Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 595: Dead Luo Likong

Chapter 595 Dead Luo Likong (seeking votes)

When Paulo XIII heard Lorraine's promise, he was not happy, but was a little surprised. This guy's promise was really happy. It was like a kid's play.

Since knowing that Lorraine had stolen his precious daughter, Paul has worked hard to collect Lorraine's materials.

From the battle between the dragon born in Fort Lorraine and the lich, to partnering with Catherine, to the Maple Leaf Danlin.

From the Maple Leaf Danlin defense battle to the remote prairie, three million and a half orcs were overturned.

Even including Lorraine’s growing up experience in Fort Lorraine, Paul was very clear about it, and many of them were directly sent to Paul by the parties.

For example, Obachem did not give Paul Duoru a whisper to Lorraine.

Paul was devoted to these news with great enthusiasm, and he showed no less spirit than when he caught the Dark Council.

After reading more, Paul came to a conclusion that Lorraine, this kid, is difficult to deal with.

He has brains, wrists, and strength. I don’t want to talk about these. The most troublesome thing about Paul is that Lorraine is as shameless as a bishop who has been practicing for many years~

Lorraine couldn't be convinced for fair reasons, because he knew these were lies.

Intimidation and temptation can not scare Lorraine, because he did it himself.

Paul did not have many options.

I was only thinking about testing Lorraine. It was beyond Paul's expectation. Why did Lorraine agree?

He hesitated for a moment, thinking that it would never be so simple, then looked at Lorraine with a cold light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "You really understand? From now on, you can't see her again, no matter it is. Why can't you find her again?"

Lorraine blinked innocently, then spread his hands, said: "Of course, of course, of course I know it. Isn't it just not meeting? What's so great about it. For the sake of Silmelia's future, I Of course I would.

She has a great future and will become a glorious cardinal in the future, and even become a pope like you. Although there is no female pope in history, who dares to say that Silmelia will not create a precedent in history?

Although I became the governor, I was still a poor boy in the country. After leaving my post, I was still just a landlord.

Although there are two small dollars now, it is estimated that if you buy two houses in any big city, they will be gone. Not to mention what property tax will be paid back, when the time comes, the house will have to go to someone else.

This kind of pauper, your old man did not look down upon. It is not only the nature of the mother-in-law, but also the nature of the old father-in-law to dislike the poor and love the rich. I certainly understand it. "

Old Lester is also an unusually big figure. He is known for his thick-skinned face and small eyes in the mage. Because Lorraine abducted his precious granddaughter, he is also very unpleasant to Lorraine. , I have to scold it a few words and make Lorraine a little trouble.

But at this time, after Lorraine finished speaking, he also had a cold sweat behind his back, lowered his head, and drank tea to himself.

Lorraine said this at a high level~

If you scold someone without a dirty word, you will scold you for "dislike the poor and love the rich", and scold you as "dogs look down on people."

Let alone go out and shout. It’s just now that these words spread out, ‘the father himself dislikes the poor and loves the rich, so he separates the two. From now on, the reputation of the Pope is already a stinky street.

Now it’s no better than the money worship era in the future, when everyone is looking for money. Even if you go out to be a mistress, you are an uncle as long as you have money.

In the past, it was only women and actors who used to be outside rooms.

Everyone is a nobleman.

The most important reason why nobles are called expensive is not rich. There are more wealthy businessmen than nobles, but they can't stand up in front of nobles.

For the nobles, what is important is tradition, history, and honor, which cannot tolerate the slightest scandal~

Although in politics, many people have ups and downs, this is not important at all, because now, there may be opportunities to come up again in the future.

But if the reputation is bad, even the whole family will be ashamed. No one dare to deal with you again.

It's like someone is planning to travel a long distance, but is not worried about the situation at home. At this time, classmate Ximenqing came, patted his chest, and told you in a big way, just go, the family property, the shop, My wife, my eighteen-year-old daughter, and he has taken care of them all.

Who dares to go out~

Suicide because of scandals, or taking off your shirts, and duels with others, things happen every day.


This face is the one who is fighting~

If you dislike the poor and love the rich, no one will play with you in the future. Even if someone plays with you, that person will be suspicion by the majority of the aristocracy. This guy plays with that guy so well, is he also a guy who loves the poor and loves the rich?

When Lorraine was still in his hometown of Fort Lorraine, the poor even made pajamas made of rags. The house where he lived was leaky. There was only a mule at home. Lorraine was also offered as a Ferrari. That was how poor he was. Lin also did not increase the land rent or deduct the tenant farmers' wages.


It's not because this behavior is actually the same as marrying a daughter to a wealthy businessman. It is despised in aristocratic circles.

To spread it out, Lord Lorraine's character will become a negative number. From then on, he will be the laughing stock of the nobles in his hometown. Finding a job as a civil servant will be judged by others as bad character, and even finding a wife will be a problem.

Even the "red name" cannot enter the city, it is not impossible.

Lester thought of this, and secretly wiped a cold sweat. Although he has been searching for the ballast, he hasn't been so sloppy, right? Of course, this is mainly because Lester is more afraid of his wife and doesn't have much power in his own family. He wants to control Adele and not let him control it.

But in this way, it won't lose a reputation.

In comparison, he and the pope are much stronger.

Before he knew it, he even straightened his waist proudly, from the perspective of the natural struggle between the magician and the Father God, and by the way, he slightly despised the pope.

Paul XIII was scolded by Lorraine with a **** head, and he couldn't help being a little angry.

To be able to achieve the position of the pope is not a daring one. When he was originally a predecessor, he was also a dog-like, respectful, and benevolent.

But it is also not like all other fathers, because the daughter who is involved in his darling is like a dragon whose treasure has been stolen, and becomes extremely irrational.

He stared at Lorraine coldly and said, "Young man, pay attention to what you say, you are talking to me."

Lorraine snorted and said, "So what?"

He turned his head and looked at the baby elephant next to him, and said: "Xiaobai, have you heard of it recently? It is said that there is a pope who seems to live less than a year and is about to die?"

The baby elephant is also extremely smart. Seeing the two of them quarreling, they were so scared that they didn't even dare to breathe because the window was too narrow.

He has been squatting honestly on the edge of the table, and then taking advantage of the opportunity of the two people to quarrel, secretly picked up a bunch of grapes, grinned, and was about to put the grapes in his mouth.

But it turned out that the fire still spread to its own head. It wrinkled its face at the moment, looked at the grapes, and then at Lorraine. It didn't happen for a while, and it didn't happen after eating. It was almost crying.

When Paul heard that Lorraine cursed himself to die in front of his face, he was also born with one Buddha and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. There was a fire above my head.

He stared at Lorraine and shouted angrily: "As long as I am not dead, you have to pay attention to me~"

Lorraine shrugged and said casually: "I know, I know. You are not dead, I will pay attention to it. After you die, I don't have to pay attention anymore. Your Majesty, do you mean that?"

Paul was about to explode in anger, and the sparse heads stood upright, almost exploding like a hedgehog.

He looked at Lorraine bitterly, and said: "Even if I die, I will never allow it. It is my father's responsibility. Keep my daughter away from those who are inconsistent, bad intentions, and The bad guy who delayed her future."

Lorraine slapped the table and shouted angrily: "You die lo*ic*n, will you talk to me about responsibility?"

Paulo lost his voice: "What did you say?"

Lester was drinking tea next to him. Watching the good scene in this scene, he suddenly heard Lorraine pointing out that Paul was "lo*ic*n". In shock, his hand was also crooked, and the cup was almost hot. All fell on top of his pants.

He screamed out of the hot water, then jumped up hurriedly, hissing in the cold air while wiping the drops of water, he looked very embarrassed.

But the other two men in the field didn't care at all. Instead, they continued to stare at each other. In the cross of their sights, they could even see the dazzling electric sparks with the naked eye.

Seeing Lorraine shouting angrily: "You talk to me about responsibility? You, Lori, have the face to talk to me about responsibility?

In Fengye Danlin, Melia was in danger and wanted to die with the enemy. Who rescued her?

It's me~

Later, because of this incident, Almohad made trouble. Who led the army to resist?

Or me~

Later, the Fengjun took revenge and the army attacked Almohad. Who was the first to take the lead and the handsome army rushed to kill?

Or me~

When you arrived in Nidel City, your Holy See was fighting within the Holy See and sent people to squeeze Melia out. Who planned and dispatched and crushed the enemy?

Or me~

Even later, your brain-cuffed red archbishop wanted to assassinate me and took the opportunity to imprison Melia and Obachem. If you bring down you, the pope, who will destroy all the enemies?

Or me~

In so many incidents, every time Melia was in danger, what did you do? You hide in this big house, sleep on a velvet bed, and dare not put a fart.

Even if she is your daughter, you dare not announce it in public. Watching her suffer.

Are you still talking to me about responsibility?

Are you worthy? "

In furious Lorraine, he overturned the table in front of him, looked at Pope Paul XIII, and said, "Are you worthy?"

Facing Lorraine's sharp words that hit his heart, Paul was speechless for a while, unable to say a word.

At this time, Lorraine did not give in and said, "Try it, believe it or not, I will tell others tomorrow, the great St. Paul XIII, his majesty, loves the poor and loves the rich, and is ungrateful, and will take revenge. I can’t use a year’s time, the day after tomorrow someone will be drowned with saliva and stars~"

Paul's complexion was green and white, and he looked extremely scary.

Finally he stood up slowly and said: "I did owe them to them before. But anyway, since she is here, I will take care of her. Because of this, you will never see her in the future. . This is for your good, but also for her~"

After speaking, he turned around and walked out the door.

Lorraine looked at his back and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: This **** old thing~

Lester gave a thumbs up and said in admiration: "Boy, I used to think you were not pleasing to your eyes, but I didn't expect that you would even dare to scold the Pope, and you even scolded him bloody. It's relieved. Hahahaha..."

Xiao Baidong glanced at him, then glanced at the west, and finally saw that no one was paying attention to him, he quickly picked up the bunch of grapes that had just been put down from the table, and then stuffed it all into his mouth and chewed with a smile. stand up. Suddenly, the juice flowed across the board, which was extremely enjoyable.

Vera sighed softly, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He picked up a piece of butter cake with a smile and took a big bite.

The remaining three people and one beast in this room are either out of ignorance or out of strength. Or because of their unique insights. Therefore, all of them are people who don't know the heights of the sky, and they simply don't care about offending such a big person as the Pope. Not to mention any fear.

Everyone can do whatever they should, without any delay in eating and drinking. An old ruffian like Lester, who was afraid of the chaos of the world, even kept cheering and cheering beside him.

After a while, an attendant in a black robe walked in by the small door beside him.

After countless selections by the Holy See, the young man who was selected only then walked around the overturned table with no expression on his face, as if he could not see it at all.

He came to the three of them, and then bowed slightly.

This extremely standard of etiquette is that the most demanding etiquette teacher came, but he could not pick the slightest fault, but in his actions, he could completely show his contempt and indifference.

This kind of graceful etiquette posture is only found among the real nobles.

He straightened up and said, "Several people, please come with me. Your lord has ordered that you are struggling all the way, so let me take you to the guest room to rest."

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to answer, he turned around and strode out.

The three of Lorraine couldn't help but glance at each other, and clearly felt the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal, the throne, the throne, the strongest, abandoned the young, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night kills the god, the seal, the throne, the ninefold The strongest abandonment of the heavens, the strongest abandonment of the Shao Da Zhou, the imperial power of the universe, the night kills the gods The royal family was hypocritical and indifferent to the opponent, but they had to stand up to keep up.

Under the leadership of the guard, they did not walk back to the main square after leaving the living room, but walked towards the back of the temple.

After passing through a porch, Lorraine found himself in a garden. Because it was summer, the flowers in the garden were in full bloom, and the flowers of various colors were very beautiful. And the air is full of the unique fragrance of flowers.

Vera walked to the side and couldn't help but sighed, "It really smells so good~"

The elephant next to him smelled the fragrance of the flowers, but he was very unaccustomed to it. He sneezed heavily at the moment, and then it was like a violent wind. The flowers in front of him immediately rose up in the wind, and then they fell from the sky.

When the flowers were falling like snowflakes, a white and tender little face appeared among the flowers not far away.

Xiao Bai looked at it, and immediately saw his relatives. After taking a big step, he walked across the flowers to the Throne of God Seal.

Its huge body was as big as a tank, and without hesitation, it walked past the throne of God Seal from among the flowers. A wide road was left behind.

It ran up to the man, circled around him, fawning its little tail behind him. Now I stepped on the flowers on the ground again.

The attendant looked at it and frowned.

The person surrounded by Xiaobai is not tall, white and fat, and has dark and bright eyes, but he always spins around, shining with a piercing light. He is the future emperor of the Ruman Empire. Little Grandpa Leo.

He was entangled tightly by Xiao Bai, and in desperation, he had to take out a candy. Then sternly said: "Xiao Bai, I eat too much sugar, but it is about to cause tooth decay, so I am doing this for your good."

With that, he bit down half of the candy fiercely, chewed it by himself, and then stuffed the remaining half into Xiao Bai's mouth.

Xiao Bai didn't care, chewing candy, grinning happily. It's better to follow Leo boss, you can play gangsters. Bullying people everywhere, and there are sweets to eat.

Lorraine looked at Leo's sneaky appearance, it was obvious that his ‘urinary escape technique’ was quite successful, and Melina was not caught.

At this time Leo saw that his travels had been exposed, and he also walked back now.

He looked around, and said, "Where are we going? Melina won't be chasing me?"

Lorraine looked sideways and finally said, "I don't know either."

Xiaobai is also Looking at the garden that he has trampled over, and now he deliberately makes a big circle in the sea of ​​flowers, looking at the twisted and twisted one who was waded out by himself. The road shook his fat **** with a sense of accomplishment, shaking off the petals on his body, and then walked over triumphantly.

You must know that when it was in the Governor’s Mansion, it had to smash the flowers several times, but I was afraid of those women and did not dare to implement it. Now I finally seized the opportunity. After getting over the addiction, of course, I am satisfied. Very happy.

The guard looked at the mess it left behind, and he couldn't help baring his teeth in pain.

Leo looked at the expression on his face and chuckled at the moment, and said, "Big brother, don't mind. This little gangster is such a stinky virtue. I have scolded it many times, but he can't change it. ."

While talking, he grabbed a handful of gold coins from his pocket and put them in the hands of the attendant, and said, "Brother, this little money is considered our compensation. You take it away."

Lorraine watched by the side, and couldn’t help feeling strange: This little gangster used to be a hairless man, just like an iron cock, that is, his father asked him to borrow money and a seven-cent donkey rollover interest, but now he is so generous, he What do you want to do?

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