Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 551: true lie

Lorraine gave an order, and the soldiers did not dare to neglect, and started kicking the door and smashing the room, conducting a carpet-like search for the room.

These soldiers are all the most elite Imperial soldiers, elite soldiers of the SS commando.

These people are all thugs of Lorraine and the Flying Eagle Group. Lorraine knows that "the one with the hard fist is the boss", this unchanging truth, I want the people below to pay you a protection fee... ah No, to pay taxes, you must have a younger brother who can fight and fight, and the more the better.

In order to build up this powerful arm and to deter all the evil young Xiaoxiao, Lorraine and Leo are very willing to invest. If they want the horse to run fast, they have to feed the horse.

These soldiers hold the high wages that make all soldiers despise. Behind the apparent income are various benefits and bonuses, while those with high casualty pensions are fully implemented by Flying Eagle's internal standards.

Coupled with a fair reward and punishment system and strict military discipline, the result is that the elite soldiers of the commando are not afraid to die.

This is just the first step. In Lorraine's plan, the commandos are elites, not consumables. Not only do they need to be brave, but they must also be good at fighting.

The security team of the Flying Eagle Group has a special warrior training system in this era. These warriors have been eliminated several times in this strict training system, and the elites who can finally stay are the elites.

In the end, Lorraine spared no expense to equip them with the best equipment. Basically, the soldiers could get whatever they wanted.

Well-equipped, well-trained, and tacit cooperation, they work very smoothly.

First, the two ends of the long street were blocked, and then someone in the middle climbed up to the roof and other high places with a bow and crossbow, occupied the commanding heights, and cooperated with the magician troops of aerial security.

Then the various action teams were automatically assigned, either in charge of cover, or directly kicking the door, entering the room to search, and proceeded in an orderly manner and extremely quickly.

Even if there were dissatisfaction among the people, they protested loudly. But these soldiers just spit out one sentence coldly: "The SS is doing things~! If there is a problem, please directly appeal to Lord Luo Jue."

Right now, even the Zixun nobles of the empire had to shut their mouths obediently.

In Nian, no one knows how powerful this SS is. This bunch of ruffians are not only the Governor's confidants, but also cannons. In the decisive battle with the half-orcs, they showed great power and defeated the half-orcs who were defeated.

And their FBI is a terrifying spy agency that everyone talks about.

As long as the ruffians just make an excuse, they can put people in Abu Ghalib prison or Guantanamo base for 30 to 50 years. When it came out, it was impossible to stand and pee again.

What's more, there is the Gestapo that people dare not mention.

It was simply a group of murderous demon kings. Although everyone had never seen the staff of the Gestapo, the people in Nian's church were more or less heard of the **** storm in Nian's church a while ago.

There are rumors that "The Bureau of Investigation will invite you to drink tea. It is possible to come back alive. The Gestapo invites you to persuade you to understand it first."

Nian's spy agencies have made people talk about it. What's more terrifying is that these spy agencies are actually privately-owned~!

They are all divisions of venture capital companies under the private trust group Flying Eagle International Group Co., Ltd.

The Flying Eagle Group is indeed the private property of the Ruman Empire, which is in the charge of the future Emperor Leo. Although everyone has opinions, no one dares to mention it.

Hundreds of years later, some people criticized Leo the Great and Lord Lorraine for engaging in spy politics, ruining Zhongliang, and supervising the world, so that the people did not have a livelihood, and the road was only for the eyes.

Of course, the imperial propaganda department moved out the residents' happiness index of the year, and sternly refuted this absurd statement. During the reign of Leo the Great, the residents' happiness index had never been lower than 97%.

From this, we can see that Lorraine's rampage in Nian'an...Uh, oh, oh, oh, you know how much Lord Luo is loved and supported by the people.

Because everyone has been trained for a long time, and acting in the name of Lord Luo, there is no resistance at all, the work of the hunt went extremely smoothly.

In just a short while, they have searched most of the houses on both sides of the street, leaving only a few houses in the middle area.

Later, everyone became more cautious.

Because it was not found in the early stage, the chances of winning in the later stage are getting bigger and bigger~!

The actions of the soldiers became more and more cautious.

They had been briefed beforehand, and the other party not only took the hostage, but was also a necromancer. Necromancer, in everyone's impression, he is a first-degree terrorist, often a badass who kills people without blinking.

Of course you can't do it accidentally.

In the anxious waiting, passing the God Seal Throne every minute and every second.

Lorraine had been carefully observing the actions here not far away.

And at the same time, he was constantly worried: Up to now, no one has been found. What if the necromancer was not here, but got Jin Chan escaped and escaped, what should I do?

For every minute delayed in this place, it gives the opponent one more minute to escape.

In this way, I will be two minutes longer than the opponent~!

How to do?

Should I continue searching here, or...

At this moment, the soldiers searching in a house came out silently. Under the command of the officer, they lined up again, shielded each other, and cautiously leaned toward the throne of God Seal to the next house.

Lorraine was waiting for the news, so anxious that he was about to turn around like ants on a hot pot. Seeing it hit the air again, I couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

But as a commander, he didn't show the slightest error on the surface, and he still maintained his composure.

He saw the actions of the soldiers at this time. I vaguely sensed something wrong in my heart, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

At this moment, someone next to him pulled his clothes.

Lorraine was shocked. Then I turned my head, and at first glance I saw a pair of black, bright, clear, and slightly happy, eyes flashing with excitement.

In addition, there was a long, long, rope-like nose quickly and briskly the wallet on his waist.

Lorraine sighed immediately and said, "Leo, why are you following here again?"

As he said, he raised his hand and slapped the long elephant's nose to one side.

At the same time, he cursed in his heart: this **** little elephant~! What kind of people are you really learning? Following the little rascal Leo, he actually learned to touch people's wallets.

The little elephant was touching Lorraine's wallet attentively. Seeing that it was about to succeed, he suddenly felt a pain in his nose and was photographed aside by Lorraine.

It hurriedly retracted its long nose, then blinked its large clear and simple eyes, and looked at Lorraine innocently.

Lorraine was also lazy to deal with it, just staring at Leo steadily, and continued: "Do you know that I am arresting people here and I'm in a mess? You ran over again to join in the fun?"

Leo raised his small face with a look of surprise, and said: "You didn't say not to let me come. At that time, he was urging to hurry up. I thought you wanted me to hurry up, so I followed coming……"

As he said, he stretched out his little white hand and spread it out, as if he had been unwillingly pulled a strong man. That one is pure, that one is innocent. Even if it's an Oscar, it's nothing like a little golden man or something.

Lorraine was stagnant.

Before he could speak, Leo already shook his little hand, and said mysteriously, "Let's not talk about that little thing. Look..."

As he said, he reached out his hand to point to the one next to the house where the soldiers were going in, and then solemnly said, "I think there is a problem in that house~!"

Lorraine stared at the little hooligan fiercely. If it hadn't been for this incident and anxious to get angry, and there was no water in his mouth, he would have spit on Leo's little face.

Not to mention his sneaking here, Catherine must be going for a big thunder. And now this little gangster is actually acting as "Detective Conan" for me?

Like this kind of little gangster, he should draw a hairtail all over his body, then take off his clothes, and let him run naked around Nedel three times...

He just thought of this and glanced up at the house, but he couldn't help but move in his heart.

At this point, Leo continued to say: "Boss, listen to me. Look at our noise, even the blind have been woken up. The lights are all on in those houses, or it's just screaming . But only that one house has been quiet."

As he said, his fingers flicked across the houses on both sides of the street.

Lorraine looked at the contrast, and immediately felt astonished. No wonder I have always felt that something is wrong~!

He thought for a while, then waved his hand to stop the two groups of soldiers who were about to enter the house and searched, and then said, "It's also possible that the family has gone on a trip?"

Leo uttered a disdainful ‘but’, and then said, “When you see someone from someone’s family traveling, the door of the house is not locked?”

Lorraine smiled immediately and said: "Yes, the analysis is very good. I have some eyesight."

Leo was overjoyed immediately and said excitedly: "What shall we do now? Shouldn't we just rush in and arrest people?"

Lorraine turned his head and said to the officer next to him: "Order the two teams to make more noises when searching."

The officer immediately understood his mind, and then ran over to the Throne of God Seal and whispered a few words to the two groups of soldiers.

After the soldiers got the order, they began to act.

They kicked the door open, then rushed in, and began to rummage, making loud noises and making various noises.

Amid their noise, the rest of the troops followed the orders of the officers, either climbing trees, jumping walls, or drawing bows and arrows, all preparing silently and calmly.

At this time, Lester, Obachem, and Rowrina also got the news and caught up.

Since the situation has been unclear, in order to ensure that they can attack accurately, instead of consuming all their energy in vain on the way. Lorraine has always asked them to cope from the rear.

They will not be dispatched until it is determined.

For this reason, the Great Sorcerer Lester was still very noisy, thinking that Lorraine didn't take himself seriously. It is strongly demanded to go to the front line to search.

Until later, Luo Linna comforted him, only big people will sit in the back. For example, the Red Archbishop Oberham was standing by behind silently, which made the Great Sorcerer Lester calm down.

At this time, since it has been confirmed that the necromancer is hiding here, although this is only a 70% certainty, it is already enough.

After a while, everyone was ready to encircle the house tightly, and the water was tight.

Lester, Rowrina, and the wizards all stood in the air, condescending to prevent the other party from taking the opportunity to escape.

Oberham, under the guard of a group of knights, is always ready to contact the enemy from the front. There are even more archers circling around from the flanks. Once something happens, they use arrows with explosive crystals in their hands, and shoot a salvo to completely cover the opponent.

Lorraine saw this, and immediately raised his hand slowly. Then he waved down suddenly.

Seeing this action, a soldier raised his big foot and kicked the door of the house fiercely.

In order to prevent him from being injured by magic or arrows shot from the house, the soldier next to him had already pulled him away from the door without waiting for the soldier to stand still.

At this time, more soldiers threw the light bulb in their hands into the room.

Immediately afterwards, they took advantage of the moment when the bright ball of light dangled in the room and the people in the room couldn't open, shouting, each holding a sword and a crossbow, and rushed into the room together.

But the strange thing is that after they rushed into the house, there was no other voice coming from them, it was as if they were swallowed by the house all at once.

Lorraine waited for a while, seeing that there was still no movement, and waved immediately.

A soldier nearby rushed to the Shenyin Throne without saying a word. They took out the scratching hook and flying claws, directly smashed into the room, and then forcefully hung the rope in their hands on the four-horse carriage.

Immediately afterwards, the coachman suddenly raised the whip in his hand.

The horses immediately splayed four hooves, pulled the carriage, and swooped forward.

The rope was stretched in an instant. Then in the next moment, I heard the sound of cracking wood.

When everyone looked at it again, they saw that the house had been demolished with several large holes that could pass through.

Through the openings, you can see that in the middle of the house, the light bulbs are still burning, emitting bright and dazzling light.

The soldiers who had just assaulted all fell to the ground in all directions, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

In the middle of the house, the two figures were close to each other.

A guy with a hood on his head and unable to see his face was standing behind the familiar and slim figure, and a white bone knife was gently placed on the person's pink and white elegant long neck.

And a slim person also opened his eyes at this time, looking at everything in front of him with a little bewilderment, as if he had just woke up from his sleep.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Obachem.

Obachem shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice, "It's okay. They may be caught in a coma."

Lorraine was a little relieved, and then nodded.

Deipole was a little confused. When he raised his head, he saw the opposite side. Under the illumination of the light ball torch, the figure of the young man couldn't help but shook at the moment, and his beautiful eyes immediately restored clarity.

At this moment Drax laughed jerkily and hissed: "It seems that you are already awake."

As he said, he put the sharp bone knife in her hand against her white neck, and then said sharply: "Quickly, tell them, let them back. Otherwise, I will be rude~!"

Deipule lowered his head and glanced at the bone knife set on his neck. Although it did not have the luster of metal, it still had a deep chill, and the stabbing neck was cold.

She nodded immediately and said, "I see. You relax a little so I can talk to them."

Drax snorted and let go of his hand slightly.

Deipoll took a deep breath, and then shouted: "Leave me alone, kill him, he is Drake, a close disciple of the High Priest of the Undead..."

Just as she said this, Drax immediately raised his hand and covered her mouth again. Hissed: "You **** little bitch..."

Opposite them, the SS officers and soldiers were shocked.

Everyone didn't know what to do for a while, and they all looked at Lorraine.

Obachem turned his head too, staring at Lorraine quite playfully, as if to see something from his face.

And Rowrina was also surprised in the midair,

Although she knows a little bit about the rumors of Lord Luo's bread and milk outside, she knows that Lord Luo's personality belongs to the kind of typical thief and courageous guy. Therefore, I didn't care much. But I didn't expect that although this woman was taken hostage, she did not care about life and death.

From this we can see where they have reached.


Rowlingna looked at the woman through the window, but she had to admit that the other person was indeed quite beautiful, tall, with perfect curves, and she had a mature and elegant taste.

Most importantly, seeing Feng's towering breasts, and then looking down at her, she was unconfidently and secretly pulled the skirt.

On the other side, Lester was also surprised. The old guy is very knowledgeable, and when he was young, he did bad things and played hooligans outside.

At a glance, he could see through the brilliance that flashed in the depths of Deipule's eyes, and he couldn't help muttering: "This **** Lorraine is very good. When did he trick a demon's beauty over?

Back then, I wanted to find one too...Oh, what a pity~! "

With that, the resounding great demon fell into an inexplicable memory.

Seeing that the use of Deipole was not successful, Drax had to go to battle himself.

He twisted Deipoll's arm behind him with one hand, put a knife on her neck with the other, pushed her, and walked out step by step.

Drax stood on the street, looked up at the sky and the surroundings, but found that he was already surrounded by rain and wind.

And what made him terrified was that on the opposite side, a white apostle wearing a red holy robe was staring at him coldly.


The phosphorous fire in Drax's eyes suddenly shrank.

In the sky, there is also a majestic wizard, like a cat and a mouse, with his eyes shining, eager to try. On the opposite side, there was another female wizard looking at herself coldly.

In addition, Drax felt an inexplicably powerful aura from the undead's unique intuition. Although the aura was not strong, it carried the dragon's unique dragon power.

It's like a sacred dragon watching itself in the dark, as long as it relaxes a little, it will pounce and crush itself into dust.

Drax couldn't help crying: mlgBd~! Where is this? Why is it so evil? There are three peak powers alone, and one giant dragon. Did they make an appointment to play mahjong here?

He didn't know that Nian's Cardinal Silmelia had a baby in the house and did not go out. Otherwise Drax would have to cry.

But he didn't show it, but looked at Lorraine on the opposite side coldly. Then hissed: "Quickly, give me a way, otherwise this woman will be dead today~!"

As he said, he pushed Deipoll forward roughly.

But he was also extremely careful, hiding himself behind Deipoll.

All the officers and soldiers of the SS watched, and they couldn't help lowering their crossbows to avoid accidentally injuring Deipule.

She is one of the chiefs of the Intelligence Bureau, and the SS also often deal with her. Of course, I know that although this glamorous person is of unknown origin, it is the third child of Lord Luo Jue who is outsourcing*.

And according to the universal truth, ‘wife is not a concubine, it is better to steal a concubine’. This junior must occupy a great place in Lord Luo's heart.

If by any chance she accidentally hurt her, she would have to go to the Sahara Prairie to sing "Little Sheep" in the rest of her life.

Drax was aware of this situation, and felt confident right now, and then screamed in a more hoarse and gloomy voice: "Quickly give me a me go to the Throne of God Seal~!"

Lorraine hesitated, and then stepped forward.

Drax was stunned and saw that Lorraine had walked only a few steps away from him, and he shouted again: "Stop."

Lorraine stopped immediately, then looked at Drax coldly.

As the flames flickered, the rotten flesh on Drax’s face could be clearly seen.

Drax became a little uneasy under his gaze, and then pushed Deipoll in front of him heavily, and then said: "Quickly get out of the way. Otherwise, I'm not welcome~!"

As he said, the bone knife in his hand shook slightly, and he slashed Deipole Xiu Meixin's long jade neck, and immediately red liquid poured out.

The bright red blood flowed through the white skin, forming a shocking and poignant trace.

Lorraine pressed the sword with his hand, looked at Deipule's beautiful eyes without blinking, and then said: "If you want to kill, kill it. What's up with me~!" V

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