Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 372: Subdue

Pinmo said in his heart, not to mention five years and two hundred miles, it is during my tenure. Nai Anxun pushed south for two hundred miles. The courtesy of Catherine and Adele. It is also earned.

It is false to say that you are not tempted. The merits of opening up the territory are the most tempting to every governor on the border. This merit can be increased by dozens of percentage points a year compared to the **** of any chicken. To complete tax tasks, etc., these repetitive common tasks are much stronger.

Not to mention a lot of prestige rewards. Upgrade, money. It may even give hereditary hats.

Without seeing the Eastern Front, the Grand Duke Julian fought well. The more you fight, the more braver you get, and the more you fight, the greater your strength.

Needless to say, Northern Durham, the Northern Expeditionary Army has been ranked for the thirteenth time.

Lorraine shook his head, put aside the temptation for the time being, calmed down and asked, "Well, how can I make the orcs listen to me and honestly pay me taxes on farming."

"As long as you defeat the evil Durqi people, and we Ashengdan raise our arms and respond to your call, your lord, the tribes on the grassland will naturally fall at your feet." Gailba took it for granted. Said.

Lorraine grinned and said: "It's simple. As you said, that Durche is a black shaman, and hundreds of them all fell to the coalition. It is not easy to defeat them."

Gailba stood up straight, posing as a shaman, and solemnly said: "I am a prophet. My lord, the soul of the ancestor told me that the Durche who took refuge in the dark are ruining themselves. Durr Qi people are vulnerable to powerful humans."

Lorraine pouted. He has lived for two lifetimes, but he knows one truth deeply: the words of the gods cannot be believed.

However, when he thinks of expansion, Lorraine's heart heats up again. To him, what Ashengdan, what half-orc, what black shaman, earning the betrothal gift, and marrying these two little fairies-like wives home Really.

Lorraine would not simply believe that the prospects were as good as the crumpled old guy opposite him portrayed, as if a battle had been fought and the army moved in. The half-orcs will eat the pot pulp to welcome the king. Then you can collect money yourself. Land resumption is the same as income.

And this old guy opened his mouth and shut up, "We Atiaodan, We Ashengdan" or something, obviously reminding Lorraine of their importance.

But anyway, to Lorraine. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and, although Gailba represents the Ashengdan people who can't live in Huyou Lorraine.

But Lorraine knew clearly that the half-orcs were all white-eyed wolves, and he had already prepared the conditions here to securely tie these Abendan people in his own hands for his own use.

"Okay. You convinced me. Please sit down. We can talk about terms now." Lorraine sat upright and said solemnly to Gailba.

Gailba breathed heavily. At this moment, it loosened up suddenly, looking apathetic. Then he stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and sat down tremblingly across from Lorraine.

Lorraine copied his hands and stared into Gailba's eyes, and said, "I remember you just said that you Ashengdan will accept all our conditions. Isn't it like this?"

Gelba sighed and said bitterly: "Yes, sir. This is the difference between me and Delino. I know the current situation of our Ashengdan people. On the grassland, we will be besieged by everyone. In On your border, as you said. Humans are more willing to take our heads to receive rewards.

We Abendan have entered the Jedi, and we can't even survive this winter to the Throne of God Seal. It is ridiculous that Drino still naively believes that as long as it survives two or three years, A Shengdan can still recover his strength.

But he did not understand that no one would give us two or three years.

We are not qualified to negotiate terms with you. There are more than 8,000 women and children in the Ashengdan tribe. In order to survive, we can only accept your asylum.

Stay on the grassland. All of us will become slaves of the Durchi, here you are. The Atudan tribe may no longer exist, but we Ashengdan people can still live freely. "

Lorraine waved his hand and said: "Stop. Stop, let alone the sadness, desperately desperate, I am not a fighter in the free world, and I don’t want to save all mankind like Younet’s death, but those gangs of democracy are everywhere. Other people’s guys have a good saying: Freedom is never without a price."

Like a profiteer, Lorraine put on a smiling face of "I'm all for your good" and said, "It's not easy to want to eat with me."

Gailba nodded and said respectfully: "To the Governor's wise and wise. We Abendan people have always heard about it."

Lorraine knew that except for a few people around him, his reputation in the human world was basically zero, and everyone praised him. I was suspicious in my heart, and this club was also full of suspicious thinking in my heart: Does this guy praise me or scold me?

Then he stared at Gailba carefully for a while, and saw that he was about to kill and shave his face, with an expression of stubbornness.

Lorraine raised his index finger and said, "First. Move inland and become an official resident of the Ruman Empire. I will arrange villages and land for you, and I will teach you farming. I will give you farm tools. But one thing, these are not free. of."

Gailba wailed and thought to himself: It seems that the rumors are true, this adult is really a master who doesn't suffer at all.

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Gelba smiled bitterly: "My lord, we have no money. No fur, no livestock, and even a little bit of food left."

Lorraine shook his finger and said, "Counting what I borrowed from you, you can pay back in five years.

I am doing this to make a rule. Human beings are not taken advantage of, and they can't hang on in the grassland. Run me here to say a word of attachment. I want my things, I ran back to the grassland when I was full, and I came back to take it for nothing when I was hungry. "

"If you pay in installments," Gelba thought about it carefully, looked up and said, "We can agree, but you can't cheat us on the price."

Lorraine was so angry that his nose was crooked, and when he slapped the table, Gailba shuddered.

"Is this governor such a dishonest person? I still look down on your half-orcs."

Although Gailba secretly slandered: Your past reputation is not good. However, Ming also hurriedly nodded and bowed, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, my lord is wise

Lorraine Hen. Then he said, "Actually, if you look at the "Land Development Reward Ordinance" that I promulgated, you will know that to reclaim those wastelands, not only do you ask for money, but I will also give rewards.

Gailba's eyes flashed. Continuously shoot Lorraine flattering. He smiled and said: "There is such a good thing, my lord, you are really far-sighted, wise and wise. This is simply the gospel of our half-orcs. As long as you push this policy to the grassland, why not worry about those half-orcs who are not obedient and obedient, my lord? know,"

Lorraine rolled his eyes and said, "Bright and wise. I said you half-orcs can't even shoot a flattery. Just this one word over and over again.

Gailba's old face was slightly red, and he coughed awkwardly, and said in his heart: This is still learning now, but I'm giving up this old face.

On the grassland, only people slap me up.

Lorraine stretched out his finger and said two, "Second. All of you over the age of seventeen. Adult men under the age of forty, to disperse the garrison incorporated into our Nian.

Once become one of us. We will naturally treat you fairly. You half-orc soldiers receive the same treatment as our soldiers, with monthly salary and weapons and equipment.

But at the same time, half-orc soldiers must also obey military orders and obey military laws. If I have military merit, I will be promoted to other officials. I will be punished by military law if I am at fault.

In short, I will not favor you, let alone discriminate against you

Gelba hesitated for a moment, and said: "Well, most of the warriors in our clan don't understand human language, can you let them?"

Lorraine waved his hand and resolutely said: "This is not discussed, I can't learn it. If you don't understand, you can ask. I will send someone to teach them Ruman language and military regulations. I will not allow a self-contained system. The half-orcs exist in our sequence, which is a hidden danger.

And in the future, I will deal with all the orcs that come back in this way

Gailba looked at Lorraine's appearance and knew that there was no discussion. Only sighed, lowered his head and said, "Well, my lord, we agree. But you have to make sure that your subordinates will not discriminate against us half-orcs.

"Of course" Lorraine said, "I can guarantee that if half-orcs feel discriminated against, they can come to me to appeal.

Gailba sighed in his heart: This is the only way to go. I hope that this year's light official said his words.

"Third" Lorraine shrugged and said: "I won't talk about taking hostages so ugly. Let's just say it directly. In order to show that I value you Ashendan, I invite the big people in your clan to Nidal. Settled in the city. By the way, isn't your patriarch only six years old? The child is in poor physique, and the conditions here are much better."

Gailba shook his head and said, "My lord, you are really speaking." Gailba scratched his head and said, "Direct. But I have a request."

"Tell me."

"I hope I can stay with you, my lord, Gailba said, touching his chest.

Know, ten thousand

Lorraine gave a long laugh. Said: "Why? Want to follow me?.

Gelba nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, sir. I want to witness the demise of the Durqi people with my own eyes, and I want to reshape the statue of the ancestor of Saint Sank.

In addition, I believe that my abilities will help you a little bit.

Lorraine secretly said in his heart: Just because of the ability of the artificial automatic polygraph, Leo would also want to give this guy to work for himself.

Lorraine nodded and said: "You can stay and be my assistant. But let me make it clear first. What the **** of your voyeurism skills."

Gailba whispered: "It's the soul prophet

"Cannot be used on my family. Let me know that I will kill your whole family. This is a matter of principle. Understand?" Lorraine glared at Gailba and said sharply.

Gelba hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, my lord, I promise. Actually, using the eye of the soul is very troublesome. You can see it when you get close to it when you cast a spell."

Lorraine rubbed his chin and thought for a while and said: "Speaking of it. I have a figure in my hand. I need you to look at it. I'm about to send him out, wondering if this person is reliable or not.

Gailba bit his scalp and said, "My lord, please give me orders.

"Oh, it's a goblin." Lorraine said lightly.

Gailba was so shocked that his jaw dropped. Stuttered: "Earth" goblin. "

Then he grumbled. Reluctantly, the boss pinched his nose and said: "Oh, my lord

Gailba sighed inwardly: That's it. No matter, it fell into the hands of others anyway. Alas, the heroic spirits of the ancestors forgive me and use our sacred talents on goblins.

Lorraine glanced at Galba and said contemptuously: "Okay, okay, don't worry about it. In the eyes of us humans, you half-orcs are noble than goblins."

Only then did Lorraine give orders to the Guards: release the half-orcs and send them back to their residence for strict protection.

The orc who had escaped a bad luck touched his neck, dried the cold sweat on his body, obediently returned to his residence under the supervision of the Imperial Guard. Nor did he mention Delino again, as if he had never followed the Orcs to the city of Nedel.

At night, I stopped tossing the officers guarding the hall, and went back to sleep honestly, arching into the bed shivering.

Half-orcs exchanged experiences in the middle of the night and summed up one sentence: This group of humans is different from the legend. It is cruel, especially their governor is really murderous

Lorraine settled the Adu Pill, which was a big problem.

Although the Abendan people have always emphasized that the Durche coalition is coming soon, Lorraine neither disbelieves nor fully believes what these Ashengdan people say. You have to get accurate information yourself before you can make a decision.

But Lorraine was unwilling to regret it. The Americans who lived every day, Lorraine wrote to General Larry and the lord of the southern cities that night, warning them that there might be nearly 100,000 half-orcs going north and ordering them to be careful. alert. Pay close attention to outside the border, increase the scope of investigation, and pay attention to any abnormal situations.

At the same time, hoarding food and grass, repairing the city's defenses, in case there really is a large-scale attack by half-orcs, and can hold on to the city.

They also told them that the enemy might have a Necromancer, and asked them to recruit people from the church to prepare for everything.

After all this is done, Lorraine can stretch back and return to the backyard house to prepare for dinner.

When Lorraine walked into the body room, the atmosphere inside was weird. Leo was in the limelight today and received unanimous praise from Lorraine, Catherine and Adele. This is simply unprecedented. The incident, Zhengmei is boundless. Pulling Melina and Vera to talk about his heroic deeds today.

With a pen in her hand, Catherine looked absent-minded, looked up at Adele, and then gave Lorraine a wink.

Adele sullen her face. Wearing a loose brown dress, his head set up, uncharacteristically plain, curled up in a large sand with bare feet, saw Lorraine coming in, her charming little face turned, don’t go to the Throne of God and not look at Lorraine .

Catherine spoke to Lorraine with her lips: "You are angry."

Lorraine smiled. Compared with the charming and charming Adele, this kind of occasional angry grievance was even more pitiful.

Lorraine walked over to the Throne of God Seal, took Adele Baizhe's slender hand, and pulled her up from the sand, leaning against her arms.

Adele snorted. Don't go too far to look at Lorraine.

Lorraine patted Adele on the back gently. Smiling and said, "What's the matter?"

"You bully people. They are kind to help you, and you still talk about them." Adele yelled, her eyes were red, and she looked pitiful.

Lorraine curled his lips, raised his slap and patted Adele’s hip, with a "pop",

Adele glared at Lorraine with red eyes, and said, "You still beat people."

Lorraine rubbed her fingers, and said inwardly: Just this feeling, I won’t get tired of it many times.

Then he glared at Adele and said, "You are still reasonable. You are my woman, and I have not been incapable of asking my own woman to go out and show her face. To the point of making myself a future. I can't control it before. Following me, You can only show me your dance. If other men see it, just like today, I shot him."

Adele burst into tears and laughed. She punched Lorraine's chest and groaned: "How can you be so overbearing. I won't be able to show it to my grandparents, grandpa and grandma."

Lorraine said frankly: "Even if you want, they have to ask for my consent first."

Adele gave Lorraine a blank look, and said with joy, "What kind of temper? It smells so bad."

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"Okay, okay" Lorraine held Adele's shoulder and stared at Adele's eyes. Said: "I wronged you today, you are not allowed later."

"Yeah." Adele snorted obediently, nodded heavily, clasped Lorraine's shoulders, raised her toes and kissed Lorraine's mouth, her lips and tongue entangled.

Vera hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover Leo's eyes, and said in a low voice: "Good boy, don't look at it, there will be needles."

Then Lorraine and Adele kissed and licked her lips unconsciously. I thought to myself: It looks delicious.

Catherine knocked on the table and yelled dissatisfiedly: "Hey, hello, hello, we said you two, there are kids here."

Leo cut in disapproval, and said: "It's okay, it's okay. You don't want to eat back and forth three or four times that day, it's not hygienic at all."

Melina lowered her head and avoided Vera's little hand, staring at Lorraine and Adele intently.

Adele blushed and panted slightly, pushing Lorraine away. Not dare to look at Catherine's quizzical gaze, she yelled to herself: "I'm hungry."

At the dinner table, Lorraine told everyone about the content of the talks with Gailba that Leo really was most interested in the humanoid polygraph, and he didn’t eat food honestly. His eyes were turning around, I don’t know. What are you thinking carefully.

Catherine and Adele stayed away from these sacred things, but there was one thing they had to discuss together, and that was how to report to Ruman City.

There are foreigners who voluntarily attached, it is a memorable event.

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