Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 375: Combat Readiness (2)

Atom the goblin. Sha Jinshe had forgotten his life, and with a few lingering hopes, when Xinjie was on the grassland, Lorraine personally went to see him off.

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He watched Sha Jin's weak figure staggering, gradually moving away, suddenly feeling a strange and tragic mood.

Regarding what the goblin Shajin could gain from this trip, Lorraine had no confidence in his heart.

After all, goblins have always been known for their greed, short-sightedness, weakness and betrayal.

What's more, Sha Jin himself caused a lot of trouble on the grassland. There were several creditors of him there. If this happened by them, it is estimated that before the goblin could speak, he would kill him with one stroke.

And Lorraine is not the kind of vampire boss who sets a sales volume of 30 million and is fired if he fails to complete the task. At most, he finds some reason to deduct a little annual bonus and collect a deposit. Such wicked movements.

As a Lorraine who has never won the title of an outstanding employee, an expert in position, and a star employee of the year, he is very clear about the saying, "There is no free lunch in the world.

This sentence applies not only to employees, but also to bosses.

The people below will give you as much work as you pay. Those who don't slacken their efforts are already rare and honest people.

If you are not in a magical country or you are Gordon funeral (English transliteration), then don't expect any "voluntary free." obligation. Good things like overtime.

Of course, in the following report to the Governor of Lorraine, it is always mentioned that so and so and so and so and so do not get off the line with minor injuries, eat in the office, sleep in the front line, do not go home for a few days and months, and never work sooner or later. Two days, fourteen months of work a year.

Lorraine knew that this grandson must have been playing with Shangguan in the bathing center, entertainment plaza and other places.

If I look back, if I have a shortage of money on hand, I need to slaughter a big family to kill fat pigs, and find the girl who is pretty. It is definitely not said that the Chongzhen kid did it in the past.

Before the goblin Shajin left, Lorraine told him not to be too reluctant. If it is really dangerous or unsolvable, please run back with oil on the soles of your feet.

After all, the goblin Shajin still has a hand in making overall plans and improving corporate efficiency.

There are a few simple strokes depicting goblins everywhere in the Flying Eagle Company, and then a bunch of managers have hired staff and so on. When they are fine, they use darts, needles, toothpicks and so on, and stick them on them.

From then on, Lorraine and Leo knew that precision was a talent.

Of course, in the later official propaganda of the empire, the image of the goblin prophet Atom and Lord Shakin was brilliant, stalwart, and wise.

His successful experience inspired generations of goblins to step out of the grass nest and join the big family of Ruman Empire's feudal society.

After sending away Sha Jin, Lorraine's next task was to clean up the orcs on the border.

In order to deal with those guys, Lorraine led his team to organize a mighty armed parade on the border.

A cavalry contingent of five thousand people came out of the city of Krony and headed towards the southern border with great momentum. The discerning person knew at a glance that Lorraine took them to show off their strength and went to subdue those half-orcs.

Solving the problems of the Abendan tribe was only one of the purposes of Lorraine's trip.

Lorraine had been observing Gailba, the big orc shaman who was following him these days.

He also didn't expect that this big shaman was very honest, not only was he witty, he asked for instructions every day to report at night. No matter what happened, he asked for instructions immediately, and he obeyed his words, and executed them resolutely without compromise.

Even Adele sighed, if the people below are as knowledgeable as the soul prophet, how good it would be to advance and retreat, our job would be much simpler.

Since the current heads of the Abendan tribe are so obedient, the various frictions that have occurred in the integration of the Abendan tribe are minor issues that do not hinder the overall situation.

Lorraine took so many little brothers, copied the guys yelling slogans, and strode across his territory aggressively, naturally not to go to the next door for morning tea.

Lord Lorraine's intention was very clear, that is, by taking advantage of this great opportunity to gather heavy troops and integrate the Abendan people, to take the opportunity to gather all the orc tribes on the border, and not to leave them a chance to ride the wall.

You know, those little tribes are just like a wall of grass. For the Naian people, it is a bunch of chicken ribs. Say it's useless, they can provide a buffer warning at any rate to buy two days for the defenders.

Say useful, these guys never work hard in war. The demand for things is more and more year after year, and from time to time, I do a part-time job, rushing into the country to be a robber with a face covered, disturbing local security and annoying local officials.

Now that Abendan accepted decentralized resettlement, the army was reorganized. Driven by this trend, these small tribes can't help but choose.

These half-orcs have been in contact with humans for many years, and they know a lot about Nian's affairs, like the distribution of border towns, some forest roads, and the deployment of Nian's garrison. Almost all these half-orcs know well.

Keeping them for the Orcs coalition is a disaster.

Allied forces of half orcs came over. These guys surrendered and mingled with the half-orcs coalition. Everyone slapped their necks and slapped their shoulders, shouting: The world's half-orcs are one family, come on. brothers. I will show the way, there is a shortcut to get around the Throne of God Seal.

That Lorraine's fun is great.

Out of the city of Krone is a common landscape in the human world. On both sides of the road are continuous agricultural

The farmland is dotted with blue-gray villages, from near to far, there are many, among which are wooden. Most of the houses made of stone and adobe have the unique style of dwarves or elves.

After traveling for thirty miles, the farmland on both sides began to become sparser, the size of the village was much larger, and the farmhouses were very scattered.

Seeing Lorraine and their mighty cavalry team, the farmers all ran out of the house, squeezed to the side of the road and nervously asked the soldiers, "Did they fight?"

"Are the orcs coming? How far are they?"

Until they knew this was just a large-scale border patrol, these farmers returned to the house uneasy.

Lorraine led the army all the way. It was not until the afternoon when they arrived at their destination, a fortress on a hill on the border.

The soldiers formed their ranks and surrounded the fortress. Lorraine led Leo to the top of the fortress and looked south toward the endless grassland.

The prairie in the distance was empty and lonely.

The withered weeds covered the ground, and the cold wind at the end of autumn rolled up the broken grass and sand, forming a smoke screen, rolling on the grassland, with neither human figures nor animals.

The cool breeze made everyone's clothes flutter, and there was also a whirring wind in their ears.

Leo's fat face was flushed with the wind.

He squinted his big eyes, looked at the cold wind for a long time, and then wrapped his clothes hard. Exclaimed: "The land is good, but here is too desolate."

City Lord Krone Nosdako respectfully said: "His Royal Highness, if you come here in spring or summer, the climate is pleasant and the scenery is good."

Leo glanced at him without stubbornness, but curled his lips in disdain.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Master Nostalco, Leo meant it would be better if it were all opened into farmland."

Nostalco was stunned, and quickly nodded and said yes, but then sighed again and said, "I don't want to open land, my lord.

Such a good half plain, the land is fertile, the climate is suitable, and there is a lot of rain every year. You can sprout seeds when you sprinkle them, but "can't hold the half-orcs grabbing them and burning them every year."

"It's ours soon, it will be soon." Lorraine patted the handrail on the top of the fortress and said to himself.

The head of the Remi tribe, Wuli, walked up to the soldiers again and asked in a low voice, "Um, when will your governor arrive? We have been waiting for almost a day."

The soldier gave him a white look, and said impatiently: "How would I know, wait with peace of mind."

Wuli groaned twice, and had to back off again.

And not far away, another half-orc was pacing back and forth in annoyance. Hearing the soldiers say this, he waved his hand angrily and shouted: "Go back. Let's go back. Get us here to drink the wind. What does it mean, we are different from the Abendan people."

With that, he turned around and strode out. He drove to the door and looked at the soldiers standing at the door glaringly at the door, but he did not feel timid at all. He grunted and stretched out his hand to push the soldier's shoulder, trying to squeeze the wall of soldiers.

But no matter how hard he tried, the soldier on the opposite side remained motionless. The orc became angry, pointed at the soldier and shouted: "You"

The officer for Wei glared at him, then touched his hand on the hilt, and said coldly: "Our governor asked you to wait here, you just wait here."

What else did the orc say.

Patriarch Uli hurriedly pulled him back, and calmed him down.

The human soldiers suddenly stepped aside to both sides, Lorraine walked in with the people, and the orcs stood up nervously.

"Sorry, I'm late." Lorraine nodded and said casually, but there was no sense of sorry on his face.

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Patriarch Uli hurriedly bent over to salute Lorraine, speaking in pure Ruman, and said, "There. You came just right."

"Oh" Lorraine sneered and said, "I heard that someone just couldn't wait to leave first."

The orc who caused the trouble just now snorted, and Uri hurriedly pulled his clothes and smiled awkwardly. Said: "Piolek is joking."

Lorraine smiled and said, "Sit down, everyone."

Then did it by himself.

"No" Piolek, the orc who has been stabs, waved his hand and said loudly, "We orcs have always sat on the floor and have no habit of making chairs."

The other half-orc patriarchs followed and stood straight across from Lorraine.

Chief Wuli was leaning on the armrest of the chair, his **** was two inches above the chair, and he was about to sit down. After hearing these words, it was not necessary to sit for a while, nor was it not to sit, which was extremely embarrassing.

He looked at Lorraine, then at the other half-orc patriarchs, and finally turned his mind, smiled at Lorraine and nodded, then sat down.

Lorraine looked at the few half-orc patriarchs who were standing upright, curled his lips, and said in his heart: I don't know the current affairs.

He coughed slightly, and then said: "In fact, it's not a big deal to call you here. The southern half-orcs form a coalition and want to invade. I think you all know that, so I won't say much.

In short, for the safety of your tribe. I suggest that you learn from Abendan. Do you know the conditions we made with the Abendan people? "

Piolek said loudly: "This unlabored adult is worried, we will naturally be careful. We are not Abendan people, unlike them, we have not yet reached the point of being unable to survive."

Chuanlin nodded faintly, then looked at the mountain that was sitting down, the bone man

Patriarch Wuli smiled honestly and said, "This is not impossible, sir, but you know, we are all small tribes. We are not bigger than the Abendan family. It is naturally good to live a life without worry. Yes. But our people have never planted land before, so they are afraid that they can’t do the job by hand. If you don’t have enough food, it’s not.”

Lorraine laughed, and the attitude of these half-orcs was straightforward enough. They were either unwilling or seeking benefits, but they didn't hide at all.

Lorraine carefully looked at the half-orc patriarchs who had been called on the opposite side.

Apart from the face of a half-orc, these people were dressed up to the standard of a human, and even the patterns on their faces were much less than that of the Abendan. Either just wiped a short strip, or just like the head of Wuli, his face was clean.

As far as Lorraine knew, these patriarchs had already thrown away animal skin tents and lived in houses, and their living habits became more and more human nobles.

Their attitude is very simple. Except for the head of Wuli, the others are pretending to be a chicken rather than a queen. I want to try my best to strive for more favorable terms.

Lorraine scowled and said with a cold voice: "I'm not discussing with you, and I don't have time to discuss with you, maybe the Orcs coalition will appear on the horizon tomorrow. I don't have time to play Huairou or serve you in morals. People, what is the big country's mind. The conditions are those, exactly the same as the Abendan people.

If you agree, execute it now, but disagree. Now you have to do it too, or else our cavalry will do it for you. "

Listening to Lorraine's straightforward threat of force, these half-orc patriarchs moved on their faces. Although they didn't speak, their eyes were obviously panicked.

Patriarch Uli said with a bitter expression: "My lord, this is a good discussion, a good discussion."

Piolek yelled at Lorraine: "You are going to fight, and you don't want us half-orcs to stay here. It's fine for us to go. We are far away from your border. Isn't this the way to go?"

Lorraine snorted and said, "Patriarch Piolek of Oz, right? How far is your tribe from here?"

"Not far nor near. Eighty miles." Piolek

"Yes" Lorraine nodded and said, "I don't know how many guards you will pass through to Remy."

"I haven't counted it, five or six."

"Do you know the officer in the post?"

"Why don't we know, we have always abide by human conditions, and still do business with humans, all relying on them." Piolek said loudly.

The other half-orcs still didn't realize it, but Patriarch Wuli knew what Lorraine meant, and the cold sweat suddenly fell.

"Since you know everything" Lorraine squinted at him and said, "Do you think we will let you go?"

"I" Patriarch Piolek understood Lorraine's meaning, and looked at Lorraine fixedly. His throat swayed up and down, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Oh, also, I forgot to tell you that the border of Nian'an has moved a hundred miles to the south. To be precise, you are already in the territory of Nian'an." Lorraine said leisurely.

Chief Wuli was taken aback for a moment, and said, "We have never heard of it?"

Lorraine laughed and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to inform you. We are going to put the boundary monument."

"I," Patriarch Wuli didn't come up in a sigh of relief, blushing, and smiled bitterly.

Lorraine looked at the people coldly, and asked softly: "Now, let me ask one more question, is there anyone who opposes it? If you have any comments, please mention it. I am always very generous. If you don't believe me, you can ask. The Great Gorba Shaman of Abendan?

I will never shut you all in a small black room, and then pretend to be on fire and set a fire outside. Burned everyone to death.

It will not directly send cavalry to pretend to be other tribes and ransack your tribe. "

Everyone shivered immediately, and they were all silent.

They knew not to read what this Sir Alex said was pretty, but as long as they dare to say something. The word "no". Today I have to leave here sideways.

The role model next to Drino is right in front. It is said that the unlucky boy was just drunk and molested the maid of the governor's house, and Lorraine stabbed his head with a steel rod, and his brain rushed all over the table.

"Okay, that's it." Lorraine stood up, without looking at the gloomy expressions of the half-orcs patriarchs, flung his skin, and strode for fear of these half-orcs. Say one thing, do another thing. Going back, a roll of bedding slipped away, and the cavalry team directly escorted these patriarchs back to their respective tribes, monitoring them to clean up their east and west movement.

With the onlookers of Lorraine and Leo, the soldiers of the fortress solemnly dug out the boundary monument. Load it on a carriage and transport it south.

Leo pulled at Lorraine's clothes and whispered: "What is the use of just making a stele and moving it to the Throne of God Seal, such a big place, I can't hold it and dare to come to farm?"

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Lorraine smiled and said: "For example, you worked so hard to build a Yancheng in Constantine, and your father is short of money. If you want to confiscate you, what will you do?"

Leo rolled his sleeves and waved his fists yelled: "Of course it's impossible, even if my old man is here."

Lorraine shrugged and said, "The same reason, but let's call it South China Open.

Do you remember the staking field that I said? To be continued)

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