Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 563: SS in action

Chapter 563 The SS is in action

"You go well, you go slowly..." At the door of the bookstore, a smiling middle-aged man nodded and bowed to open the curtain for a priest, respectfully posed in a pleased posture, with a standard face The businessman smiled flatteringly.

Fissi, Pastor Ken took a stack of books and walked out slowly.

He stood at the door of the bookstore, looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the street, turned around, and confessed to the middle-aged man: "Boss, you also have to hurry up to buy goods~

The book "Twenty-Five Thoughts on the Great Deeds of God the Father", "Seventeen Calculation Methods of How Many Angels Can Stand on the Point of a Needle", and the book "The Probability of the Rich People Can Enter Heaven, Going Through the Eye of a Needle with Camels The Dialectical Relationship Between the Probabilities."

These books are extremely important to me.

If you can't buy it within three days, I can never finish with you~"

As he said, he stretched out his finger and nodded the middle-aged man's nose very much.

The middle-aged man hurriedly nodded and bowed, and said, "Master Saint, don't worry. I just lost the money, and I will definitely order all the books for you~"

Pastor Fissi snorted with satisfaction at the moment, then turned and walked along the street.

At the far end, a tall temple stands between heaven and earth.

The golden dome is shining brightly under the sunlight~

It is gorgeous, solemn and full of majesty.

Vaguely, one could hear the singing voice filled with the power of the Holy Spirit floating down from the sky, lingering in the ears. It won't go away for a long time.

That beautiful song can even wash people's hearts and make souls soar. Bathed in white clouds.

The place of perfect beauty~

The center of the human soul~

The residence of God the Father in the world~

This is the great holy city~


Thousands of pilgrims come every day from all over the world.

They went bankrupt and came here despite hardships. Then trembling, chanting prayers, knelt down on the crystal clear marble floor, kissed the ground reverently, repented of past sins, and cleansed the unclean soul. To achieve rebirth and peace of mind.

Fissi walked along the road slowly. On both sides of the road are statues of saints one after another. They are all life-size and are surrounded by gorgeous flower baskets. From time to time, passing pilgrims bend over in front of the statue to salute.

Seeing Fissi in a formal robe, the pilgrims in civilian clothes would stop and pay respectful greetings to Fissi. On the way, there was a priest in the same robe like Fissi passing by, and Fissi and them beat each other. Hello.

Seeing the respectful appearance of those pilgrims, you can immediately know how respectable he is.

At this time, he was already very different from the embarrassment and poverty of Nian's back then.

At the beginning, under the coercion and temptation of Lorraine, especially under the naked blade of Lorraine, Foldo was judged publicly by the top officials of the Holy See and convicted of corruption. Then, with unprecedented efficiency, he was immediately executed on the spot and left where Tino had previously patrolled the cardinal triumphantly, and died in Nian in disgrace.

A large group of high-level or middle-level promoted personnel from Nian Temple was buried with Foldo.

As for Fissi, Pastor Ken, as a dogleg under Faldo and a traitor to the Church of Nyan, naturally couldn't stay in Nyan.

Fortunately, Silmelia’s sympathy overflowed. Lord Lorraine didn’t feel embarrassed for them, the little fish and shrimps. At the moment, he was just like the **** knights under Bishop Foldo. Earth returned to the Holy See holy city.

Due to the irreconcilable contradiction between him and Lorraine, it was determined that Fissi could only stand against Lorraine. There was no retreat at all, and it was impossible to be a second or fifth boy. Therefore, he came to the Holy City. Soon, he was taken a fancy to by a big man with intentions.

And Fissi, Ken, of course, seized the opportunity and made several contributions. It is very popular now. In particular, Fissi is very good at coming, the sweetest leg is fast, and he is also very interesting to his colleagues, so he has been promoted several levels in a short period of time.

Although he has not yet become a confidant, it is also the backbone of the adult's hands. It is very hot. For all the actions planned by the adult, Fissi can receive news, and some are executed by him himself.

Just after Fisken left, the middle-aged man returned to the shop.

He confessed a few words to the apprentices in the shop, and then went to the backyard.

He looked at the back door and didn't go out. Instead, he turned around and went straight over the fence to the courtyard next door.

In this way, even if there are people watching at the front and rear doors, it is impossible to know where they are.

The aunt who was washing the clothes in the yard seemed to have not seen him at all, still rubbing the clothes vigorously.

Then, the middle-aged man entered the room, and after a while, an old man walked out of the room.

The middle-aged man has disappeared.

The old man swaggered out from the back door, and then turned the corner. After the Feiying Salt Company bought a bag of salt, he wandered outside for a while and bought a bunch of little things for living at home on the street. Shi Shiran returned to the courtyard.

However, a deputy manager of Feiying Salt Industry Company had an extra piece of paper in his hand. The piece of paper was originally sandwiched in a book returned by Fessy and Ken, but the deputy manager did not know the source of the paper. All intelligence personnel on this line are only one-line contacts.

Immediately this piece of paper was sent to the hands of a higher level.

Immediately afterwards, a few unobtrusive lights flashed quickly on a certain window sill.

On the Tiber River not far away, a fast boat full of passengers was about to set sail, but then the captain stopped again under forced orders.

Just when the crowds of passengers were inexplicable, a small boat quickly approached.

Until the three passengers above all climbed onto the Clippers, then the three-masted Clippers set sail again.

Everyone could not help but speculate on the identity of the three of them, but the three of them hid in the cabin and never took a step. Even the meals were sent in by the sailors, which added to their sense of mystery.

A few days later, when the ship arrived at Nyan. Everyone was preparing to pack up and salute, and when they were about to disembark, they were told politely by the crew, asking everyone to wait for a while.

Then everyone in the cabin looked through the bright glass and saw the three people hurrying down the side of the ship. Then he got in a black carriage and quickly disappeared from sight.

At this time, the crew members smiled, and politely organized everyone to disembark. It's just that when someone asked about the identities of the three, these crew members either had no comment, or that they didn't know.

In this short period of time, the carriage had already rushed into the Gestapo headquarters near the Governor's Mansion in Nydal City.

After a few minutes, several Gestapo officers in black leather jackets, eagle hats and shiny riding boots walked out of the headquarters quickly.

They followed a path, passed through layers of guards, and came directly to the Governor's Mansion.

At this time, the governor's mansion is still peaceful. I didn't even notice the violent storm that was about to fall overhead.

People were still carrying documents, shuttled back and forth in the building, handling their own affairs.

Hearing the neat scoring of riding boots on the marble floor, the staff working here raised their heads.

As the most violent department of Lorraine’s venture capital company, Gestapo’s black suit has always been regarded as a symbol of tyranny and cruelty. Everyone there is as terrifying as a devil, especially the three officers in front of them. He pursed his mouth tightly, and under his slightly frowning brows, there was a pair of non-emotional eyes, and his expressions were horrible, and his expression was solemn almost cold.

When everyone saw the arrival of these Gestapo officers, the staff in the building were all shocked at the moment: Something must have happened to make these people so nervous~

They gave way so that these people could report to Lorraine as soon as possible. Some even turned their heads and dared not look at the three Gestapo officers.

The officers walked through the crowd without squinting, and came directly to the outside of Lorraine's office, before they stood still.

At this time, I heard the little grandpa’s dissatisfied mutter from the room: "It's okay? What's fun then?"

The straight-faced officers glanced at each other immediately, and the middle one slightly moved the corner of his mouth, revealing a wistful smile.

This little master is really a master of nothing. Everyone asks God to worship Buddha all day long, just ask for nothing.

But he was looking for something to happen all day long.

What kind of perverted plot is this~

However, this is no wonder. Her Royal Highness the eldest princess disciplined him all day, and under her royal education full of fascist spirit, even an idiot must be taught to become a genius and abnormal complex~

The three officers had a feeling of laughter and laughter in their hearts. They wondered in their hearts what would happen if the princess and Lorraine had children in the future, what would be the education of the "queen" by Princess Catherine?

But while they sighed, they did not hesitate at all. Raising his hand and knocking on the door, after hearing Lorraine's permission, he immediately pushed the door and walked in.

Lorraine turned his head to see these people, and his eyes lit up immediately, and said: "Oh~After Deipoll left, I thought your efficiency would drop a lot. I didn't expect it to be so high. I just gave the order. You are here."

Lorring paused, watching Leo's little hooligan go through his safe while he was not paying attention, and slapped the little ruffian's paw away. He glared at him again, and then went on to say: "Very well, tell me, where exactly did Silmelia and the others go?"

When he said this, he saw those Gestapo officers showing Nahan's face, he was taken aback and asked: "What? Haven't you found out yet?"

The officer touched his feet and made a soft noise, and then said: "Sorry, sir. We only know that the bishop and a small team of guards have left the city. But it is still unclear where they went."

Lorraine was taken aback, and said: "Out of the city? How come out of the city? Shouldn't the Holy See come in the cathedral?"

The officer was silent.

Lorraine thought for a while, as Genghis Khan said: "It doesn't matter to be cautious a thousand times, but it is too much to be reckless to die once."

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered additional manpower.

At this moment, I listened to the officer's words: "My lord, this secret letter from Van Dino."

Lorraine was taken aback, and said: "Secret...Secret letter..."

The officer said, "Yes, my lord. It was from the lurker code-named Emeifeng. Moreover, it passed through a particularly urgent pipeline. It is an extremely urgent event."

With that, he took out a piece of paper and put it on the table.

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and his face became serious now.

He reached out and picked up the picture, then fixed his eyes on it.

I saw that the words were filled with words, but the lines of words were like children's graffiti, without the slightest pattern or meaning.

Leo took a look at the probe and said in amazement, "What is this? It also went through a special emergency channel. Is it enough to support it, or else take it wrong?"

Lorraine smiled, then reached out and flipped through the open safe beside him, then took out a strange piece of paper.

Leo saw that on the piece of paper, many small holes in font size had been dug out.

Immediately afterwards, Lorraine printed the piece of paper on the graffiti. Like magic, all the irrelevant characters disappeared, leaving only a few words.

This secret message method is absolutely safe in theory in an era without computers. Unless the other party also has the same decoding paper, it is absolutely impossible to decipher it.

‘The Holy See has recently made a big move, and the signs indicate that it is aimed at the flying eagle. Be careful~’

Lorraine watched, Huo Ran got up, hit the table with his fist, and yelled: "That group of hardbacks are going to hit our place."

Then he shouted: "Come on, send someone out to chase the Lord Bishop. Send more people to reinforce the guard to prevent changes.

Pass on the order, red war preparations~

The whole army canceled vacations and returned to construction immediately. Just in case something happens.

The province has strengthened its guard. The city guards were dispatched immediately and guard against it 24 hours a day. The security guards of Nydal City were added to two posts, the Governor's Mansion and the venture capital company's security were added to three posts, and the security team was on standby.

Send someone again, uh, no, send a magician to the manor outside the city, and ask the two adults, the Red Bishop of Oberham and the Great Sorcerer of Lester, to be vigilant. Pack your luggage and return to the city as soon as the cavalry brigade arrives. "

Lorraine was still uneasy, turned around and asked: "His Royal Highness, Miss Adele, and President Rowena. Where are they? If they are outside, please come back immediately."

Leo also changed color suddenly, but he was indeed happy, clenched his small fist, smashed his small white teeth, and said with a smile: "Okay, doze off to deliver the pillow, it's just right, you don't want to leave when you come. I have been in the arena for so many years, and I still feel that the cardinal has beaten it most comfortably."

With the issuance of Lorraine’s orders, the entire military system of the Governor’s Palace immediately became operational.

The soldiers in uniforms rushed back and forth, passing various orders from top to bottom.

Lorraine still didn't feel relieved enough.

He immediately got up and said: "Leo, come back with me to see if Nicole and the others are at home, don't go shopping and shopping again."

Leo's **** eyes rolled around, and then said: "Then you have to make sure that Ni can see me and won't count the old accounts."

Lorraine smiled bitterly right now, and sure enough, this little rascal hadn't forgotten that Catherine was going to hunt him down.

In order to avoid this little ruffian running around at this time, he had to say: "Well, I promise."

Leo cheered immediately, jumped up, and said: "This is really great. I've been outside these days, and I can only rely on Melina to steal me something to eat. I'm really starving. ."

Lorraine gave him an angry look, and found that this little ruffian was getting fatter in the past few days. Not only was the little white face flushed, even the thin blood vessels were clearly visible, and I didn't know what Melina was feeding him.

Lorraine ignored his thoughts, got up immediately, and said, "Go."

Leiou was helpless, and a little uneasy, and said, "Boss, you must cover me~ If Nicole is really going crazy, you must block it for me. So that I have time to run away."

Lorraine sighed: "I know, I know."

He turned and dragged Leo and walked outside, but he still felt a little uneasy. He stopped and said to the attendant next to him: "Inform the guard to be prepared. I will go to the backyard and take a look. If there is no problem, let's Let's go outside the city together and meet the bishops."

The guard immediately agreed.

Lorraine thought for a while, this time there was really no omission, and this led Leo out of the office.

The guards nearby all hurriedly followed.

With their appearance, all the people who came to do business were in an uproar.

Sir Alex and Young Master appeared. This is a rare opportunity~

Everyone stepped forward immediately and greeted the two enthusiastically. Then he banged the black suitcase in his hand.

Although Lord Luo was anxious at this time, in order to stabilize the situation, he still kept quiet, smiled and greeted everyone, and walked slowly.

The two men walked out of the office building under the guard of the guards and came to the lawn outside.

The sun shines brightly.

The sky is still blue.

It seems to be the same as usual, a calm and ordinary day.

But... at this time...

They are only a mere fifty steps away from Kailar~

In a trance, a grin of death suddenly sounded...


At this time, the SS officer who was in charge of screening and receiving was looking at the other person’s ID. He saw that although he was young, he looked like a typical France. The hair on the top of his head had fallen out, and his head was bald and shiny. , I couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Since sending Kylar away just now, he has been a little restless, always feeling that he has missed something. But I can't think of anything, it's like a haze like a veil in front of my eyes, which can be vaguely seen, but when I reach out to grab it, I always reach out to catch it.

At this time, a trace of anger flashed across the face of the man opposite, and he rebuked unceremoniously: "Boy, what do you look at ~ do you know who my father is?"

The officer woke up immediately.

He smiled dryly, looked at the person opposite, and said, "Uh, sorry, I'm lost."

It’s just a secret in my heart: This is another idiot who doesn’t even know who his father is~

The man was furious at the moment and patted the table and said: "Boy, lost? Who are you bluffing? I think you just want to laugh at the master, my head is young, let him go quickly, otherwise..."

He grinned sharply, and said, "Believe it or not, I'll take a note to let people strip you off~"

The officer coldly put down the certificate he was checking, and then said: "I'm sorry, Lord Barron, your certificate does not meet the requirements. Please fill in the proof..."

When he said this, suddenly there was a flash of lightning in his heart. Suddenly understood.

It's anger~It's uneasy~

That Kylar is also a lame, as if a person with a disability always has a thorn in his heart, when other people mention the same disability in front of him, they will always feel the same anxiety. Or the anger when you feel some kind of humiliation.


But when he mentioned the lame priest, he didn't seem to be at ease as a disabled person. As if he were a normal person talking about these.

Thinking of this, the officer turned his head and looked out the window.

Under the bright sunlight, Kailar was staring at the two Lorraine in the distance, with hideous faces and indifference in his eyes.

The officer was immediately frightened, his heart pounding wildly. The expression of that person was exactly the same as the description of the killer when he saw the target from the textbook.

He sprang up, ignoring the bald head who was tapping the table and screaming, and ran out quickly.

Kylar watched Lorraine pulling Leo, and the two came over together. He couldn't help but hesitate: The target was with a child, and there were so many innocent people nearby. Once there is a big bang, no one will survive.

But immediately, he became firm again: These people are all necessary indirect injuries. Their death is also to show the glory of God the Father, even if they are dead, they will ascend to heaven just like themselves.

Thinking of this, he immediately stretched out his hand quietly, pressed the hidden button, and took off the wooden leg.

Watching Lorraine and the two are walking towards this side at this time, Kailar felt that in the end, don't worry, or wait for them to get closer before doing it, which can be safer.

At the moment, he suppressed his nervousness, and then took a few long breaths.

When he calmed down, he immediately remembered this method of calming tension, as if he had learned it from the textbook written by the could not help but smile again: using this surprise Peerless, the method taught by the famous blasphemer to kill his life, there is no more irony and more appropriate~

He then shook his head vigorously, throwing these irrelevant thoughts out of his mind.

At the same time, it is also a bit strange, why do I think about these irrelevant things at this important moment?

At this time everyone in Lorraine was getting closer and closer to him.

Forty steps,

Thirty-five steps.

Kaylar felt sweat oozing out of his palms. Before he knew it, his breathing became heavy again.

He licked his chapped lips, and looked at Lorraine and the two greedily like a gambler: "Closer, closer, the more sure you are~"

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

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