Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 536: All the guests

As the artillery rushed into the city, the people cheered more enthusiastically.

From the stories that have been circulating, they know that these artillerymen are the best.

In that decisive battle in Xingxing Lake. It was this metallic bronze cannon that spewed flames like dragon's breath, sweeping across the army. Turning that piece of land into a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood, making it a place of grief for the half-orcs.

"Long live~!"

"Long live the empire!"

"Long live the artillery!"

The people on both sides of the street cheered more enthusiastically.

The beautiful girls also desperately waved their white arms, boldly tossed the bright red roses in their hands, and threw them at the soldiers in neat uniforms.

In Nian's customs, there are many secrets among those flowers. The love poems written by the girls, or a certain time and place are hidden in the petals.

It's like Ali Baba who used that code word to open the gold hiding hole of the Forty Thieves. As long as the right method is used and the code is shouted in that place, then maybe the girl's heart will be opened for you from now on, of course it is more The important thing is that the door will also open...

But to the disappointment of the young girls, although the flowers fell like raindrops, hitting the faces of the soldiers, on their beautiful uniforms, and even on the backs of their hands...

The soldiers still raised their heads arrogantly, and strode neatly and firmly, walking past them in strides, without even swiping the corners of their eyes.

While the girls were secretly annoyed in their hearts, they were even more intoxicated by the pride of these soldiers-this is the real elite fighter of the Empire.

In front of them, there must have been countless girls who did the same thing, so they dismissed it. Just like those hot stocks, they are so high.

But chasing ups and downs, it is human nature. The more dismissive it is, the more it shows their value

A silly fish that is easy to bait, not to mention not much meat, and not much sense of accomplishment, isn't it?

The girls cheered and waved to the officers and soldiers more enthusiastically, and the eyes of the **** puppies who were tossing were green.

But because of the military orders issued by Lorraine, they still did not dare to slack a little, and continued to take a neat step without squinting, and strode forward.

The soldiers shook their heavy military boots and moved forward step by step under the command of the officers. Thousands of big feet stepped on the ground at the same time, making a crash.

Finally, when the artillery entered the school yard in the city, a hundred cannons were lined up, then filled with aerial bombs, and then ignited.


A hundred cannons fired at the same time.

The sound of the violent explosion was like a mountain and the ground cracking.

The powerful air currents caused by the explosion whizzed across the city like a hurricane. The blowing sand and leaves are flying all over the sky, hovering in the sky without stopping for a long time.

At the same time, everyone was buzzing in the ears of the explosion. All of them were pale and terrified.

Some people even feel a little damp in their crotch and their feet are soft.

Even if it was a thunder from the sky to the feet, it was just that.

When the smoke cleared, a group of artillery and their artillery reappeared.

Seeing the majestic artillery and the muzzle of the black hole, at this time, everyone truly realized how desperate and helpless those half-orcs were on the battlefield.

At the same time, they swept away their previous contempt for the half-orcs, but faintly admired them. How dare those half-orcs dared to rush upwards with these world-famous murder weapons?

Those puppies are really kind~!

If you change yourself, you might have peeed your pants in shock at the first shot. Then turned around and ran away.

But then...

"Long live~!"

"Long live the empire!"

"Long live the artillery!"

The enthusiastic cheers rang again, louder and more enthusiastic. Straight into the sky, like a river and lake tide, rumbling. Deafening feed. Even the sound of a hundred cannons just now can't suppress the cheers of these people.

With such a magic weapon, from now on, the people of the empire can sweep away the shame, and then play hooligans everywhere to bully others. Everyone can put their eyes on the forehead, be arrogant and walk sideways.

Moreover, the nose can be reversed to pick up bird droppings. Nothing else, just to pay attention to that style.

"Long live~!"

"Long live~!"


In the sun, the empire's eagle flag hunted and fluttered in the wind.

Countless pairs of arms waved high and high at the same time, tens of thousands of shouts gushing from the depths of the throat.

Almost all people have fallen into an indescribable leak. They cheered and shouted for the victory of the empire.

At this moment, everyone felt the powerful power of the empire, which was so great and invincible.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, in front of the iron hoof of the empire, in front of these mighty artillery, it will inevitably be crushed like an egg~!

Lorraine did not appear on the military field at this time, but quietly stood on the tower of the Governor's Mansion not far away, looking down at it all.

He saw the people cheering and shouting, and he couldn't help but admire him a little at the moment. I have to say, although there are some fascists in this way, it feels really good.

It's no wonder that when Xiaoxi came out to gangsters back then, he would have to organize a parade of hundreds of thousands of people.

Although this kind of thing has no practical use, it really increases the personal virginity value~!

Lord Luo could even feel that his character value, the quili value number, rose faster than the high-tech stocks of the United States in those days. It was like a somersault, rushing upwards. It was almost bursting, and then I was promoted to the next level.

At this time, a guard next to him walked forward, then bowed and said, "My lord, the guests are coming soon. The ladies are waiting for you and are a little anxious."

Lorraine stopped immediately, then sighed and said, "Well, let's go."

With that, he shook off his large cloak, then turned around and went down the tower.

Lorraine came to the gate, only to feel his eyes light up.

Several young girls in costumes were standing near the door.

One by one is beautiful and beautiful. Either graceful and luxurious, or innocent and charming, or fresh and refined, or charming and enchanting, all of them are all beautiful women.

Those are not others, they are the daughters of Catherine.

At this moment, they seemed to have been waiting there, pacing back and forth anxiously.

Seeing Lorraine coming, Adele frowned immediately, and hurriedly picked up the hem of the gorgeous long skirt, and then hurriedly greeted him.

With a faint fragrance wind, she came to Lorraine in a few steps, and then whispered: "Why are you here? Everyone is already waiting."

Although Lorraine had never seen her beautiful face as beautiful as a flower and her beautiful eyes as bright as stars at close range before, she was still lost when she saw her face that was overwhelming.

Adele couldn't help but said, holding his arms with both hands, and clasping her delicate breasts, full of amazing elasticity, as she said softly: "Hurry up, everyone will be waiting for you. They will be here soon."

Lorraine felt the sensation coming from his arm, and at the moment he could only smile. Adele is really well-intentioned. In order to build a good relationship with those people, he didn't hesitate to use all the beauties at this moment.

Luo Linna also looked at him with concern from the side. At this moment, seeing Lorraine's eyes swept over, she unexpectedly showed her jade and smiled at him.

Lord Luo saw that the women were so concerned about him, it was like a star holding the moon, and he almost burst into tears right now.

Damn it, the evil old society is really good~!

If it were put in the past, let alone a few beauties, even silly aunts would think of themselves as princesses, and the scumbag could not lift their noses above their heads.

Even if it is a hen with a bald tail, she considers herself a haughty peacock, raising the hair on her tail high, revealing her ugly **** full of sarcoma.

Even so, it has to be held with a smile.

No car, no house, no three or five million people, all have to stand aside~!

And even though all the difficulties have been eliminated, like the Great Monk Tang, he has gone through nine thousand eight hundred and thirteen difficulties and finally got his wife.

This is how the suffering has just begun.

Because, behind this, there is the terrifying final-level mother-in-law *oss who stands proudly at the top of all the biological chains of human society and makes everyone talk about it!

As long as the big oss who is bigger than the old demon in Black Mountain and the old demon in Montenegro, puts the posture of Empress Dowager Cixi at will, you can get the house and the car, issue the ticket, let people visit Xinmatai, and take it with you. , In winter, free to transport and store Chinese cabbage to their family...

Where is it like now, surrounded by several beautiful women, and all of them are careful and considerate, for fear that they will be unhappy.

At this time, I heard a sound outside the door, loud horseshoes mixed with the rustling of wheels, very fast from far to near.

Immediately afterwards, several carriages turned around the corner and appeared in front of everyone.

Those carriages were all extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had already arrived in front of everyone. Then stopped.

Then the door opened.

Several figures got off the car.

For that person, wearing a black magician robe, with a shining shining on his chest, which can almost restore the blind man's eyes, and then blind again.

And even though there was an indifferent expression on his face, he always stretched out his hand from time to time, rubbed it on the badge, and almost polished the logo into a mirror.

Isn't Lester, the world-famous Great Sorcerer, who is it?

Behind him, there is another person wearing a white robe, his head is white, and he looks kind, and always smiles, almost people can safely hand over all the property to him without worrying about it. .

This kind of masterpiece with profound skills has no semicolon except for Archbishop Obahem of Maple Leaf Danlin Academy.

The girls looked at them, not daring to neglect at the moment, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet them with a smile.

Adele ran up first, then acted like a baby, and called out "Grandpa~!"

The delicate voice turned sharply, like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley, immediately screaming old Lester with a smile.

Rowlingna was pulling Vera next to her, and the two of them came over to see her.

Lester hurriedly helped his two darling apprentices up, and then grabbed the three of them, and asked with concern: "Are you accustomed to living here? Have you been hungry? If you are not used to it, everyone should follow me back to the Maple Leaf Danlin. The province will follow the wicked bad boy Hu in this shabby place..."

While he was talking, he couldn't help but glanced at Lorraine.

Lorraine was furious at the moment, and immediately retorted, saying, "Broken place? Have you ever seen anyone whose door is studded with gold?

What if this place is broken? Then you will find me a place where it is not broken? "

Catherine saw that he showed the face of a successful tycoon, and couldn't stand it at the moment, and hurriedly inserted from the side, blocking Lorraine's front. Then he greeted Lester with a smile.

On the other side, Silmelia also saluted Obahem and greeted her teacher graciously.

Obachem looked at his disciple, and immediately helped him up, then said: "Melia, you have worked hard too.

Spread the light of the Father God to the prairie, and make those half-orcs lost their way back and believe in my teaching. Your contribution this time is huge~!

Your name is also spread everywhere. Even in the holy city, Vatican is well known. Someone even suggested adding the cardinal bishop directly to you..."

Lorraine glared at the old thing next to him, cursing in his heart: This **** old guy is really going to take advantage of others.

In a few words, like this prairie is a duck, I jumped into the pot myself, then poured the spices and cooked it myself. There is no such thing as Sir Ferguson's **** battle~!

If it is an outsider, Lord Luo will never give up. However, this cardinal and Lord Lord have been ganged up for a long time, and what is forbidden by children... In short, It's very yellow and violent.

Therefore, Sir Alex could only curl his lips, and then hid aside, without saying a word.

At this moment, I listened to Obachem and said: "Although you are young, you already have such results. Speaking of which, I should be happy for you, teacher, but..."

Having said this, Obachem sighed for a long time, and then he continued: "But...but I would rather you be in front of my eyes and spend time in the academy than suffer in this poor place... …

Maybe... Maybe it's because I'm getting old..."

Speaking of later, the old guy even burst into tears in his eyes.

Silmelia immediately felt very sad, and said: "Teacher..."

Catherine looked and raised her eyebrows. Although there are countless feelings in my heart and red eyes, but if you let it go, you will definitely cry here.

At the moment, she took out the princess's unique ability and said to everyone: "Okay, okay. This long time no reunion is obviously a happy event, why are you crying?

Okay, stop crying. What are we going to say? Alright, Dai Er, stop crying. Linna, wipe away the tears. And Melia, you must not cry..."

She kept comforting everyone beside her.

After a while, everyone closed their tears.

At this moment, they heard another sound of horseshoes coming from behind, and everyone was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, under the guard of dozens of elite knights, a burly middle-aged man rushed over.

The man grinned and galloped to the door of the governor's mansion. Then he yelled, then he reined, the horse snarled, and the man stood up, and then stopped.

When the man saw the people in front of the mansion, he laughed and dismounted his stirrup. Said: "Hahaha, didn't you think I would come so soon?"

Catherine looked at the visitor, and there were faint tears in her eyes. Before she could speak, I saw a small figure already yelling in joy, and then galloped up, ran to the person, then jumped up, and threw himself into the arms of the person who came. in.

The man was staggered immediately, and then he stood firmly, raised the short body with a big laugh, and said, "Haha, Leo, you are heavy again."

Leo had a proud look at the moment. He clenched his fists, then bent his arms, bulging up the tender meat as much as possible, and said proudly, "Old man, look, I have muscles."

The man laughed out loud now.

Leo made a strong effort now, and then said: "Old man, gift, gift, where is my gift? You said you would buy me a gift."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and touched all over the person's body, trying to find the gift.

The man could only smile awkwardly at the moment.

Catherine looked at his smile and couldn't help rolling her eyes, but she stepped forward and tore Leo from someone else's body, and said: "Leo stop making trouble, how can the gift be with him? Daddy must It’s on the back car, right, my father?"

As he said, he raised his head and looked at the person coming.

The man's nose was straight and his mouth was awkward, and he looked extremely powerful. And he was wearing a scarlet cloak embroidered with gold rims, and the royal eagle on that cloak was ferocious and lifelike. It is the Grand Duke of Julian.

After hearing Catherine’s words, the Grand Duke exhaled for a long time, then he blinked his eyes to the side and said hopeful Leo: "Yes, the gift is too big, so I had to put it behind In the convoy."

When Leo heard ‘the gift is too big’, he became even more excited. Almost had to run outside, waiting to meet the convoy.

But then she was pulled by Catherine. He just wanted to struggle, but when Catherine flew a sharp and cold dart, he immediately calmed down.

At this time everyone stepped forward again and exchanged greetings with the Duke.

Lorraine suddenly realized that he was in an awkward position. Everyone is very affectionate, but no matter who it is, they don't have a good face for him.

But this is not surprising, none of these guys is a fuel-efficient lamp, but he abducted all their dear disciples, granddaughters, and daughters.

These old rascals were distressed and didn't kill themselves. They were already burning incense on their ancestors. It is absolutely impossible to expect them to give a good face.

A group of girls also realized this. Although they couldn't help talking to those few with a smile, they cast a concerned and apologetic look at Lord Luo from time to time, comforting Lord Luo's suffering. Broken heart.

At this moment, I heard another group of people shouting horse neighs outside, and the roar of the wagon wheels as they rolled.

Everyone couldn't help but rejoice, this time it was good, and someone came again. Three groups of people came next time, but it was really quick.

Who is this?

Just when everyone turned their heads, a carriage drove over and stopped at the door, and then a chubby middle-aged man Shi Shiran got off the carriage.

He saw the crowd at the door and was stunned immediately, then he understood, and said hello to the crowd: "So everyone just arrived."

Everyone also greeted that person one after another.

At this time Leo glanced intently through the gap between the people, and was shocked. Turning his head, he shouted to Lorraine, "Boss, it's not good. We are evading taxes. Ruman City actually sent the Undersecretary of Finance to check our taxes."

When everyone heard it, they were all sweating profusely. Then they turned their heads and looked at Lorraine with a joking and pleasant expression.

Lord Luo hit a haha ​​immediately, then looked up at the sky seriously and said: "Haha, the weather tonight must be very good. Hahaha..."

Catherine was angry and angry. She raised her hand and grabbed Leo's ears, and exclaimed angrily: "If you don't speak for a while, it will be lame~!"

Leo opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

Catherine immediately screamed in anger and said: "Shut up, otherwise I will be charged 300% of your personal income tax~!"

Leo immediately shrank his neck, then ran to the side griefly, and said in a low voice: "If you don't say it, don't say it. What are you doing so fiercely. No wonder you can't get married all the time..."

Catherine listened to his broken thoughts, the black lines on the angry end.

Luo Linna hurried forward and said to the people: "When did you arrive, father?"

Baron Rokund looked at his daughter, and the fat on his face was almost piled and immediately forgot to check the tax with Lorraine. He smiled and said, "How can I do if I don't come to see? I heard that there are still a few of my villas by the sea. This time I came to have a look, and came to vacation with your mother."

With that, he raised his hand toward the car.

At the moment a middle-aged lady walked out of the car.

Luo Linna looked at the visitor, and said in surprise, "Mother..."

As he said, he hurried up and threw himself into the arms of the person who came.

At the moment, Mrs. Rokund embraced her daughter, and there was a burst of affection, crying and laughing.

Catherine took a look and said to everyone at the moment: "Everyone has come from afar, and they must be tired. Let's go in and talk about something if you have anything."

Everyone laughed immediately, and then followed behind her into the governor's mansion.

The crowd came to the hall. After sitting down, they looked at each other, and then Lester coughed slightly and said, "Lorraine, I heard you were cursed?" V

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