Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 867: Brilliant performance

Chapter 867: Brilliant performance (we want to recruit, ask for tickets)

As the New Year is approaching, and taking another big deal, Claudia is not only happy, but also under Lorraine’s deliberate indulgence. In order to comfort her hard work these days, she also went to the streets and swept fiercely. One pass. //Text sound!

Once a woman goes to the streets, she never spends her last penny and never accepts soldiers. Otherwise, the word shopping will not appear.

When the night came, Claudia went home happily, bringing back a lot of purchased things, and realized that it was wrong.

When she came to the hotel, she immediately realized something was wrong.

If it was normal, there should have been people shouting horses and wild animals in this hotel. You can hear their screaming and arguing far away.

But today, even if she came to the hotel, she could still feel the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil. Abandoned the strongest in the Nine Heavens, Abandoned the young man, the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty, martially, will kill the night god, the throne of God, ask the devil The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty went to the hotel in the deserted. It seems to be hollowed out at once.

Claudia couldn't help but frowned, and said inwardly: What is going on?

Then he saw a gray-headed old man next to him with a sad face, he strode up to greet him, and said, "Miss, you have come back. I sent someone out to look for you. I have been looking for it for a long time."

Although Claudia was strange in her heart, looking at the man's anxious face, she calmed down, but comforted the other person, saying: "Uncle Raul, don't worry, take a breath, and then talk. "

Raul took out a handkerchief, wiped a hand on his forehead, and said, "Miss, this is how it is."

He paused, then said: "Many people in our circus have suddenly disappeared."

Claudia was taken aback for a moment, a little puzzled, and then utterly said: "Sudden...suddenly disappeared. Uncle Raul, you...what do you mean by this?"

Raul paused and sighed: "My lady. Sudden disappearance, what else can be interesting. is that they suddenly disappeared. Suddenly disappeared without saying hello."

Claudia's long and tn warped, as beautiful as a small fan. My eyelashes flickered twice, but the bright and beautiful eyes are still full of gods. sè, said: "Suddenly disappeared..."

She paused and said, "This is another magic horse..."

Having said this, she suddenly understood, and two cold lights flashed in her eyes. Then staring at the gray-headed old man in front of him, he said solemnly, "Uncle Raul, aren't you kidding me?"

Raul sighed: "My lady. This is already on fire, what am I kidding you~!"

Claudia immediately felt her heart sink to the bottom of the well. Then he was frozen by the icy well water.

She was about to purchase the things that she had spent a lot of money in her hands, and threw them behind her. Then she took up the long hem of the skirt without worrying about any ladylike style, and rushed in.

Claudia ran lightly and hurriedly back and forth in the inn like a whirlwind.

She ran across the corridor in a hurry and opened the doors of her team members one by one, and found that most of the rooms were empty.

Although there are still a lot of clothes and luggage inside, it still feels like an empty dndn. There is no trace of popularity or warmth.

Seeing that situation, she couldn't help biting her blushing and moist cherry hún tightly, turned around again, and ran towards the backyard again.

She came to the backyard, but saw that the lions and tigers were all lying lazily in the cage, and all of them were weak and silent. After eating a full meal, he roared and roared vigorously back and forth in the cage, leaping and leaping to try to perform.

Claudia suddenly felt cold all over, and stood there blankly, confirming in her heart that a lot of people had indeed left.

She suddenly remembered something again, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes, and then she hurried upstairs and rushed into the door of a room.

Claudia looked at the closed door, filled with fear, and wanted to reach out to open the door, but was worried that it was as empty as the other rooms.

Later, her whole body trembled involuntarily, but in the end she gritted her teeth, then closed her eyes and pushed open the door heavily.

The lack of lubrication of the door shaft made a series of harsh and unpleasant sounds. After people heard it, they felt as uncomfortable as a cat's claw.

Claudia closed her eyes and stood motionless in front of the door. After a while, she opened her eyes slowly. But then I saw that the room was also empty.

She immediately let out a sad sigh: "The white-headed guy is gone..."

Her eyes were filled with tears, and then she softened and shook a few times. She was almost unsteady and she was about to sit down on the ground. Can only barely cling to the door frame.

At this moment, all of a sudden, I heard a huge and painful shēn on the floor of the next room, like being run over by something heavy.

Immediately afterwards, the door next to the room opened slowly.

Claudia was taken aback, then turned to look.

Through the dim teary eyes, only a long-nosed baby elephant came out of the room next to the ground penetrating his head. On the tip of its long nose, there is also a small pink handbag embroidered with flowers.

It was raising its feet high, stepping lightly, and sneaking out of the room, but when it turned its head and saw Claudia, it was shocked, and a panic flashed in its bright eyes.

Claudia blinked her eyes, and a burst of ecstasy came to her heart. She almost drowned her up: Xiaobai is still here~! In other words, the white-headed guy did not leave either.

She usually jumped up from the ground in conditioned reflex, and rushed towards Xiaobai to the throne of God Seal.

Xiao Bai was also guilty of a guilty conscience, and was shocked for a while.

Claudia whispered immediately and said, "You babe~! Believe it or not if you dare to run, I cut your elephant whip and stew soup for the white-headed guy?"

Xiaobai suddenly stagnated, and then grinned: This girl is really like a snake, this trick is really cruel~!

Although I have heard her say it several times, every time she says it, people are scared...Uh, scared like tail hair will explode.

It hadn't come to make any other reactions. At this time, Claudia had already jumped up in a few steps, and then hugged it tightly, and then cried out with a ‘Wow’.

Xiao Bai couldn't help being surprised, scratching his head with his nose, secretly wondering: What is this situation? Although I know that those female animals are always emotionally unstable for several days a day. But the emotional changes like her are really weird.

According to the boss, the magnitude of this woman's emotional changes seems to be related to the distance from the moon? Judging from the emotional state of this eight-poor woman, the moon is definitely not far away from him.

Thinking of this, it couldn't help but looked at the moon outside, and then heaved a sigh of relief: The moon was hanging on the edge of the sky, and it looked as big as usual. It won't fall and smashed his head.

Claudia cried, which let go of Xiao Bai. Immediately, Xiaobai was opening his big bright and clear eyes, full of innocence, and not stained with a trace of dust. He was looking at himself strangely, and his eyes were full of puzzled gods.

She couldn't help but laugh, screaming, breaking her tears into a smile. Tears and a hint of snot all came out. It looked very embarrassed.

Claudia hurriedly reached out to her handkerchief, and then groaned: "You silly little Bai, you made me foolish."

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes, and looked at the tip of his nose with some worry. Just came up. Claudia was hugged. It didn't dare to move randomly, the handbag had not been hidden yet.

Claudia was taken aback for a moment, then followed its gaze and looked at the Throne of God Seal, and then changed her face, gritted her teeth and cursed: "You are a dead little white, you are really a thief and you ran to mine again. Stole my things in the room?"

As he said, he stretched out his hand, grabbed Xiao Bai's ear, and pulled hard.

Xiaobai suddenly screamed in pain.

When the two were arguing, Claudia heard a voice coming from behind, saying: "What are you doing here?"

Claudia suddenly trembled all over, then turned around like lightning, and looked at the gray-headed man opposite, without blinking, just staring at him steadily, tears looming in her eyes. come out.

Lorraine couldn't help but startled, and then said: "What's the matter with you?"

Claudia hurriedly lowered her head, then reached out to wipe the corners of her eyes, and said with a strong smile: "No...nothing. It's just that dust got in the eyes."

At this moment, Xiao Bai's eyes rolled, and then sneakily stepped, about to walk past her-this beating can't be in vain. It's better to be able to get past the throne of God Seal. What's more, the boss has always taught eloquently that thieves cannot go empty.

But Claudia caught a glimpse of it holding her most beloved handbag, and she was reluctant to even go shopping. She immediately lifted it up without hesitation and kicked it against Xiaobai’s thick and fat tu. .

Xiao Bairao has thick skin, but Claudia's high-heeled shoes are also extremely sharp, and he screamed again in pain.

Claudia sneered at this moment, and then pointed to her room.

Xiao Bai looked at her, but in the end he could only cry and turned away obediently.

It came to the room and deliberately threw the handbag on the n, but peeked behind him, and found that Claudia was standing in front of the door, holding her arms in her arms, still looking at herself coldly, and immediately dropped. Eyes, then put the handbag back into the n-head cabinet, tidyed up the contents, and finally closed the cabinet door.

Claudia gave a sneer and gave way.

Xiao Bai was also thick-skinned, walked up to Claudia, wagged his tail at her shamelessly, with a look of flattery.

Claudia looked at it and was speechless for a while. This is really what kind of pets. I have seen a thick-skinned person, but I have never seen such a thick-skinned person. The dead white thief was blocked by himself, and he honestly put the handbag back, turned his head, and cast j at himself again.

Who is this n this is~!

But looking at Xiaobai’s big head coming over, she had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay. Don't come over. I bought you a few kilograms of cake. If you come back, I can only use the cake. Give it to someone else."

As soon as her voice fell, she heard the sound of footsteps shaking the ground. When I fixed my eyes again, I saw Xiaobai swaying his **** butt, already running away.

Hearing its heavy footsteps, heavy shēn chants appeared on the floor slabs every time it passed, which made people feel fortunate. The boss was fortunate that he built a house for himself at first, and he didn’t build it into a tofu project. , This building has long been trampled down.

Claudia couldn't help but grinned, gritted her teeth, and cursed bitterly: "This **** Xiaobai. Sooner or later I will be **** off by its shamelessness."

Lorraine smiled, then stepped forward and said, "What's the matter? I just slept in the room. Why did you and Xiaobai quarrel again? By the way, didn't you go shopping? "

Claudia listened to his series of inquiries, and suddenly remembered what had happened. She couldn't help but changed her face. Then she took Lorraine's arm and said, "White-headed guy, are you doing? All members of the group are suddenly missing half of them. You..."

Lorraine couldn't help but also startled, with a surprised look on his face: "What? All gone? What's the matter?"

Looking at his surprised expression, he was comparable to an Oscar actor. Even if you are a person who knows the truth, when you see his face, you can't help but feel a little suspicion: Is it because you misunderstood it, and it was his twin brother who inspired people during the day?

Claudia was in love, and when she saw Lorraine, her IQ immediately hovered around zero. Without any doubt, he immediately stomped his feet and said anxiously: "I went out to go shopping, and when I came back, I found that this group has lost more than half of its members, and all three or four people have disappeared."

Lorraine paid for it, and then said, "It's gone. Is it kidnapping?"

Claudia was taken aback, and said, "It's impossible. If it's kidnapping, someone should leave a note for ransom. Besides, whoever enters the circus is not a poor person. Who kidnapped them?"

Lorraine couldn't help but pondered, and said, "That's true."

He paused, then said again: "Could it be that it's New Year's Eve, and they looked okay, are they going back to go with relatives?"

Claudia grinned in anger, slapped angrily in front of his n, and then said, "What are you talking nonsense? Many of them have been with me for several years. They have to go. Say hello~!"

Lorrain spread his hands and sighed: "Then they are all gone. We just ask the reason, and there is nowhere to ask?"

Claudia stopped for a moment. I just have a temper with this white-headed guy here, and it seems that there is indeed some... er, no, just a little bit unreasonable.

She hesitated and said, "But anyway, they just left. They don't know what happened, which makes people very worried."

Lorraine smiled and said: "Don't worry, they will be fine. With so many people in broad daylight, what can happen? If something is really going on, they will have mouths under their noses, and they have already screamed. Everyone knows the noise."

Claudia hesitated, and felt that Lorraine was right, but there was still a trace of worry in her heart.

Lorraine continued: "Maybe they won a six million prize together, and then they sneaked away because they were afraid that others would share their prize."

Claudia laughed out loud immediately, her eyes turned, and angrily glared at him, and said, "Do you think they are all **** like you?"

Immediately looking at the moon outside, he sighed softly and said, "Unlucky for them to follow me these days. Maybe they are disappointed in me."

As he said, another gleam of light flashed through the corner of his eyes.

But immediately, he laughed and said: "However, as long as they have no trouble, that's fine."

Lorraine moved in his heart, and was moved by her kindness and tolerance.

He looked at the gods on Claudia's face, feeling a little guilty in his heart. But he bit the bullet and continued: "Dia, you can ask about this reason later. There will be a performance tomorrow night. We are not enough, what can you do?"

Claudia couldn't help but froze again. Then he stomped anxiously and cursed bitterly: "Damn it~! It's a leak in the house, but even yn rain. This time, there is a shortage of manpower, but what should I do?"

Lorraine thought for a while, and then said: "I have a way. I can deal with the situation temporarily."

Claudia raised her head in surprise, and said, "What way, what way?"

Lorraine smiled, and then said: "Of course it's you...Bah, baah, baah, of course it's recruitment~!"

Claudia was taken aback, turned her head and looked at Lorraine with a strange expression, and said: "Recruitment? At this time, the New Year is about to come. Who will come to apply for a job without problems? Besides, even if it comes. Now, can they do a good job without a period of adaptation?"

Lorrain spread his hands and asked, "Then you have a better way?"

"I...I..." Claudia stopped for a moment, unable to say a word.

Lorraine said: "You can't help it, right? So, let's recruit people first, and deal with the things in front of us before the Throne of God Seal."

Claudia hesitated for a moment, and then said, "That's not bad? But what if my team members come back?"

Lorraine sighed inwardly: This lovely silly girl. They are holding the check, where Midea can't open her eyes. How could it be back?

But on the surface, he smiled and said: "It's easy. Let's first hire temporary workers, tell them okay, according to their usual performance, and then decide whether to transfer to regular workers."

Claudia glared at him, and then said, "How do you say it in your words? Oh, yes~! You black-hearted capitalist~!"

She sighed softly, then patiently said, "You figure it out, we are recruiting people from the circus, not the government. Who will come?

Besides, this is about to celebrate the New Year, who is not at home with cats.

We were originally begging others to come in. Do you hire another temporary worker, a formal worker?

When people look at it, they won't even glance at the corner of their eyes, maybe they will secretly laugh at you~! "

She hesitated and then went on to say: "However, we are short of people now, and it seems that only you are the only way to work. So, tomorrow we will recruit as you said. But, let's talk to others. Say yes. It’s just to be busy for this period of time, to give people a higher salary,, ten gold coins a day. Let's pass the test before we talk."

Lorraine smiled bitterly, and said: "Ten gold coins? Don't those people have to break their heads to come in?"

Claudia snorted and said, "I want this effect. Let's do it like this~!"

Lorraine couldn't help sighing in her heart, and secretly said: I don't want this effect~!

Originally, he planned to take advantage of the opportunity of recruitment to cram all his own people in, but now it seems that this may be a lot of trouble. He can already foresee that as soon as this recruitment notice is posted tomorrow, how many people will break their heads and squeeze in with their lives.

But Lorraine turned in his mind and smiled secretly. Dealing with them, although a little troublesome, but still a piece of cake~! Ra. ..

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