Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 517: Star Lake Battle (18, looking at each other across the fire)

With the sound of the horn, Luo Linna immediately gathered up her thoughts, her eyes turned, her bright eyes had swept the entire airspace.

She was very happy to find out that this fierce war was fought so far, but no necromancer dared to come forward and challenge her magicians in the air.

This proud magician, intentionally or unconsciously, has forgotten that although the magicians under his staff have been bombarding the ground, no matter who it is, under Lorraine’s strict orders, no one has ever crossed the battlefield. The middle line.

They have always been active on this side of the human race. Moreover, once you encounter an enemy within this range, you don't need to fight, as long as you retreat slightly, you will enter the killing range of the cardinal Shilmeria on the ground.

Although the great wizard Udalk is a member of the undead world and possesses the unique pride of a high-level undead, he is not lacking in heart.

This kind of obvious provocation and trap, he will never be fooled~!

And the shamans of half-orcs, due to the ignorance of the half-orcs, no matter what kind of disaster the orcs suffer, these puppies can still be provided by the people. Every day, big fish and meat, mellow beauty, Therefore, there is no reason to make progress at all.

Over the past thousand years, there has been almost no exhibition.

Coupled with the closure and backwardness, communication is not smooth. Moreover, the rules are strict. There are ancient precepts such as passing children to daughters and daughters-in-law. Therefore, many of their original stunts have been lost.

In Lorraine's words, this is in line with the requirements of any race that is willing to fall behind and will inevitably be eliminated.

Until now, these puppies are not only good at jumping around, selling fake rat medicine. There are only those few Sanshou.

They are even less likely to pose a threat to Rowlingna and others.

Therefore, Luo Linna, who has no enemies in the sky, is also extremely arrogant.

She stood proudly in the air, like a goddess descending into the world, high above, looking down at the people. The long show is constantly fluttering in the breeze, and the clothes are fluttering, looking like purple roses blooming in the wind.

Extraordinarily touching~!

Luo Linna shouted to the magicians: "Assemble~! Quickly, it's time for us to perform."

With that said, he looked at the army of half-orcs in the distance, saw the flags floating there, and snorted disdainfully, and then shouted to the group of magicians who gathered around him: "Go, let's go~! Below is our performance time. If anyone dares to mess up for me, I will personally send him to the Lost Forest for death training~!"

All the magicians shivered right now. They may know: Lost Forest, that is the place where Warcraft is rampant. Although it is not a dead end to go there, those who come out alive rarely turn into lunatics.

At this time, Luo Linna's eyes swept over again, and they hurriedly agreed together, saying: "Please follow the order to grow up~!"

Lorraine snorted coldly, then turned her head, and flew past the God Seal Throne toward the blazing flame on the battlefield.

The other wizards did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed behind her, and flew past the Throne of God Seal.

Rowlingna flew back slowly while quietly turning her head and taking a look, then she couldn't help but sigh slightly.

In order to lure the enemy, he had such an obvious flaw, but the necromancer on the opposite side held it back abruptly, not starting from behind. What a **** old fox~!

On the ground, Silmelia watched a group of magicians fly by in the sky, and then looked at the sky opposite, there was still no movement, let alone necromancers, not even a bird. Immediately he sighed slightly, and dissipated the ‘Holy Light’s Spear’ that he had already prepared.

In the Orc army, although the great wizard Udalk looked at the empty door behind the magicians, as long as he shot, he would definitely knock down several, but he also abruptly resisted that. Impulse.

He has suffered a loss once. Although it was not clear where Silmelia would hide, his instinct told him that the other party must be lying in wait for her to be hooked.

Therefore, Master Wu looked at the magicians in the sky, and he curled his lips: I am not a fool, how could I trip over the same stone twice~!

But at the same time, he was annoyed that the other party would use such a bad strategy to deal with himself. In their opinion, my dignified necromancer is so mindless?

Luo Linna led a group of magicians and returned to the original formation.

At this time, due to the obstruction of the raging fire, the battlefield has fallen into a state of brief pause.

The half-orcs before the fire scene had been completely annihilated by the imperial regiment. And the half-orcs behind the fire field wanted to rush through the raging fire field, or they could only bypass the gap in the fire. But in this way, it will become a tactic of refueling, which can only be eaten bit by bit by the emperor group who is waiting for work.

Either way, just wait for the fire to go out. After all, it is impossible for the fire to burn forever, as long as it is extinguished, the orc warrior will rush to the throne of God Seal again like a tide.

Just now, they already saw the hope of victory. The brave warriors had already rushed to the front of the imperial formation, and almost tore the line of defense of the Terran Corps.

If there were 5,000 more people at that time,! Just two thousand more people. As long as two thousand people, if they can smoothly enter, expand the results. Then those **** human invaders will be defeated by themselves.

Therefore, although it was another file for a while, the patriarchs were still full of self-confidence. To their subordinates, they announced loudly: Victory must belong to us, belong to the warriors of God Stoun~!

"We can definitely kill all the evil invaders~!"

"At that time, their weapons, food, and tents will all be ours~!"

"We can definitely grab them all and live a happy and beautiful life~!"


Under their encouragement, the orc warriors kept screaming at the human position through the raging flames.

Some impatient guys even started to do it, braving the hot flames, regardless of the high temperature that can soften the hair of their whole body, and began to water and cover the ground, wanting to extinguish the fire, so as to kill the gods as soon as possible. Throne, cut all the evil human beings to extinction, and avenged the blood and hatred for his dead compatriots.

But the raging fire was made with light petroleum as the main fuel, and other things were added to it. Once it burns, it will continue to raging. Unless it burns out by itself, it is absolutely impossible to extinguish it.

In the era of Lorraine, it also had a terrifying name, Greek Fire~!

Some scholars and historians even believe that it is one of the reasons why the Byzantine Empire can last for thousands of years.

Its power is so great, according to the Crusaders who have been wounded by the Greek fire: "Whenever the enemy attacks us with Greek fire, all we do is kneel down and pray for God's rescue."

It is said that this kind of flame can be extinguished with urine, vinegar, or sand.

But the fire is so huge, even if it is a few feet away, you can still feel the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the proud world, the strongest, abandons the young, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night kills the god, the seal Throne seeks the devil, proud of the world, the strongest of the nine times, abandons the young man, the imperial family, moves the universe, the night kills the god, the **** seal, throne seeks the devil, the proud world, the nine heavens, the strongest It was impossible to get close to the compelling blazing flames by forcibly abandoning the imperial clan of Shao Da Zhou.

No matter how good the orcs' kidneys are, they can't pee on the fire a few feet away. And facing this blazing fire, straight into the sky, they just want to pounce, and they don't have so many water sources. What's more, before the war, they still had a pee.

This shows that it is really bad to urinate anywhere~!

As for the use of vinegar, these half-orcs have difficulty even eating salt, and their happiness index has reached 99.9%. You are so poor, how can there be vinegar?

Although using sand is also effective, they are fighting on the battlefield. They only use knives and swords. Who will be okay with a shovel?

Therefore, facing the rising wall of flames, the Orcs could only roar and roar constantly behind the flames, but they could do nothing.

On the side of the imperial front, the artillery was desperately pouring water on the artillery that had been red, and a bucket of cold water was poured on it, but with a sound, it instantly turned into a cloud of steam and disappeared.

The archers were also tired of sore arms, sitting on the ground and breathing heavily.

You must know that these strong bows, although they are good to shoot, can penetrate the armor hundreds of steps away. But every time the bowstring is pulled, it takes a lot of effort.

Under this round of high-intensity blows, these guys are also clenching their teeth.

Although they have also practiced for a long time, it is estimated that after this battle, many people's arms have been painful for at least three to five days, and some people's fingers have even been worn out by the bowstring.

They have been able to maintain it until now, and they are already tired and have used all the strength to have a son. Almost to the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

If they were given another blow of this intensity, they would simply not be able to do it.

In this short interval, the commanders at all levels seized the time and quickly reported their consumption to Lorraine.

Lorraine looked at the report with a heavy heart and deplored herself. Although he had fully foreseen the combat power of these half-orcs before the war, the consumption was too huge.

More than half of the shells were shot out, and nearly 40% of the bows and arrows were consumed. Only a small part of the kerosene tank remained.

The cost of this war is too great.

If it weren’t for the Flying Eagle Company, this world-class trust and monopolistic multinational company would serve as a strong backing. Even if the Nai An province or even half of the empire’s financial resources were not enough to support such a high-consumption modernized war. .

No wonder everyone is fighting now, it's just the number of people. Use close hand-to-hand combat. Because the soldiers do not have the value of those materials at all. It was all dead, and when I turned around, I picked up the small rope and walked around the country, I could pull another batch and use myself as cannon fodder. There was no need for heartache.

And supplies, shells, fire oil cans, grenades... these are all measured by gold coins, let alone this long-distance transportation. Although there are no toll gates in the middle, layers of money are required for the neck, but the freight is worth the price of a donkey.

Lord Luo looked at the reports, his heart ached as if someone was holding a vise and breaking his ribs one by one, his eyes were a little blue.

Anxiously, he squeezed the reports firmly and glared fiercely at the orcs in the distance. Secretly said in his heart: "I can't be blamed for this. This is what you forced me."

At this time, Luo Linna had already circled a circle in the sky, and brought a group of magicians all to the top of the emperor group.

At this moment, a bronze trumpeter below them immediately bulged his cheeks and blew the loud horn in his hand.


Hearing the sound of the horn, Lorraine knew that these magicians were already in place, and immediately got up from the chair.

He stood up, looked at the half-orcs in the distance, and saw that even though they had received such a heavy blow from the Emperor Group, they still refused to give up. Behind the raging fire like a wild beast, he kept roaring and roaring like a wolf that only smelled blood.

Lorraine couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: It's time to teach them a lesson they will never forget. Otherwise, after another thousand years, these people are still living in ignorance. At that time, once someone came and waited for the fate of these half-orcs, it was bound to die. Maybe you can only look at their specimens in the museum.

Thinking of this, Lorraine couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then whispered: "Let's get started~!"

Following his order, the trumpeter beside him immediately blew the bronze horn. The standard bearers also waved their military flags.

They use these two methods at the same time to ensure that any major command will not cause errors in the transmission process.

The commander of the grenadier immediately received the order, and he roared loudly.

The order was passed quickly one after another.

Amid the roars of the officers mingled with insults, the grenadiers immediately became busy.

They quickly picked up the other kind of can that was next to it, and then carefully placed it on top of their grenadier.

With the last order, they pulled the mechanism and knocked out the can.

Thousands of jars covered with red cloth were hit into the sky, then traversed an arc and fell into the raging fire.

The half-orcs watched, and there was a rush.

These humans are too despicable, because they didn't dare to fight with the brave Orc warriors, they actually added something to the fire, trying to avoid the battle and maintain it for a while.

In anger, the orc warriors waved the tomahawk blades in their hands, and screamed at the human side through the raging flames.

"Despicable guy."

"You should all eat shit."

"Timid puppies~!"


Across such a long distance, coupled with the crackling and burning sound of flames rising in the middle, only a few sounds reached the human race.

Lorraine listened to a few words, despising those half-orcs now.

At any rate, it is also a barbaric nation. It doesn't even know how to swear, and only those few words are turned over and over again. It’s not a ‘coward’, it’s just a ‘eating shit’. It really loses the face of all the barbaric national quarrel masters.

After everyone went out, they didn't dare to say that they were savages with high skills and various tricks.

But those shouts annoyed the person next to him.

Although Little Grandpa Leo was young, he was never a loser. He has always bullied others, and he has never been scolded like this.

He immediately shook his little tiger body, waved his small fist, and shouted in the direction of the half-orcs: "You **** pigs, you grew up eating shit. You don't have any brains at all. Even chimpanzees are. Ten thousand times smarter than you bitches.

Your ancestors must have been born of a cross between a tortoise and a rabbit, and they were also the product of close relatives. Born to be an idiot baby..."

That yelling call meant that Wang Zhou Xingxing was ashamed of the quarrel.

Since the voice change period had not yet reached, his voice was crisp and loud, and it spread out clearly.

The imperial formation was silent for a few seconds, and then all laughed wildly.


The laughter was so loud and loud, it completely covered the yelling of the orcs.

The half-orcs did not hear clearly at first, but then they heard the wild laughter from the human race. There was a strange burst of strangeness, but at the same time they became even more angry.

One by one, with blood-red eyes, they kept roaring wildly, wishing to pass through the flames, and then rushed to the human race to kill them well.

Furiously, they did not arrive. Just after the jars were thrown into the raging fire, they did not increase the fire, but instead bursts of smoke came out.

At this moment, the second batch of canisters of the grenadiers were also thrown over and fell into the fire. Then the smoke became more intense.

Immediately afterwards, the third batch of jars was also thrown in.

A few jars even crossed the fire and dropped at the feet of the orcs. Immediately those half-orcs were shocked.

Although they had an incomparable horn on their lips, they actually knew how powerful those jars were. During the attack just now, countless companions were burned to death by such jars. It has now become a scorched corpse in the fire scene.

These guys screamed and drew back, but then they realized that after the jar broke apart, it did not spit out a soaring flame, but only a few strange stones rolled out, and a kind of Strange Everyone couldn't help but be curious. They picked up the stone and kept checking it over and over.

At this time, the billowing smoke rising above the raging fire became more intense. Even everyone felt that the flame seemed a lot less suddenly.

At this moment, I saw another batch of cans calling from the other side.

It's just that this batch is a batch of kerosene cans.

They fell into the burning flames, and suddenly the flames rose to the sky, and another burst of flames rose.

The orcs couldn't withstand the blazing heat, and now they put their hands on their foreheads and backed away.

Just listen to the sound of a trumpet.

Luo Linna turned her head and raised her hand and said loudly, "We are going, it's up to us now. If you don't want to be laid off, please give me more strength~!"

After finishing speaking, leading a group of magicians, lined up in a horizontal line, flew past the God Seal Throne toward the fire field.

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