Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 572: Greetings from afar

Chapter 572 Greetings from afar (big chapter, ask for monthly pass)

The morning sun rises again, spreading orange-red brilliance to the earth.

In the "Divine Code", priests have praised the rising sun countless times. Light is the greatest gift of God the Father and the first thing God the Father created when he shaped the world.

The church’s morning prayers always begin when the first rays of sunlight enter the atrium, with the mellow and frustrated chanting sound, accompanied by the “clang” bell above the head, wake up from sleep with the city and welcome the new day.

Only today, outside of Nydel City, early pedestrians did not hear the paid clear bell.

Some are just the sound of neat military boots from soldiers wearing uniforms and holding sharp blades.

The soldiers who applied for solemnity patrolled the long streets in neat rows. At every intersection, there were roadblocks set up by the city guards. In the red uniforms of the city guards, you can also vaguely see the unique black leather clothing of the SS. .

The citizens walked cautiously on the street, inquiring about life in a low voice. In the quiet atmosphere of Nedl, an unknown pressure was slowly brewing.

Suddenly, on the calm road, someone shouted with all his strength: "Oh my God, it's incredible, go see the port~"

"Hurry up and see the port... something big has happened."

The people in the city rioted, breaking the suppressed peace, and asked loudly: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Go to the port, go to the port."

In the midst of these shouts, people threw down their hands, closed their shops, and crowded towards Neidel's harbor.

But at this moment, after a night of sailing, the passenger ship that slowly entered the port of Nydel in the morning light, the passengers who had been shaking on the sea overnight were suddenly awakened by a harsh scream.

The passengers in the cabin thought they had a disaster, and even hurried up to the deck without putting on their shoes, but saw the passengers and sailors on the deck crowded on the side of the ship, staring blankly at the shore.

The newcomers followed their gazes and were stunned by the scene in their eyes.

On the hills where all the harbors can be seen, nearly a hundred tall crosses were erected densely.

They lined up densely along the river, as if they were welcoming ships into the port.

Every cross plus all nails a person.

Their hands and feet were nailed by thick iron nails, and under the scorching sun, they kept wailing and screaming.

Those wailing sounds gathered together, like the desperate and helpless cry of the resentment under the tower of the undead in the abyss of hell.

Sad and sad, eerie and horrible~

Everyone passing through the port felt like an ice cave, and couldn't help shaking.

The blood ran down the cross, forming a palpable dark red on the stake.

The harbor was also crowded with people in darkness, the crowd made a low and unlucky hum, and tens of thousands of pairs of eyes stared at the hills.

At the same time, there are dozens of priests and priests beside those crosses.

Despite their repeated refusal, even bending over and begging, the SS soldiers with indifferent expressions like the iron man held their bayonets to their chests and stared at the priests with cold, unsentimental eyes.

The priests were forced to cast sacred arts on the still alive and wailing people on the cross, heal their injuries, and let them live as long as possible so that they can continue to bear the boundless torture and pain.

This torture is extremely cruel.

The person who saw this scene for the first time felt like he was suddenly held by the devil, his heartbeat seemed to have stopped, and the blood in his brain seemed to be emptied for an instant, and he only felt his scalp numb and involuntarily trembling.

It is said...It is said that this torture is only qualified to be accepted by Prometheus, the fire thief who violated the will of Zeus.

On the first passenger ship, the navigator climbed from the small boat to the passenger ship. The dark and chapped old captain pulled the navigator and asked in a low voice: "This...what happened to this?"

The navigator glanced at the cross on the hill with fearful eyes, then quickly turned his back and said in a dry voice: "These guys are from Fantino. They assassinated Governor Lorraine yesterday. His Royal Highness Leo, Cardinal Hillmelia, Cardinal Obahum and Magister Lester."

The old captain took a breath and exclaimed, "Vantino is crazy?"

The navigator shook his head sadly, and said dryly: "Of course they are crazy. Fortunately, their assassinations were unsuccessful. It's only a few days after this good day. I heard that Lord Lorraine has already mobilized the whole army and wants to fight with Fan. Tino fights decisively."

The news quickly spread to the passengers on the ship. These ordinary people could only lament Vantino's boldness and marvel at Lorraine's cruelty.

The punishment of crucifixion only appeared thousands of years ago. The gods used to punish their enemies, but now Lorraine has reproduced it to deal with any enemies who dare to challenge him.

On that day, since the cardinal archbishop of the Holy See, the most famous fanatic Draquin and below, a total of 120 people, including his subordinates and hidden responders, were all crucified in these dense forests. On the cross~

Although many of them had already been dealt with before they were nailed. But under Lord Lorraine's strict orders, there is no exception, even the dead bodies are all nailed to those crosses, accepting the scorching sun and people's onlookers.

Lorraine used this iron and blood method to announce to the world the fate of all those who dare to blow up his burrs~

When people saw the names of people written under those crosses, the whole world was frightened~

There has never been a cardinal bishop who was subjected to such a criminal law and had such a dishonorable death law.

Not to mention, besides him, there is also a cardinal from the Holy See, a magistrate of the Inquisition, and nearly a hundred paladins of the Holy See.

Even if this terrifying torture is just stripping them naked, this is a shocking event.

This means that Lorraine has trampled the authority of the Holy See under his feet, pulling down the Holy See, which has been above the mainland for thousands of years and sitting on the spiritual throne, from the high clouds, and then stepped heavily into the mud.

This will be a stain that the Holy See has been irreparable for a long time, and this stain must be cleansed with blood, either by themselves or by Lorraine.

Lorraine treated them with such iron and blood, which meant that he would declare war on certain people in the Holy See at all costs. And it's endless~

The governor of an empire has been invincible and invincible since his debut. Behind him is the first family of the future Ruman Empire, the first man of the current magician, and a Artillery, a mysterious army with a fighting spirit that regards death as home, is a group of frightening black-clothed spies like ghosts.

On the other side is the Holy See with hundreds of millions of believers, a long history, countless knight priests, the largest organization on the mainland, and 90% of the intellectual elite in the entire human world.

Once the two sides start a war, no matter how tragic the war will be, just imagining the **** storm that arises in it is enough to make this continent tremble.

And Lorraine used such cruel methods, but it can only be regarded as exactly the right time.

It's like the devil of the United States was exchanged for the Twin Towers. Although they are extremely powerful, they have the most powerful intelligence system in the world, and they play hooligans in the world all day, bullying this and bullying that. But Brother Deng secretly gave them this, they could only continue before they could report.

When the people of Lorraine were attacked in Nidal City, it was Friday, June 13th. This day is also the origin of "Black Friday" in history.

The branches of the Holy See received a secret order from the Holy See to open the secret letter on this day. Start the action as above.

When a group of bishops and priests opened the secret letter as required, it became clear that the requirement on the secret letter was to destroy the local branch of the Flying Eagle Company,, expropriate their property, imprison the search company The employees are then rigorously interrogated to collect their charges.

In the words of the staff of the Inquisition, if there is a problem, it must be tried out. There is no problem. If it falls into our hands, the problem will definitely be solved.

Cardinal Calados did this with good intentions and killed two birds with one stone. It can not only severely damage the strength of Flying Eagle, but also spend Lorraine’s money to buy people’s hearts for himself~

After receiving the order, many places acted immediately.

Especially outside the Ruman Empire, this group of people has long been jealous of the earnings of Flying Eagle Company, and they just didn't stare at them. Now that they have caught the opportunity, they certainly can't let it go.

Everyone hit it off with the local officials.

They rolled up their sleeves, ordered the little brothers, and happily rushed to the local office of Flying Eagle Company.

These puppies were beaten up very badly. They copied the treasury, burned the account books, and arrested all the employees.

They put all those people in prison without trial. I plan to wait until I have finished copying the property and earning enough rebates before starting the interrogation work.

Facing this unexpected situation, the local managers of the Flying Eagle Group showed their high quality as a middle-level monopoly group and watched the performances of the church and local officials coldly.

Then threw them a prophecy "You will pay ten times the price for today's behavior."

When the priests and officials lay on the gold coins and rolled, the news of the failure of the Holy See's assassination followed immediately.

At the same time, Lord Luo's iron-fisted methods spread across the entire earth like lightning, shocking the world.

Everyone suddenly remembered that Lord Luo is a veteran of stealing other people's money, and it is not easy to steal his money.

And none of the people who had ever robbed him of money, or who had interfered with Lord Lorraine’s affairs, did not end well, whether it was Almohad, or a half-orc, or even a lich, none of them came from Luo. Lord Lin fled.

These people who hadn't even covered the heat with gold coins had a cold war, and in the warm late spring, they had a chill.

At this time, they all want to take off the words of the manager of the Eagle Group, "Maybe, maybe, you will be the next to hang on the cross..."

At this time, the extremely sternly worded letter of the Cardinal Obahem arrived.

Obahheim said very clearly in his letter: for me or against me, there is no middle way here. Those who support me, gather your strength and oppose me... Pray to God the Father~

Among the people with a keen sense of smell, they found that the wind direction was wrong.

They ceremoniously invited the members of the Flying Eagle Group out of the prison, presented them with alcohol in the most conspicuous place, and stuffed them into the hands of the Flying Eagle Group employees, and then hurriedly wrote to Lorraine and Leo expressed his loyalty.

But there are still some people who saw Huang Chengcheng's gold coins in the safe of the Flying Eagle Company. They were dazzled at the moment. They said they wanted to fight to the end. They really thought that the emperor was far away, and Lorraine's hand could not reach here, just can reach. Here, the military, political, and religious departments are all their people, and they can sit back and relax.

And Barkley, the bishop of Utah town in Pompo, Idola Empire, is an outstanding representative.


Although Idola is called an empire, if it is said that it is not much stronger than a better duchy, its main problem is that it is too far from heaven and too close to the Ruman Empire. (Mexico is the same, too far from heaven and too close to the United States.)

But as an empire with a long history, the Yidola people, especially the officials and nobles in the empire, have more arrogance than the Ruman people.

This is not difficult to understand, because apart from being proud, they have nothing compared to Ruman Empire.

Saturday, June 20.

Today, as usual, Utah Town is as usual, with people coming and going, and it’s very lively.

It's just that this surging crowd seems to be missing the usual excitement in the past, and there is more decline and depression.

It is like a wealthy family or courtyard that is at its extreme prosperous and is going downhill little by little. Although there are still guests coming to the door, it is still lively, but behind this glitz, it has already begun to fade.

Maybe it's just a broken and glued window, maybe it's just an unwashed tablecloth, or maybe it's just a cloth made of fresh flowers in the corner. From these details, you can smell a scent of decay.

It is rare for the people scattered in the countryside to come back to the city. Of course, they want to bring enough food, fruits and vegetables produced by themselves. Sell ​​a good price at the market. Then buy some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, a must for life.

Doug is one of them.

Although due to the peculiar cunning of the peasant, he came to the market early in the morning and felt that the atmosphere was a little different, but he didn't care.

After selling the grains, melons and fruits, he squeezed the sinking purse, and couldn't help being extremely happy. It is estimated that after buying the necessities of life, there is still a lot left.

As he walked, he couldn't help but calculate carefully: If he really has two remaining money, buy some picture books for the little boy at home.

Although I don’t expect that the unsatisfied little **** at home read the same textbooks as the little grandfather of the Nian Empire, he can have the same talents as the little master, and can manage a huge company at a young age, Nissin Doujin, money is rolling in or something.

But as long as he can read two characters and understand some addition and subtraction, he will count as a number. When he grows up, he will not be the same as himself and illiterate. As a result, he is always caught by those landlords, tax collectors, security chiefs, Huang Shiren, Nan The tyrants took the paper to wipe their buttocks, saying that it was the tax law newly issued by the emperor, and they paid the deceiver obediently.

And even if they pay the money, they have to be pointed at the nose and scolded, it really hurts self-esteem~

Why they can eat meat every day, the old sows in the family eat clenbuterol. And my ancestors will suffer and be poor for generations. Isn't it because I don't know a big character?

The ledger was spread in front of me, and I didn't recognize the ghost symbols on it. As a result, I only listened to what people said.

If there is money left, buy a few feet of floral cloth. The stinky lady at home jealous of the fabrics produced by the Feiying Group from the second wife of the village head has been jealous for several months.

When the stinky lady went to bed every night, she always had to talk about it. During this period of time, she couldn't bring up any interest in nightlife entertainment. If this goes on, it might not work for me in the future.

If you can squeeze, buy a few more feet and go back. Maybe the lady, Long Yan, will be able to work hard at night and change a few tricks...Wow, just thinking about it, she's going to have a nosebleed...

But when Doug came to the market, he was completely disappointed.

I saw that the golden signboard of the Flying Eagle Company had been broken and scattered all over the ground. The painted door was kicked open by a big foot, and fell to the ground awkwardly. It was covered with big dusty footprints.

Look through the doorway.

The neatly lined up customers are gone.

The jingle of abacus is gone.

Shuttle back and forth, the busy employees are gone.

The hustle and bustle of the past are gone~

Only a mess was left.

Doug's eyes widened now.

Father God is up~

What is going on here?

He quickly asked someone to ask, but none dared to say anything. At first glance, he waved his hand hurriedly and walked quickly with his head down.

Doug was confused about this.

It's easy to ask people you know. The man also quickly pulled himself to his back, and then he ordered a few words lowly.

Doug pieced together, and that was the way he knew what happened.

Great Father God~

Jue Luo is such a prestigious character who has been invincible since his debut, and has been invincible. No one can match the ability to pick up girls in mainland China. He actually fought against the people of the Holy See?

And this company was copied by the Holy See?

Doug is a qualified farmer who has been brainwashed by the Empire and the Holy See. Where have you heard of such violent news?

Revolt against the Holy See?

This is going to rob my head~

He didn't even dream of such things.

In fact, just listening to others say this, he already felt his heart and liver tremble, and his head buzzed.

But then Doug thought of an unrighteous act like Lord Lord Lorraine,'trying to fight the glorious and just great Holy See with one's own power','Reverse history~',' Please wait and see, this Rebellion will inevitably be crushed by the iron fist of the people. A more serious problem: mlgBd, the Flying Eagle Company fell. Where can I buy salt?

After all, this kind of "conspiracy to rebel against the enmity of the Holy See" is a matter of great justice, and it is an extremely serious issue of political principles and stance. It is enough to get angry. Fist and shout slogans in two voices, that's it. Maybe I forgot it after two days.

However, this salt has to be eaten every day~

If there is no salt to eat, there will be no energy to work. Without energy, you can't make money, you can't make money, you can only continue to live the same hard life as before, and continue the cycle like this.

Thinking of this, Doug couldn't help getting angry: It was because that Lord Luo was not good~ He had only had a good day for a few days, and he had a fight with the Holy See. It’s not that I’m so tired that I didn’t even eat the salt~

In desperation, he did not follow people's persuasion, and according to his previous memory, he came to the salt shop opened by Bishop Barkley.

As soon as Doug entered the door, he saw only a few people sparsely inside.

Except for himself, all of them are the guys in the shop, and the business is extremely deserted.

When those people see themselves coming in, they don’t greet themselves with enthusiasm like the people from Flying Eagle, but like the dog-legs of Huang Shiren, an excellent township entrepreneur, industrialist, financial strategist, and talent strategist. That kind of dog looked at him with contempt at the pride that is unique to human beings. Then he curled his lips. Motioned him to come up by himself.

Seeing their gazes, Doug crouched down involuntarily, nodded and walked forward. Then took out a stack of eldest sons. Said: "Buy salt."

At the moment, someone looked at his pile of money, then sighed, picked a nail from the salt shaker behind him with a small fingernail, and placed it in front of Doug.

Doug opened his eyes wide and said, "I'm buying salt."

The man gave him a cold look, then laughed mockingly, and said, "I sell salt."

Doug heard the sneer in his words, flushed immediately, and said: "I spent money. If the money is in the Flying Eagle Company, you can buy a large bag of salt."

The man immediately shot the table and said coldly: "With us, just buy so much salt. Do you want it or not? Don't pull it down."

As he said, he slapped the table hard. Following his hard shot, he immediately slapped the salt grains away, revealing more than half of the black sand.

After these people grabbed the salt from the Flying Eagle Company, they were even lazy to mix the white sand with the same color according to the previous practice. They directly took the big shovel and dug a few shovels of black soil and mixed it with it~

Doug looked at it and turned angrily to leave. Angrily shouted: "I won't buy anymore~"

The guy next to him watched and immediately gathered around.

Those people were all wicked, fierce and vicious, looking like more ruffians and dog-legged villains.

One of them shouted with a sharp voice, "Go? You can't go anymore~ This Utah town is our family selling salt, where do you want to buy it?

Ha, I see, you are planning to buy private salt, right?

What a bastard. Actually dare to buy private salt, in violation of the sacred and inviolable imperial law. Really impatient.

Come, call me~"

Immediately everyone rushed forward like a wolf pounding a sheep. Then there was a punch and kick at Doug.

As everyone beat them, they shouted loudly: "It's the reverse, it's the reverse. There is a mess..."

Doug, a farmer, has some strength, can only plant the land, and when it comes to fighting, where is their opponent.

Doug was pressed to the ground by a group of people, punched and kicked, Doug could only protect his head with his hands, begging for mercy.

The steward of the salt shop kicked Doug several times, straightened his waist, took a breath, and said with emotion, "Guys, you don't have to hang up with the Flying Eagle Group anymore. The good old days are back."

While talking, he searched out Doug’s purse, held it in his hand, and slapped it. It was heavy, and he was overjoyed. He hurriedly opened it, but found disappointed that it was full of copper plates. The ground yelled: "*, it turned out to be a poor ghost, it was really a waste of time~"

The last guy grabbed Doug by the collar, lifted him from the ground, and stomped him on the ass, kicking him out of the salt shop.

With a cry of "Ah", Doug flew out of the door and climbed down on the street. Pedestrians on the road hurriedly avoided Doug, evading him far away.

At this time, the guy in the shop raised his hand and threw a bag of salt on him. He said, "You are a fool, let alone bullying you, your little money is not enough to buy a bag of salt. Yeah. Masters look at you poorly and reward you specially, take it, get out of here~"

Everyone in the shop grinned, and there was another burst of laughter.

Doug stretched his mouth, lowered his head, and slowly got up from the ground, ignoring the soil on his body. He reached out and picked up the bag of salt that was mixed with most of the black soil.

Although he spent all his money and was beaten again in exchange for this bag of rotten salt, what else could he do?

This shop was opened by the bishop, even if it was sued to the county guard, he said that he could not be accused of planting something on himself, and then closed for three and five years.

He limped and walked away quickly, and muttered in a low voice: "It's all the bad guy Lorraine, all the bad guy Lorraine, it's all his bad. It was a good day, and only a few days have passed. , But it happened to have trouble with the Holy See, the shop broke down, and there was no place to buy salt..."

Suddenly someone next to him let out a snort of laughter. Doug stopped and looked up and saw a young man in plain clothes looking at him and smiling in front of Doug.

Looking at the other's strong physique, Doug wisely held back his anger and raised his leg to go around the young man.

The young man looked at Doug with interest, stopped him, and smiled: "It's all the bad guy Lorraine. Hahaha... you know?

That said, I wanted to say it a long time ago. But without the guts, I didn't expect to meet a confidant here. "

Doug glanced back at him, ignored him, and prepared to leave.

The young man immediately said: "Hey, don't go, please show me a way, I will pay you."

Talking about a few silver coins in his hand.

Doug's eyes widened suddenly. These are silver coins. With this money, you can buy books for the little cubs, buy flowers for the mother-in-law, maybe you can buy more than two pieces of meat...

He involuntarily followed the silver coin and nodded.

The young man smiled and said, "I'm going to find Bishop Barkley. Do you know where he is?"

Doug's eyes were all on the silver coins, and he nodded in a daze, and said, "I know, he must be at the lover at No. 6 Mutong Street at this time, everyone in the city knows."

The young man patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, lead the way."

Doug led the young man through several streets and turned into a wide street, then raised his hand to the front and said, "Look, the fat bald man by the carriage is Bishop Barkley."

The young man threw the silver coin in his hand to Doug, patted him on the shoulder again, and smiled: "Thank you, hurry home. If someone asks you, it's good for you to say that you haven't seen me."

Doug was stunned, not understanding what the young man meant.

With a Hexi smile on his face, the young man went straight to Bishop Barkley.

The complacent Bishop Barkley was in a good mood today. He was kindly greeting the passing pedestrians. At this time, his attendants stopped a young man approaching.

The young man said loudly, "Bishop Barkley, my boss asked me to bring you a word."

Barkley waved to his attendant, motioned him to let the young man over, and asked, "Who is your boss?"

The young man walked up to Barkley, bent over and nodded in greetings, and smiled: "Respected Bishop Barkley, my boss is Governor Lorraine. He asked me to greet you."

Barkley's eyes widened for an instant, and he looked at the young man in horror. Before he opened his mouth, he was about to shout. While the young man was talking, he drew a strange weapon from his clothes like lightning and lifted it. He got up, and slowly aimed at him in a strange and elegant posture.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a loud bang.

Immediately, I saw that Barkley's head was hit by a hammer in a watermelon, and it exploded. The white brain paddles and red blood were mixed together, which looked extremely nauseous and made people feel nauseous.

Pedestrians on the long street yelled "killed" and then screamed to avoid them.

The guards next to him saw it, but they were also dumbfounded.

These young people are all from the second generation ancestors, and they usually play gang fights with hooligans. This kind of murder and arson when they meet, have they ever seen it.

After a while, the guards reacted. Then he pulled the weapon and hesitated to step forward.

At this time, the young man was squatting down and pulling out the bishop ring from Barkley's hand to prove that he had completed the task.

He glanced at the guards coldly, and said, "The SS is doing things, get out of here~"

The guards stayed at once.

Who doesn’t know the name "SS"

Their fierce reputation can stop children from crying at night, not to mention, those high-ranking Holy See are still struggling **** the cross outside the Port of Nydel, and cannot survive.

Dealing with those big bosses is so cruel, everyone pays for themselves, but there is no strength to make the ‘SS’ treat themselves leniently. After working on them, they can also escape their cold-blooded desperate pursuit.

Everyone glanced at and took a step back in unison.

At this moment, I saw the young man standing up, pointing the strange weapon at him with an impatient look, and shouting with a chill, then turned and fled quickly.

The young man sneered, then lowered his head, glanced contemptuously at Barkley's corpse, and muttered in a low voice, "A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood."

At this time, a carriage rushed to his side. The young man jumped up immediately and disappeared from the flustered street.


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