head and said, "It's next to Drino, right? Then, don't you just make a few conditions?

"Of course, considering that we have sacrificed so much, I hope we have an incidental, trivial small request. That is, I hope you humans can open the market and trade freely with us in the south.

Delino deliberately increased the voice of the word "freedom", looked up at Lorraine, and then said: "And, only deal with us

Angus stood up suddenly and categorically said loudly: "This is not possible.

"How impossible, don't you trade with the Remi people every year?" Drino said loudly.

Angus said with a stern face: "That's different. Foreign trade must comply with imperial laws, and there is no "freedom. It is impossible for you to monopolize foreign trade in the South. "

Lorraine shook his head. Secretly said in my heart: These guys have all gotten into this field, and they are still thinking about swallowing others. They don't have enough hearts to swallow an elephant. You deserve it.

Let them grasp all the trading rights with the half-orcs, and the life of the small tribe on the border is pinched in the hands of the Ashengdan. I can only listen to the breath of the Abendan people, and it will take them too long to be swallowed by these people.

Lorraine held his cheeks for a moment. Turn to Angus and them. Said: "Tell them what we think."

Angus nodded and asked next to Drino, "How many soldiers do you have? Or tell the truth, don't deal with us with the imaginary number of six thousand."

Drino rolled his eyes, hesitated for a while, scratched his forehead and said: "Six thousand people are indeed the people of our clan who can fight. It is very easy for our Abendan tribe to support four thousand specialized fighters."

"That's four thousand people, Angus said.

Next to Drino nodded with the most grinning grin.

, Wang Fabi Bei

Angus said: "Our conditions, first, we can provide you with food, but we have the final say on how much we give each year.

If you want our weapons and armor, it’s fine, but

The eyes of Lixuan by Delino and others became fiery. Half-orcs could not mine or cure iron. Human weapons are all sought-after on the prairie. A good sword can be used for a young woman.

In terms of the quality of individual soldiers, human soldiers are not as good as these half-orcs who have been fighting since childhood, but human soldiers can easily defeat half-orcs in frontal combat as long as they are equipped with armor and armed with a sharp blade.

After all, half-orcs are also humans, and they bleed from their bodies with swords, and die if they are pierced. Their weapons can't cut human armor. Human weapons can easily shatter their leather shields.

"But" Angus sneered and said: "Your people must be incorporated into our army, become our soldiers, obey our orders, and give our soldiers weapons. Of course we will not be stingy."

This time it was Drino's turn to jump up and shout, "That's impossible. We Abendan have not become slaves of your humanity."

Angus glanced at Delino and said to himself: "Third, your Abendan tribe must take hostages."

Drina roared: "It's even more impossible."

Angus shrugged and leaned back on the back of the chair.

Next to Delino continued to yell, and said, "I don't think you humans have any sincerity. Let's go back to the tribe."

Speaking of Drino, he turned to face the people sitting behind, waving his arms and saying: "It's not that I don't want to talk about it, it's that they and human beings don't want to talk to us. I have said that this is a waste of time. Are they not enough for the show?.

Lorraine sneered: "So be it, since you are not sincere, we don't have to waste time.

After speaking, Lorraine pushed aside the chair and sat up. Turned around and walked outside the door.

"Hahahaha" a loud laughter came from the conference room.

Standing next to Drino, he raised his head with his hands on his hips and laughed wildly, "yelling!" The ridiculous human being arrogant. I don't know that the extinction vertex disaster is in front of Guan County. We Abendan people go now, the land under the sun is endless, we can always find our pasture

Lorraine stopped the script, turned to look at Drino and said, "What do you say?"

Delino glanced at Lorraine contemptuously, and said: "To tell you the truth, the Durche people have gathered the largest two hundred landfalls on the grassland. They are not here to grab your food and women, but to come. Grab your land.

We Abendan are the only people on the grassland who dare to rebel against Durqi. We come to the north not to ask you for mercy, but to save you.

But you humans actually treat us as beggars. I have said that you humans are not credible. We Atadan people can only rely on ourselves, warriors, we go, I see how you humans resist 300,000 half-orcs and them Evil shaman. "

Angus and the others chuckled softly. Lorraine squinted at Drino.

"Angus" sighed and said, "Do you think you can make yourself worthy by making up big words? Orcs can unite, a big joke

"Bah" Drino spit on the floor heavily. Raised my hand and shouted: "I swear by the soul of the sun **** and ancestors, if I tell lies, let me be drained by the black shaman of the Durchi people and become a living corpse.

The meeting room instantly chilled, and Angus and the others seriously considered the authenticity of Drino's side words.

Lorraine looked closely at Delino for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Negotiating, it's true or false, you don't need to take it seriously, let's continue."

Lorraine sat back in the chair and said: "You bid, we bargain, if you are not satisfied, you can continue to bid

Delino didn't talk to each other, just looked at Lorraine and sneered.

Lorraine looked at him arrogantly. Secretly said in his heart: With little cleverness but no great wisdom, it is no wonder that you are so miserable. "

Lorraine smiled and said, "It's not too early, so I don't need to talk about it anymore. The banquet I prepared for you is about to begin, everyone, please."

Lorraine left the office building, and soon recruited Belen and the goblin Shajin into the study of the backyard house, and relayed to them exactly what he had just said next to Drino.

Lorraine stared at the goblin Shajin, and asked, "How? Is it possible that it is true?.

After listening to Lorraine’s words, Shajin the goblin scratched his head and recalled. After Lorraine and Belen waited quietly for a while, Shajin the goblin looked up and said: "Thank you, Lord Durche, I have indeed heard of them. The patriarch’s names are Vichin and Torek. They have always claimed to be the largest tribe on the grassland. In fact, they nest in the southernmost part of the grassland. They are a large tribe on the fringe. I have never heard of them."

"So, you are not sure if it is true or not?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I really don't know." The goblin Shajin lowered his head and said: "However, sir, I know half-orcs. Even if the two hundred the most powerful on the grassland are all down, there is no army of 300,000 people.

If all the men who have fallen out go out to fight, they will be swallowed up immediately, unless they are migrating as a whole clan, otherwise, at most 60,000 to 70,000 people can be eliminated. This is their limit.

Lorraine frowned and said, "Sixty to seventy thousand people are also terrible. Our Nian's actions can only gather 40,000 soldiers.

The goblin Shajin shook his head. Said: "My lord, the contradiction between those half-orcs is too deep. Nothing will bring them together. Even if they really come to Nian, they will not be gathered together. They must be tribes. For the unit to spread out.


Lorraine shook his head and said, "If there are too many ants, you can kill an elephant. What's more, if it is true, even if they all fight separately, our people will not be able to handle it."

Belém, your east plant must send additional manpower to pay attention to all abnormal conditions on the southern route, and don't let go of any unusual traces. Shakin, you follow me to the banquet. You don't need to be present, just observe the half-orcs carefully. "

"Yes, my lord

The banquet hall is full of laughter at this moment. Whether you slap your mother on the table or sharpen the knife under the conference table, you are going to swallow the other party alive, but as long as you get to this, you don't spend your own money. And when it takes a big advantage, everyone laughs and drinks happily.

After all, everyone is talking about the public interest, not the gold coins in their pockets. They just eat a lot of food, and there is no need to act like a one-minded man from morning to night.

There are several round tables in the hall, and the Orcs and Nyan are sitting in their own seats, watching the dancing girls swinging in the arena, and playing lively music.

Half-orcs are the most open-minded, holding an extra-large wine and a large plate of beef, making loud noises there.

Sitting next to Lorraine, Delino was sitting next to Lorraine, and from the beginning of the table, he kept pouring the glass into his mouth, murmured: "Your human things are good, no wonder those people didn’t eat anymore. I hope to run towards you."

"You know, your knives can be exchanged for the ten most fertile women with big butts in our place

"Your clothes, one can change the seven most capable women."

"You can trade twelve women for one barrel of wine

Lorraine thought: The co-authored woman is your currency in circulation. If you want to know what is going on, please go to 6 for more chapters. Support the author, support genuine reading!

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