Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 382: United orcs

The beasts cherish the ten glory of the millennium, the patron of the ancestor god, and they are invincible. But that's all boasting.

No matter how much they say, the first mate raises the national pride of those simple-minded half-orcs and raises their happiness index. But it cannot change the fact that they are still in an extremely primitive, extremely backward tribal age.

Moreover, those tribal chiefs and shamans who have held power, these vested interests, will never allow anyone to challenge this system.

Once someone dared to do this, these scumbags would use the banner of "protection of the ancestral law." He will never stand up

In the tribal period, one of the biggest characteristics is low productivity and lack of supplies. Everyone can kill and set fire for the sake of a full meal, a carrot, and a straw sandal. The end result can only be infighting.

Unite with your compatriots and deal with outsiders. Then unite with his cousin. Deal with your compatriots. Come with his son to deal with his brother.

For thousands of years, the great half-orcs, who are brave and good at fighting and regard death as home, are like this, with their long history of glorious tradition, step by step, and walk firmly.

This time is no exception.

The Durche suddenly besieged the Chimidian tribe in the middle of the night.

The leaders of other tribes heard the news of Huo Bin, lest they would lose their soup. So he hurriedly crawled out of the bed.

But when everyone gathered the soldiers to encircle the camp, they were disappointed to find that there were already zombie warriors in the Chimedea camp. The Scorpion King’s soldiers blocked other tribes from outside.

Seeing the fierce fighting in the camp, the killing sound shook the sky. These people don't stand up for others at all


Seeing that the fighters of the Chimedians were cut to death, these over-savvy patriarchs, the first thing to do is to send people back, call the remaining tribes, and go to the Chimedians to **** them. I also specifically urged that I must grab more for myself.

Then these patriarchs gathered together and watched the Scorpion King’s subordinates perform leisurely, taking this opportunity to see what was going on with their black shaman. They waited until dawn, they finished killing here. These patriarchs threw away their wine glasses and gathered around fiercely to ask the Scorpion King for some bargains." Uh, for the sake of their brother-like Chimedian tribe.

Witchin and Torek finished talking about their dreams, their eyes swept across the faces of the patriarchs opposite, and as expected, they saw the ugly greed from the faces of everyone on the opposite side.

He couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and secretly said: I know that you are a group of people who have not succeeded in accomplishing things, and those who have failed. Just wait and see, the day you lie under my feet is not far away.

Witchin and Tolek paused, and then said loudly, "Great warriors, we have wasted too much time to make the covenant. Humans must have known that we are coming. Now, organize your team, We out"

The other patriarchs also sneered in their hearts, wasting too much time? Are you a dead scorpion trying to seize our leadership?

What do you say for the convenience of command, do you think we are idiots, let our people be cannon fodder, you follow to pick up the cheap, we are still waiting for you.

You dulci's bastard. This time we won, and we divided the human things. If you lose, we will divide it first

These patriarchs glanced at each other tacitly, and then raised the weapon in their hands, they also tried their best to shout.

"Warriors, come out. Out, for wealth, for women."

"Grab Food"


"Grab the animal"

"Grab a Girl"

If Lord Lorraine was present, he would definitely despise these puppies for ten thousand years. When chanting the slogan, he actually ranked "livestock." next to "woman." In front of. This is too rude.

The shouting sounded like a mountain whistling a tsunami, straight into the sky.

The orcs yelled loudly. While waving the weapon in his hand, his eyes became more and more feverish.

They have also been waiting here for too long.

In order to grab the leadership, in order to formulate the marching route, for their own goals, and even to return the illusory spoils, these half-orcs engaged in fierce quarrels, and everyone wanted to take advantage of them, but these patriarchs were full of brains, but But no one is not smart, no one can persuade others.

But in general, because Witchin and Torek have the greatest power, this time they brought out the most little brothers, and there are high-tech troops like the black shaman.

Although his old man did not see "Sister Spiderman", he also knew the famous saying "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility".

Therefore, his appetite is also the greatest, and he wants other people to respect him as the leader of the alliance, and he also asks for the command of the coalition army.

Although the conditions are very good and the sky is blowing, none of those patriarchs are fuel-efficient lamps.

Everyone was killed from the tribal throne battle, from the sea of ​​blood and conspiracy. How could it be a rice bucket?

The scorpion king Vichin and Torek became the targets of unanimous confrontation by the half-orcs patriarchs. They were drawn together and divided. The entire half-orcs coalition was nearly 100,000 people. For these political activities, they spent a full month on the shore of Star Lake. time.

And now, I have already waited for my heart to gather...: Men. After finally waiting for the command that came before, their grandmother was waiting in the winter in Jiakou of Sichuan, eagerly waiting for them to bring food. Medicines, and precious salt.

The orc warriors cheered and rushed back to their camp, picking up their packages. Move out of the mount, tear down your tent, organize the convoy, polish up the weapons, fill the water bag, hold the flags of their respective tribes, gather together and wait for them to leave.

The half-orc warriors surrounding the camp also dispersed, and the warriors of the Durchi tribe hurried back to the camp, with a greedy expression, excitedly discussing the prosperity of human time.

Witchin and Torek have always haughty expressions. Passing among the soldiers under his men, Durche's soldiers saluted all the places they passed.

For them, the patriarch who had not been in office for a few years, the Durci people had an extraordinary respect. Through plunder and annexation, within a few years, Vichin and Torek had brought the Durchi people to their fill. Not only did they rule a vast area that they didn't even dare to think about, but now they want to lead them toward the land of mankind.

The city currency there is prosperous,

The land there is rich, the cattle and sheep are fat,

The girls there are beautiful"

The river there is full of sweet milk,

The Durchi soldiers discussed in private that after winning this battle, we won’t have to go out and fight desperately in the future.

Witchin and Torek walked into a beautiful tent with their heads raised slightly, their jaws tightened, and with his pride and an imposing manner as if he would never fail.

Unlike the rough hide tent of a half-orc. This tent is entirely made of thick cloth. Clean and tidy.

The floor is not only covered with wooden carpets, but spices are lit in the tents. A fresh and elegant smell flows in the tent.

Vichin and Torek stared straight at the people in the tent, and Deipoll, who was as beautiful as a monster, was lying lazily on the bed.

The thin black gauze is like cicada wings. Under the translucent gauze is crystal clear skin. There is a narrow underwear inside, and the swing of the body is looming when falling asleep. This seductive temptation is enough to make a man crazy.

The black one was hanging down like a waterfall, and the white and tender little hands were playing a harp boredly. A series of beautiful and pleasant sounds of "Ding Ding Dong Dong".

Vichin and Tolek strained their faces, looked at the stunning enchantment on the bed with gloomy expressions, and squeezed their fists. In the end, he let go of his hand and wraps his arms around his chest.

Witchin and Torek said softly: "Those who do not live or die of Chimedians dare to attack you, I have killed them all.

Deipoll closed his eyes and hummed indifferently, then there was silence in the tent. Only the ding-dong sound of Deipler's plucked strings.

Witchin and Torek hesitated, opened their mouths and said, "We will be out today."

Dei Bole opened his eyes and stood up suddenly; sitting up, a pair of beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Taobao women's winter coat m's eyes glared at Deibo Teacher in annoyance, and said angrily, screaming: "Today? Did those tribes listen to you? I asked you to kill Chimedea to gain power. Just as you are now in a mess, how can you fight humans?"

Witchin and Tolek scowled, and said in a low voice unpleasantly: "I will decide on the matter of the war."

Deipoll beat the bed and said, "You decide? We are betting on everything, just for this war, there is no perfect preparation. To fight with humans is to die!

What did we do before? Don't act rashly without subduing these half-orcs. If they don't accept it, they will be killed just like the Chimedians today. "

Vichin and Torek shook their heads and said, "They are uniting against me. If I hadn't killed the Chimedians today, those swaying tribes would soon abandon the alliance and go home. To control them, It’s not that simple."

Deipoll looked at Witchin and Torek. Turning his expression, his mournful eyes pleaded: "Then wait, half a month, half a month. My people can control those patriarchs with magic techniques. As long as the most powerful tribes, our plan is Can succeed."

Witchin and Torek said in dissatisfaction: "Do you still use magic? Have you ever thought about them? There are big shamans around them. If people know, we Durqi will form a public enemy of the entire grassland. They will not Hesitating to unite and tear us apart. Even now, there are people who suspect it, and rumors are spreading underneath."

Witchin and Torek looked at the angry woman opposite. I was wary, and secretly said: Can you control those patriarchs, if you can't guarantee that you won't control me?

"and". Witchin and Tolek sighed and said in a gentle tone: "Our food is almost gone. If we don't move, we will starve before we reach the human border.

At that time, these tribes wanted to eat a full meal. It's likely to fight on their own, then we are really all over.

Besides, according to our plan, with our human friends, we can achieve our goals without relying on those people. Why distribute the benefits to them. "You are short-sighted," Deipoll screamed: "You are gambling with the strength that we have finally accumulated. You will bring us to death

Vichin and Tolek sneered secretly and remained silent.

Deipoll sighed weakly, looked up at Witchin and Torek, and said softly: "Vik, it doesn't work, let's go back and prepare for another year. Whether it's buying or regaining, control their The soul is good, we need those tribes, we can't afford to lose, Vic, if we can't, let's go back."

Vichin and Torek were furious.

He gritted his teeth and roared: "No, as soon as I got to the tip of my taste, I no longer have any prestige in the grassland. Anyway, I am silent now, and the pools just don't listen to me and dare not fight with us."

Seeing Deipole still wanted to talk. Witchin and Torek waved their hands and said, "I said, war is what I am in charge of. You only need to make those black shamans obedient."

Witchin and Tolek said, looking at Deipule with affection, and said peacefully:

"I will be victorious, my goddess, you have to believe me, how many tribes I have conquered over the years, Deipoll, we will be victorious, with my life and soul assure. One day will come soon, Don’t forget your promise, if I take the big city of mankind, you will give yourself as a reward. Not only that,"

Witchin and Tolek had a fanatical light in their eyes, raised their arms, and said firmly: "I will do that to conquer the entire human world. In my hands, the mainland will reproduce the glory of the Orc Empire.

"But so" Deipoll said anxiously.

Vichin and Torek waved their hands, turned around and walked out of the tent, and then stared at the northern horizon in a daze, dreaming of the day they might hit the mainland.

Deipoll grabbed the harp in his hand and slammed it on the ground, panting, his face flushed with excitement, and his chest rose and fell violently. I said to myself: "You are crazy. You are crazy."

Suddenly Deipoll laughed wildly on his back. He leaned back and lay heavily on the bed, his hands clenched the sheets hard, the blue veins on his hands jumped up, Deipole smiled bitterly: "How did I raise such a white-eyed wolf?"

The sound of biting an apple sounded with a crisp sound of "Kola", Deipule suddenly got up, drew a dagger from the bed, and said sharply: "Come out." A delicate figure walked out of thin air with a sharp purple short and thick eyebrows. Xiumu, holding a big apple in her hand, the girl is in good shape. Four convex shapes, with a pleasing baby face, at first glance it looks like a high school student, and when you take a closer look, it is different from the same girl, Vera. Vera is innocent and charming, but she has a different kind of beauty that is unique to a sensible female student.

At this moment, she was eating an apple leisurely, hooked up a chair with her feet, and sat on it comfortably.

Deipoll put down the weapon in his hand and said with a cold face: "What are you doing? Our first beauty, Adeling"

"Oh, I heard that someone is not going well here, the elder asked me to take a look."

Deipoll said nervously: "When did you arrive?"

Adeling shrugged, and said: "Just when this crazy guy came in."

"Then you know everything."

Adeling nodded and shook her heart lightly. Said: "The Great Elder asked me to remind you that we are risking a full-scale war with the human Vatican and the Dragon Race. We are helping you complete your plan. Don't mess it up."

With that said, Adeling playfully put up her spring onion-like index finger and shook it in front of her.

Deipoll smiled bitterly and said: "It's out of my plan, now it seems"

Adeling shrugged. It doesn't matter to say: "Then I can't control it, I'm just here to spread the word."

Deipole straightened up, stared at Zhen Deling's eyes, and said nervously: "Aren't you here to watch me?"

"What are you kidding? I'm so busy." Adeling gave Deipoll a white look and said: "You are doing good or bad, it's your own business. Why should I care?

Well, that's it, the words have arrived, I'm leaving. "

Adeling threw the apple core away, stood up stretched, and said, "I'm exhausted after running so far. Alas, my life is really hard."

Deipole smiled brightly and said: "That's good. I will solve this problem. Thank you."

Adeling stepped into the void with one foot and waved her head without knowing how to wave her hand. She complained: "You people who think they are smart, you will have less messy ideas in the future. You have planned something, then thank us. . Who do you think is the person who runs outside every day? Really. I have to collect some bills. I didn’t even know that someone ate tofu last time. That was the first kiss.”

Deipole froze for a moment, as if he had heard something unbelievable, and said with a weird expression: "What did you say? You were kissed by someone?"

When I looked again, she was alone in the tent.

"Which guy is so unlucky?" Deipoll said to himself.

Also on the shore of Star Lake not far from here, a half-orc patriarch walked back to his tent with a straight face, picked up the curtain, and shouted at the people around him: "All roll. "

The people following him dispersed immediately.

The patriarch walked into the tent. Sitting cross-legged in front of the stove, he grabbed the jug and took a few big mouthfuls, then wiped his mouth, and said with a big smile: "Happy, happy."

"Of course." A sharp voice said. Opposite him, a short figure, wrapped in a large cloak, covered his face tightly, with a wine glass in his hand.

The patriarch patted his thigh. He laughed and said: "Thank you my friend, Chimediya is dead, and I don't know why the Scorpion King killed them."

The patriarch looked up to the sky and laughed for a while, and said to himself: "What Scorpion King, what First Tribe, hasn't been toyed with by me. I was born as a spearman."

"It's me, not you." The person on the other side snorted and raised his head, revealing the big noses of goblins, with a pair of small eyes shining brightly, and said dissatisfiedly: "I made the plan, you just execute it. "

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