Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 370: You should do this

Pinmo and the two were discussing in the study, and suddenly heard the roar from the banquet hall

The two of them couldn't help being shocked, and they couldn't care too much, so they rushed out.

Before Lorraine returned to the banquet hall, he heard the screams of pigs slaughtering beside Delino from inside, followed by the roar of the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

In addition, there were various screams and the sound of seats collapsing and tableware falling to the ground.

Lorraine kicked them away, and saw that the banquet hall was in a mess at this moment, and it was messy and not what it looked like.

The beautiful dancers wore their flowing colorful skirts in the hall, running around like a group of frightened little hens.

The large tables were overturned, and the dishes cooked by the chefs were scattered all over the floor.

Angus brought a group of Nyan civil officials to the side of the banquet hall near the stage in a panic.

The drunk half-orc envoys stared with blood-red drunken eyes, roared loudly, holding up stools or table legs. Get together and fight with the guards in front of them.

Because it matters a lot. Fearing that the death would not end well, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard did not use the sharp edge, but they held the long sword with the scabbard, and cooperated with the orcs in a tacit fight, and they repeatedly cried out.

But the skins of those half-orcs are thick enough. Despite being beaten by the crowds of the Imperial Guard, he was still very brave. While howling, he rushed forward with crazy efforts.

And beside the only intact table in the middle of the hall, Adele valiantly carried a long knife in one hand, and the other knife passed straight through the big hand next to Drina, firmly holding it Nail it to the table.

Several Janitor soldiers pressed the table with his hands nailed to the ground next to Drino,

Drino was struggling freely on the ground, trying to get up. Roaring in Orc language

Several soldiers of the Janissary Guard resorted to breastfeeding. Suppress him tightly.

Without waiting for Lorraine to speak, an outside guard wearing a brown uniform with two lightning bolts embroidered on its epaulettes rushed over.

They didn't go through the door, and directly broke through the glass window, jumped in, and quickly controlled the entire hall.

Leo brandished his short spear and yelled, "Little ones, surround me, don't run away."

These imperial guards who came for reinforcements were carefully selected elite soldiers, Leo's guards. They are unambiguous. Without further ado, he raised his sword to join the battle group.

The half-orcs were surprised to find that the guy in their hands had been cut off in three or two, and then immediately. Those cold-eyed Janitors did not even care about themselves as "world peace-loving" great peace envoys. With his identity, he directly greeted the shiny sword. Knife saw the flesh, blood hurried.

Even though they claim to be the darlings of the great ancestor god, it is obvious that the ancestor **** has lost his way. Did not cover yourself, make yourself invulnerable.

Therefore, they couldn't help screaming in horror, shoving back to the root of the wall, and squeezing into a ball.

The half-orcs looked at the Guards who surrounded them, with an expression of tearing them apart, and immediately learned to behave and threw the guy in his hand.

The orcs on the outermost edge also raised their hands. Facing the imperial guard on the opposite side, he screamed and screamed: "You don't do this, we are messengers. We are messengers."

"You can't kill the messenger."

Podoc took a group of people from the death squad. Lined up a wall of people, tightly guarding Lorraine and Leo behind them,


Leo turned around, pointed at Bodoch and they shouted, "Have you never heard of "The name of a cup"? Master, I have dropped several cups. Why are you here? You are not on the road at all!"

Podoch smiled bitterly and said, "It's the little father-in-law. The next time you throw a bigger and smaller thing, maybe we will be faster."

Leo was taken aback, opened his mouth before saying anything.

At this moment, Lorraine saw the mess in the hall and couldn't help but roared: "Who can tell me what the **** is going on?"

All the officials saw that the soldiers had completely controlled the situation and the hall calmed down again. Only then did they crawl out from under the table tremblingly.

They heard Lorraine's questioning. They all turned their eyes to Adele in silence.

Lorraine felt that something was wrong, and followed everyone's eyes. Looked at Adele.

Adele turned her wrist, patted the face next to Delino with the back of her knife, and bit her silver teeth. He said fiercely: "I see a lot of people going north and south, just relying on a few of you buns who dare to bully me. If you don't weigh yourself a few kilograms, I see you are impatient."

At this moment, Catherine ran in panting, and when she saw the wolf in the hall, she was also furious. How could a good peace talk be like this?

She raised her eyebrows and sternly shouted: "What happened?"

Leo put the rifle back to his waist, pointed to the side of Drino on the ground, and said angrily with a small black face: "This. The guy dare to bully Adele. He also rants. He is going to smash our home and kill us. , Burned our city."

Lorraine was confused as he heard it, and said in his heart: It was okay just now, why did it become like this in a blink of an eye?

Angus limped over, pressing his hand on the wound on his waist. Then it was attached to Lorraine's ear, and the matter was briefly recounted.

Lorraine looked at the way Adele gritted her teeth, and at the side of the drunken Delino, she couldn't help but grab her.

The vicinity of the stage is even more devastated.

Lorraine sighed and shook his head, complaining rather: "Dale, Dale, how can you do this?

Adele was getting angry, but Lorraine would still complain about herself. She felt bitter and trembled: "You" what do you mean? Are you looking at me being bullied? "

Lorraine sighed: "This is your fault. In fact, you should do this."

With that, he walked to Leo's side, took the musket from his hand, and pulled the hammer away. Aim at the head next to Drino. Pull the flip without hesitation

Just listen to the muffled sound of "array".

The red flame burst from the muzzle, shocking the audience like thunder and lightning.

In an instant, the blood burst out.

The body beside Drino, who had been struggling hard, stiffened, and then Gu Ran lay on the ground.

At this moment, the white smoke floated slowly from the muzzle.

Everyone looked intently, and saw that the strange thing had already given their heads bloom next to Drino. Red and white mixed and flowed out. It is extremely disgusting, and it makes people want to vomit.

The banquet hall became quiet for an instant. The needle drop can be heard.

Everyone looked at Lorraine in amazement.

Lorraine's heart surged. Regardless of the notoriety of slaughtering envoys, he pointed to the orcs surrounding the corner and said coldly, "Gentlemen, the face is given by others, and the face is earned by yourself. In this case, let us Little ones who have nothing to talk about, kill him all for me"

"Yes, great." The soldiers of the Imperial Guard roared in anger, then raised their right hands and swung their swords.

For a time, the cold light shone, swords and halberds like forests.

Under the command of the officer, they stepped forward neatly, waiting to kill these half-orcs.

Lorraine stepped on the hand next to Drino, drew Adele's knife, and rubbed the blood from the blade next to Drino before handing it to Adele's hand.

He looked at Adele and shouted angrily: "What can I do? I'm not here for you to run out. I won't be allowed to dance indiscriminately. I can only watch it by myself, you know?"

Adele opened her mouth and had to argue a few more words, but she saw Lorraine's tight face. But he lowered his head involuntarily, and agreed very reluctantly: "Oh, I see."

The officials next to him listened. Even though they had just gotten out of the disaster, they were still a little unsure, but they couldn't help swearing in the bottom of their hearts: this **** fellow. How come the good cabbage is let him go? A beautiful woman like Adele married back home, almost for offerings to the heavens, this **** actually cursed in a violent manner? There is no reason.

Know %, ten thousand

At this moment, I heard several screams.

A group of people turned their heads and looked around, but saw that several orcs who were brave enough to rush out were already under the sword of the guard.

The officials around Angus had never experienced this kind of battle. When the blood was splashed on the spot, there was a massacre. Maybe the entire banquet hall would be soaked in blood, and each of them paled with fright. Hiding tightly behind the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

Seeing that Lorraine was determined, Angus really wanted to kill these half-orc messengers. He groaned in his heart and said secretly: Oops! For whatever reason. The slaughter messenger is not always a good name.

But I wanted to persuade Lorraine, but I saw Lorraine's hideous face, the angry Catherine and Leo, sighed, and said inwardly: Nothing, nothing, in front of the royal family, these half-orcs are making trouble like this , Then the royal dignity is no longer considered. What's more, behind Miss Adele there is a great magician. Bullying Adele, that old demon king can slaughter these Abendan people alone.

Angus did not speak, but a Nyan official behind him exclaimed: "My lord, no. It will do this."

Leo turned around and pointed at him with a black face and cursed: "You shut up, you can't even protect your own women, why do you want us men!"

Lorraine slapped Leo on the shoulder, nodded approvingly, and praised: "Good point!"

Leo twitched his small face, and raised his head up forty-five degrees.

Seeing that the orc messengers were about to stain the banquet hall of the Governor's Mansion, from among the orcs crowd. An old voice shouted: "My lord Governor, I have something to say, please don't do it, I have something to say."

Lorraine gritted his teeth, raised the corner of his mouth, looked at the orc behind the many figures, and hesitated for a few seconds.

These few seconds were as long as a century for the half-orcs in the siege.

Finally, Lorraine snapped his fingers. Someone nearby immediately put a chair behind him.

Lorraine fell backward and sat on the chair. Then he said: "I'll give you half a minute, so that you can understand."

There was a commotion among the half-beast crowd. Then the orcs outside stepped away. A passage was revealed, and a year-old half-orc walked out along the passage.

He walked all the way to the front of the imperial guard’s human wall, and then raised his hands high and continued forward. The imperial guard hesitated, but also gave way to the old half orc, and Senhan’s iron sword was against him. Neck.

The old half-orc calmly walked across the guards' wall and came to the opposite side of Lorraine.

General Philip held the hilt of the sword and squinted at the old half-orc. Once he moved, he would go forward and kill the old half-orc. Leo also raised his musket and aimed at the old half-orc.

Lorraine looked intently and saw that the old half-orc head was almost completely white, his face was black and wrinkled, and his skin was already slack. The thin man was almost a skeleton, but he walked in a stable manner, especially his eyes. It was as clear as water, and it was completely different from the turbid eyes of a half-orc mixed with **** and bloodshot eyes.

Lorraine frowned and squinted at him condescendingly, like a lion looking at its prey. Choosing the most favorite place to mouth.

The old half-orc was not afraid of the swollen Terimi. On the contrary, it was very calm, as if it were in Confederation. Double the same.

The old half-orc stopped the script, looked at Lorraine for a while, and said in a proficient Ruman language: "I am the great shaman of the Ashengdan tribe. Gelba, the soul prophet.

I pay a bill for our Atudan tribe, I pray for your forgiveness

As he said, the old orc knelt to the ground. Then he raised his hands and lay straight on the ground.

The half-orcs all exclaimed, and the half-orcs in the back yelled out: "Da Sa"


"Great Shaman. Don't pray to them for pity

"Don't ask them. We Abendan cannot live like shooting dogs."

Lorraine was stunned for a while. This was the most solemn etiquette among the half-orcs, which meant complete obedience, and it was only used when worshiping God.

But in an instant, Lorraine's face became rigid again. Said: "Give me a reason not to kill you

Prophet Gherba lay on the ground and said: "We are a group of poor people who have nowhere to go. Your kindness is our only hope for survival.

We are not only praying for refuge, but also to help you defeat the evil Durche, who have assembled an evil black army and are planning to conquer the land of mankind. "

Lorraine sneered in his heart, knowing that you guys were a group of refugees, and kept pretending to me.

He looked at the old half-orcs lying on the ground like "big", and said with a sneer: "You half-orcs, you really don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin. The soldiers are about to be killed, and the patriarch is also killed. Still acting as a big-tailed wolf in front of me, it’s true that we humans are all blind and can be blinded by you guys.

The old half orc sighed, and said bitterly: "So, you know. But sir, although we have fallen, but I'm telling the truth. The Durche gathered the largest tribe on the grassland and gathered hundreds of thousands. The warriors of, are coming towards the land of mankind. The patriarch of the Durchi people, Scorpion King, is determined to rebuild the half-orc empire. Their evil black shaman can turn living people into zombies that listen to them.

All people are afraid of them, only we Ajudan have fought with them, we hate them, but we know them better. We are very helpful to you

Lorraine groaned with his hands behind his back. Adele came to Lorraine quietly, hooked Lorraine's fingers, and whispered: "Lorraine, if what they say is true, it's better to keep these people.

Catherine also followed Lorraine and said in a low voice: "Tell them about our terms, if you don't agree. It will not be too late to clean them up. If you can incorporate them, it will be very helpful to us."

Lorraine lowered his head and asked Leo: "Leo. What do you say. How about keeping these guys?.

Leo blinked his **** and white eyes and asked: "Can they be my little brother?"

Lorraine was stunned, and sneered: "Of course, they have no choice.

Leo clapped his hands and said with a grin: "Okay, get a few and take them back to Ruman City, it must be very exciting."

When Catherine heard it, the willow eyebrows habitually cocked, reaching out to try to pull Leo's ears. But thinking about Leo’s performance today, I softened my heart, patted Leo’s head, and said softly, "Whatever you want.

"You are very lucky!" Lorraine said to the big Gailba shaman lying on the ground: "The two young ladies agreed to give you a chance. But let me explain first. I haven't decided to let you go. I just give you one temporarily. Opportunity, whether you can survive or not depends on you, get up."

Gailba slowly rose from the ground. He stroked his heart with his right hand and bent over to Catherine and Adele. Said: "Thank you for your kindness."

Lorraine stared at Gailba and said, "Can you represent the whole family of Avondan? I don't seem to be wasting my efforts again.

Gelba said: "Of course, any agreement between you and me will be fully implemented by the Abendan."

"That's good." Lorraine nodded slightly, then turned around and squeezed the hands of Catherine and Adele, and said: "You take Leo to rest first. Tonight is too noisy. General Philip."

"Yes, my lord General Philip replied solemnly.

"Send your sirs home and clean up here. Look at those half-orcs, and kill them if they talk in disorder." Lorraine pointed at Gelba again. Said: "You. Come with me

The soldiers of the Janissaries followed Lorraine and Gailba to the office. Lorraine instructed Podoch to keep them in the house. Who knows if these weird wizards have any weird means to harm people~www.wuxiaspot. com~Lorraine feels better to be careful.

Lorraine sat down on the chair. Feet on the table. Looking at Gailba standing in the middle blankly, after a moment of silence, Lorraine suddenly said: "Why are you letting that Delino come out to die?"

Gailba was taken aback, and said in astonishment: "My lord what do you say?"

Lorraine laughed out loud. Shaman shook his head and said, "Big shaman. It's not just the gods on the grassland. You people are really the same as our pastors, pretending to be upright and screaming people to death.

I ask you, since you are the spiritual leader of the tribe, why didn't you jump out to stop when Drino went crazy while drinking.

After getting a knife next to Drino, you don't jump out to stop it.

After Delino died, you were the first to jump out. Two chances, as long as you stand up and say a word, you won't die next to Drino.

This governor can be regarded as a gun for you, why? Not satisfied yet? ", if you want to know what's going on, please log in to the heart, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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