Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 567: Inverse scale (on)

"Nine~" Dattle screamed hoarsely.

Because of the excitement and tension, white foam appeared at the corner of his mouth unknowingly, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty light, looking crazy and cruel.

The guards looked at Dattle and felt that Dattle, who was wearing a sacred robe opposite them, was now like a mad dog.

The soldiers clenched their weapons and stared at the man in black on the opposite side, ready to fight.

Silmelia looked at the soldiers around her and sighed faintly at the moment.

Although Silmelia received the best education and fought bravely with the enemy on the battlefield, she did not know how to deal with the immediate battle.

Whether it's the other party or your own side. The young soldiers looked firm and persistent one by one, and were not afraid of sacrifice at all.

But as one of the few true priests in the world, Silmelia, as a person of the gods, embraces compassion and helps the world. How can I bear to let them kill each other for their own sake?

Dattle is a veteran hand who is observant of words and expressions. Seeing Shirmelia's frowning, loose, hesitant expression, he was secretly delighted at the moment, and immediately took another step, then raised his right hand high, deep Take a breath and call out the last number.

Silmelia seemed to have made a decision in her heart. At this moment, she raised her head to look at Dartel, and said loudly, "Wait..."

As soon as she said this, she heard a blast from a distance.

The sound is not loud, but dull and clear.

Everyone was stunned.

Then, like a chain reaction, there were explosive sounds one after another. The voice traveled extremely fast.

When the first sound was heard, it was still more than ten miles away, but the second sound was already a few miles away. The third sound came close.

Immediately when the fourth sound sounded, it had already passed the crowd and sounded a few miles away on the other side. He went away quickly and passed to the direction of Neder City.

Seeing this scene, even though they were confronting each other, the soldiers who were staring at each other couldn't help but use the light from the corner of their eyes to the sky.

I saw a red firework, which had exploded in the sky, and was slowly scattered around at this moment, gradually extinguishing.

Silmelia and the soldiers of the Imperial Guard knew that this was Nian's method of sending the most urgent alarm.

Silmelia looked at the red fireworks in the sky, and immediately she was astonished: "This...what happened to this? Actually using an emergency message?"

Dattle stared at the fireworks in the sky.

When I first saw fireworks explode in the sky, Dartl felt very strange. It was not a new year, and it was still sunny. Who would be so boring to set off fireworks.

But watching the fireworks flew up like a relay, and passed towards the city of Nydel, Dartell immediately woke up, this was a signal.

Malino quickly realized the role of fireworks.

Dattle and Marino glanced at each other quietly, seeing the surprise on each other's faces.

Of course they knew that looking at the direction, that was the place to apprehend Obahem and his team.

Obahheim is a long-established figure in the Holy See. He was also famous in the early years, but he was hidden behind the scenes, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, it is unfathomable to be worthy.

What's more, those who came from the headquarters of the Holy See also knew that Lester, who was famous and had a small belly, was also with Obahem.

Although based on the natural antagonism between mages and priests, Dattle disagrees with Lester, the curse magister. In their opinion, the reason why the mages are better than the priests is purely because the priests have nothing to fight. Disdain to compare with those violent frenzy.

But for the sake of safety, the team that went to capture Obahem was equipped with the most powerful force, although they were not many, because in front of Obahem and Lester, no amount of soldiers would just die.

All the people in that team are well-known figures in the Holy See, and they have formulated a careful plan to let Obahum and Lester relax their vigilance first, and then get upset at close range. It should be said. It's a good deal.

But now the fireworks for reporting the news suddenly vacated. Since the fireworks were used for transmission, it means that the people who did it before have been exposed.

But I don't know if they were exposed after they succeeded, or they exposed before they did it?

But in any case, their actions have already let the Nian people know. For the efficiency of Lorraine’s army, Dartel and the others dare not underestimate them. They are now the enemy of Lorraine, and I believe there will be a brigade soon. Out of search.

Dattle and the others fought a sudden attack and a plan to retreat quickly. Once discovered, they would not be able to fight Nian's army.

Now it was obvious that their plan had been disrupted, and Dattle and Malino had no idea what would happen next.

But at this time, the bow did not turn back. No matter what happened, they could only bite the bullet and hold on. First catch Silmelia, even if it is given by Nian's army. Blocked, there are also chips in hand.

Thinking of this, Dartl laughed.

He took a step forward and said to Silmelia: "You better surrender~"

He stretched out his hand to point to the fireworks in the sky that had not yet dissipated, and said, "Did you see that? That is to say, on the Obahum side, we have already succeeded~ and..."

He paused, in order to completely blow Silmelia’s confidence, he went on to say: "Moreover, it is estimated that the assassin we sent from Lorraine has already started. You have no other way to go now. Hurry up. Surrender~"

In order to improve morale and hit the opponent, after speaking of it, his voice became higher and higher, even a little hoarse.

Everyone was shocked immediately.

Silmelia's pretty face was gone with the **** ‘brush’.

Her body shook a few times, and she was about to faint on the throne of God Seal. For a long time, the reason why she was hesitant was because she felt that she needed to consider factors such as Lorraine.

I have always held the attitude of calming things down, preferring to suffer some losses and grievances, rather than making things too big.

That’s why she rejected Lorraine’s suggestion of purging.

But I don't know that the nature of these people at the center of the Holy See is so unbearable. If you give in, they will force them to come by three steps. Finally, he forced himself into a blind spot, and there was no way out~

The same is all for spreading the doctrine of God the Father and spreading the Holy Light across the world, but why do we have to kill each other and fight to the death?

Not only hateful, but also pathetic ~ even more pathetic ~

Suddenly, the heartache was like a knife.

She clasped her hands tightly, her slender nails sinking deeply into the palms of her hands, and the blood was dripping down the wound, but she still didn't feel anything.

Hillmelie looked at Dartell's arrogant expression coldly, and made a decision in her heart.

She raised her delicate and perfect chin proudly, then raised her slender hand, pointed at the tip of Dattle's nose, and uttered a few clear words softly: "Left and right, wait a minute, don't show mercy, kill them all~ "

Since they are treated with cold blood, only iron and blood is the reward~

Facing the jackal, if you are patient like a sheep, you can only make the opponent get an inch.

It is impossible for that kind of splashing creature to understand the value of the so-called "peace".

In fact, the only way to reason with them is to kill them directly before they cause more damage~

Use iron and blood to deter those scumbags who try to be irregular~

Everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this always kind-hearted daughter of the goddess is actually such a tough side.

At this time, there was no trace of emotion in her beautiful eyes, and she looked at the enemy on the opposite side coldly, like an ice and snow queen over the world.

Immediately afterwards, the scepter in her hand paused, and she whispered: "Holy Blessing Battle Armor~"

Immediately, a burst of white holy light shed, covering all the guards.

The white holy light fell on the guards, did not disappear, but attached to their armor.

The armors on the guards' bodies were all shining as if coated with a layer of white holy light. From a distance, it looks like a magical soldier coming to the world, mighty and extraordinary~

Sacred Battlegear~

The pupils of the people in black who were opposite them immediately shrank.

They are all knowledgeable. This ‘Holy Blessing Battle Armor’ can not only strengthen defenses, strengthen strength, and improve morale, but once the defense is broken and injured, it can release the power of the Holy Guard immediately to repair the wound.

It is simply a necessary spell for home travel and murder.

Back then, during the war between gods and demons, these bodies were shining with holy light, riding on horses, holding holy light and war spears, and rushing forward toward the enemy's steel phalanx.

But the most eloquent and exciting scene.

But this high-level spell requires extremely harsh conditions. It is not something that ordinary people can cast, at least it must have the strength of a red archbishop.

Bishop Emalino has worked hard for a lifetime, and it is not impossible to cast it out, but that requires him to use all his strength and have to rest for a month afterwards.

It’s like Silmelia, so relaxed, like applying a nail polish.

The morale of the guards increased sharply, and they roared together, then raised their long swords in their hands high and formed a formation.

There is never the word "surrender" in the guard's dictionary.

These arrogant soldiers, no matter what the conditions, there is only one command to do battle, "If the enemy does not surrender, let them perish~"

Malino looked at him and smiled bitterly at the moment, saying: "Everyone, calm down, calm down, it's best not to use force."

The guard officer pointed his sword at the moment and shouted sharply: "Fuck you~"

Marino suddenly changed his color, his whole body was shaking with anger, and he reached out his hand slightly trembling, pointed at the officer, and said: " young man, so uneasy. I... The great spirit of compassion and kindness here advises you not to fight. treat it like this.

It's really...incurable, incurable~"

Speaking of later, he even trembled uncontrollably with anger, and in a blink of an eye saw Silmelia staring at herself coldly, and shouting angrily at the officer: "I'm not as knowledgeable as you, an unreasonable, uncultured crude person~ "

He paused, then looked at Hilmelia, and said, "Master Bishop, this is how you taught your men? Take care of it. There is no education at all.

If this spreads out, how will others see our Holy See?

Very bad reputation~"

Silmelia looked at him coldly, then lifted her lips and said, "Fuck you*~"

Marino's face was pale now. The whole body was trembling constantly, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped suddenly, as if the blood vessels on the forehead were about to explode in the next moment, bleeding out.

The guards listened to Silmelia, the dignified cardinal, the holy daughter of the gods, and Nian's most elegant lady. He also burst into foul language, and felt his own, and burst into laughter.

These soldiers hate Marino the most. On the surface, they look honest, but they are masters of sidetracking.

This kind of hypocritical and respectful **** is even more hateful than that bright knife and spear.

When you encounter an upright enemy in a fight, you may still keep a hand, but when you encounter such a slut, you usually just kill it.

At this time, Malino was also embarrassed into anger. He tore off the disguise on his face and shouted hoarsely: "Kill me, kill them for me~"

The wrinkles on his face were twisted, and he kept clamoring and jumping, his eyes flashed with a cruel light, which was more hideous and terrifying than the magistrate Dattle.

The people in black got the order and shouted immediately, raised their knives and rushed forward.

During the movement, through the gaps in the robe, you can faintly see the steel lock armor worn under the robe.

But at this time, the guards did not show any weakness.

They looked at the enemy who pounced on the opposite side, and immediately dipped their hands in the leather pouch around their waists, and then, at those people, they raised their hands and spilled the Throne of God Seal.

The white powder immediately flew towards the man in black.

Immediately afterwards, sharp screams sounded.


"my eyes."

"What is this~"


Some people even couldn't stand the pain, covered their eyes with their hands, and rolled on the ground. The person who rushed up from behind also tripped to the ground.

Lord Luo has always been vicious in mind.

The five poisonous sands in Tangmen of Sichuan Province could not be developed by the old man, but the magic weapon of Wei Xiaobao, Lord Wei’s body protection, lime powder, is cheap and enough. You can buy a ton of things for one gold coin. . How could he not equip himself?

And the crowds of men in black are also elite fighters in the Holy See who have been brainwashed.

The soldiers at the back passed the people on the ground, shouted and brandished their swords, and rushed towards the guards.

The guards were too late to fetch lime at this time, so they also roared and raised their swords to parry.

The two sides immediately played ping-pong together.

At this time, Lorraine spent a lot of money, and the benefits of the equipment purchased by the guards became apparent.

These guards all know that in the middle of a war, many times, just a lighter on the chest and a short knife tied to the leg can save their lives.

In order to save themselves and destroy the enemy, they also tried all kinds of ways. I ordered a lot of things from the Weapons Research Institute of the Flying Eagle Company.

Some are even developed by the Weapons Research Institute and provided to them for free for their trial.

In the fight, it is often a parry on this side, and on the other side they just flipped their wrists and revealed the black hole of the sleeve arrows.

Immediately, only three feet away from the opponent's face, his eyes moved the trigger coldly. Immediately shot the opponent and turned over.

Or, it is to hold the opponent's sword with the right hand, draw out the dagger with the left hand, and stab the Divine Seal Throne against them. When the opponent retreats to dodge, press the spring on the dagger.

Immediately with a ‘click’, the sharp tip of the dagger flew out and nailed to the opponent’s throat.

Some people even came up with crazy ideas, installed a steel bar on their left arm, and directly swung their arms to parry with the enemy's sword.

The person on the other side saw such a fool, who actually blocked the knife with his arm, and immediately swung it down without thinking about it.

The arm knives struck each other, making a sharp and piercing sound, and numerous sparks came out. Immediately after that, the guard took advantage of the enemy's stunned time, and directly waved the knife and knocked the opponent to the ground.

But despite their bravery and skillfulness, the men in black have a huge advantage in number.

Although these guards killed nearly twenty people in the blink of an eye, more people in black rushed up shouting and holding swords.

Facing the superior enemy, the situation at this time is quite unfavorable for the guards. They can only retreat step by step, leaning back on the carriage, and fighting the enemy to the death.

The screams, roars, clashes of weapons, and wailing sounded.

Silmelia looked at the battle in front of her with cold eyes, and immediately felt a flower and blood splashing in her eyes. Although the guards had sophisticated weapons and their own magical protection, some of them were injured.

However, these elite guards were also quite brave. Even though they were injured, they still gritted their teeth and shouted fierce battles in the face of those enemies.

Silmelia saw it, and sang softly now, waved her hand to shed holy light, giving temporary treatment to the soldiers around her.

Unfortunately, nonetheless. But those people in black are also elite knights in the Holy See, and they are equally powerful and martial arts.

Although they were beaten up in the early stage and fell a lot, but then they stabilized their and they were not eager to win, and pressed on step by step.

Under their strong pressure, the imperial guards could only narrow the line of defense and support them hard.

Facing the sword cut from the opposite side, they could only instinctively choose whether to take the knife or the sword.

Seeing that the situation in front of them is getting more and more dangerous, after a while, their defenses will completely collapse, and then they will be killed by the opponent.

The guards also understood this desperate situation. But these arrogant men also have their own self-esteem.

Even if it's dead, so what?

No matter who it is, you have to pay the most painful price~

They roared one after another, preparing to give up the defense in the next moment and start a desperate fight in a crazy way of one life for one life~

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

Just listen to the noise in the distance~

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