Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 605: Great feat

Chapter 605: Great Merit (asking monthly ticket)

Brilliant diamonds and brilliant gems fill the pockets of personal clothes in an instant.

Then it was filled with large pockets that he brought with him to hold stolen goods.

Everyone has a big pocket bulged.

It's like a grain full of harvest.

Immediately afterwards, he threw all those heavy big pockets on Xiao Bai's back.

Pick up another one and continue to install~

The Vatican museum is indeed worthy of its reputation as the number one on the mainland. All kinds of rare and exotic treasures are like fruits on the shelves, densely packed together.

Visitors who enter the large museum are not unfazed by this brilliant brilliance.

But this greatly facilitates Vera and Leo, they can hold hundreds of years of treasure in their hands as long as they probe their hands.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, those large pockets had been used up.

Originally, according to Vera and Leo's plan, after filling these pockets, they should put them away as soon as they meet, pack up the packages and retreat.

But everyone is still not satisfied.

Because this search was so smooth, this is life compared to the hard work of copying homes.

To copy the house, you also need to pick one by one, turn over boxes after boxes. Here, you just need to stretch out your hands. Anything you get is guaranteed to satisfy Catherine and Adele's most critical eyes.

If you leave them here because they don’t have enough pockets, Vera and Leo will feel distressed and won’t sleep well in the rest of their lives.

After running out of pockets, he dragged up the boxes in the museum. Search for treasures and fill the box.

One two three...

Vera finally realized the benefits of a long maid skirt.

She tore off the skirt with her hands, tied it into a rope, and tied the box to Xiaobai's back forcefully.

As she tied it, she almost apologized to Lorraine with tears in her eyes. He used to wear this skirt, and he always complained that the skirt was too long and it was troublesome to run two steps. The bottom was wide and the top was tight. Activities are very inconvenient. Compared with Vera, she prefers wizard robes. If she is not afraid to walk, she would be fine to fight.

Now it seems that wearing a skirt is really a wise decision~

Otherwise, these boxes won't even be tied up. Let alone take it home.

Later, Xiao Bai also got red eyes, not only was the backpack on his back full. It almost can't walk under pressure, but it doesn't care.

Not only that, but I still feel that the box on my back is not big enough and not heavy enough.

"Too small~" It looked at the lady's box used to hold treasures in Victoria's time and kicked it aside. Look at the long suitcases from the time of King Louis. Stomped with one foot-"It's still too small~"

Finally, I saw the carriage of the Persian Maharaja Darius III placed in the museum, "Ha, this is almost the same~"

At the moment, happily rushed to the throne of God Seal.

It drags the heavy carriage with its long nose, and sits backwards, exerting its strength for feeding. Flicking his head, the big ears the size of a fan on both sides couldn't help flapping back and forth. He kept yelling in his mouth, making a sound like killing a pig.

It intends to use the carriage as a means of transport, fill it with treasures, and then transport it back to its residence.

Leo looked at him, and hurriedly ran over to the Throne of God Seal, and said, "Xiao Bai, it won't work, Xiao Bai. This kind of goal is too big, it will be bad, quickly put it back, put it back..."

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the unusually heavy carriage that had no ball bearings, and immediately flung his nose with reluctance and threw it aside.

Then followed Leo and ran to the other side. However, due to disappointment, when passing by the carriage, he raised his leg and kicked hard.

What kind of broken car is simply a waste~ can it be used?

The carriage has gone through thousands of years, and it can be dragged away, so it’s not bad. Where can I stand its eighty-yard big foot kicking?

Immediately there was a harsh sound, and then a bang, which was scattered into pieces.

Leo glanced back, but he didn't care.

who cares? Anyway, the broken thing is not my own—a pair of wooden pieces and decayed bronze.

As he was walking, he felt something awkward under his feet. When he looked down, he found a diamond that had rolled out from nowhere.

He picked it up and looked at it. He hesitated for a while, and finally snorted disdainfully, and threw his hand aside.

Although that diamond is worth hundreds of gold coins at least, it is enough for a family of three for several years. But at this time, this thing is too small for the little father-in-law, and it is not enough to take up space~

Vera's maid outfit had turned into a short skirt, revealing the slender, white and greasy, crystal clear snow that was originally hidden under the long skirt. But she still didn't notice it, hesitating to tear off another one so that she could tie up another box.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of **** crowing.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

The loud voice broke through the dark night sky and reached everyone's ears.

Vera, Leo, Xiao Bai, the three of them heard the voice and looked at each other immediately.

As a good thief, they know what this chicken cry represents.

It will be dawn soon~

Vantino’s morning class will begin soon, and after a while, there will be a priest walking on the road.

The two speeded up at the same time.

At this time, just listen to the **** crowing again.

Vera looked at the remaining unmoved parts of the museum, and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Leo was also unfulfilled, very reluctant. I secretly said in my heart: If I knew this a long time ago, I should have brought Melina over.

At this time, Xiao Bai was still lowering his head, with a crown curled in his long nose, and slammed hard, trying to drop the gems on it.

"Bang Bang, Bang Bang Bang."

The one that was once worn on the head of a certain supreme, was a symbol of power admired by the people, and was twisted and torn apart like a rotten peach.

Leo looked at it, then sighed, "Xiao Bai, stop playing, let's go."

Xiaobai snorted, then raised his big nose, and slammed it again. As a result, the crown was finally loosened a little, and he yelled for cheers, and pulled off the gems on it. Then he raised his head, followed behind Victoreo and walked towards the back door.

However, in the middle of the walk, if you see something, you still have to pass your nose again.

They came to the back door and immediately opened the door to let Xiaobai go out first.

Xiaobai was carrying a lot of pocket boxes on his back, and his body was too large, and he squeezed out from the door with a squeeze.

Leo and Vera closed the door tightly together from the inside. This was done to confuse the enemy, and the province was immediately revealed. If the other party wants to detect and solve the case, it takes a lot of work.

Afterwards, the two came to the window again. Leo was supported by Vera and turned over to the Throne of God Seal from the window.

Xiaobai had already been outside to meet him, stretched his nose, and caught him again. The boss of the province fell on his butt, and then he made excuses to deduct his salary bonus or something.

After Leo stood still, he looked around and found that the surrounding area was still empty and there was no one. Now whispered: "Vera, come out quickly, what are you waiting for?"

Vera grumbled in it, and then she turned over and was about to come out of the window.

A slender, white, slender hand poked out from the window. Immediately afterwards, Vera also stuck her upper body out with difficulty.

It's just that the window is not big. Vera just leaned out half of her body, letting it pass her plump chest and slender waist, but she didn't move.

Leo looked at it and couldn't help but anxiously said, "What are you doing there? Is it cool above? We have to flash it quickly."

Vera twisted her body vigorously, and finally said in frustration: "I...I'm stuck~"

Leo couldn't help sighing. Then he ran to the Throne of God Seal, and with the help of Xiaobaidi, climbed to the window sill, looked at the part of Vera that was tightly stuck by the window, and couldn't help complaining: "What are you doing with such a big ass? Look at me ..."

Vera was ashamed and angry at the moment, and said: "Hurry up and help, what are you doing with so much nonsense? It's not what I want to grow."

The two of them and the little elephant were busy again for a long time. Only then did Vera get out of the window.

As the long skirt was torn into short skirts, Vera felt a little uncomfortable in the cool breeze before dawn. She stomped her black patent leather shoes and said, "Okay, let's go back."

After speaking, the two looked alike, carrying the heavy jewels, and walking towards the path.

Under the illumination of the bright moon and street lamps, the overflowing jewels reflected the magnificent and brilliant light, like a dream.

As their footsteps fade away, the darkness in the museum restores its former tranquility.

As time passed slowly, a faint layer of fish white began to appear on the windows of the museum.

Afterwards, the fish white became brighter and brighter, turning into bright light, shining in.

Under the ray of light, the museum gradually became brighter.

The sound of the morning bell ringed through Vatican, and the new day officially began in the morning light and the bell.

People's footsteps and conversations also sounded outside.

The whole world is like waking up from a sleep, gradually returning to its former bustling and noisy.

Then there was a burst of loud laughter outside the door.

"Hahahaha...The silly boy Shire said yesterday that there was a haunt in the museum. I was so scared that I was peeing my pants, hahaha..."

"You didn't see what he looked like at the time...hahaha... his face is all green."

Along with the ridiculous dialogue, there was a peculiar tinkling sound when the key was stirred at the front door.

Then, there was a squeak.

The heavy door opened slowly.

Several young priests opened the door and walked in.

The man for that did not look at the situation inside, and still laughed at the already blushing man next to him and continued: "Poor Charles, did you know if you wet the bed last night? Hahaha..."

He was smiling happily, and suddenly saw the rest of the crowd twisted and convulsed, like a stroke. He was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled and said, "You guys are still playing this game with me. It won't be hell. ... ghost ghost ghost ghost... ghost... ghost ghost..."

While he was talking, he turned his head and saw that the museum immediately did not catch his breath. Like a broken phonograph, it kept making a harsh and hoarse voice.

I saw a mess in the museum.

Most famously, the huge diamond eyes of the Happy Prince are gone, leaving only a pair of hollow eye sockets, staring at the crowd, as if making a silent accusation full of blood and tears to the world.

Long swords and staffs with a glorious history were thrown on the ground indiscriminately, and all the gems on them were gone, looking like a pile of sticks for burning.

On the noble heads of the supreme princes who once wore power to the world, the high crown also fell into the mortal world. Like twists, twisted into a ball.


Those invaluable cultural relics seem to have been stepped on by a group of elephants, a group of crazy elephants, a hundred times, a hundred times, by rhinos, uh, no.

Exceptionally miserable.

This is not a museum at all, but a garbage, a huge garbage dump~

The glory and pride of the holy city for thousands of years~

Those hundreds of millions of diamond treasures...

That precious cultural relic...

All are lost at this moment~

When everyone saw this, their hearts had become pieces of ground like broken glass.

Some people even knelt on the ground weakly on their knees, then trembling towards the sky, stretched out their hands with a look of despair and helplessness.

Oh my god, why is this~

Great Father God~

Are you asleep too?

Actually allow this kind of life~

Who did this?

Charles suddenly recovered his composure. He looked at the messy museum and muttered: "I knew it, I knew something was wrong last night..."

As the saying goes, if you don’t play hard, don’t play lazy, you won’t have long eyes~

Since ancient times, what people hate most is the kind of guy who tells the truth. For example, Tian Feng under Yuan Shaoyuan Fantong, Bruno who is dull and so on.

Especially the kind that said coldly afterwards: Ha, I knew it, the result must be like this.

This kind of guy is especially capable of pulling hatred~

At this time, you **** jumped out to show off, gloating, isn't your brain flooded and you are looking for death by yourself?

Seeing him like a crow reporting funeral, the leader next to him kept chattering, and was full of grief and anger. He lifted his leg and kicked it over to the God Seal Throne. Angrily cursed: "Asshole~ Since you know, don't you hurry up to call the police~"

Charles also woke up at this time. He still wanted to clarify a few words, but seeing the anger on the captain's face, he didn't dare to say anything at the moment, staggering over to the Throne of God Seal, to sound the alarm. .

But then he was shocked to realize that the alarm system had been completely destroyed and had no effect at all.

But it’s not surprising to think about it. If it worked, the police had already been called last night.

Watching him act like this, the captain next to him couldn't help furious and snarled: "Charles, you idiot, what are you still doing here?"

Charles exclaimed a little desperately: "Here... the alarm here doesn't work~"

The team leader's anxious hands kept tearing at his usually extremely rare head, which was about to be stripped, and shouted, "Then go elsewhere and knock on their alarm. You pig brain~"

Only then did Charles react. He spread his legs and ran out quickly.

In St. Paul’s Cathedral, a large group of believers from afar had already arrived in the church early in the morning, and under the leadership of the bishop, they were earnestly doing morning worship.

The hymn full of holiness and glory is loud and melodious, full of praise and joy. The beautiful singing echoed in the cathedral. Wash everyone's souls.

While preaching carelessly, the bishop looked at the group of believers like a group of fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

He was brewing his feelings so that he could trick them into taking out the last copper plate with a speech full of true feelings.

At this moment, a young priest in a black robe rushed in.

The Bishop saw that he had destroyed his carefully prepared atmosphere and couldn't help being extremely angry.

He couldn't help frowning and looked at the man angrily, but then he realized that he was from the large museum next to him.

He couldn't help cursing in his heart: these grandsons. Actually came to grab my business~ It's so unnatural. When you look back, you must find the privy bishop, and you must file a case properly~

At this moment, he saw the man rushing over.

The bishop couldn't help becoming even more unhappy. MBd secretly in my heart~ are these janitor crazy? If you dare to smash my job, I will kill him~

Just when he was about to speak out. Charles had already approached, hissing: "Hurry up, ring the alarm, Bo... the museum was stolen~"

The bishop froze for a moment, and he didn't react at all for a while. I just heard myself muttering in a very strange voice: "What did you say?"

Charles shouted loudly and said: "Hurry up and raise the alarm, the museum has been stolen~"

The voice suddenly interrupted the beautiful hymn that was being chanted, echoed between the high vaults of the cathedral, wave after wave...


After another minute, a sharp siren resounded over the holy city.

This alone is enough to make the three little thieves feel the highest glory~


This is the first time the Holy City has sounded the alarm since it was founded~

A large number of knight priests heard the sirens, and for a while, they didn't immediately move out, but froze.

This is the holy city.

Is there anyone who dares to make trouble here in the residence of God the Father?

Everyone couldn't believe it for a while. On the contrary, everyone believed that this was a false alarm by a certain person, or it was an exercise.

But immediately, the alarm sounded louder.

At this time everyone woke up.

Although everyone still didn't know what happened, they threw their jobs, all picked up the guys, and rushed towards the throne of God Seal.

At this time, they also showed the unique high quality of the Templars, but within a few minutes, the entire holy city was sealed off like an iron barrel.

Lorraine, with the help of the two little nuns, came out of the convent early. And when he left, Sir Alex was unusually upright. It was a demonstration to the nuns.

When he passed by the gang of knight priests, he was still wondering: What are these guys doing?

Since the knight priests are guarding outside, they control whether they enter. Concentrate on searching for people who are out of town. Therefore, Lorraine did not receive the slightest obstruction, and returned to his residence with great ease.

He returned to the room, but now that Leo Xiaobai, including Leo Xiaobai, was sitting at the table properly, eating breakfast.

And Leo actually didn't even have any vegetables left without anyone looking at it, and honestly stuffed them all into his mouth. This is simply the sun coming out from the west.

Lorraine couldn't help widening his eyes, and said, "Leo, why are you so good? You got into trouble again?"

Leo immediately shook, and then Xiao Pang smiled and squeezed out a flower, and said innocently: "Boss, you can't look at people with old eyes? People will change, and I will grow up somehow. Is not it?

You know, I have received an elite education since I was a child. A born politician..."

Lord Lorraine has been out and mixed for so many years, can it be given for nothing?

He did these tricks before. Listening to Leo's nagging, he nodded immediately and said, "It seems that you are indeed in trouble~"

Leo stagnated, knowing he couldn't talk about Lorraine. So he lowered his head angrily and continued to eat.

Seeing his anger, Lorraine didn't ask much at the moment, but turned to look at Vera and said; "Ville, where did you go last night?"

Vera blinked her big blue eyes like a sea of ​​innocence, and said: "I went to see Silmelia, and it was too late, so I slept with her."

Lorraine sighed immediately, this girl also didn't have a word of truth now, and she didn't know who she learned from~

He wanted to expose it on the spot, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Vera is not young anymore. If she doesn't want to say it, it's useless to force it. Go back and follow it secretly, isn't it all right?

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "No matter what happens in the future, I must come back, you know?"

Vera didn't expect to pass the level so easily, her eyes widened in surprise. But then he nodded his lovely head again and again, with a well-behaved Lorraine looked at it, and couldn't help sighing: This girl can really pretend to be.

He stretched out his hand and maliciously scratched her satin-like length amid Vera's loud protest.

Lester looked at the side and felt sorry for his disciple, and said: "Okay, stop making trouble, hurry up and eat. By the way, just talk about them, what about you? What did you do last night?"

Lorraine stagnated, thought for a moment, and then cautiously said: "If I said, I would go to see Hillmelia in the convent of the Virgin, and I was molested by someone. Later, I was arrested. Rape, and finally caught someone else’s rape, do you believe it or not?"

Lester snorted coldly, and said, "Don't tell me~"

Lorraine sighed and said, "Some people believe a lie, but no one believes the truth..."

At this moment, I heard the sound of noisy footsteps outside the door.

A large group of knight priests rushed in with swords in their hands~

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