Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 699:  The power of the patrol camp

The first business of going sī naturally affected the hearts of all parties the most. Whether it was Lorraine or the pirate Whitebeard, they did everything by themselves, and it was done smoothly.

Lorraine led a group of trusted guards, escorting a large ship of cargo, and returned to the Inland River Dang smoothly.

They went up against the river for three more days, seeing the imperial city only a few days away.

Seeing that the destination was in sight, everyone's tense nerves relaxed. Although the soldiers under Lorraine's strict orders did not dare to run to the shore to drink and play, they did not have the first few days. The tension also began to laugh and talk.

When it was all right, these rascals gathered together, looked at the cargo piled up in the cabin, and discussed how much money they could make this time. With this money, they could spend a lot of wine and enjoy themselves. How many days have you lived?

Every time they counted the goods, they gathered together to estimate the profit. The final figure made the blood pressure of these silly soldiers soar, and they were so excited as to take drugs, and they laughed straight.

These Qiu Ba people are used to seeing the lights and feasts of the imperial city. Because their Guards have more contact with the high-level Semitic people, they have seen more of the rich and powerful lives of drunkenness and money. I am very envious of the extravagant life of big people.

However, most of them have no money in their hands. They are just a poor soldier, guarding a military salary to support the whole family. To say that the Praetorian's military salary is not low, but in Akaderin, their little money is not even enough. Have a meal in an upscale restaurant.

Therefore, other people have fun with girls, drunk and dreamy. They can only watch from a distance, drooling.

Others eat two-and-a-half feet lobster with 1982 Lafite. They can only eat spicy crayfish in the tavern on the back street and drink a silver coin and a barrel of sī to make wine.

Now that I have money, I have to take revenge on the days when I had no money.

What Lafite wine, Darcy's furniture, Armani's clothes, and beautiful women, why only those dignitaries can play casually.

After we have money, we can also go to those places to fill up the uncle. You can squeeze out the water with a handful of those soft Chinese nets. You can also squeeze it, and then it’s very yellow and violent. It’s rarely forbidden...

Speaking of later, each of these soldiers' eyes flashed green, and their mouths were a little dry. It was only a matter of not turning into a wolf, howling at the moon. Now they looked at Lorraine's eyes have changed, they looked like they were looking at the God of Wealth.

The most important transaction stage has been completed, the fleet has now gone deep into the 6th, Lorraine is also a little relaxed now, and he also turned a blind eye to the behavior of these soldiers. Anyway, now that it has entered the inland river, there should be no trouble.

It's not too far from Akaderin, there should not be any bandits, the rebel army rushed to the vicinity.

In the evening of this day, the big ship came to a city by the river and stopped to supply water and supplies.

The city is also located on an important road, extremely prosperous, and you can see the dense buildings in the city from a distance.

The port is also huge. When the ships from Lorraine approached, there were already many ships parked inside.

There are also small boat vendors who buy and sell goods to and fro between the ships, selling some gadgets for food, and it is very lively to buy and sell.

A group of officers and soldiers had also been on the boat for a long time. They felt uncomfortable in the small space on the boat. As soon as they reached the shore, they all jumped onto the shore and stretched out their hands and feet to move around.

But because of the importance of these goods, they knew that in the future they would eat meat and chaff, all relying on the business of this shop, how many brothers in the sanctuary were craned their necks at this moment, waiting for them to come back like a man's stone. accident.

Therefore, they did not dare to take the slightest care. They just moved a little bit and then boarded again, keeping the cargo on board strictly in and out.

Looking at their actions, Lorraine couldn't help nodding with satisfaction. These young soldiers were pretty good and knew what they were doing. No one went outside to spend time and drink.

Having said that, if there really is that kind of puppies who don't know how serious they are, Lorraine is absolutely polite, and he will be **** into a fat pig when he turns around, thrown on the shore, and let him fend for himself.

It's just the beginning stage. How many pairs of eyes are staring at it up and down, there can be no mistake.

The kind of mud that can't support the wall, you can't ask for it anyway. Otherwise they will spoil a whole pot of good soup~

Everyone has eaten dinner, the vigilance that should be on guard, the rest that should be rested, each performed their duties without any confusion.

Lorraine thought that this night would be as calm as the previous night. He also went to bed early on netg. In this era of lack of entertainment, when it gets dark, one can only go to sleep.

But when Lorraine was sleeping in the middle of the night, he suddenly heard a noise on the shore. There were loud noises and some crying fathers and mothers. Lorraine suddenly woke up from his dream.

"What's going on?" He rolled off the netg alertly. Then he pressed the gun in his hand and listened carefully for a long time.

But the outside sounds are noisy, the roar of men, the screams of women, the crying of children, and the sound of smashing, the cracking of porcelain, the clash of iron... all kinds of sounds are intertwined, and it is extremely chaotic. .

Lorraine was secretly curious: Hearing this voice, it seemed like a bandit had come. But how is this possible? Here is the inside of Big 6, with extremely strict guards. Like this big city, if there are bandits entering, then the city guards don’t have to do it, they just get to the vegetable market and chop their heads. But if it weren't for the bandits, how could it make such a noise?

Just as he was thinking, a guard came over, knocked on the door outside, and said, "My lord, my lord?"

Although the voice was low, Dang was full of anxiety.

Lorraine opened the hatch gently and said in a deep voice, "What's wrong? What happened? Is there a bandit or a river thief?"

Although the guard was anxious, he suddenly looked weird after hearing Lorraine's words.

He paused, then bowed and said softly: "My lord, depending on the situation, it seems that the riverside patrol team is searching away. My lord, let's..."

Lorraine couldn't help but stagnate. It suddenly dawned on me, and my heart cursed secretly: This group of splashing puppies is really hot enough, and they suddenly raided in the middle of the night. Everyone is sleeping right away. Without precautions, they just happened to press the rabbits, and they all caught them right, okay. , I didn’t expect the business of the sī sī team here to stop professional.


Hearing the movement outside, he couldn't help frowning, and secretly said: But this is too messy, check it out, how can it make the same movement as a copycat. I don’t know, I thought it was a bandit who went down the mountain~

The guard looked anxious and said: "My lord, we are also going here. In case they copied it..."

Lorraine glanced at him in surprise, then looked at the back. As expected, he saw that behind the guard, there were several others also hiding behind him, and they couldn't help but probe their heads. Looking at the situation, there is a sense of panic all day long.

Although they were playing in the dark, Lorraine recognized at a glance that they were all lower-level officers brought out by him.

Lorraine couldn't help laughing and laughing, and cursed secretly: It's really a mess of the imperial city, the shelf is big enough, but the brain is not enough, these rascals are still too innocent.

He pointed to the people in front of him, and said with a smile: "*, where is the energy of you puppies who used to fight and extortion? Isn’t it just a shipment of goods? It’s not a big deal. It scares you. Urine, right? It’s just the local team, we still need them."

Everyone was silent for a while.

Lorraine stared for a moment, and then asked uneasy: "You guys are really scared to pee, right?"

Everyone shook their heads in a hurry.

One of its soldiers stepped forward and whispered: "Big...Big brother. You don't know. Although we people often violate military discipline, you also know that drinking and fighting are minor problems. It doesn't matter if we get caught, but this This is the first time that I have committed an illegal thing. After all, this is the national law. This... I always feel a little bit uncomfortable in my heart."

Lorraine turned to look at the other people next to him, and said, "You see that too?"

The few people looked at each other, lowered their heads in unison, looking at their toes, like a bad student who was caught smoking in the toilet by the strict principal.

Lorraine immediately snorted and said annoyedly: "If this is the case, let's not make this money, afraid? Don't do this business if you're afraid. Just send them all the cargo of this ship. Help rice bucket~"

Everyone grinned immediately.

Everyone has been poor for half of their lives, but they just point to these goods after they are sold, so they can change their luck. If you really hand it over, let alone turn over, after returning, those colleagues whose interests have been damaged will stare and tear themselves alive.

No one could move the cargo on this ship. Thinking of this, they couldn't help gritting their teeth, then stepped forward and said one after another: "My lord, then let's copy the guys?"

Lorraine glanced at them with disdain, and cursed: "A gang of dead people, apart from fighting and killing, just fleeing and surrendering, can't think of anything else? The one above your head is called the brain, not the almond. You use your mind. OK~"

Everyone was taken aback, the guard stepped forward and hesitated: "My lord, what do you mean..."

Lorraine waved his hand impatiently, and said, "You rascals, don't worry about that. Everything is mine.

Wait a minute, you all cheer me up, copy the knife, and if you can fool the throne of God Seal, if there is really something wrong, give it to my mother. Don't forget, you are the royal guards.

If you wait for a fight, don't lose my face. If a gang of fat pig brains were defeated, then all his mothers would put their faces inside and roll home. "

A group of soldiers who were in the barracks had long been accustomed to this tone and attitude. After listening to Luo's rude, fierce, and familiar reprimand, they were not angry, but settled down.

Everyone is a soldier. Don't use your brain. Just follow the order. It's harder to let them use their brains than to kill them.

They stomped their feet and saluted all together, saying, "I follow your orders."

Then he took a step back and went back to prepare.

With the order, the soldiers were all ready. They copied their swords and held their swords one by one, lying in the dark, waiting for Lorraine's order, and rushed out with the dogs of the sī team. The cubs started to merge.

For the rice buckets of the sī sī team, these proud soldiers have full confidence that one person can beat them ten or eight.

But even so, they are guilty of conscience after all. Although they are ready, they feel the rush in the palm of their hands.

Lorraine looked at the nervousness of the soldiers and couldn't help cursing: "A bunch of rice buckets, find a piece of rags and hold them in your arms. If there is a fight, you will put the cloth on the face and then rush out. It's time to be beaten, and there is no proof."

The guards suddenly awoke like a dream, and they called high. Yes, with a piece of rag méng on the face, even if a crime is committed, they will not recognize it.

They were also headless right now, lowering their heads to hunt around, but they gave them so many cloth heads in the cabin, and as a result they ran more and more chaotically.

Lorraine couldn't help but shook his head again and again, and cursed inwardly: This bunch of puppies have really been in the regular army for a long time, and they don't have the consciousness of being a thief at all. They are all first-time rookies. I didn't even know how to find a piece of rag on méng's face.

Not as good as Leo, really a bunch of rice buckets~

He sighed, and then seriously said: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, you are not a rice bucket, you are a gang of **** rice buckets~"

Everyone was ashamed, but for a while they still didn't know what to do.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help cursing: "Are your clothes on wipes? When the situation is critical, you can't just tear off a piece of méng on your face?"

These things are details, just like window paper, which can be broken with a poke.

But the more such details, the less people will pay attention. Those who do think that it should be so, so they ignore the past God Seal Throne, and the new recruits because they did not pay attention before, although they are just separated by a window of paper, they are just outside, like hot pot ants, rushing around. Will not understand.

That's why, there must be veterans and recruits in the army. Only with this kind of precepts and deeds can those details and know-hows be passed down from generation to generation, otherwise they will die on the battlefield because of some low-level mistakes.

The soldiers understood Lorraine's scolding. They immediately looked down at the clothes on their bodies, with a reluctant expression on their faces.

You must know that they came out this time, in order to make things easier, although they are wearing casual clothes, as the imperial guards, all of them are both stinky and stinky. As the saying goes, people can’t fall down, and this appearance must be cleaned up. The clothes are beautiful and of course expensive.

What's more, everyone loves vanity or something. Many people only have a good piece of clothing on their bodies. If you want them to tear off a piece, it is almost like tearing their skin.

Therefore, one by one began to act, slowly swallowing.

Lorraine was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw this place. These Guards were all stupid as soldiers. Anyway, the search team over there hadn't come, so he was tossed by those soldiers, as long as they could finish the disguise before the people over there came.

A clever officer took the netg slip from the back, and then tore it to pieces, and gave it to the soldiers. They only had a piece of méng-faced rag. Then he fell in the dark. But in the night, you can see their bright and shining eyes, and their eyes are full of the excitement of being a thief for the first time.

Lorraine smiled bitterly at the moment, shook his head repeatedly, and said inwardly: The Semitic people have lived for a long time these years, and these soldiers have lived a peaceful life for too long, and none of them knew how to fight.

Lorraine strolled to the bow, and saw that the lights on the ship ahead had all turned on. The soldiers in the patrol battalion who wanted to fight were searching noisily, digging through boxes and cabinets, knocking on doors and smashing locks, throwing things indiscriminately, making trouble.

A guard next to him also stretched his neck and watched for a long time. He saw Lorraine standing beside him, and asked him suspiciously: "Big...sir, as soon as we stopped the ship, they came to search. It’s a coincidence. Someone leaked the news, but it turned out to be aimed at us, right?"

Lorraine sneered and said, "For us? You think too much of yourself, right? No one can walk faster than us along the way. Who will tell them the news?

This is just a routine inspection, or the cat **** too much and ran over to blackmail. Didn't you see that they copied the shops on the shore first? "

The guard was stunned for a moment, and said: "Knock...extortion? That is illegal. How can they know the law and break the law?"

Lorraine looked at his innocent eyes and couldn't help but pause for a while, and sighed secretly: This little rookie probably just hatched, with eggshells still on his buttocks.

Then he said grimly: "This walking sī is also against the law, and we also know the law and violate the law. But when you **** soliciting goods, you all grinned to the back of your head with joy, and I didn't see any of you objecting to it. ~"

At this time, the soldiers from the patrol camp had already walked along the trestle with lanterns. Although they are still far away, they can still smell the skyrocketing alcohol from them.

As they walked, they kept laughing and talking about something.

"Master Dorette hit the splashing thing, it's really powerful."

"Yeah, yeah, that guy yelled like a pig. It's so funny, hahaha..."

"We must make a good stroke today."

"Yes, we copied it tonight. Those buns are dumbfounded now, hahahaha..."

"Tomorrow in the Little Wildcat Tavern, we can have a drink."

"Master Dorette, you don't just want a drink, right? I know the little girls in the tavern are all...ah...hahaha..."

"That's natural, but my lord is very powerful."


Speaking of later, the language of those people became more and more filthy and unbearable.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Lorraine glanced, and saw all those people crookedly wearing hats, with open breasts, and hessian hair on their foreheads. The knuckles were also very low, slumped on the hip bones. , Can cover the vitals. Extremely bad.

Moreover, they walked up and down, shaking and burping from time to time. They were not so much a gang of patrol battalion soldiers, but rather a gang of gangsters who splashed the most on the street.

When the Guardsmen saw them, they all poked their heads out and looked at those guys curiously. Although they are also fooling around, they are far inferior to those ruffians. The soldiers of the Imperial Guard are still fooling around, and the squad below can be regarded as a disaster.

The soldiers from the patrol battalion came to the Lorraine ship, looked up, and was suddenly overjoyed.

Someone yelled: "My lord, my lord, this boat looks not small, and the draught is so deep. The nobleman's flag is not hung on the boat. It must be a fat sheep. It can't be wrong. We have to copy it. They can't do anything."

Immediately afterwards, a thick short fat man with fat head, big ears and a greasy face appeared more and more. He ate his belly full of fat intestines. No matter how far away his belly came from, the kùzi slumped under his belly button, looking half way.

He stood swayingly under the boat, staring at the drunk little sow, and looked at Lorraine's boat one by one, then waved his hand and said loudly: "Brothers, get on board. They can't be wrong. They must be sī traffickers, but they are not. If you copy them, you will have all the money for the courtyard tonight."

When everyone heard it, there was a wolves howling immediately, yelling ‘Aow’, and they were about to rush to the boat.

Lorraine took a step forward at this time and stopped in front of the ship without a word.

Everyone couldn't help but stunned, looking at Lorraine's dazzling long sword, they couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and they all stopped.

Some timid also slowly backed away.

At this time, a person behind Sè Li Neiyun shouted loudly: "The guy opposite, you can hear clearly, we are in the patrol battalion, what do you want to do with a sword? Do you still have to think about killing officials and rebelling? ?

To tell you the truth, there are tens of thousands of garrisons in our city. As long as one whistle, they will all go out. You just want to resist, and you have to seriously consider the consequences~

We can drown you with one spit. Hurry up and put down your weapons..."

Perhaps he saw Lorraine's bright frosty sword. Although the man kept yelling, he did not dare to say a dirty word. Not to mention the swear words like before.

Lorraine didn’t want to talk nonsense with him, saying, “Call your boss over. We belong to the Royal Guard and have a military secret Dorret looked up, then stared. Angrily shouted: "Royal Guard? What happened to the Royal Guard? Is it great?

In my eyes, the royal guard can only be regarded as a fart~

And it depends on my interest if you don't let it go. "

Everyone heard it, and immediately burst into laughter.

Dorette slapped the railing and shouted angrily: "Brothers, go up and search for me~ I smashed it when I saw something obtrusive. If someone dared to stop, he beat me severely. Beat me to death. Beat me. I am responsible for death.

What a **** royal guard. Uncle, I don’t care about it~

All day long, there are five people and six people. Today, I have to make those dead Qiu Ba people sober so that they know what they are~"

The soldiers from the patrol battalion were dizzy. Hearing his rhetoric, they immediately surged in blood, madly mad, roared, and rushed towards Lorraine.

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